Breakups are never easy. Never clean-cut. Never painless. Even in the most amicable situations, there is healing to do, whether you get back together in the end or not.
A lot of the pain we experience when a relationship ends is the result of our own illusions about the relationship, about our ex, and about ourselves. Sometimes, it’s hard to let go of the self-image you created as part of a couple. And you can feel like a break-up is not only severing the relationship but also dismantling your own image of who you are as a person.
When we see relationships as a part of our identity and as something to be gained or lost, it is inevitable we will suffer when it comes to an end.
Right now, however, you might not be in a place where you can start true healing. Maybe you’re confused. Maybe you are questioning your own feelings for your ex. Maybe you are second guessing the breakup itself – thinking of scenarios where things could have gone differently.
Believe me, I get it. I’ve been there enough times – somewhere stuck between wanting him back, wanting him to want me back, and hoping for us to get back together in the future.
And it doesn’t help when your ex is sending you mixed signals.
MORE: Hidden Signs Your Ex Still Loves You
If you are in the same scenario, the first step towards ultimate healing could just be getting clarity on what’s happening on his side of the street.
Does he actually miss you or are your own desires or confusion clouding your judgment?
If you want to know for sure that your ex misses you and get the information you need to move forward, read the following surefire ways to tell you are still on his mind. If he checks several items on this list, he is definitely still thinking about you.
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