Articles by Adam Shaw

How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Using Text Messages (Guaranteed!) post image

Love it or hate it,  texting is our main mode of communication these days. Given that, we basically have access to one another at all times, which can be a blessing or a curse.

When it comes to getting your ex-boyfriend back, texting can work to your advantage, making him miss you and want you back, as long as you use it wisely and know what you’re doing.

Of course, there is more to the story. You can’t just text your ex and then poof! He comes crawling back. The perfect text sent at the right time is what will pave the way for success. (If you want your ex back, you should also be sure to read this article on how to get your ex back in five steps when you’re done here.)

Texting your ex does pose a risk. The risk being that he rejects you or just doesn’t answer. You should always be prepared for that possibility and just be OK with it. If you won’t be able to handle things not turning out the way you want, then you aren’t ready to get back together with your ex in the first place and need to spend more time on your own working through things.

So let’s get into it and talk about how to get your ex back with a few simple texts:

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How to Compliment a Guy: Exactly What Men Want to Hear (With Examples!) post image

A lot of women are afraid to compliment men because they’ve been told that it’s unattractive to show too much interest.

This just isn’t true. If a guy likes a girl and she shows interest, that’s a good thing! That makes him happy and makes him want to take things further. What’s unattractive is a needy woman who bends over backward to please a guy and prove she’s worthy of his attention because she doesn’t feel good about herself and his approval will mean she’s “worthy.”

MORE: What Men Want to Hear From Women (But Would Never Admit) 

If you like a guy and are pretending to not be interested in order to get him to like you that just tells him you’re immature and he’ll probably lose interest real quick. Now at the same time, coming on too strong and not leaving him any room to pursue you can also be a bit much so don’t take things too far.

But compliments are great. They feel great. Just think about the last time someone paid you a genuine compliment. It’s an amazing feeling.

Read on for compliments that will really reach your man and make him feel good.

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What Every Single Guy Does If He’s Cheating (And How To Know For Sure) post image

Is he cheating on me? How do you know if your man is cheating? If you notice your boyfriend or husband showing any of these signs, you should be very suspicious!

If you’re reading this article, there must be some doubt in your mind about your man’s fidelity. Before we delve deeper into this topic, take a moment to acknowledge that you have this funny feeling. A woman’s intuition is a powerful thing. Your feelings are valid so don’t dismiss them. Much of the time when a man is caught cheating, the woman has somewhat suspected it for a while – even if she didn’t want to admit it to herself.

MORE: 15 Definite Signs He’s Cheating On You

While you should lean towards trusting your gut, by no means is it going to be 100% right all of the time. Nobody’s perfect and we’re all susceptible to making mistakes, particularly if you’ve been cheated on before. If you have a history with infidelity, be aware of the fact that you could be looking at things from a slightly warped perspective. That’s only natural when you’ve been hurt before or are prone to insecurity.

Be as objective as you can as you look at your relationship. Considering how you would advise a friend in your position can be a helpful exercise in setting aside your own bias and tendencies.

And to help you gain more clarity, here’s a list of 14 things pretty much all men do if they’re cheating.

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He Pulls Away After Sex: Why Guys Withdraw After You Slept Together post image

Why Men Pull Away After Sex (and What You Can Do About It!)

You’ve been seeing this guy and all is well and you decide it’s time to get between the sheets … and then everything changes. He pulls away after sex and you feel crushed and devastated. What happened? Is this just a thing guys do?

It could be a guy you’ve been seeing, or maybe a friend that you got a little too friendly with one night. No matter what the circumstances, it’s devastating to a woman when a guy withdraws after sex. And she can’t help but take it personally.

MORE: When a Guy Withdraws After Sex

So is it true that all men are after one thing? Do men really lose interest after sex? Are all men scumbags? No, no, and no.

Yes, sometimes men do pull away after sex but it’s not for the reasons you may think. Let’s get to the heart of the matter and look at what’s really going on here.

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The Truth About When He Doesn’t Call (And What To Do About It) post image

So you met a great guy, he got your number, you were really excited about all the possibilities … and then you never heard from him. Ouch.

A lot of women make the mistake of blaming themselves. They wonder if they did something wrong, if they turned him off somehow, if they were too desperate or too cold or too aggressive and so on.

I get it. Rejection hurts no matter what your gender or who you are.

I hate to admit it, but I’ve gotten numbers and never called more times than I could even recall. It’s not because I’m a bad guy, it’s because I’m human. I don’t always know how I’m going to feel about something a day from now or even an hour from now. A lot of the time a guy will get your number because he thinks maybe this is something he wants to pursue, but then for whatever reason, he changes his mind, or something comes up. That’s really what’s at the heart of it, not him being a jerk or a player.

MORE: When a Guy Never Calls

I’ve had girls give me the wrong number (I always like to pretend they did this by accident because self-deception can come in handy when it comes to protecting the old ego!), and yeah it hurts, but you move on.

So let’s take a look at why a guy will get your number, and then never call or text you.

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How to Be a Good Girlfriend (And the Best He’s Ever Had!) post image

What does it take to be a good girlfriend?

We all know what a bad girlfriend looks like. She’s the classic needy, clingy demanding, irrational, difficult woman who makes her guy’s life pretty miserable. We’ve seen this portrayed many times over in movies and on TV.

But what does a good girlfriend look like? She brings far less drama than the bad girlfriend, so maybe she doesn’t make for great dramatic TV, but she makes a much better life partner!

MORE: What it Takes to Be An Amazing Girlfriend

No woman sets out to push a guy away, but a lot do because they let their fears and insecurities wreak havoc on the relationship. I’ve had countless experiences where I dated a woman who seemed amazing at first, but then it was almost like she flipped a switch and became someone else. This is why following rules to get a guy doesn’t work. Sure, you can attract him initially, but you can’t keep him unless you have the right internal foundation.

But enough talk. Let’s look at exactly what it takes to be the best girlfriend he’s ever had:

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How to Respond When Your Ex Texts You: The Perfect Response For Every Scenario post image

You and your ex have been broken up for a little bit, or maybe even a long bit. You’re moving right along, trying to put the pieces of your life back into place … and then he texts you. How do you respond?

This can be a really nerve-wracking situation, especially if you want him back. If you don’t want him back, well you just want something quick and short to send him the message loud and clear that it’s done.

Your ex can resurface for any number of reasons. He’s bored, he’s lonely, he’s horny, things aren’t going well with his new girlfriend, he’s still in love with you (read this article for the exact signs he is), or he just misses you…

(If you want to know how to get back together with him, be sure to read this article.)

Whatever the reason is, I’ve come up with the perfect response for every scenario. I’ve also given you options of what to say if you do or don’t want him back. Just follow these scripts to take all the stress out of wondering what to say when your ex texts you.

Here we go:

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9 Guaranteed Ways to Know If Your Man Truly Loves You post image

“I’m so afraid of losing something I love, that I refuse to love anything.” – Jonathan Safran Foer

Love can make you feel like you are invincible. Every clichéd love song suddenly rings true with a new meaning. Food tastes better, sunsets are prettier. You’re so full of sweetness that you’re tempted to lavish it on strangers just because you want to spread that blissful feeling. It’s the same for men as it is for women, we also love being in love!

Where there is a potential for great reward, there tends to also be a great risk. Love is probably the best and the scariest thing we do. That potential for rejection and devastation can make it really challenging to truly let yourself fall for someone.

MORE: 11 Undeniable Signs He’s In Love With You

Saying the phrase “I love you” is just that – a phrase. They are beautiful words, but they don’t create a binding contract. Hearing those words is not always enough to make you rest easy in your relationship. And some guys just might not be so comfortable saying them, even if it’s how he feels. Other guys may be too comfortable saying those words, even when they aren’t quite in that state.

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Guy Talk: 10 Undeniable Signs a Man is Ready To Commit post image

You are ready to commit … but is your man on the same page?

It’s a very common question that plagues many women so let’s get into it and talk about the signs a man is ready to commit because no one wants to waste their time, right?

There is this idea that men are commitment-phobes. The second a guy hesitates about his feelings for a girl, he’s branded a “phobe.” But that’s not true. Most guys aren’t commitment-phobes, they’re bad relationship-phobes. Is that a thing? I think we should make it one!

Guys aren’t afraid of relationships, we’re afraid of bad relationships. Most guys don’t go out seeking commitment. We’re not usually on a quest to find a relationship. We date around and then when we meet a girl who just makes everything better… we want to be around her more and more. And before we even realize it, we’re in it. We’re committed and can’t imagine life without her. It’s as simple as that.

But what are the signs he’s ready? How do you know if you’re dating a guy who is ready to commit, or if you’re wasting time on a dead end?

Here is how to know:

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