Love it or hate it, texting is our main mode of communication these days. Given that, we basically have access to one another at all times, which can be a blessing or a curse.
When it comes to getting your ex-boyfriend back, texting can work to your advantage, making him miss you and want you back, as long as you use it wisely and know what you’re doing.
Of course, there is more to the story. You can’t just text your ex and then poof! He comes crawling back. The perfect text sent at the right time is what will pave the way for success. (If you want your ex back, you should also be sure to read this article on how to get your ex back in five steps when you’re done here.)
Texting your ex does pose a risk. The risk being that he rejects you or just doesn’t answer. You should always be prepared for that possibility and just be OK with it. If you won’t be able to handle things not turning out the way you want, then you aren’t ready to get back together with your ex in the first place and need to spend more time on your own working through things.
So let’s get into it and talk about how to get your ex back with a few simple texts: