About the Author, Eric Charles

I'm Eric Charles, the co-founder and co-editor of A New Mode. I love writing articles to help people free themselves from suffering and have clarity in their love life. I have a degree in Psychology and I've dedicated the last 20 years of my life to learning everything I can about human psychology and sharing what gets people out of struggling with life and into having the life they really want. If you want to contact me, feel free to reach out on Facebook or Twitter.

Articles by Eric Charles

Why Guys Disappear and How to Deal post image

He seemed so into you—texting first, making future plans—and then one day, he vanished.

No explanation, no goodbye. Just radio silence where there was once constant communication.

It hurts. It’s confusing. And it can leave you questioning everything about yourself.

That moment when you realize he’s not just “busy” but has actually disappeared from your life triggers a whirlwind of emotions.

In this article, I’ll walk you through exactly why men disappear and how to handle it so you can find closure and move forward. [continue reading…]

The Number One Reason Men Suddenly Lose Interest post image

Have you ever experienced this?

Things were going great with a guy. He was attentive, affectionate, and seemed genuinely interested in you. The chemistry was undeniable.

Then suddenly, almost out of nowhere, something changed. His texts became less frequent. He started taking longer to respond.

The passion and enthusiasm he once showed just… vanished.

And you’re left wondering: What happened? What changed?

You know you weren’t imagining his interest. It was real. You could feel it. And you also know something definitely changed between you two.

But what?

One moment, everything is perfect, and the next, he seems to be pulling away. It leaves you confused, hurt, and desperately searching for answers.

In this article, I’m going to tell you exactly why men suddenly lose interest and pull away – and more importantly, what to do about it. [continue reading…]

How To Get Out Of The Friend Zone With A Guy (And Have Him Chasing You) post image

So you’ve got a guy you’re friends with and somewhere along the line you develop feelings for him. Unfortunately, he only sees you as a friend.

Tough situation. It happens to guys and it happens to girls and oftentimes, it can cause more heartbreak than an actual breakup.


Well maybe one (or all) of these scenarios apply to your situation. You get along better with him than anyone else. You “get” each other. He’s the only guy that you’ve ever felt truly understands you and with whom you can truly be yourself. He’s cute, he’s funny, and when he’s around you, he completely lets his guard down.  You get to see him as the man he truly is – an unguarded version of himself that he hides from the world and only seems to let you see.

You trust each other.  You might even say that you love each other. And you love every little thing about him… you can talk for hours or even just be with each other in silence… and you know exactly what the other person is thinking.

So why, in the midst of this seemingly perfect situation, aren’t you any more than friends?  Or worse, why (when you told him how you felt about him) does he say, “I really love you. You’re the most important girl in the world to me and I’ll always be there for you but I can’t be in a relationship with you – we need to just be friends.”

Well, I’ll give you a few reasons and I’ll also give you the ultimate pull-no-punches guide to getting out of the friend zone.

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The No Contact Rule: Everything You Need to Know post image

If you’re going through a breakup right now, I know exactly what you’re feeling. That burning ache in your chest. The constant thoughts about your ex. The overwhelming urge to pick up your phone and text them.

I’ve been helping women through breakups for over 22 years, and I can tell you something with complete confidence: The No Contact Rule is about to become your best friend.

Let me walk you through exactly what this rule is, why it works so powerfully, and how to use it to not only heal your heart but potentially set the stage for your ex to come crawling back, begging for another chance. [continue reading…]

Ask a Guy: Signs a Guy Likes You post image

I’ve been getting mixed signals from a guy I work with.  He’s funny and nice to me… but he’s an easy guy to like.  He flirts with me, but I can’t tell if he’s just charming in general or if it’s because he’s attracted to me and interested…

I’d love to know what you’d consider the biggest, best, most clear signs a guy likes you… I just want to be sure whether or not he’s into me before get too excited…

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Why Men Pull Away: Top 3 Reasons post image

Maybe this sounds familiar…

Things start off amazing with this guy. The chemistry is electric.

He’s texting you all the time, making plans, showing up consistently.

You feel that spark of connection that makes you think, “This could really be something special.”

Then suddenly… something changes.

His texts become less frequent. He cancels plans or is vague about making new ones.

That eagerness you felt from him? It’s fading.

And now you’re left wondering what happened and what you might have done wrong.

I’ve spent the last 22 years helping women navigate this exact situation, and I can tell you that when a man pulls away, it’s happening for one of three specific reasons.

And it’s rarely what you think it is.

I’m going to break down exactly what’s really happening when he goes distant, because once you see the full picture, you’ll not only understand why it’s happening but exactly what you can do about it. [continue reading…]

Ask a Guy: Does He Like Me? post image

Ask a Guy: Does He Like Me?

There is this guy who I see often but have never actually spoken to. The only contact has really been him indirectly talking to me. One time he told someone that I was a “good kid”, when I was standing right next to him.

He also stares at me sometimes and then doesn’t look away when I catch his glace. There are other things along those lines as well.

Does he like me or am I overreacting?

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Why Men Fall in Love: The Real Reasons post image

Have you ever wondered why the guy you’re with acts like he loves you one day, but the next day you’re not so sure?

Maybe you’re frustrated because no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to figure out what’s really going on inside his head.

It feels confusing and exhausting—like you’re always guessing, always wondering what he’s actually feeling.

If that sounds familiar, you’re in the right place.

Most love advice articles out there talk about attraction mainly in terms of biology—things like physical features, pheromones or basic instincts.

But what they’re not telling you is what happens psychologically that makes a man genuinely fall in love and choose a woman for a committed relationship.

It’s not just about attraction or chemistry; it’s about certain qualities and behaviors in you that signal to him, deep down, you’d be good for him in the long run.

These are the signals that speak directly to his emotional wiring, making him feel like you’re the woman who brings out his absolute best.

Essentially, he’s subconsciously scanning for these signals to be there and when they are, love happens.

In this article, I’m going to show you exactly why men fall in love, explained in a way that’ll finally make sense.

You’ll see clearly why he does what he does, why he acts the way he acts and most importantly, you’ll understand how to become the woman who naturally brings out his deepest feelings. [continue reading…]

How to Get Your Ex Back in 5 Steps Guaranteed (With Testimonials) post image

Believe it or not, getting your ex-boyfriend back isn’t that hard.

In fact, getting an ex to come back can actually be really easy with a couple tricks.

If you’re fresh off a breakup this might sound impossible, but it’s true.

I’ve seen it happen thousands of times – a woman follows these specific steps and her ex comes crawling back, sometimes literally begging to get back together.

It happens so predictably that I’m always amazed more women don’t know about this.

The tricky part isn’t getting him back – it’s keeping him once he’s back.

Most women who get back with their ex-boyfriends end up losing him again. I’ve seen this pattern play out over and over.

They’re thrilled when he comes back, but within a few months (sometimes even weeks), they’re dealing with another painful breakup.

Why does this happen?

Because the same problems that destroyed the relationship before are still there. Nothing’s changed.

If you want to get him back and keep him, you need a proven plan that works. And more than that, you need to know the mistakes you must avoid if you want him back.

This is why I’m not just going to show you how to get your ex back – I’m going to show you exactly how to get him back in a way that leads to a stronger, healthier relationship than you had before.

In this article, I’m going to give you a complete 5 step plan that covers everything.

Let’s get into the plan now. [continue reading…]

Why He Stopped Chasing You post image

Why He Stopped Chasing You

You’ve noticed it—the texts that once flooded your phone, the excitement in his eyes when he saw you, the spark you felt whenever you were together… It all feels different now. You’re wondering why he stopped chasing you and the uncertainty is driving you crazy.

But before panic sets in, there’s something important you need to know: the end of the chase doesn’t always mean the end of interest. In fact, the shift you’re feeling might actually be a sign of deeper connection, a natural progression into something more real and authentic.

Of course, sometimes the change means trouble—so how do you tell the difference?

That’s exactly what we’re going to talk about here. I’m going to show you exactly why he stopped chasing, what’s really happening in his mind and what you can do right now to regain control of the relationship’s direction. [continue reading…]

Ask A Guy: Exactly How To Seduce A Man (How To Turn A Man On, Part 1) post image

There’s a guy who I’m really interested in, but there are all sorts of women throwing themselves at him and I need to stand out from the crowd.

I am not unattractive, but I don’t feel like I’m necessarily the hottest woman in the room either… I think I can look good if I really put in the effort.  I don’t have trouble with guys in general, but I really want this particular guy and since there’s competition, I really want to know how to seduce a man and how to hook a man’s interest.  Can you tell me what works best?

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When a Guy Doesn’t Text Back: The Real Reasons It Drives You Crazy post image

You sent a text hours ago. No response. You check your phone for the twentieth time. Still nothing. And now you’re wondering: “Why hasn’t he texted back? Is he losing interest? Is something wrong?”

I get it. It’s frustrating. It’s confusing. And it can drive you absolutely crazy.

Why do guys take so long to text back?

The truth is, there’s actually a pattern to how men text that 99% of women don’t know. Once you know it, you’ll always know what he’s really thinking behind his texts to you.

Let’s get into what’s really going on when a guy doesn’t text back and why it can drive you crazy. [continue reading…]

7 Major Signs He’ll Never Commit post image

You’ve been seeing this guy for a while now, and things seem to be going well. But there’s a nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach that something’s not quite right.

Maybe you’re wondering if he’s really in it for the long haul or if you’re just spinning your wheels in a relationship that’s going nowhere.

I get it. It’s a tough spot to be in, and it’s totally normal to feel uncertain. But here’s the thing: when a guy is truly committed to you, it shows in his actions, not just his words.

I’m going to break down the seven major signs that he’ll never commit, so you can stop second-guessing yourself and start seeing the situation for what it really is. [continue reading…]

What to Do When He Says He Needs Space post image

You’ve been feeling it for a while now. He’s been pulling away, and suddenly he drops the bomb: “I need space.”

Your heart sinks, and your mind races. Is this the end? What should you do?

First, take a deep breath.

This situation isn’t as dire as it might seem right now.

In fact, when you handle it right, you can turn things around and come out stronger on the other side. [continue reading…]

Exactly How To Get Over a Guy Who Doesn’t Like You: 13 Easy Steps post image

You’re stuck. You can’t stop thinking about him. Every notification makes your heart race, hoping it’s him. But deep down, you know the truth: he’s not into you. And it hurts like hell.

I get it. Over the years, I’ve helped thousands of women navigate this exact situation. It’s one of the most common and painful experiences in dating. You’re not alone and you’re not crazy for feeling this way.

Here’s what most people don’t understand: it’s not about rejection. It’s about disappointment. You built up hope, imagined a future with this guy and now that dream feels shattered. But I’ve got good news for you: your dreams aren’t dead. They just need to be replanted.

In this article, I’m going to show you how to do that. I’ll give you practical, actionable steps to not just get over him, but to create a life you love – with or without a man

You might be thinking, “Eric, I’ve tried to move on before. Nothing works.” I hear you. But the strategies I’m about to share aren’t about willpower or just “getting over it.” They’re about rewiring your brain and shifting your focus in a way that makes moving on inevitable.

The best part? As you follow these steps, you’ll become more attractive, confident and ready for a real relationship when the right guy comes along.

Let’s get into it. [continue reading…]

5 Things Every Girl Needs to Know About Men post image

Every day, I hear from women who are frustrated with their love lives. They’re smart, successful, and have so much to offer – yet they struggle to understand the men they’re with.

Why won’t he commit? Why does he need so much space? What’s really going on in his head?

I’ve been a relationship coach for over 2 decades, and I’ve heard these questions countless times.

When I first started coaching, I was surprised by how much women misunderstood about men’s emotional experiences. It wasn’t that women weren’t trying. They just didn’t have the right roadmap.

That’s why I’m writing this article. Most relationship advice is so focused on solving an immediate problem that there isn’t much great content about how to understand men.

The thing is, when you understand men better, you avoid having almost all relationship problems in the first place.

Trust me, once you see these patterns, you’ll never look at your relationships the same way again.

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Ask a Guy: How Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back? post image

My ex broke up with me last month after being together for over a year. The last few months were rough because his grandmother passed away after being in the hospital for a few months. I tried to be there for him but he totally withdrew and would reject my advances and we started fighting a lot because of it.

He told me he loves me, but felt like I was smothering him and he needed to find himself. I told him I would give him space while he figured things out but he said he couldn’t ask me to do that. I asked if there was a chance for us once he got things sorted and he said he isn’t sure if he sees a future. He said he worships the ground I walk on and should never change because I was perfect in the relationship and will go far in life whereas he feels like he has nothing to offer since he is grieving and stuck in a job he doesn’t like.

He suggested we stay friends but I told him that would be too hard on me and he said I can contact him anytime. I know I came across needy over the last couple of months and am wondering if there’s anything I can do to get him back. Should I text him? Try to stay friends? Is there any hope of getting him back?

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15 Major Mistakes Women Make that Push Men Away post image

You’re trying everything to make your relationship work. You’re attentive, caring and always there for him. But something’s off. He’s pulling away, and you can’t figure out why.

I’ve seen this scenario play out countless times. Women come to me confused and hurt, wondering why their best efforts seem to backfire. They’re doing what feels right, but it’s pushing their man further away.

Here’s the truth: what many women think will draw a man closer often does the opposite. It’s not your fault – our culture doesn’t teach us how men really think and feel in relationships.

When I talk about ways women push men away, I’m not pointing fingers. I’m sharing insights I’ve gathered from years of coaching and countless real-life examples. This isn’t about making excuses for men or criticizing women. It’s about showing you what works and what doesn’t, so you can have the love life you really want.

In this article, I’ll show you 15 common behaviors that push men away. Some might surprise you. Others might feel uncomfortably familiar. But don’t worry – I’m not just highlighting problems. I’m giving you practical solutions.

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Ask a Guy: I Want My Ex Back post image

My ex and I had a perfect nine months: no fights, some arguments of course, but everything was great.

I was always worried a little about this ex girlfriend. She left him for another guy and he never got over it… or over her I guess.

When she became available again, he left me for her!  I don’t understand what happened … I just know I want him back.  What should I do?

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Ask a Guy: What to Text a Guy To Make Him Want You (How To Text a Man) post image

“I’ve been seeing this guy for a little while now and it seems like sometimes he’s interested and sometimes he’s not. I feel like I don’t really have him and I feel like I don’t know how to hold his interest and make him want me more.

I notice this the most when we’re texting. Sometimes he’s there texting back and forth with me, sometimes he disappears for hours or days or doesn’t really seem to engage in the conversation.

MORE: Exactly How to Get a Guy to Text You Back

There are all kinds of videos and articles about text messages that make him want you, but a lot of the advice seems unrealistic or ridiculous. Can you tell me what works to make a man interested over text?”

4 Ways to Make Him Commit and Want Only You post image

What does it take to get a man to truly commit and want only you? It’s a question I’ve been asked more times than I could count.

What men desire most is a woman who inspires them to be their best self. Being that woman is a much different mindset than what most women typically do these days.

So what’s the major error that trips women up? It’s their focus. Instead of focusing on the feelings and experience they create for the man, the woman fixates on her own wants, her own worries, her own fears.

And amidst this completely self-absorbed mindset consumed by what she wants, it’s no wonder that she’s unable to hook a man’s interest in a significant way, one that goes beyond just hooking up.

Sure, that woman might cook him dinners, perform in bed, and tell him how much she likes him, but none of that stuff penetrates a man’s psychology on a deep and meaningful level.

Forget about just getting commitment. When you understand and master the art of tapping into the deep parts of a man’s psyche, he will want to move mountains to possess you.

MORE: 5 Signs He’ll Never Commit to You

Men don’t start out there when they first meet a woman, though. She needs to reach him at that level by recognizing his ambitions, his fears, his motivations, his “mission” in life and where he ultimately wants to “win.”

Here are four ways to reach a man deeply and make him want to commit and devote himself fully to you. [continue reading…]

Why Do Men Look At Other Women? (What You Need to Know) post image

Why do men look at other women? It’s a question plaguing countless women.

I understand how hurtful it can be. You’re out with your guy, you’re having a nice time, and suddenly you notice his attention has shifted. You look around and see his eyes are fixed on a gorgeous girl walking nearby. And with that, the entire mood shifts.

You suddenly feel unattractive and low. You’re no longer having an enjoyable time with him, you just want to ring his neck. You may tell him outright that you’re upset, or you may go the passive-aggressive route and insist nothing is wrong when clearly something is. And with that, the evening takes a swift turn downhill.

MORE: Telltale Signs He’s Losing Interest In You

So is he just a big jerk who can’t control himself? Is he a sex-crazed deviant? Or maybe you’re just not hot enough for him, is that it?

No. None of these are the case.

Here is the truth about why men look at other women:

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Ask a Guy: When a Guy Withdraws… post image

So I’ve been seeing this guy for a few months now. At first, everything was amazing. We hit it off right away and during the first few weeks, he seemed super into me. He would text me things like, ‘I miss you’ and ‘Can’t wait to see you’ and on our second date he said he ‘never liked a girl so much after only two dates’. He was also super attentive and super sweet.

All this was great, but then he started to shift and lately has been acting really shady- he cancels on me last minute, he’s been acting distant, and I’m just getting weird vibes. At first, I thought he was just trying to end things, but then from time to time, he’ll text me something really sweet, like about how much he wants to see me, or that he’s been thinking about me, so obviously, he’s still interested or why would he do that?

Anyway, I’m really confused by his behavior, my friends say I should just forget him but I really feel like we could have something great and I’m not ready to throw in the towel just yet.

Am I deluding myself? Please help! Why are guys like this!?

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The Number One Sign of a Toxic Relationship post image

The purpose of this article is to show you how you can quickly and easily see if you’re in a toxic relationship.

The term itself is interchangeable. I could just as easily refer to these relationships as unhealthy relationships or emotionally abusive relationships.

After years of talking to women from all over the world, I wanted to talk about this subject because I observed that these destructive and heartbreaking relationships all had one factor that ultimately made them turn toxic… even if the relationship started out well.
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Ask a Guy:  My Boyfriend is Stressed and Pulling Away… post image

My boyfriend has become withdrawn lately. He’s really stressed with not working, his dog dying, best friend’s dad having lung cancer, and everything just adding up.

He’s been pulling away for a couple weeks and has recently started going a day or two without texting me.

Should I stop texting him all together, or will that be showing that I don’t care and that I’m not supportive? I want him to know I’m here for him and that I’m not going anywhere, even though it’s tough. What should I do? 

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9 Secrets To Make a Long Distance Relationship Work post image

Long distance relationships (LDRs) are more common than ever in today’s world, thanks to the internet, social media, and Skype.

While we might have more modern ways to keep in touch, that doesn’t necessarily mean making a long distance relationship work has become easier for most people.

When you’re in an long distance relationship, most people will tell you that LDRs don’t last, that they’re a bad idea and that you shouldn’t get your hopes up.

For most of us, the inside of your head isn’t much better: Your mind is constantly worrying if the relationship will last, wondering if the other person is as committed as you are, fearing that it could all end suddenly and you’ll be left to pick up the pieces.

Yes, they say, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” but when you don’t have a clear, easy, and effective approach to LDRs, it’s more like, “Absence makes the heart grow more fearful about the relationship.”

The good news is, long distance relationships can be easy if you know the right way to approach an LDR. I’m going to share 8 powerful tips that lead to having a successful long distance relationship.

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Ask a Guy: When a Guy Loves You… post image

Do you have any advice on how to tell if a guy loves you?

I’ve been seeing this guy for almost a year know and though he says he loves me, I just can’t tell if he’s just saying what I want to hear or if he really does love me.

He’s not the type of guy to gush with lots “romantic talk”, but it’s more than what he says that makes me worried… sometimes I feel like if I didn’t text him or set up dates, he’d disappear or forget I even existed at all.  Is it possible for a man to say he loves you and not actually be that into you?  How do you know if a guy loves you?

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The Difference Between True Love and Unhealthy Obsession post image

I think  most women run into issues and confusion in their love lives because they don’t know what a truly healthy relationship looks like, and is supposed to feel like. And it’s not surprising given the very unrealistic portrayals of love in movies, TV, and music. There is this idea that we have one soul mate and that real love stories are supposed to be filled with obstacles and drama. While this makes for good entertainment, it isn’t real life.

Most of the love stories we see in pop culture are rooted in infatuation…not real love. Some degree of infatuation is fine, but a relationship entirely rooted in infatuation is usually doomed. It’s usually based on an obsession, or idealization, more than a genuine appreciation and acceptance of who the other person is.

There is a tremendous difference between real, true love and unhealthy obsession or fixation… but it doesn’t always feel like that.

What do I mean by love and fixation?

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Ask a Guy: What Do Guys Like In a Girl? post image

“There’s a guy at work that I’ve been interested in for a while.  The problem is, he sends mixed signals and I can’t tell if he really is interested in me and flirting or if he’s just being friendly.

What do guys like in a girl?  What makes a guy want to date a girl versus not seeing her as “girlfriend material”?  What do men want in a woman that makes them see them as a catch?”

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Ask a Guy: How Do You Find Love? post image

I’m at a place in my life where I want to find true love – not another fling, not another dead end relationship, not another man who just wants something casual.

How do you find love?  I want real love, the kind of love that lasts with a man who loves me for who I really am and wants to be with me forever.  Where can I find love and how do I know when I really have it?

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