“The hottest love has the coldest end.” -Socrates.
Breakups are never easy. In fact, knowing you might never hold the person you love again is one of the hardest things a person can do.
After a breakup, you might feel helpless and scared he’s gone forever. You may have realized you made a big mistake or wish you’d done things differently and could rewind the clock to have another chance with him.
As for him? His post-breakup behavior might be confusing. For example, on the one hand, he texts and calls you telling you how much he misses you… and on the other hand, he ignores you and purposefully posts pictures of himself with another woman on social media knowing you will see it. Or he blocks you on Facebook and then sends you an emotional text while he’s drunk one night.
You might ask yourself: “Does he still have feelings for me or not? I just want to know!”
I am going to give you the “hidden” signs that your ex does still have feelings for you.
In addition to giving you the signs, I’m going to give you tips underneath each sign so that you can have the best chance of getting him back (if this is what you want).