About the Author, Sabrina Alexis

I’m Sabrina Alexis, the co-founder, and co-editor of A New Mode. I love writing relatable, insightful articles that help people understand relationship dynamics and how to get the love they want. I have a degree in psychology and have spent the last 10 years interviewing countless men and reading and studying as much as I can to better understand human psychology and how men operate. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Instagram.

Articles by Sabrina Alexis

5 New Year’s Resolutions Gone Wrong (And How to Fix Them) post image

By now, you’re probably on New Year’s resolution overload. Everywhere you look you see ads, magazines, and busses telling you how to be the “new you in the new year.” The pressure is on and many of us crack.

Don’t get me wrong, having a goal and trying to stick to it is quite a feat in itself because you’re hopeful, while some drown in self-deprecation . However, what’s the point of aiming for an end result when: 1. It will make you miserable in the process 2. You’re not 100 percent committed to it 3. It just won’t last? Isn’t the point of having a resolution in the first place because you want to improve who you are to be happier and healthier?

My motto for resolutions: Think big, start small and stick with it. Here are 5 resolutions that you may have already broken and what you can do to fix it—it’s never too late! [continue reading…]

A new year is almost upon us. It’s a time to look back and reflect and look forward with optimistic lenses in the hopes of making this next year better than the last.

While you may have already decided on your New Year’s resolution, I have three more that you should definitely consider adding to the list. [continue reading…]

Bad Habits to Stop and Good Habits to Adopt post image

I am definitely not perfect, nor is anyone else out there. However, I am someone with a vested interest in improving myself and finding ways to live a happier, more meaningful life. I know what it’s like for things to seriously suck. I know what it is to feel like the world is conspiring against you. I also know that changing the way you think about yourself and carry yourself in the world can have an enormous impact on your life as a whole.

I have thought a lot about the idea of bad habits to stop and good ones to adopt (no, I’m not talking about things like smoking, eating fast food, biting your nails, etc).  It isn’t always easy, but I do it and in turn, I have seen some pretty incredible results.

Read on to learn how to improve your life and happiness with a few minor adjustments! [continue reading…]

7 Online Dating Mistakes To Look Out For post image

Recently I was coaching a woman on how to write her online profile. Before we wrote the profile, I asked her to send me her four best pictures. I asked her to do this because men are as visual as Scooby Doo on steroids.

The first thing they do when they see your profile online is NOT read about your trip to Italy last summer . . . they want to see how hot you are. Keep in mind that every man has different taste in women, so what is “hot” to one man will be totally different than what is “hot” to another.

So I explained this to my client, and I asked her to send me her four best photos — pictures that represent who she is in her life. What she sent me is mistake #1 of the biggest mistakes women make online.

Click over to Your Tango to find out the 7 biggest online dating mistakes women make.

Why Women Get More Attached (Blame Biology!) post image

Women are known to “obsess” a bit when it comes to relationships. Okay, obsession may be a strong word, but there are biological reasons why women become more emotionally attached to their lovers than men do.  At the turn of the 21st century studies were conducted to better understand romantic attachment. The results were quite jarring to say the least and it was discovered that orgasms cause both oxytocin and vasopressin to be released from the hypothalamus, which is the part of the brain that is responsible for pleasure and mating.  Although the two neuropeptides associated with continued attachment are secreted in both men and women, oxytocin and vasopressin have stronger influence on women .

Oh yes, it happens to everyone. [continue reading…]

Items Every Household Needs post image

Items Every Household Needs

Repeatedly at clients’ homes, I request certain items to use for de-cluttering or organization or just getting things together. People don’t seem to have these things, preventing tasks and projects both small and large from getting done. No judgment here- not everyone has everything at all times. To help get everybody in order, I have compiled a brief list of items every home should have. See how many you’ve already got and add the rest if you don’t have them.

Here they are: [continue reading…]

The Right Way to do a Road Trip post image

If you follow us on Twitter, then you know that I recently went on an incredible 2 week roadtrip through the South. The entire experience was amazing, so much so I’d even go so far as to say everyone should do at least one road trip in their lifetime. It’s such a thrilling and enlightening experience to see different parts of the country, or even the world for the more ambitious traveler. As someone who had hardly ventured passed the confines of the northeast her entire life, save for a few trips to Cali, being in the South with a culture shock in the best of ways.

In addition to having the time of my life, I also learned quite a bit about road trips in general and how to do them the right way. Whether a road trip is imminent or just a fleeting fantasy, something you’d like to try or something you’d like to do again, I think you’ll find some value in my findings. [continue reading…]

Summer Slim-Down Series:  Detox post image

Summer Slim-Down Series: Detox

It’s not too late to meet that summer goal of yours! When you feel that diet and exercise just aren’t enough, detoxing is a great way to boost your efforts and reset your body. While there are hundreds of different ways to go about detoxing, the below two options are especially helpful, and fairly easy to follow. So whether you want to jump start a new diet, cleanse yourself of all the toxins you acquired over the summer, or just feel better all around – detoxing is the way to go.

[continue reading…]

Lollapalooza Hit List: Top Tunes You Need to Download post image

Festival season is in full swing. Next up: Lollapalooza! And with a killer lineup and headliners such as Arcade Fire, Green Day, Soundgarden, The Strokes, and Lady Gaga, this one might be the best and most anticipated festival yet.

As anyone who follows us on Twitter knows, I am a major music fiend and thus, there are no words to convey how excited I am to be attending Lollapalooza for the first time. As a pre-show warm up, I put together a list of some of the bands I’m most excited to see and the songs I’m most looking forward to hearing.

Whether you’re going to Lolla and want to get more familiar with the music you’ll be hearing, wish you were going to and need some amazing tunes to ease the pain of not being there, or just want some new music for your ipod, you need to check out this list!
[continue reading…]

How to be Friends With an Ex post image

How to be Friends With an Ex

Can you be friends with an ex? It’s an age old question with one very popular answer: NO.  Well I’m hear to counter that notion and to tell you that yes, exes can be friends.

How do I know this? Well one of my exes is actually now one of my best friends, as well as my business partner. That’s right, I’m talking about Eric Charles, our beloved relationship guru. Once upon a time, Eric and I we were in a very serious relationship, and, without going into too many of the gory details, we had a seriously awful breakup.

Whenever I tell people I started this site with my ex, I get the same horrified look followed by the same burning question: “HOW?!”

And most people just assume we started the site while we were together and are now stuck in some sort of joint custody nightmare. Nope. We started the site long after our relationship ended and soon after our new-found friendship came to be. Eric isn’t the only ex I’ve been able to be friends with, there actually are a few of them. [continue reading…]

Introducing Cheek’d: A New Way to Meet Your Mate post image

Have you ever spotted someone, felt that undeniable attraction, and then panicked at the prospect of approaching them and striking up a conversation? Of course you have, we’ve all been there. Approaching a member of the opposite sex is terrifying no matter what your gender. If you chicken out and let that person slip away you can either draft up a Missed Connection post for Craigslist and hope for the best or let thoughts of what might have been run rampant, neither of which is an ideal scenerio.

A few weeks ago a friend of mine introduced me to Cheek’d, an innovative new offline/online dating concept that makes it a little easier to connect with the given object of your affection. [continue reading…]

Tips from Dr. Oz Garcia for a Red-Carpet Worthy Body post image

‘Tis the season for us regular folks to have our red-carpet moments- proms, weddings, graduation parties, a big event is the greatest motivation to get into shape and look and feel your best. And even if you don’t have a big party coming up, swimsuit season is right around the bend.

Oz Garcia is a world renowned nutritionist who has attracted a loyal celebrity following for one major reason: he knows exactly he knows exactly how to get and keep the perfect body.

To help you prep properly for your big day, whatever the occasion may be, he has provided some amazing diet tips as well as a step-by-step breakdown of what  to do the night before and day of a big event to ensure you look and feel your best.

[continue reading…]

Coachella Hit List: Top Tunes You Need to Download post image

If you know me, or follow our twitter account, then you know that I am absolutely fanatical about music. Nothing lights me up, exhilarates, or gets me going like a truly gorgeous song. I have also cultivated a knack for creating playlists and recommending music and have been getting tons of requests.

In what will go down as one of the greatest things to ever happen to me, American Express decided to send me to Coachella, a massive music festival taking place in CA featuring the most insane roster I have ever seen. (In case you don’t follow our tweets, I recently started consulting on the new Amex Zync card along with a bunch of other bloggers and writers.) I am honestly bursting at the seams with excitement, it’s at a level that mere words could never convey, seriously!

As a pre-show warm-up, I was considering doing a “Coachella Packing List” post. However, to comemorate this most blessed occasion, I decided to switch it up by recommend tunes, rather than fashion, for a change. Out of all the amazing songs that will be heard from a roster of unbelievable bands, these are my top 10 favorites: [continue reading…]

If a Guy Doesn’t Call He’s Just Not That Into You…Or Is He? post image

When a guy doesn’t call – say it with me- he’s just not that into you… Right?

Well I firmly believed this for a while but now I’m gonna have to say that’s not always the case. Through the years I, like most of you, I’m sure, have found myself in those infamous and utterly maddening situations. You meet, you hit it off, you get really excited because you’ve finally found a great guy, and after that…silence. Once you’ve hit day four all hope dissipates and you must sadly accept the fact that you will never be hearing from him.

However, it wasn’t until I broke the rules that I realized this type of situation can’t be so easily explained or dismissed. Experience is the best teacher of all and this particular experience was an eye-opener and game-changer for sure. So here it goes. [continue reading…]

Bad Habits to Stop and Good Habits to Adopt: Snacking Edition post image

Choosing the right snack is important to avoid overeating, perpetuating a junk food habit, or just keeling over from the lethal cupcakes-ice cream-cookies combo at those office birthday parties that get us every time. Okay, I exaggerate—cupcakes have never harmed anyone—but it’s not a good feeling when you’re still experiencing the aftermath of a feast days later.

Get back on track—and, no, because you started the week off on the wrong foot does not mean you just keep on pushing through, calorie bomb after calorie bomb, and start over next week. Every day is a do-over day. When it comes to eating right, you get unlimited chances. I know. I’ve taken hundreds of “do-overs” and I’ll be taking more—it’s the vicious cycle that food lovers just have to deal with. You will, however, feel great when you give yourself that second (or hundredth) chance—it counts for something… your health, your sanity, a piece of mind.

In honor of Heart Health Awareness month, do yourself a favor and snack right with some of my personal tips. [continue reading…]

Happy Birthday A New Mode! post image

Happy Birthday A New Mode!

Happy Birthday A New Mode!

One year… I almost can’t believe it. It all started about a year and a half ago. Eric and I were on the phone and I was telling him how badly I wanted to start my own site. I had been talking about it for a while and Eric gave me the courage and motivation to stop talking and start doing. Once the seed was planted, we started brainstorming on ways to create a site that would bring something new and different to a world so heavily saturated with blogs. Exactly one year ago, I told you about our vision for ANM and from then until now, we’ve worked tirelessly to make the site everything we promised it would be. [continue reading…]

How to Feel Great Even Though You’ve Gained Weight post image

I am currently struggling with something that I’m sure more than a few of you can relate to: I gained a bunch of weight over the holidays and am still trying my darnedest to get rid of it.

I don’t even really know how it happened, it was like I woke up one day and all of a sudden the jeans I used to be able to wear so comfortably became suffocating torture devices and I found myself going head-to-head with the stubborn zippers on my favorite dresses, the ones that used to glide right up so easily. I’m taking all the right steps, eating less, exercising more, but it’s been an agonizingly unfruitful process and the pounds aren’t melting away as quickly as they implanted themselves.

Now this isn’t gonna be an article about how I lost the weight, or about my valiant efforts to get back where I was. I was inspired to write this because I realized that this slight change on the outside caused some major changes on the inside and in the past month,  I’ve barely been able to recognize myself. All of a sudden I was insecure, introverted, and riddled with self-doubt. I also became someone who constantly berated herself which was disappointing because that is something I always speak out against. I was traveling down a very detrimental path, one that would have caused the Sabrina who started ANM a year ago to smack me right across the head, and justly so: I let myself get caught up in the idea that my weight meant everything.

So what happened exactly? Well I lost perspective and veered off course. Now I’m back and while I’m still working to get myself back to where I was, I have learned to accept where I am now and to feel great even though I’ve put on some weight.

Read on for my tips! [continue reading…]

Accessories to Keep your Home (and You) Warm and Cozy post image

Your steam pipes are clanking and your thermostat is set on “BRRR, it’s too cold to even think about going outside.” It’s that time of the year when you just want to cozy up and wait out the cold in your PJs with a cup of hot chocolate ‘til spring brings warmer days.

While we are fans of winter fashion here, we don’t discriminate when you’re all about indoor, at-home activities, especially when winter’s frightful weather is looming. For those spending more time at home, there are ways to warm up your pad without raising the thermostat. Some key accessories can brighten up a room and make it cozier for stylish winter hibernation.

And when you’re ready to socialize again, you can show off your well-accessorized digs to friends who simply haven’t discovered the art of relaxation through a little decoration.

Here are our top picks to cozy up in your casa de comfort: [continue reading…]

How to Handle Criticism Like a Champ post image

“To escape criticism- do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.” These words, spoken by famed writer Elbert Hubbard, hit the nail right smack on the head. Criticism can be crippling and the fear of being criticized can be catastrophic. It can prevent you from taking those grand risks that lead to greatness and hinder you from reaching your full potential.

I’ve faced my fair share of criticism and I am sure all of you have as well. A little while ago, someone said some not-so-nice things about ANM and I was simply devastated. I mean ANM is my baby, it’s what I put my heart and soul into. Even in the face of all the positive feedback we’ve received, this one little comment caused me to crumble. The experience really got me thinking about criticism and how to deal with it.

Everyone, from the most beautiful women to the most talented singers to the most insightful writers, has haters out there who think them ugly, untalented, inarticulate and so on. It’s no wonder so many celebrities crack under the pressure of intense scrutiny. I’m not sure how well I’d be able to handle it, a sentiment that is undoubtedly widely shared.

There is no way to avoid criticism, especially when you put yourself out there and do something bold and daring, but there are ways to learn how to take it like a champ and casually dust the cruel words right off your shoulders.

Read on to learn how to handle criticism with grace: [continue reading…]

Battle of the Bloat: Easy Ways to Beat Beauty-Busting Bloat post image

Feeling bloated is near the top of the list of ways to make us feel our most unattractive. Even if our hair looks awesome and we finally perfected our makeup with a killer smokey eye, or even if we scored that insanely hot party dress on sale (that we were astounded to have found in our size!), none of that seems to matter if we feel FAT and huge around our bellies. Bloat: The horrible feeling of ever tightening pants, the panic that any second the seams around the mid section of our dress might burst, feeling we weigh 90 pounds more than we do… Bloat is the last thing we want to be dealing with during the stress of the holidays.

The reason for our physical distention, and why our mental and emotional attention gets so focused on our belly is because there is just so much going on in there! Bloating is an outward symptom of our food not being properly digested. The gastric and digestive juices are being kicked into overdrive, indicating that something is not digesting optimally- to put it lightly.

Which brings us to our 2 easiest ways to keep bloat down and prevent bloating in the first place. I think you’ll be psyched to see how simple they are, and that yes you can do this!! You can indeed prevent a good deal of bloat from occurring. [continue reading…]

More Bad Habits To Stop And Good Habits to Adopt post image

A whole new year is almost upon us. A time to do away with the bad and start anew with the good to make this next year a great one. We still have a few weeks before the New Year, but that doesn’t mean we should wait to start putting our best selves forward. From superficial improvements like buying clothes in the right size to mental improvements like letting go of the past, little adjustments can make a world of a difference when it comes to your life and overall happiness.

And with that, I bring you another installment of bad habits to stop and good habits to adopt. [continue reading…]

A New Take On Why He Won’t Call You His Girlfriend post image

A popular question we get for our famous ‘Ask a Guy’ section is: “Why won’t he call me his girlfriend?” I am not surprised at all, this situation is the worst! I’ve been there, my friends have been there, and it’s so frustrating and makes zero sense. I mean, you’re with this guy, you’re spending a lot of time together, you are in a relationship in every single way except for the fact that you’re not technically in a relationship.

Eric does a great job explaining what might be going on in your guy’s mind but I have some insights that, although from a female perspective, will be of great value as well. A few years ago I had my heart absolutely broken. The experience caused me to completely shut down emotionally. I was aloof, I was hard to read, I didn’t get too close, I was present but never available, essentially, I was a guy (in the psychological sense anyway!). [continue reading…]

From Heartbreak and Back: He Left Me For Another Woman post image

My four year relationship ended three days before Valentine’s Day during my senior year of college. I was about to graduate and had planned on moving to be closer him. I figured three years of a long distance relationship was more than enough and I was ready to see where the relationship was heading. Me moving had also been our plan since I started college. Little did I know, he had planned something else entirely- a future without me. [continue reading…]

Hostess with the Mostest: 5 Gifts for the Lady of the House post image

Remember when you were a kid and your mom took a little something to her friend for having you all over for dinner? Well the lost art of hostess gifts should be returned. It’s amazing that this day in age, we don’t bring a treat for the lady who put in all the hard work – so we could chow down on a delicious dinner, tasteful drinks or participate in the house party of the year.

We’re not talking about anything hugely expensive or extravagant. Check out these great items all under $25 and show your gratitude! [continue reading…]

8 Ways To Make Your Home an Indoor Sanctuary post image

Winter is coming on and we are all going to be spending more time in our homes. It is a good time to not only get our space into shape to accommodate us and our holiday guests, but to really create a peaceful, lovely place for us to dwell, unwind, and recharge.

Read on for my top 8 ways to create a sanctuary in your home: [continue reading…]

Invest in the Pink: Riedel Breast Cancer Stemware post image

You have all heard of investment fashion, but investment pieces work for home style as well. Now, I know you’re probably still a transient young adult (I’m still moving apartments too!) so lifetime furniture is a no-go (who wants to haul around a Pottery Barn sofa?). But one area where this wine-loving, party-thrower has found ideal investment pieces is stemware. Riedel, in fact. [continue reading…]

A Drink Fit for Fall: Toss Off the Coattails and Jump into a Champagne Cocktail post image

The start of fall means football, pumpkins and plenty of baked goods. But sometimes you want to put aside sports and focus on something more elegant – and with the chill in the air and holidays fast approaching at-home cocktail parties are the way to go.

Now I know most of you can throw together the food – just hit up Dean & Deluca for some cheese, meats, bread and fruit. But the drinks are a bit trickier. Beer? Save it for the boyfriend. Wine? For some reason, a bit too simplistic. So spice up your fete with my fave at-home sparkler: Champagne Cocktail. [continue reading…]

More Household Items That Will Help You Organize post image

Organization has always been a problem for me in all areas (organizing my time, closet, desk, etc.) which is why I’m very grateful to have Nicole Abramovici, founder of Genius Organizing, in my life and as a contributor to ANM.

Due to the popularity of her first article, I asked Nicole to compile five more household items that can be used for organization, which she was more than happy to provide. Nicole encourages her clients and readers to look more carefully and creatively at common objects and to try to find new ways to reuse them to stay organized without spending money.

Read on for more of Nicole’s GENIUS ideas! [continue reading…]

Home Is Where The Style Is: Tips To Decorate For Cheap post image

Whether you’re an unfortunate casualty of the economy or trying to decorate on a summer job’s income, re-styling a room on a budget is always a challenge. Yes, there’s IKEA, but I must disclose this now: I’ve never set foot in an Ikea and never plan to.

So what’s the best way to get a fresh, stylish home without shelling out too much dough?

Read on to find out! [continue reading…]

Household Items That Will Help You Organize post image

One of the most common mistakes I see people make when trying to organize is buying organizing tools that they wind up not needing and which ultimately take up valuable space. Money is spent on bins, boxes, drawers and racks that very frequently are found to be the wrong size or just plain unnecessary.

Sometimes current storage items get emptied  of their junk and can be used again to store items that have been deemed “keep-worthy.” In other cases, there are organizing tools lying around unused and forgotten that can be put into play. Further, there are many household items that can be re-purposed into handy and useful organizing tools. Especially during this recession, it’s good to use what you’ve got and not spend money that you don’t have to.

Below I am going to share with you my Professional Organizer’s Fave Five Ordinary Household Items That Can Help You Get Organized.

Read on to see how many of these objects you already have and how to put them to good use! [continue reading…]


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