What are the signs a man wants to be with you and is serious about you?
We’ve all had this thought — I mean, no one wants to waste their time and end up broken-hearted. There is nothing worse than being blindsided, and this happens all too often. You meet a guy, let yourself be overcome by fluttery feelings and you ride a wave of high hopes for what the future will hold … only to discover he doesn’t feel the same and doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you.
Discovering a guy you like doesn’t like you back is crushing. Conversely, discovering a guy you like really likes you back and wants to be with you and wants a serious relationship with you is exhilarating and quite possibly one of the most amazing feelings in the world.
MORE: 5 Signs He’s Never Going to Commit
Fortunately, there are some pretty strong telltale signs that a guy is serious about you, they’re things that pretty much all guys do when they really like a woman.
And here they are…