Signs Your Ex Boyfriend Still Loves You and Still Cares
Wondering if your ex still loves you is natural after a breakup. Whether you’re dying to get back together or would rather cut off your left thumb than date them again, you can’t help looking for signs as to how they’re feeling.
Since you’re reading this article, chances are you fall into the camp of those who would consider getting back together with their ex. Make sure that you spend ample time doing that considering. Just because your ex might want to get back together doesn’t mean it’s what’s right for either of you.
MORE: Hidden Signs Your Ex Still Loves You (Even if He Denies It)
It’s easy to romanticize someone once they’re gone. You think back on the sweet moments and forget about the ones that made you wish you were single again. Right now, the world is at your fingertips. Don’t settle for something that doesn’t serve you.
However, not all break-ups should be permanent. If you think you and your ex might have a solid future together, you’ll want to know how he’s feeling. To gain some insight, check out our list of 32 signs that he still loves you.
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32 Signs Your Ex Still Loves You
1. He’s lighting up your phone.
Whether he simply calls to say hello or makes up an excuse for calling you, this is a sign he hasn’t let go. No one wants to chat on the phone with someone they recently broke up with.
2. He’s your number one fan on social media.
An ex who’s keeping his distance will refrain from “liking” all your posts. An interested one, on the other hand, will make sure you know he’s seeing and digging all your latest adventures and selfies.

MORE: Exactly How to Know if Your Ex Still Loves You
3. You have a mysterious caller.
Are you suddenly getting unidentified calls from someone who doesn’t leave a message? Considering the timing, this is suspicious and could be a sign your ex is desperate to hear your voice.
4. Your friends and family keep hearing from him.
How often do you hit up the loved ones of an ex? There’s a reason that’s super uncommon. It’s uncomfortable. If your ex is still talking to your family and close friends, he’s not doing a good job of moving on.
MORE: Find Out If Your Ex Still Loves You With These Signs
5. He gets nostalgic.
Getting over a breakup is ten times harder if you keep reflecting on the good times. Communicating this with your ex is a sure sign that you’re stuck in the past. Note it if your ex waxes nostalgic about your time together, especially when you haven’t been separated for very long.
6. He somehow always ends up in the same place as you.
Pay attention to how often your ex seems to somehow, magically, end up in the same place as you. It’s not an accident if he suddenly prefers your favorite gym or ends up at all the same social events as you.

MORE: How to Get Your Ex Back in 5 Steps
7. He doesn’t want to give you back your things.
Just like you might not want to return that comfy sweatshirt that smells like him, he might be reluctant to give you back your stuff. If you ask for them and he refuses, he definitely still has feelings about the relationship.
8. He’s super curious about your love life.
When you’re getting over a relationship, the last mental image you want details on is your ex’s current flame. By getting inquisitive about your dating life (or lack thereof), he’s showing he doesn’t want you to move on.
9. He lies about having a girlfriend.
If you discover that your ex’s new partner is actually made up, that’s definitely a sign he’s not in a healthy place. He’s playing up his romantic life in the hopes it will get a reaction out of you ad make you realize you want him back.
MORE: Hidden Signs Your Ex Wants You Back But Won’t Admit It
10. He drunk-texts (or calls) you.
We’re not usually at our most dignified a drink (or three) in. There’s a reason your best friend snatches your phone out of your drunk hand when you’re feeling vulnerable. We tend to air our inner thoughts out when tipsy. These thoughts are not always to be trusted, but they do mean something – or someone – is on your mind.

11. He gets mean.
Lashing out when you feel hurt is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Don’t forgive this behavior, but also try not to let your feelings be hurt by unexpected cruelty. It just means there’s a lot of emotion brewing under the surface when it comes to you. The opposite of love isn’t hate, those are actually one in the same sometimes.
MORE: How to Know if Your Ex Misses You
12. He mocks your new boyfriend.
Making fun of your new date is a tell-tale sign that he’s jealous. Maybe he slights him by purposefully getting his name wrong. Or perhaps he criticizes the way your new man dresses. Whatever it is, the spitefulness is really just code for sadness.
13. He’s still there for you when you’re upset.
Is your ex still checking in with you on how your day went? Being emotionally supportive after the relationship is over means he wishes it weren’t. You only expend this kind of energy on people who matter deeply to you.
14. He tells you when exciting things happen for him.
When you’re dating someone, they’re the one you first want to call when something great happens. If he’s still treating you this way after you break up, take note. Whether it’s to play himself up or merely because he wants to share a big moment with you, you’re still that special person for him.
MORE: Exactly How to Get Your Ex Back
15. He flaunts his new relationship.
It’s transparent to show off your new relationship when you’re fresh out of the old one. If your ex is doing this, he’s really saying that he’s not over you. It’s not mature, but it’s not uncommon either.

16. He can’t resist contacting you.
After a break-up, many people initiate a zero-contact rule. Even if just for the first little while, it’s easier to move on when you don’t talk to that person anymore. If he’s unable to stop contacting you, he’s having a hard time following through with the separation.
17. He can’t help reacting when he sees you.
Observe his reaction when you walk in the room. Try as we might, we’re usually pretty bad at hiding our feelings from the people who know us best. Is he unable to resist sneaking glances in your direction, or gravitating to where you are in the room?
18. He owns up to his role in your breakup.
In the heat of an argument, it can be difficult to admit wrongdoing. Once a relationship is over, there doesn’t seem to be much point in rehashing the gory details. If your ex is determined to do this and accept his share of the blame, he likely wants to try again.
MORE: How to Get Over a Breakup
19. He can’t resist touching you.
While it’s easy to fall into old patterns with someone you care about, you still wouldn’t want to be physically close with someone you had no feelings for anymore. Does he find excuses to brush shoulders with you, or playfully punch your arm? Be aware of these subtle moves.

20. He sends you sappy lines.
A man still in love might try to sway you with a good one-liner. He could send you a line from a romantic movie on social media, or even text you a favorite quote. It goes without saying that he’s not doing this out of a love of literature or cinema.
MORE: Sneaky Signs He Wants You Back
21. He’s not moving on.
If he shows no interest in dating anyone else, he’s displaying that he’s not ready to move on from you. Sometimes it takes time for a person to get over a relationship, but eventually, everyone does. If your ex seems incapable of doing so, he’s still hung up on you.
22. He still comes to you for advice.
We all have people we hold in high regard and look to for help in life. Once you end a relationship with someone, they officially get crossed off that list. By getting in touch with you and asking for your advice on his life, your ex is showing you he’s not ready to let you go and that he still values your opinion above anyone else’s.
23. He’s hot and cold.
It can appear confusing when an ex is friendly one day and seemingly indifferent the next. One day he asks you how you’re doing, but the day after he ignores your texts. In reality, this is far from perplexing. He’s got so many emotions swirling around in regards to you that he doesn’t know how to behave.
MORE: Signs Your Ex Is Still In Love With You
24. Your friends say he wants you back.
No friend worth having would tell you that your ex wanted you back unless they were hearing and seeing definitive proof. If your friends insist that he’s missing you, he probably is.
25. He wants to “catch up.”
Arranging a meeting to catch up is not going to be entirely innocent. How often do you feel the desire to sit across from an ex you don’t have feelings for anymore? No one wants to spend time with someone they’re trying to get over.

26. He’s angry about the breakup.
It’s natural to be mad right after a break-up, but if he’s still carrying anger around months later, pay attention. Whether you hear about it from him or through mutual friends, excessive negative emotion means he can’t let go.
27. He’s suddenly into self-improvement.
Sometimes we change up our self-improvement routines after a break-up in an effort to feel better about ourselves. Often, though, it’s so that a particular person will notice. This behavior is even more significant when it relates to something you fought about in your relationship. For example, if you always complained that he only ever wanted to play video games and notice that he’s abruptly hiking every weekend, that’s probably for you to see.
MORE: 4 Signs Your Ex is Over You and 4 Signs He Still Loves You
28. He’s still invested in your life.
Remaining curious in the events of your life after a break-up is definitely evidence that he’s not past it. It’s hard enough to dull the pain without reminding yourself about that person every two minutes. No one interested in moving on would keep coming back to their ex’s life.
29. He tells you that he’s changed.
Similar to the self-improvement train, if your ex finds it necessary to let you know how he’s changed, he doesn’t want to remain an ex. Why would anyone waste time updating someone they didn’t care about?
30. He finds random reasons to contact you.
If a man is missing you, he’ll likely try and find an excuse to talk to you. If you work together, he might ask you a question that you know he doesn’t really need answered. Maybe he sends you a link to a news article you might find interesting. Whatever it is, it won’t be necessary, but it will be meaningful.

31. He shuts himself off from the world.
This sign may not be clear to you at first, though you’ll likely hear about it through mutual friends. If your ex stops going out and holes up in his place, he’s definitely showing that he’s still hurting from the break-up. Withdrawing from the world is a cry for help.
32. He tells you he misses you.
Okay, this one may seem obvious, but it’s still worth bringing up. We always miss the people we break up with. We sometimes show this in unique ways, even laced with anger, but we all feel it. What we don’t do, if we want to save face and move on, is tell the person about it. If he sets aside his pride and tells you he misses you, it’s time for you to consider how you want to proceed.
I hope this article gave you clarity on how your ex feels, and if he still truly loves you. The chances of you getting him back are very high, but it’s not a guarantee. If you want him back, and want to make it work the second time around, there are some important things you need to know. Do you know what makes your ex desperate to have you back and realize you were the “one”? If not, you need to read this article next: Do You Want Your Ex Boyfriend Back? Use This to Get Him Back...
Take The Quiz: Can You Get Your Ex Back Or Is He Gone Forever?
In summary…
Biggest Signs Your Ex Still Loves You:
- He’s lighting up your phone.
- He’s your number one fan on social media.
- You have a mysterious caller.
- Your friends and family keep hearing from him.
- He gets nostalgic.
- He somehow always ends up in the same place as you.
- He doesn’t want to give you back your things.
- He’s super curious about your love life.
- He lies about having a girlfriend.
- He drunk-texts (or calls) you.
- He gets mean.
- He mocks your new boyfriend.
- He’s still there for you when you’re upset.
- He tells you when exciting things happen for him.
- He flaunts his new relationship.
- He can’t resist contacting you.
- He can’t help reacting when he sees you.
- He owns up to his role in your break-up.
- He can’t resist touching you.
- He sends you sappy lines.
- He’s not moving on.
- He still comes to you for advice.
- He’s hot and cold.
- Your friends say he wants you back.
- He wants to “catch up.”
- He’s angry about the break-up.
- He’s suddenly into self-improvement.
- He’s still invested in your life.
- He tells you that he’s changed.
- He finds random reasons to contact you.
- He shuts himself off from the world.
- He tells you he misses you.