I have been friends with this guy for months- he’s really funny and makes me laugh. When I first met him he was all over my friend and trying to have sex with her. She now has a boyfriend and he started acting the same way with me. He always says how beautiful I am and how happy I make him and is always telling me how much he loves my personality and how much he wants me.
Does he mean it or is he just trying to have sex with me too?
See our guy’s response after the jump!
What I’ve always said is that men are never just trying to have sex with you. I am not going to claim that every man is a saint and has totally selfless intentions, but if he’s choosing you then there’s something about you that goes beyond him just wanting to have sex with you.
If you spend good quality time with him and genuinely enjoy each others company, then that means you do have a connection. Now he may be attracted to you, but… there’s nothing wrong with that. I would say look at who he is in his life – how does he treat other people? How does he treat his mother/sister/other women who are (or have been) in his life. History is often the best indication of how he could be with you in the future. If he has a string of girls who hate him, you will want to be careful. If he has a bunch of female friends and is friends with his ex-girlfriends, has a good relationship with his mother/sisters/women in his life… well, then you’ve got a good shot.
I don’t know who invented the question, “Does he just want sex?”, but it’s an unhelpful trap. People want sex… that’s how people, men and women are designed. People also like to eat and sleep. But we don’t JUST want to eat and sleep – that would be a ridiculous way to think of things. So rather than wonder if he just wants sex, look at how he tends to relate to women and ask yourself a much better question, “Is he a good guy?”
– eric charles