… (Previous page – Ask a Guy: How Do I Get Him to Treat Me Like a Priority?) at the level where he’d do anything to have you forever, you have to stop being self-absorbed and place your focus on his experience of the world.
Stop basking in your own wants and fantasies…
Stop endlessly worrying about what could fall apart or how things could fail…
Stop craving and needing reassurance and self-esteem boosters from him…
If you want to get that kind of love and prioritization from him, you have to stop sucking energy out of him and start filling him with energy.
If you want him to invest more love into the relationship, then lead by example and invest love into the relationship. When you figure out how to inspire love in your guy, he will want to please you in the same way.
You may need to be patient at first, though. The best attitude to take is one of generous detachment: you will invest in your relationship out of total generosity, not to “get something” in return from it.
And remember, you must have “walking power.” You are investing in your relationship and loving him, but if he ultimately can’t give you the relationship you want, you know you have options.
To be the woman who is his priority, rather than an option, you need to stand out. You need to be the one who sees who he truly is and understands him. You need to inspire him and give him the space to commit to you.
You need to be a happy, confident, fulfilled woman who doesn’t base her sense of worth on having a man. You need to be the one unlike any other, the one who won’t wait around to see if he chooses her, the one who knows she deserves an amazing relationship with a high-quality man and isn’t afraid to walk away if you don’t get what you want and deserve.
When you have both the mentality that you won’t settle for less than his best and the mentality that when he brings you his best you will reward him and blow his mind, then you’ll have him hooked hard.
If you want to get a sense of where his feelings might be right now, I recommend you take our “Does He Love Me?” quiz right now.
Hope this helps,
eric charles