How Do You Know When You’re In Love? Here’s Your Best Ways To Know You’re Falling In Love For Sure!
“Isn’t that how falling in love so often works? Some stranger appears out of nowhere and becomes a fixed star in your universe.” – Kate Bolick
Falling in love. It’s the topic that we humans never tire of speculating about. Whether it be philosopher, filmmaker, scientist, or friend-next-door, we all have our strong opinions on the subject.
Everyone has their own unique experiences in this area. The relationships you’ve witnessed since you were a child until now have colored the way you look at love. No one seems to have cracked the code on how to fall in love flawlessly. It’s a subject ripe for animated conversation and lively debate.
MORE: Proven Signs You’re in Love
If you feel like you’re teetering on the edge of falling in love with someone, there are signs that could seal your fate. We’ve made a list of 26 of those clues.
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Signs You’re Falling In Love
1. He doesn’t keep you guessing.
There are certain guys that somehow always have you on your toes. You feel like you have to keep your guard up because you’re not sure what his next move is going to be. Spontaneous is sexy but unpredictable is scary.
When you fall in love with the right person, there’s a feeling of security that’s absent with other guys. Instead of being constantly afraid of how he’s going to behave, you know what to expect.
MORE: Undeniable Signs He’s In Love With You
2. You don’t need an elaborate plan to have fun.
When you’re falling hard for someone, just being in their presence is enough to make you giddy. You don’t need to plan a fancy evening to make it worthwhile. At the beginning of a relationship, you feel pressure to make every evening special. Meanwhile, when you’re falling in love with someone, just being with them is exhilarating enough.
3. You feel secure in the relationship.
Instead of freaking out if he doesn’t text you back right away, you give him the benefit of the doubt. When a guy has earned that trust, it puts both of you in a happier state of mind. If you’re in a relationship where it seems like that kind of security will never be achievable, that’s a decent sign it’s not the right one for you. You should both be able to live a more peaceful life than that.

MORE: How to Know if a Person Truly Loves You
4. Time flies when you’re with him.
Unlike a bad first date where the clock barely crawls forward, when you’re with him minutes will be on turbo speed. Every minute will fly by and you’ll never have quite enough time together.
5. You can’t stop talking about him.
When you’re with your friends, do you magically find a way to bring every topic back to him? Try as you might to contain yourself, you won’t be able to stop your brain from finding a route back to the wonderful subject of him. While this might be tiresome for your friends, it’s an intoxicating state of mind to be in.
MORE: Surprising, Weird Signs That Might Mean You’re in Love
6. He’s the first person you want to tell important news.
We all have that one person we immediately want to call when something big happens to us. It could be something fantastic or super embarrassing, but whatever it is, you want to share it with them. If he’s that person for you, don’t take that lightly. It indicates profound affection.
7. Everything makes you think of him.
When you’re out and about, everything you see will somehow make you think of him. Instead of merely walking past that new Thai restaurant, you’ll wonder if he would like to eat there tomorrow night. It’s like the world adapts a new filter.
MORE: The Difference Between True Love and Unhealthy Obsession
8. You can’t resist stalking his social media.
We’ve all been there – cautiously scrolling through pictures that are six months old so as not to accidentally “like” them. Even if you’ve looked at his posts before, you’ll find yourself returning just in case you missed something last time.

9. You never think about your ex anymore.
What a relief it is when someone so awesome comes along that you forget about your previous relationship. Instead of spending time scrolling through your ex’s social media, you’re daydreaming about the next date with your new man.
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10. Even when he drives you crazy, you want to be around him.
There’s not a single person in the world who you could spend copious amounts of time with and not be at least occasionally irritated by. When you’re falling for someone, even these mild annoyances won’t stop you from wanting to spend every spare minute with him.
11. You’re genuinely interested in what he cares about.
We all have quirky habits and passions that we might not necessarily advertise 24/7. When you care about someone, one of the fun parts is learning about what makes them unique. Even if it’s something super strange, such as duct tape art, you still want to hear about it.
12. You talk about your future.
Maybe you invite him to a wedding six months from now or fantasize about a tropical vacation. Whatever it is, when you’re really into someone, you can’t help planning for the future with them. You might not speak these thoughts out loud for fear of coming on too strong, but they’ll definitely be on your mind.
13. You don’t feel the constant need to impress him.
You’re always putting your best foot forward on the first date. That effort to dazzle tends to linger for a while in the beginning of the relationship, but at a certain point, you stop trying so hard.
Being able to just be yourself with someone who accepts you as you are is a real gift. Eventually, you’ll feel confident doing your weird snort-laugh or putting potato chips on your favorite sandwich. (No judgment here.)

MORE: Signs He’s Falling in Love With You
14. You can’t concentrate.
Whether it be in the middle of a meeting or when you’re trying to fall asleep at night, your mind will hastily redirect you to thoughts of him. It will be hard to think too long about anything else.
15. You happily make sacrifices for him.
When you find yourself eager to offer him the last slice of pizza, take note. Maybe you bail on going to a concert because he came down with the worst cold and you want to make him soup in bed. Making sacrifices in order to make his life easier is a lovely thing to do, and not something you’d do for someone you didn’t care about.
16. Even tedious tasks are enjoyable when he’s around.
Maybe laundry was your least favorite chore before, but when he offers to do it with you, you have a blast. If you find yourself looking forward to getting an oil change because he said he would come with you, you know it’s love.
MORE: 13 Signs You’ve Fallen In Love
17. You’re excited to meet his family.
Okay, maybe excited is putting it a little strong. But when you’re infatuated with a man, you’re keen to dive into everything that makes him – well, him. You’ll be curious about the family that shaped him, as well as eager to impress them.
18. You can’t stop staring at him.
Our eyes are always drawn to what we desire. This is just as true now as it was when you snuck glances at your high-school crush in math class. Looking at the person you love is addicting.
19. It feels different from every other relationship.
All of the bad dates and not-quite-right relationships suddenly make sense because they brought you to this point. You now understand why they didn’t work, and why this one does. It’s an enlightening perspective and a fantastic feeling.

MORE: Ask a Guy – Does He Love Me?
20. You miss him constantly.
While you may tease your girlfriends when they complain about missing a guy they haven’t seen since yesterday, you’ll also get it. When you’re falling for someone, every minute spent apart seems like it’s not quite as good as it could have been. Moments spent alone pale in comparison to the ones shared with him.
21. You can talk to him about anything.
Being able to talk honestly and unfiltered with someone is unbelievably valuable. It takes an intense level of trust to be able to open up to someone about your hopes, dreams, fears, and vulnerabilities. When you’ve found that in a person, don’t take it for granted.
MORE: Signs That Prove Someone is Falling in Love With You
22. When he’s in pain, so are you.
There’s a quality of selflessness that comes with falling in love. When he’s suffering, you’d truly take his place if you could. It hurts you more to see him in pain than you ever thought would be possible.
23. You want to show him all of your interests.
Just like you’re excited to learn his quirky passions, you’ll also be dying to show him yours. Maybe you request that he watch at least the first episode of your all-time favorite TV show. Or perhaps you show him chapter one of your Harry Potter fanfiction. Whatever it is, you’ll feel safe opening up to him.
24. The idea of losing him is unbearable.
When a person becomes so important to you that you can’t stand the thought of losing them, it tends to happen without your consent. It’s not like there’s a list of steps you take and step six includes reaching that point. It happens slowly and without permission, but when you realize it, it has a massive impact.
25. You feel like life is intensified.
This one may sound corny, but anyone who’s fallen in love can attest to the truth of it. The phrase “drunk on love” suddenly makes sense. Everything in life just becomes more vivid and poignant when you’re in love.

MORE: 13 Things That Happen When You Fall In Love, According To Science
26. Seeing him is the best part of your day.
Even when you’re having the worst day at work, knowing that you’ll see him later makes it all seem bearable. Walking in the door and immediately feeling lighter because he’s within your site is a beautiful sensation.
I hope this article clarified the true signs you’re falling in love. But it takes more than that to have a healthy relationship that lasts. At some point, a guy is going to ask himself: Is this the woman I want to spend my life with? His answer will determine if you get your happily ever after, or end up heartbroken. Do you know what inspires a man to commit? Do you know what makes a man see a woman as long-term potential? Do you know why guys sometimes leave women they love? If not, read this next: The #1 Things Men Desire in a Woman
Take The Quiz: Does He Really Love You?
In summary…
26 Signs You’re Falling in Love:
- He doesn’t keep you guessing.
- You don’t need an elaborate plan to have fun.
- You feel secure in the relationship.
- Time flies when you’re with him.
- You can’t stop talking about him.
- He’s the first person you want to tell important news.
- Everything makes you think of him.
- You can’t resist stalking his social media.
- You never think about your ex anymore.
- Even when he drives you crazy, you want to be around him.
- You’re genuinely interested in what he cares about.
- You talk about your future.
- You don’t feel the constant need to impress him.
- You can’t concentrate.
- You happily make sacrifices for him.
- Even tedious tasks are enjoyable when he’s around.
- You’re excited to meet his family.
- You can’t stop staring at him.
- It feels different from every other relationship.
- You miss him constantly.
- You can talk to him about anything.
- When he’s in pain, so are you.
- You want to show him all of your interests.
- The idea of losing him is unbearable.
- You feel like life is intensified.
- Seeing him is the best part of your day.