… (Previous page – Ask a Guy: Is He The One?) see and fully accept the person in front of you, exactly as they are at that moment. It can be tough to admit, but sometimes you know in your heart that you’re not there with them at that place of true acceptance.
The Most Fundamental Point To Remember
You can’t really know if he’s the one at the initial stages of dating when everything is fresh and new. This is the phase of relationship where you are introducing one another to important people in your lives, you’re sharing your favorite things for the first time, and you’re learning new things about one another every day.
Aside from accepting one another completely, you must both realize that love isn’t something that is made once, then stands strong like a statue or monument. Love needs to be made and remade every day – you want to think of love as a verb, not a noun.
The beginning stages of love and exploration are exciting, fun, and fascinating, but the real test comes when the party is over and you’re simply sharing life together. Once all the “firsts” are out of the way, that’s really what a relationship comes down to: sharing a life together.
After it hits that point: Does he still feel like home? Does he still “just fit”? Does he still “just make sense” in your life?
Is he still delighted by you as you are right now?
Being with the one brings richness, fullness, and depth to your life. They give you wings, but they also keep you on your toes – they bring out your best, even when (left to your own devices) you might have taken an easier or more comfortable path.
Our culture often has the perception that a great relationship will make them happy or complete.
The fact is, in many ways a relationship (even a great relationship) will make your life more difficult. In this way, your greatest relationship is not about completing you or making you happy… it is about you growing with him and him growing with you.
Life isn’t necessarily easier with him there, but it’s undeniably better.
Hope it helps,
eric charles