When a Man Likes a Woman, What Does He Do? Look for These Signs a Man is Interested!
Is it just me or does much of the dating advice online seem to cater towards a teenage audience? Teens today are able to take to the internet with their burning questions, which is great for them. Would anyone else have loved the opportunity to “Google” instructions for your first kiss? It would probably have been a better set-up for success than intently studying Ross and Rachel’s first big smooch on Friends.
MORE: Undeniable Signs He Likes You
But for those of us not needing Mom to drive us to our movie date, it can be hard to find mature relationship advice. How can you figure out if a guy likes you when there’s zero chance of him leaving a note in your locker? Navigating adult flirtation can be tough.
To make this task a little easier, here’s our list of 26 classic signs a man likes you.
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When a Man is Attracted to a Woman Signs
1. Body language cues.
Since much of our communication is non-verbal, this is an important one to keep in mind. Does he naturally gravitate towards you, standing close and leaning in when you speak? Does he angle his body in your direction and maybe even mirror your movements? Sometimes we’re not even aware of how our body language is telling a story.
MORE: Undeniable Body Language Signs He’s Into You
2. He makes an effort.
If he’s regularly wearing sweatpants and exhaling coffee breath around you, he’s probably not worried about dazzling you. On the other hand, if he seems to always look sharp when he knows you’ll be around, he may be dressing to impress for a reason.
3. He listens when you speak.
Yes, hopefully, any decent person listens when you speak. But there’s a difference between nodding along to polite small-talk and actively listening. Does he ignore the vibration on his phone because you’re in the middle of a sentence? If he actually listens instead of simply waiting for his turn to speak, he’s showing he really cares about what you have to say.
4. He compliments you.
This is another area where you can usually tell the difference between being polite and being flirtatious. “Nice jacket” is nowhere near the same as, “Wow, that jacket looks incredible on you.” He could even specifically show appreciation for your signature style in general.

MORE: Signs He’s Definitely Flirting With You
5. He follows you on social media… and pays close attention.
Simply adding someone on social media is one thing, but being an avid follower of their content is another. If he’s always the first to “like” your latest selfie or comment on your status, he’s sending a purposeful message.
6. He texts or calls you for no particular reason.
Sometimes there’s a solid reason for texting or calling someone, such as a work-related question. If he texts you a random news article because he “just thought you might like it,” this is suggestive that you’re on his mind. Calling you up out of the blue just to chat is another sign.
MORE: Major Signs He Likes You
7. He singles you out.
If you’re at a bar or social event and a man leaves his group to directly approach and speak to you, this doesn’t leave much room for debate. It takes guts to single a stranger out and strike up a conversation, and no one would muster up that nerve if they weren’t interested.
8. He remembers things you say.
This one goes hand-in-hand with being an engaged listener. You might mention in passing that it’s your sister’s birthday tomorrow, and the next time he sees you he’ll ask how it went. Or perhaps he orders you your “small soy mocha with no whip” without needing to be told what you want. Remembering these details is a sweet and classic move.
MORE: 5 Telltale Signs He Likes You
9. He initiates interactions.
When you’re at the same event, do you know it’s only a matter of time before he approaches you? Do all your texts start with him starting up the conversation? When a guy takes this active of a role in your relationship, he’s showing you he thinks you’re worth pursuing.

10. He makes frequent eye contact.
Women tend to utilize the power of flirtatious eye contact more than men, but it’s absolutely something both genders use. You can say so much with just a meaningful glance held a few seconds longer than normal. We also can’t help looking over at the person we’re into, even when they’re all the way across the room.
11. He acts differently around you.
When we’re around someone we like, it’s hard to be chill. Your heartbeat escalates to what seems like a downright unhealthily loud volume and tempo. Good ol’ adrenaline makes it challenging to remain your usual, calm self. You tend to act differently around that special someone, adopting characteristics you don’t usually possess. Whether you get louder or quieter, there are often noticeable differences in your behavior.
MORE: How to Tell If a Guy Likes You – 25 Ways to Know For Sure
12. He’s protective of you.
No one wants to be the weird, overly possessive guy. If a guy is into you, he’ll probably show subtle signs that he feels protective of you. Maybe he’ll offer to walk you to your car late at night or give you advice on how to handle an overbearing admirer. Whatever it is, you’ll be able to tell he feels defensive of you.
13. He’s vulnerable with you.
Opening up and admitting fragilities doesn’t come easily to most men. If a guy feels comfortable sharing personal, vulnerable details with you, this definitely means he values you and your opinions. Make sure to safeguard this trust by listening with an open mind and keeping any of his secrets to yourself.
14. He gets nervous around you.
Unfortunately, many of the signs of anxiety can also be interpreted as disinterest. Looking away, taking a step back, and being quiet are all potential evidence of both inclinations. If a guy seems to get super fidgety around you, try your best to be friendly and make him comfortable. It could be that he just needs some smiles and encouraging words to relax.

MORE: Definite Signs He’s Serious About You
15. He finds excuses to touch you.
Not in a creepy way, of course. Finding reasons to initiate physical touch is a huge sign that he’s testing the waters of romance with you. He might do this by touching your knee, playfully punching your arm, or brushing shoulders as you walk. Whichever way he approaches it, be aware that he’ll be watching your reaction closely.
16. He talks to his friends about you.
You may not always get to hear about this particular clue unless you have mutual friends. Sometimes even if you don’t know his friends well, they might try and help him out by bringing him up around you. If one of his friends starts talking him up to you, it’s a safe bet he was sent to do that very thing. Also, note if he’s friends really take an interest in you and seem to already know all about you when you first meet them.
17. He’s interested in your interests.
We all have our own unique hobbies and passions, some of them quirkier than others. If he shows a sincere curiosity about your model horse collection, he’s probably interested in more than the equines.
MORE: How to Know if He’s Into You
18. He’s the first to offer help when you need it.
When a man is into you, he’ll look for ways to make your life easier. If you mention that you can’t get your cupboard door to swing shut, don’t be surprised if he shows up with his toolbox. Maybe you mention you’re moving this weekend and he offers to carry a few boxes. Whether it’s a big gesture like that or not, he’ll try to make himself useful to you.
19. He teases you.
In many ways, men and women have evolved past our playground days. An exception to that would be when a guy expresses his interest in you by making fun of you. It won’t be in a mean way, but it’ll be designed to deepen the relationship. You don’t generally tease people you aren’t close with.

MORE: 10 Giveaway Signs He Likes You
20. He notices changes in your appearance.
While some changes are so jarring that anyone would notice, most of them are more discrete. If you get a haircut and he notices the way your bangs now frame your face, he’s been paying attention. You might add a new staple necklace to your wardrobe and he’ll be the first to compliment it.
21. He never talks about other women.
A guy who’s into you will do his best to never mention another woman unless it’s a family member. Even if you bring the girl up yourself, he’ll likely be dismissive. He wants you to be fully aware that he is available and not distracted by anyone else. If he happens to bring up other women in a bragging fashion, he’s a game-player who’s not worth your time.
22. He somehow always ends up in the same place as you.
If you suddenly see a guy everywhere you go, take note. He’s making an effort to be where you are. Maybe he’ll be newly obsessed with the same coffee shop you frequent every morning. Do you end up seeing him at every social function you’ve announced you’re “attending” via social media? That’s not a coincidence.
MORE: Secret Little Signs a Guy Likes You
23. He gets jealous.
Similar to being possessive, this is a tricky one to show when you’re not actually in a relationship with the person. Even then, too much is unappealing. But a little touch of jealousy can be undeniably endearing. Notice how he reacts when other guys approach and talk to you. He’ll probably be unable to hide at least a small flash of how he’s feeling.
24. He thinks everything you say is funny.
We’re definitely not suggesting that you aren’t funny, because your sense of humor is not to be questioned. But if even your gentler jokes have him slapping his knee, he’s eager to please you. We can’t help finding the person we like to be a bit of a comedic genius, even if all they do is quote the same old comedy over and over.
25. He introduces you to the people closest to him.
You know how when you find a new favorite TV show, the first thing you want to do is recommend it to the people close to you? Finding a new favorite person creates a similar feeling. You want the people you love to meet them and see how great they are. You definitely don’t make an effort to do this when you’re not that into the person.

MORE: Simple Ways to Know if a Guy Likes You
26. He asks you out.
One of the biggest adult signs a guy likes you is he just goes for it and makes a move and asks you out. He isn’t wishy-washy or confusing or confused. Now sometimes there are mitigating factors- maybe you work together (in which case, read this article on signs a guy likes you at work), he really can’t tell if you’re interested in him, he is just getting out of a relationship and wants to give it more time before jumping into something new, he has a lot going on in his life and now isn’t a good time, and so on. But no matter what the circumstances if he likes you then…
27. You can tell.
When a guy likes you, it will be obvious. It’s quite possible a guy can show you he’s into you without doing any of the signs above. Enthusiastic guys will always find a way to convey their feelings. Even men on the shy side will eventually make their intentions known.
Whatever his route, when a guy is into you, he’ll make sure you feel it. If you find yourself puzzling over a guy’s feelings for too long, move on. It could be that he’s not ready for a relationship, in which case you’d be saving time for both of you by taking a step back. Focus your energy on someone who makes you aware that you’re special to him.
I hope this article helped you figure out how he feels about you. Knowing where he stands is important, but it isn’t everything. If you want a love that lasts, there are two crucial things you need to know. At some point, a man will ask himself: is this the woman I want to commit myself to? His answer will determine everything. Do you know what inspires a man to commit? Do you know what makes a man see a woman as girlfriend or wife potential? If not, read this next: The #1 Things Men Desire in a Woman
The next issue arises when he starts to pull away. It looks like he’s losing interest in you. He’s not as responsive, he’s not as attentive, and things just feel off. Do you now what to do to get things back on track? If not, read this next: If He’s Pulling Away, Do This...
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In summary…
Clues That He Likes You:
- Body language cues.
- He makes an effort.
- He listens when you speak.
- He compliments you.
- He stalks you on social media.
- He texts or calls you for no particular reason.
- He singles you out.
- He remembers things you say.
- He initiates interactions.
- He makes frequent eye contact.
- He acts differently around you.
- He’s protective of you.
- He’s vulnerable with you.
- He gets nervous around you.
- He finds excuses to touch you.
- He talks to his friends about you.
- He’s interested in your interests.
- He’s the first to offer help when you need it.
- He teases you.
- He notices changes in your appearance.
- He never talks about other girls.
- He somehow always ends up in the same place as you.
- He gets jealous.
- He thinks everything you say is funny.
- He introduces you to the people closest to him.
- He asks you out
- You can tell.