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Why Men Fall in Love: The Real Reasons

Have you ever wondered why the guy you’re with acts like he loves you one day, but the next day you’re not so sure?

Maybe you’re frustrated because no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to figure out what’s really going on inside his head.

It feels confusing and exhausting—like you’re always guessing, always wondering what he’s actually feeling.

If that sounds familiar, you’re in the right place.

Most love advice articles out there talk about attraction mainly in terms of biology—things like physical features, pheromones or basic instincts.

But what they’re not telling you is what happens psychologically that makes a man genuinely fall in love and choose a woman for a committed relationship.

It’s not just about attraction or chemistry; it’s about certain qualities and behaviors in you that signal to him, deep down, you’d be good for him in the long run.

These are the signals that speak directly to his emotional wiring, making him feel like you’re the woman who brings out his absolute best.

Essentially, he’s subconsciously scanning for these signals to be there and when they are, love happens.

In this article, I’m going to show you exactly why men fall in love, explained in a way that’ll finally make sense.

You’ll see clearly why he does what he does, why he acts the way he acts and most importantly, you’ll understand how to become the woman who naturally brings out his deepest feelings.

To truly understand a man, you need to grasp that his emotional experience of life is different from yours.

Emotionally speaking, a man’s life is experienced through a lens of wins and losses, victories and defeats, progress and setbacks.

His emotions are always measuring: Am I moving towards what’s most meaningful and important to me or away from it? Am I making progress or falling behind?

Emotionally speaking, it’s everything to him. I call this a man’s winning drive.

So when I say you “get” him, I’m saying that you understand this about men in general and that this is how men are emotionally wired, in essence.

This forms the basis of understanding men. Without this core understanding, a man’s words and actions make no sense.

On the other hand, as long as a woman understands this key difference about how men experience life emotionally, then she’s able to decode his words and actions. She can understand him.

MORE: How to Know When a Man Loves You

You know what’s closest to his heart and understand his “mission”.

To understand men, you need to understand the effect his winning drive has on him.

It has two sides: either he feels like he’s winning or he feels like he’s losing.

And this feeling of winning or losing doesn’t just apply to big, obvious things like getting a job promotion, passing a big exam or winning a race.

It applies to everything in his life.

When a man is in the energy of winning, he’s happy, confident and strong.

And when a man is in the energy of losing, he feels weak, ashamed, dejected and maybe even depressed or heartbroken if it’s really bad.

But what each man personally considers a win or loss is different to each individual man.

Because it’s tied to his strongest emotion, it’s the stuff closest to his heart.

To know him deeply is to know what these things are for him specifically.

Studies have shown that men tend to fall in love faster than women, and it has everything to do with this kind of thing (which I’ll get deeper into later in the article).

You support him where it counts.

Since you know what he cares about the most, you deeply understand how challenging certain losses are for him as well as how important certain wins are for him.

You understand those wins and losses are the strongest emotional forces in his life, so you understand how to be the woman in his corner on his journey.

That doesn’t mean you solve his problems for him. It means that you are on the “inside” with him in his life, emotionally speaking.

When you understand this about a man, you can look at his emotions and behavior through this lens too.

You can actually hear what he’s saying in the way he means it.

MORE: Why Men Fall in Love

You’re a woman he can respect.

You want him, you enjoy him and you love him.

But you also know that in order for a man to love you, he must be able to respect you.

And in order to respect you, you must have self-respect.

Specifically, you’re willing and able to say “no” in the relationship if something is unworkable for you.

That’s not to say you aren’t considerate or try to meet him half-way when there’s conflict.

I’m saying that you’re clear on what’s truly unworkable for you in the relationship and therefore cannot be there in order for the relationship to work for you.

You are tolerant, warm and kind, but you know when you need to say no.

And when it’s a situation where you have to choose between saying “no” or losing your self-respect, you recognize you must say no and keep your self-respect.

MORE: Ways to Make Him Commit

You’re on each other’s side.

In relationships, there will be choppy waters—misunderstandings, arguments, bad reactions.

When you see that even in disagreements or arguments, you’re 100% on each other’s side and on the same team, even your arguments can make the relationship better (eventually).

The key is that even during disagreements you are still always on his side.

You never view him as an opponent or enemy, but as partners ultimately working together.

You’re never working against him or seeing it as you versus him.

When you have this perspective, it shapes the way you talk to him.

It means that even in the worst moments of a disagreement, he can keep his defenses down and talk to you unguarded.

You appreciate him.

You like who he is and how he is.

You enjoy him beyond just the fact that he’s yours.

Even if you weren’t together, you’d still like him because you like who he is as a person.

You know him deeply, the real him under the “mask” and you still like him even though you know his rough edges and weak spots.

You understand what’s most meaningful and important to him and you like that he’s that way.

Essentially, you know him deeply, the real him and you still like him.

A man can only know you truly love and appreciate him when he knows you know all of him and still love and appreciate him anyway.

MORE: 10 Qualities That Make Guys Fall in Love

You’re attractive to him.

It doesn’t mean you need to be the most attractive woman in the world or even the most attractive woman he could be with.

It just means you satisfy the minimum criteria that there’s at least some amount of sexual attraction.

Without this, it’s a loving friendship.

And that’s a beautiful thing, but that’s not what leads to a romantic connection, choosing you as his exclusive girlfriend or marrying you.

What I’m saying is that it is a requirement, but it doesn’t mean you have to be his ideal.

You just need to meet his minimum here and this requirement is met.

You’re able to be “real” with each other.

To have love you must have intimacy.

And intimacy is unfiltered communication; that is, being able to be real with each other.

With your man, he needs to feel like he can say anything to you in an unfiltered way without it causing problems in the relationship.

I’m not saying he’s inconsiderate, but rather that he can say things without thinking it’s going to upset you, cause problems in the relationship or cause drama in some way.

This means that when he talks to you, there’s an allowing and forgiving energy towards anything he says, even if it’s sloppy, messy, rough or imperfect.

You can listen to him and take it all as venting, giving him the space to vent and not making it into a problem.

It also means that you’re willing and able to share your thoughts unfiltered.

Women are sometimes afraid to do this because they think if they share their unfiltered thoughts and feelings, it could screw things up with the guy somehow.

Actually, the opposite is true – if you’re filtering your words (because you’re afraid to share unfiltered), then everything you say comes off calculated, disconnected and insincere.

Men love unfiltered communication, so long as it’s not attacking him, blaming him or trying to control him.

Instead of being afraid of saying the wrong thing and filtering your words, the best approach is to make it clear you’re on his side and once it’s clear he gets that, share unfiltered.

MORE: How Men and Women Fall in Love

You inspire him.

You know the wins that are most important to him and from that, you know the winner he wants to be in life.

By knowing that “winning version” in him, you can see him that way in your mind’s eye.

This shapes how you speak to him and encourage him. This is what it is to “speak to the winner in him”.

When you do this, he feels you see the best in him and bring out his best.

When a woman can talk to him in a way that makes him feel at his strongest, most capable and most resourceful version of himself, it brings out his best.

When a woman can do this, something magical happens.

It’s deeply felt by him as love and he will crave connecting with her because she makes him feel this way.

You know how to give him “freedom” in the relationship.

It’s been said that men fear getting into a relationship because they don’t want to lose their freedom. There’s truth to that, but it’s not the kind of freedom that many people think it means. It’s “emotional freedom.”

Key Point: Men don’t want to lose their “emotional freedom.” So, what does emotional freedom really mean?

It means that within his relationship with you, he needs space to have his emotional process.

You not only understand how his winning drive affects him, but you also get that when he’s frustrated, feels like he’s losing or facing setbacks, he needs space to work it out.

He needs that space.

If you interrupt that, it stresses him out and he’ll want to get away from you.

It makes you into a problem in his life because you’re interrupting his process.

Giving him that space is key for maintaining a healthy relationship.

You can reach him even when he’s down.

When he’s down, it can feel like he’s down forever and nothing can ever be good again.

When a man feels like he’s losing or struggling in the areas of life that are most important to him, it can take him into a downward spiral that’s difficult for him to break out of.

You’re not in that spiral and you still see him as that winner in your mind.

The fact that you still see the winner in him even when he’s down helps put him in touch with his best, which is exactly what he’s been struggling so much to do within himself emotionally.

The magic of this isn’t so much in what you say, but rather, how you see him. It shapes the way you talk to him because it shapes the way you see him.

It guides your communication in such a way that, effortlessly and without even intentionally trying, the way you talk to him puts him in touch with that ideal winning version of himself.

Essentially because you know him deeply, you reach him emotionally at his lowest moments and help him find his way back into the light.

And it can be in those moments where a man realizes you’re irreplaceable in his life.

MORE: How Do Men Show Their Love? 

Tying It All Together

When these signals are coming across to a man, it almost guarantees he will fall in love… hard.

But sometimes it can feel like there’s a gap between knowing what works and being able to make it happen in real life.

In fact, sooner or later, there’s usually a point in a relationship where you feel like the guy is losing interest in you and pulling away.

The way you handle it determines if his love comes rushing back stronger than ever, or if he leaves forever.

If you feel like he’s pulling away, do you know exactly what to do to fix it? If not, read this now: If He’s Pulling Away, Do This...

Hope it helps,

eric charles

Why Men Fall in Love: The Real Reasons

  • Men fall in love when they sense, both psychologically and biologically, that a woman brings out the best in them—making him feel he can become a bigger winner in life with her than he ever could on his own.
  • Men experience emotions differently from women—everything he feels is measured as either moving toward or away from what’s meaningful to him, creating his “winning drive.”
  • Understanding his “winning drive” helps you decode confusing behaviors, showing you clearly why he acts the way he does.
  • When you deeply know what’s closest to a man’s heart, you can genuinely support him, becoming the woman he wants by his side.
  • Respect is essential for love—having the clarity to say “no” to things that compromise your self-respect is crucial for a man to truly respect and love you.
  • Even during arguments, if he feels you’re always on his side rather than against him, he’ll lower his guard and open up, turning disagreements into opportunities for closeness.
  • Real appreciation means liking who he genuinely is—imperfections included—because you know the real him beneath his mask.
  • Romantic love requires sexual attraction—it’s necessary, but you don’t need to be his ideal, only meeting his minimum criteria of attraction.
  • Unfiltered communication—being “real” without fear of causing drama or rejection—builds intimacy that makes him deeply attached.
  • Inspiring him by speaking to the “winner” he aspires to be naturally brings out his strongest, most confident self, creating a powerful emotional bond.
  • Men fear losing “emotional freedom,” meaning he needs space to process emotions on his own—understanding this prevents him from seeing you as a stressor.
  • Seeing the winner in him even when he’s down emotionally reaches him deeply, helping him reconnect to his best self and recognize your irreplaceable role in his life.
why men fall in love

Written by Eric Charles

I'm Eric Charles, the co-founder and co-editor of A New Mode. I love writing articles to help people free themselves from suffering and have clarity in their love life. I have a degree in Psychology and I've dedicated the last 20 years of my life to learning everything I can about human psychology and sharing what gets people out of struggling with life and into having the life they really want. If you want to contact me, feel free to reach out on Facebook or Twitter.

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