FTC disclosure statement

Disclosure Statements

Please read the following carefully.

Affiliate Disclosure

This site is monetized by affiliate program, which means the sites we link to in the posts will compensate us with a commission for purchases credited to this site.

Some of the third party programs we use include Amazon.com, ClickBank, and others.

The products which are recommended on this site are either products we use personally, or something we agree to endorse after researching it thoroughly.  We recommend these products and services because we believe these products will help our readership in general.  The statements made with regard to the products or services reflect our honest opinion based on the facts known at the time of writing.

You should assume that a connection exists between A New Mode.com and the providers of the referenced products and services, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Compensation Disclosure

Our opinion about a product or service may unintentionally be formed (consciously or subconsciously) in part based on the fact that we will be compensated because of our business relationships with the providers of said products or services.

Because there is a material connection between us and the providers of the recommended products or services, you may assume we could be biased on account of our relationship with the provider, or because we will receive some form of compensation from a provider.  The type of compensation may vary, it may be monetary or non-monetary such as complimentary products or services.

Just as on any other site, you should do your own research (perform due diligence) before purchasing a product or service mentioned on A New Mode.com.

Third-Party & Sponsor Ads

Text and image ads that appear in the right column and at the bottom of the page are third party and sponsor ads. We do not personally endorse the products and services advertised in these ads. These companies are not affiliated with A New Mode, Inc.


We want to ensure you have a pleasant experience on our website.   If you have questions about any affiliations, compensation, or advertisements on this website, you can contact us at info @ anewmode.com or using the information below:

A New Mode, Inc.
44 School St, Suite 505
Boston, MA 02108

You may also contact us using our toll-free 800 number.  When you call this number, please clearly state your name, email address, the product or site which you are calling in regards to, and your question.  Please note that although you are calling by phone, you may receive a response from Customer Support via email, so it is important that you include your email address in your message.   Our number:


These Disclosure Statements are subject to revision at any time and without prior notice given.

Last modified January 22, 2013


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