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- This topic has 28 replies and was last updated 3 years, 11 months ago by
Hi all,
I need some objective advice .
I met a separated man about 2 months ago. Can divorce in a week and he is saying he is over his ex and the divorce will go through.
He was rather quick to commit to me exclusively , took down his online profiles etc. Eventually I did the same .We meet only once a week. He lives about 30 mins away and I know this distance is a non issue yet he only sees me once a week.
He talks about his ex a lot but he says he’s trying to be transparent with me . She left him. Based on what he tells me he seems to think he has had no closure . Apparently they are to meet within the next week to discuss some terms .He says he hasnt seen her in 4 months .
I did mention to him something seems to be holding him back.
The issue I have is he’s doing a lot of future talk with me – even talking about living together later , or wanting kids , parenting styles etc . It does not coincide with the pace of the relationship. Communication in between dates is so so , almost daily texting every night .I’m super cautious here and definitely not one to “fall”.
Recently he told me he doesn’t want the ex to find out about me for fear she will ask him for alimony out of vengeance.
My guard is now way up.Any advice on how to proceed ? I am at a point where I do need more from him. I am beginning to have more and more doubts .
No i strongly urge you not to fall for this guy. You are a rebound, and thats probably not a conscious choice on his part but you are. He is so not over his ex. And you describe many flags of that. I think the best you can do is stop. Look at this rationally. You are in a healty place to date and commit and not keep guys a secret, so you want the same. At least the change to find it. Im sure if you have a talk about what you want he will agree he is not ready. I hope you can avoid wasting a lot of time on this guy and break it off now
Future talk = fake future talk in the early stages. Its a real thing of a sing a guy is not ready
Thanks for your reply Newbie.
Yeah I thought as much
I did bring it up and he insists he is just cautious and wants to make sure it’s real and doesn’t want to rush things given that his marriage just ended .
But yeah, the future talk was honestly overwhelming and not in line with actions …Liz Lemon
Let’s count the red flags:
1. Separated, not divorced
2. Too quick to commit, future faker (talking about kids after 2 months?)
3. Sees you only once a week after 2 months of dating
4. Talks about his ex a lot, says he has no closure (so he admits he’s not over her)Why are you seeing this guy? He has too many issues. He can’t give you a relationship. Surely you can see that?
He wont keep up anyway so thats a bitter blessing if youre not ready to let go yet. No, its not good and i wouldnt blame him. He tries to find new foooting but that doesnt happen so fast
Two thumbs down.
He will 99% chance suddenly realize he can’t do this within the next 90 days, and I give it sooner rather than later in that period. He will get distant or just go silent and then tell you this went too fast and he’s sorry, he isn’t ready. Or he will just straight up ghost you.
Liz Lemon did a great job of listing out all the red flags. Don’t walk away, RUN like hell. You’re going to get hurt. He’s using you as wallpaper over a broken heart. That never works for long.
If you want to avoid this entire situation, just make it a rule you only date men who are single and fully legally divorced and at least a year past the break-up of their last relationship if it was a long one. And if they spend too much time talking about the ex or clearly say they aren’t past it or don’t have closure, you end it right there.
Women tend to want to fix these guys, and they just get used and dumped once he gets emotionally healthier.
And NEVER be the first one he dates after the end of a marriage or long relationship! The odds of that working are really, really sucky.
Anon Person
What if you’re the first person after a divorce but the guy was single for five years? Are those odds bad too? Asking for a friend…
I agree that a separated man not officially divorced is not a good option unless you are looking to play the field and not get attached. In this case it appears you like this guy and like others said he is not available emotionally or legally.
I would say to him “call me when you are officially divorced and have enjoyed your single life for awhile and if I am single or still interested we can talk then”.Audrey
Let me tell you from a recent personal experience that is almost identical to your story that you should not get attached or maybe even continue seeing this guy if you know you’re bound to get attached.
I was literally in the same exact situation (wrote a forum about it and everything) with a guy I had started dating that was recently divorced (1 year and some change). We went out on a good number of dates, were super comfortable with one another, had a good amount of things in common, genuinely had a good time but I just had this feeling he wasn’t over his ex (brought her up quite frequently). Well, long story short, we continued to date and I continued to see 1) just how bitter he was about their break up 2) how emotionally unavailable he was and 3) how immature he turned out to be when I tried to have an adult conversation with him about where he saw this going. To summarize, I wish I had ended it sooner than I did (lasted almost a total of 2 months) because even though I realized this wasn’t the guy for me, it was still hard to let go and I genuinely felt sad that there was just no way it would ever work out. The funniest part is that we weren’t even that compatible, but I just still had to see how things would end. I will end with a cheesy quote and say “letting go is hard, but sometimes not as hard as holding on”.
Good luck! Keep us updated on what you decided
To answer Anon”s question about divorced and single for 5 years/. I think a guy that waited that long to date has got over his ex, worked on himself etc. and is finally ready to go for a relationship again, in general. Unless he says he is just looking for casual or sex,t his could be fine. I am with a guy that did not date for nearly a dozen years… he raised his kids etc. and then was ready for love again.
Thank you all, super helpful. You are all great .
Thank you for the clarityNewbie
Vera, just for my own curiousity, so dont feel obliged to answer but i hope you will. A lot of women here do the opposite of what is adviced. And 80% minimum of the advice is to walk away (with good reason). You recognized you were most likely in muddy waters confirmed with most, so what did you do? Have you taken steps to untangle yourself or do you feel the general rule doesnt apply to you so you decided to give it more time?
Hi Newbie ,
Yeah good question . I am not one to ignore such strong valid opinions . I’ve taken some steps to distance myself from the situation.
I am heading in the direction of ending things . I am going to give it at least another week or so to make a final decision .Sammy
Vera, I’m with the other posters.
Be very careful as don’t think this will be your guy.
Here’s my experience of Dating a guy who was separated and going through a divorce. We had a 5 year ago gap, myself older and clear from start I was looking for meaningful and marriage some days. It was semi long distance too so I was hesitant about dating anyway for those reasons and he convinced me to give it a try. I was so into him and clicked with him and he said feeling was mutual – said we had 7 out 7 things he seeks in a partner and had only 2 with his ex wife (he got married young, semi arranged). He kinda future faked me to meet him for a trip for us to spend time together. Said things like
– Reassurance when I have doubts about meeting him with his solid plans
– I want my divorce to progress urgently
– I have legal baggage only (not emotional; ready for something)
– I am a long term relationship kind of guy
– My intentions are good
– I want to be in a serious relationship now
– Once I’m in a serious relationship I will fast track my move to the UK, I just want to complete a year in my job this Sept
– Come to visit me after our trip
– Even if I don’t have a job lined up in the UK, i’d move anyway as my personal life is my biggest priority
– Consistent texts and calls / effort for 3 months including ‘we’ talks of the futureAfter the trip (no sex): overall words and actions did not match/ contradictions
– Pulling away on the trip
– States when questioned ‘I do want to be in a serious relationship…. BUT I don’t know if I can’ WTF: BIG SURPRISE
– I don’t want to hurt you (which means I know I will as perhaps the reality and mismatch of what I said and do will start from now)
– I’m not coming back to the UK soon as it’s a bigger deal than I thought
– I don’t know if I can develop deep feelings for you as I feel blunted/ maybe depressed
– I am confused
– Last year a girl I dated finished with me when this sort of thing happened – I avoided sex with her and had issues keeping it up for her and other women -seems ok with you 🤨
– I am emotionally unavailable
– I have emotional baggage
– You’re such a catch. If I can’t make it work with you, not sure who I can
– You should keep dating and if it gets serious with someone, then we should stop chatting (!) (he wants us to be each other’s options not priority)
– I’ll feel upset if you stop texting me or get a boyfriend (but I can’t step up)Fair to say: it ended.
Here are some of my lessons – not saying this applies to all divorcing men but a fair few
– Stick with; don’t date a guy who isn’t divorced or had some time to heal after the end of a significant relationship/ engagement (ideally a year from the break up) with therapy
– Never trust a man fully as you just can’t but don’t be overly suspicious of a guy who has actions and words that match
– Don’t trust a guy who isn’t honest about his relationship status from the start
– Question a guy making big promises with supplementary questions and keep it playful but focused
– If he skips a question, come back to it so you know the answer
– Say what you want early on and check you’re on the same page and check in at intervals gently about intentions
– Let him know what’s going well; show appreciation and encourage the connection
– If he pisses you off; observe and say so politely and establish boundaries.– If words and actions don’t match a couple of times; let him know and end it if he pulls away after intimacy
– If he deviates from big promises, call him out and step back and let him prove himself to be worthy and if not, walk away
– Keep actively dating other guys until exclusive
– I’ve been feeling confused about where things stand with us. I have feelings for you and want to deepen our relationship. It’s important to me to know how you feel. I hope we can move forward together.'”
– If he isn’t committing to exclusivity by 2 – 3 months of regular dating, end it
– Date local menVera
Update :
I decided to wait it out a bit more .
Things didn’t really get better . I found out he hadn’t actually had plans to file for divorce like he told me . I realized he had lied about that many times . When he saw me back off he started trying to keep me stay with more big empty promises.
This weekend we had plans to meet up and I thought we were meeting for Valentine’s Day (since he had mentioned a few times that he would love to celebrate with me ). He thought we were meeting the day before . When I asked why not Valentine’s Day he said his (ex) wife was going over to “discuss the papers”. Yeah right . That was the moment I was done . I ended things with him shortly after.Emily
Good for you. In the future, only date men whose divorce is final. If he’s “separated,” he’s not available.
Hi everyone ,
One month after I ended things , he reached out to me .
He told me they filed for divorce . He said he wants to be with me and he misses me etc .I do still like him , but I thought this was just nostalgia and I was on my way to moving on. I hadn’t contacted him at all since we had broken up. We had only been going out for 2 months and still don’t know each other all that well.
I am not sure what to do. One part of me says / knows it’s probably not going to work . Another part of me says , what if things will be different . Mind you the divorce is not official for another few months and I know how emotional men can get around this time . I know they need to be fully healed before moving on.
Is there any way this could work ?
He is still married…
Vera, tell him to take some time to be single and reach back out in six months (or something like that) if he’s still interested. Don’t wait for that or expect anything, just try to meet other people. If you’re still single then, it’s probably still too early for him, but you’ll have a better chance of figuring that out than now. If he didn’t initiate the divorce and she left him, he’s not ready to jump into something else. No matter how much easier a replacement wife and new relationship seems and bandaids it for him. You’re not going to get what you want out of it.
Sammy shared a lot of good stuff, some of which I experienced as well. I once dated a separated man briefly, because he didn’t immediately disclose to me that he was separated 🙄 He tried to immediately wife me, and didn’t want to take no for an answer when I wasn’t interested after he finally told me about that whole situation. It was really bad, if I didn’t answer his texts he’d have conversations with himself at me that made it clear how obliviously unavailable he was… and how much he wanted an ego boost. I don’t know the details of the divorce in your situation, how long the marriage was, etc. but don’t discount that it takes time for people to recover from the failure of the marriage even if they are actually over the ex. Moreso if they weren’t expecting the end or didn’t want it. Plus, at least in my case, it was obvious his last relationship didn’t work out because he had a lot of unaddressed issues that I’m pretty sure he still didn’t realize existed long before the marriage… so he wasn’t going to be ready for a new relationship until he both came to terms with his divorce AND addressed his prior baggage from long before. (He had just started therapy at least.) I don’t think that’s uncommon, especially among the men trying to date “seriously” too soon to feel better instead of taking some time alone.
Give him time to work out his issues. If it’s meant to work out, it’ll line up later. If not, you’ll probably meet someone else good before he’d have been really ready or available anyway.
*give him time to work out his issues, meaning on his own, and not in contact with you
vera as raven pointed out, hes still married. i had met a guy abt 5 years back. when we met he told me he was divorced. but i found out from him only actually that he was not yet divorced but undergoing a divorce. i tried to cut off but he said its just a matter of time. and he was right. he did divorce as he suggested. but post that he suddnly withdrew and told me hes sorry but after the divorce he just feels not ready to commit to a relationship much less any other commitment. and that was that. he still keeps in touch with me and we are just friends. my advice is despite he being in the midst of a divorce, trust me, once he gets a divorce, he would be in no mind space to get into another commitment so soon. let this one go.
Only rule of dating separated and divorced men: call me when papers are signed for at least a year.
yes I also dated someone who was separated and going through divorce. I went away for 2 weeks and he stopped texting me and then told me his wife wants him back and they will try and fight for this marriage. Turned out it was all bullsh*t , he just didn’t want to date me anymore but at least he was nice enough to meet up and tell me this face to face when I came back from my holiday.
But yes the point is, don’t date separated men -