Whenever I need a recipe idea, the very first resource I consult is Tara Stiles. Not only is this yoga guru extremely talented, beautiful, and sweet, but she comes up with the best healthy, easy-to-make recipes I have ever seen. Every time I watch one of her cooking videos on YouTube, I find myself saying, “I want to make that now!” And unlike some of the fancy recipes I add to Pinterest, I actually do. Her Arugula-Red Pepper-Hummus Tortillas are a lunch staple, and the Detox Kale Crunch Salad was just what I needed after overindulging during the holidays.
I know that it’s cold out and you just want comfort foods and treats to snuggle up with on the couch. Trust me, I get it. My sweet tooth seems to kick into overdrive this time of year! And when I was tasked with making a dessert for a co-worker’s birthday recently, I thought hard about what would be yummy and healthy, and then I came up with this recipe! (Who doesn’t like peanut butter and chocolate?!)
You can watch Tara’s easy-to-follow Almond Butter Fudge video to get more precise measurements, but basically I mixed four big spoonfuls of peanut butter (about half a jar) with approximately 4 tbsp honey, five spoonfuls of chocolate and 1.5 tbps of coconut oil. I let the coconut oil sit in hot water for a 15 minutes to let it get liquidy. Spread the mixture in a cooled square glass dish and pop in the freezer for a couple of hours. Cut into squares and you’re good to go!

Getting recipe inspiration is always the hardest part for me, but once have it, I can easily make adjustments based on my preferences and what I already have in the kitchen. This time, I used chocolate-covered sunflower seeds that I randomly picked up in the checkout line at Marshall’s. (I’m sure you could also get them at Whole Foods or another health food store.) And this healthy chocolate chips swap just happens to be fun and colorful, too—bonus!

I also used natural peanut butter instead of almond butter. I’m a huge fan of various nut butters, but I thought it would be a smarter move to use peanut butter for a big group of people with varying tastes. (Not to mention, it’s cheaper, too!)
I chose an organic creamy peanut butter at a specialty health store, but you don’t need to opt for the fancy stuff. Just please pinky-promise me you’ll always check the label to make sure it doesn’t contain hydrogenated oils! They are full of chemicals and trans fats that are toxic to your body. Ick.

Another great healthy desserts source is the blog Chocolate-Covered Katie. She’s just as talented as she is cute. Sometimes she even takes a break from posting mouthwatering recipes like Red Velvet Pancakes and Double Chocolate Chip Brownie Cookies to show you how to roast veggies in your slow cooker, which is nice. It’s all about balance, after all!
Tell me: What is your favorite treat? Is there a way you could put a healthy spin on it?
Ellen Collis is a blogger at Wannabe Health Nut and Health Coach in NYC, who graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Email her at wannabehealthnut1@gmail.com for a free health consultation to discuss how she can assist you with your nutrition and lifestyle goals. She would love nothing more than to help you have more energy, feel fabulous in your own skin and live a healthy life that doesn’t require giving up your favorite foods.