How to Never Run Out of Things to Say On a Date So The Conversation Keeps Flowing Easily post image

You’re on a date, everything is going great, but then the conversation just stops and an awkward silence ensues. One of you sheepishly says: “So, anyway…” but you’re just kind of stuck and a painful silence lingers in the air.

You may get inundated with the following questions, either on the date or after:

Should I have said something different?”

“I wonder what he thought about the story I told.”

“I have to keep talking he’s being so quiet this is horrible.”

“What if I made him uncomfortable when I said I don’t like XYZ?”

“What if I scared him away because of that awkward pause?”

“Wait, is it bad if I text him? Was I boring? Did he think I was funny and exciting?”

“Oh man, this is not good. This conversation is actually painfully boring and impossible to continue.”

This is a common experience. Awkward silences can be brutal. We’ve all dealt with an anxiety-inducing awkward silence at one point in our lives. Even worse, they seem to happen more with people we just meet and more so with someone we want to make a good impression on.

MORE:  225 Amazing Questions to Ask a Guy

Don’t worry… I’m giving you specific strategies you can use so that you never have to worry about running out of things to say on a date.

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9 Undeniable Signs Your Ex Has Moved On and It’s Really over post image

Is it really over with your ex… or is there still a chance you can get him back?

When things go bad in a relationship there might be a chance it can be worked out, but this requires you both to work together. When that isn’t going to happen because one or both of you isn’t sufficiently invested, you need to accept that it’s over, it can’t be fixed, and you have to move on.

Breakups are almost always incredibly painful, but they can be especially painful if you keep hanging on and hoping he’ll change his mind. When this happens you don’t get the closure you need.

Sometimes the best way to free yourself and move on is knowing with 100% clarity that he’s moved on and it’s truly over.

MORE: Hidden Signs Your Ex Still Loves You 

If there’s no chance and no hope of you getting back together, this mentally frees you to move on and eventually find someone new, someone better suited for you.

But how can you know for sure that it’s really over? Here are the signs that make it crystal clear your ex has moved on and it’s really over for good. [continue reading…]

How to Make Someone Like You: 26 Ways That Really Work! post image

How Do You Get Someone To Like You?

“A great figure or physique is nice, but it’s self-confidence that makes someone really sexy.” – Vivica A. Fox

There is no greater high than being liked by someone you like. This is why it can be so scary to have feelings for someone. The stakes are high and the fear of them not feeling the same way is downright terrifying.

The truth is, we can’t ever fully control how someone feels about us. There are just so many variables that go into what draws someone to you. It doesn’t only apply to romantic relationships, this is true of friendships as well. Think about all the people you’ve met throughout your life. Of those people, a few become your friends, and a very select few become your best friends.


MORE: How to Know if a Guy Likes You For Sure 

There isn’t much that you do, it just evolves. You can’t force friendships and you can’t force romantic relationships. However, you can do certain things to be more likable in general, which can help get you the outcome you want. If you master the techniques in this article and your love remains unrequited, then at least you know there was nothing else you could have done.

Here’s a list of 26 of the ways to make someone like you.

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12 Biggest Signs He’s Never Going to Settle Down With You post image

How can you know if the guy you’re with is never going to settle down with you?

You don’t want to rush him, but you don’t want to waste your time, either. It’s a scary concept because if you’re impatient you could lose a guy who might be “the one,” but if you’re too patient you could lose years of your life with someone who might be everything you’ve ever wanted, but he doesn’t want you back.

If he’s showing several of the following signs, he may settle down one day, but it probably won’t be with you.

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Cute Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend (Sweet Things To Ask Your BF) post image

Looking for the perfect cute things to say to your boyfriend? Here’s the best list of questions you can ask your bf to melt his heart!

What’s in a question?

A lot actually! The right questions can really help you get to know someone in a fun, invigorating way. It can take your conversations to a new level and breathe new life into your relationship by giving you something else to talk about aside from how your day was.

We have all sorts of great questions articles on ANM, and this time we’re focusing on couples and cute questions to ask your guy enhance those lovey feelings that make everything worth it.

MORE: 225+ Amazing Questions to Ask a Guy: The Ultimate List

And with that, here is our list of the best “cute” questions to ask your boyfriend.

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Does He Secretly Love Me? Look For These 26 Telltale Secret Signs! post image

Signs He Loves You Secretly

We’ve probably all heard the philosophy that when a guy is into you, he’ll make sure you know it. While that idea is floating around out there for good reason, it’s not always as black and white as you’d think. Even when a guy is clear about his intentions, if you’re lacking self-esteem yourself, you might subconsciously label it as something different.

Revealing romantic feelings for another person requires a level of vulnerability that’s always going to be hard – no matter your gender. Just because men are traditionally more upfront about their feelings than some women doesn’t mean that all guys are pros at showing their hand.

MORE: 11 Undeniable Signs He’s In Love With You

Some guys take the slow play approach, not doing anything too bold but consistently nosing into your orbit. Others prefer moves that are pretty much undeniable, regardless of your confidence.

If you’re in the unenviable position of trying to decide how much a guy cares about you, we’re here to help.

Here are 26 of the signs a guy is confessing his love:

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I Want Him to Miss Me: How to Make Him Miss You Bad And Love You More post image

So you want to know how to make your ‘bf’ miss you? Use this simple guide with a guy and you’ll have him missing you like crazy (and loving you all the more).

Who doesn’t want to feel missed by a man? Whether you’re crushing on a new guy, in a relationship with one, or considering getting back together with an ex, it’s always preferable to have him miss you.

There’s a fine line between being your most charming self and getting lost in mind-games. One way to help distinguish which side of that line you’re on is whether or not you feel like you’re being yourself. If you find yourself resorting to methods that don’t feel true to you, that’s a red flag. Even if you do manage to snag the object of your affection, are you really going to want to keep up these tricks during the relationship?

MORE: How to Make Him Chase You Without Playing Games

Just like we don’t want guys to manipulate us into feeling or behaving a certain way, we should aim to avoid scheming. No guy is worth you warping your personality into someone he might like.

Having said all of that, there’s nothing wrong with working your best angles and acting with a goal in mind. There are some tips and tools you can try out in order to be the most winning version of yourself. Fortunately, most of these steps will lead to you thriving in a fulfilling life – whether you end up with your current crush or not.

Here’s our handy list of 16 ways to make him miss you.

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32 Signs He Loves You Without Saying It: How a Man Shows “I Love You” post image

If he hasn’t said it, how do I know if he loves me (without asking him)? Look for these 32 signs and let them tell you the full story: here are all the subtle ways a guy will show he loves you without ever saying a word.

No one needs help interpreting the grand romantic gestures. Whether it’s a boombox held high over a lovestruck teen’s head or an impromptu make-out session during a well-timed thunderstorm, we always recognize the flashy declarations of love.

Much of life, however, is lived in subtler shades. You may be wondering if a certain guy is falling for you. Maybe he hasn’t said it out loud just yet. Maybe he has told you, but you know that actions speak louder than words.

MORE: Undeniable Signs He’s In Love With You

Fortunately, there are dozens of ways a man can show you he loves you without actually uttering the words.

We’ve put together a list of 32 of those ways below.

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What Every Single Guy Does If He’s Cheating (And How To Know For Sure) post image

Is he cheating on me? How do you know if your man is cheating? If you notice your boyfriend or husband showing any of these signs, you should be very suspicious!

If you’re reading this article, there must be some doubt in your mind about your man’s fidelity. Before we delve deeper into this topic, take a moment to acknowledge that you have this funny feeling. A woman’s intuition is a powerful thing. Your feelings are valid so don’t dismiss them. Much of the time when a man is caught cheating, the woman has somewhat suspected it for a while – even if she didn’t want to admit it to herself.

MORE: 15 Definite Signs He’s Cheating On You

While you should lean towards trusting your gut, by no means is it going to be 100% right all of the time. Nobody’s perfect and we’re all susceptible to making mistakes, particularly if you’ve been cheated on before. If you have a history with infidelity, be aware of the fact that you could be looking at things from a slightly warped perspective. That’s only natural when you’ve been hurt before or are prone to insecurity.

Be as objective as you can as you look at your relationship. Considering how you would advise a friend in your position can be a helpful exercise in setting aside your own bias and tendencies.

And to help you gain more clarity, here’s a list of 14 things pretty much all men do if they’re cheating.

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How Men Flirt: 21 Ways Guys Flirt With Women That You Might Not Know post image

Are men flirting with you without you even realizing it? How do men flirt? Here’s 21 giveaway signs that women often miss for when a guy is trying to get your attention and impress you.

Is there any feeling more intoxicating than when you’re flirting with a man and he actively flirts back? It’s one of the best parts of being a single woman. Whether it’s across the table on a first date or with the mysterious guy next to you at the bar, flirting is just fun.

Where it gets less enjoyable and more stressful is when you can’t tell if the guy is reciprocating. Most guys are not particularly coy about their feelings, so this doesn’t end up being a common problem.

MORE: Is He Flirting With Me? How to Know For Sure

For those men who are a little on the shy side, or just more reserved about their intentions, it can take a smidge of investigative work.

If you’re feeling up to the task, check out our list of 21 ways that men flirt.

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He Says He Misses Me: What Does It Mean When a Guy Says, “I Miss You”? post image

When a guy says, “I miss you,” does he really mean it? Check for these 15 signs and if you notice several of these are true for you, you can be sure he really means it!

You’d think that we would just know when a guy misses us. It seems like something that should be straightforward.

Honestly, in most cases, it is. If you catch yourself desperately studying a text for signs that he misses you, take a step back. You’re undeniably miss-able, and if someone makes you doubt that, he may not be the right one.

But there are certainly grey areas. Thanks to technology, we’re able to stay “connected” to each other through many different avenues. Do you have people you “talk” to regularly – say by sending an adorable weekly snap of your dog snuggled up on the couch – but who you have no real relationship with? Most people do.

It’s very easy for a guy to say he misses you. What may cause you to question his intentions is if he doesn’t act like it and you suspect he’s not being genuine. This is possible … and it’s also possible your insecurities are getting the best of you.

MORE: Unmistakable Signs Your Ex Misses You 

Don’t look at his past behavior. Don’t put too much weight onto his words. You need to take the whole picture into account. And also remember that men communicate through actions more than words.

If your guy says he misses you but you’re not sure he means it, check out our list of signs that indicate he definitely does: 

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How Do You Know Someone Loves You? These 24 Signs Tell You When They Do post image

How to Tell if Someone is in Love With You

While loving and being loved by someone is about as good as it gets in life, it’s also a risk. How can you fully let your guard down with someone if you’re not absolutely sure they’ll return your feelings? In an ironic twist, if you don’t do that, the other person won’t be able to fall fully for you. Being in love is a give and take in the deepest kind of trust you can have with another person.

MORE: How to Know When Someone Truly Loves You 

It’s not possible to fall in love in an entirely safe way. There’s got to be a sliver of crazy involved when you give someone the power to break your heart. The best you can do is choose your partner wisely.

If you’re struggling to figure out whether or not a guy loves you, chances are he’s not the right one. In reality, the best guy for you won’t make you doubt his feelings. At the same time, there are signs you can look for when deciphering what those feelings are.

Here’s our list of 24 signs that he loves you.

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Does My Ex Still Love Me? 32 Signs Your Ex Still Has Feelings For You post image

Signs Your Ex Boyfriend Still Loves You and Still Cares

Wondering if your ex still loves you is natural after a breakup. Whether you’re dying to get back together or would rather cut off your left thumb than date them again, you can’t help looking for signs as to how they’re feeling.

Since you’re reading this article, chances are you fall into the camp of those who would consider getting back together with their ex. Make sure that you spend ample time doing that considering. Just because your ex might want to get back together doesn’t mean it’s what’s right for either of you.

MORE: Hidden Signs Your Ex Still Loves You (Even if He Denies It) 

It’s easy to romanticize someone once they’re gone. You think back on the sweet moments and forget about the ones that made you wish you were single again. Right now, the world is at your fingertips. Don’t settle for something that doesn’t serve you.

However, not all break-ups should be permanent. If you think you and your ex might have a solid future together, you’ll want to know how he’s feeling. To gain some insight, check out our list of 32 signs that he still loves you.

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How Do You Know When You’re In Love? 26 Signs You’re Falling In Love post image

How Do You Know When You’re In Love? Here’s Your Best Ways To Know You’re Falling In Love For Sure!

“Isn’t that how falling in love so often works? Some stranger appears out of nowhere and becomes a fixed star in your universe.” – Kate Bolick

Falling in love. It’s the topic that we humans never tire of speculating about. Whether it be philosopher, filmmaker, scientist, or friend-next-door, we all have our strong opinions on the subject.

Everyone has their own unique experiences in this area. The relationships you’ve witnessed since you were a child until now have colored the way you look at love. No one seems to have cracked the code on how to fall in love flawlessly. It’s a subject ripe for animated conversation and lively debate.

MORE: Proven Signs You’re in Love

If you feel like you’re teetering on the edge of falling in love with someone, there are signs that could seal your fate. We’ve made a list of 26 of those clues.

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How Do Men Flirt? (What Do Guys Do When They Like a Girl?) post image

How Do Guys Flirt? Here’s how to know he’s flirting, things he’ll say and ways to tell if you’re not sure.

“It is the difference between men and women, not the sameness, that creates the tension and the delight.” – Edward Abbey

It’s no shocking revelation that men and women flirt differently. If both genders utilized the same tools of seduction, we wouldn’t so often be scratching our heads trying to understand each other.

The way men and women interact with each other when romantically inclined can be wildly puzzling. If this were a simple subject to tackle, there wouldn’t be thousands of books available on this very topic. We’re thirsty for knowledge when it comes to interpreting the behavior of the opposite sex.

MORE: Is He Flirting With Me? These Signs Say Yes!

Sometimes a man’s efforts to flirt are, thankfully, transparent. Other times you have to immediately phone a friend and try to figure out what his words or actions could possibly mean.

To make that process a little easier, we’ve created a list of 16 signs that a man is flirting with you.

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Exactly How to Know When Someone Likes You (Guaranteed Signs) post image

How Do You Know Someone Likes You

If only there was a discrete formula that could decipher whether or not someone likes you. An equation. Two plus two equals four. If a guy says this or does that, you know he’s into you. For sure.

Instead, we have a whole world of unique individuals constantly trying to figure each other out. There’s timid guys, over-confident guys, and everything in between. Relationships evolve from friendship to romance, whether successfully or not. It seems like in the modern dating world, the rules change or blur on a daily basis. Our friends offer occasionally conflicting words of wisdom. Certain magazine columns leave you scratching your head with more questions than answers.

MORE: Top 5 Signs He Definitely Likes You

In spite of all this chaos, there are still some solid signs you can look for to figure out where you stand with a man. We’ve crafted some advice for how to deal with shy guys, flirtatious guys, and the ever-confusing friend zone.

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Does He Care About Me? 16 Signs That Guarantee He Really Does post image

How Do I Know If He Really Cares About Me?

“No one ever fell in love without being a little bit brave.” – Mario Tomasello

There’s always that little section in the “falling in love” portion of a relationship where you do a quick gut check. Maybe this guy seems too good to be true. Maybe you’ve had enough heartbreak in the past that you’re hesitant to fully let yourself fall again.

No one could blame you for wanting some certainty before you invest your time, energy, and heart into another person. People can be fickle, dishonest, and confusing. Unfortunately, love is a maddeningly mysterious emotion and state of being. There’s always going to be a certain amount of blind faith and guesswork.

MORE: How to Know if a Guy Likes You For Sure

At the same time, it’s only wise to observe your relationship to the best of your ability. Stay aware of the dynamics of your relationship. Consider the opinions of your loved ones, the people who want what’s best for you.

Look for the signs that he cares about you and sees a future with you. We’ve compiled a list of 16 of those signs below.

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How to Know He’s Not Interested: 32 Big Signs He Doesn’t Like You Back post image

How to Know if a Guy Doesn’t Like You

“Don’t spend your time on and give your heart to any guy who makes you wonder about anything related to his feelings for you.” – Greg Behrendt

Dwelling on all the potential signs that a guy isn’t into you may seem like a bit of a downer. It’s definitely not the filter with which you want to view the person you’re crushing on. We all want to get swept up in the exciting feelings that accompany falling for someone. In that intoxicating rush of emotions, it can be supremely challenging to take a step back.

MORE: Definite Signs He Doesn’t Like You 

As hard as it may be, it’s important that you do try to look at the situation objectively. In the long run, this is the kinder thing to do to yourself. It will save you time, energy, and possible heartbreak. Looking before you leap may not sound romantic, but it’s exactly the step that will steer you towards the right romance.

Before you fall head over heels for that mysterious fella you’ve had your eye on, take a beat and study the situation. Despite the endless, sometimes conflicting, streams of advice regarding how to understand them, guys are not as hard to read as you might expect.

Here’s our list of 31 signs that he’s not interested in you. Apply them to you and your crush and see if they ring any bells.

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Is He Interested In Me? 16 Guaranteed Signs He’s Interested in You post image

We probably all have that one friend who, despite being shown all the right signs a guy likes her, remains uncertain. Maybe you, yourself, are that friend. It’s easy to second-guess yourself. Maybe he’s just really friendly! Maybe he’s flirty with everybody. We’ve all run these scenarios through our minds.

We’re also all likely familiar with the friend who assumes someone is into her, when in reality the evidence isn’t there. This situation is, of course, much worse. Even without a risky assumption like this, the world of romance is ripe with potential embarrassment and heartbreak.

MORE: 5 Telltale Signs He Likes You

When considering all of this, it can be tempting to throw your hands in the air and say you give up. You might want to wait until a guy spells his interest out for you before letting yourself get caught up in the wondering.

To help you avoid this defeat, we’ve compiled a list of 16 signs that he’s truly interested in you.

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How To Tell If Someone Doesn’t Like You: 12 Signs He Isn’t Interested post image

How Do You Know When Someone Doesn’t Like You?

If you find yourself asking whether or not a guy likes you, you probably do know the answer. Deep down. Annoyingly deep down.

When we meet someone we really like, it can be tough to view the situation objectively. Our friends can be helpful, thus the many conversations we engage in to solve the puzzle. How many times have you and your girlfriends bumped foreheads as you poured over the latest text from a guy? It’s fun to put on your detective hat and figure out if the flutter in your stomach is worth having.

MORE: Biggest Telltale Signs He Doesn’t Like You

What’s more painful is when the evidence seems to point in a negative direction. It just sucks, and there’s no way around it. However, the best thing you can do is remain open to that possibility. The sooner you decipher how he feels, the sooner you can move on to bigger and better things.

Save your future self from unnecessary heartache by checking out our list of 12 signs that he’s just not feeling it.

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Signs a Man Likes You (Does He Likes Me Signs For Adults) post image

When a Man Likes a Woman, What Does He Do? Look for These Signs a Man is Interested!

Is it just me or does much of the dating advice online seem to cater towards a teenage audience? Teens today are able to take to the internet with their burning questions, which is great for them. Would anyone else have loved the opportunity to “Google” instructions for your first kiss? It would probably have been a better set-up for success than intently studying Ross and Rachel’s first big smooch on Friends.

MORE: Undeniable Signs He Likes You

But for those of us not needing Mom to drive us to our movie date, it can be hard to find mature relationship advice. How can you figure out if a guy likes you when there’s zero chance of him leaving a note in your locker? Navigating adult flirtation can be tough.

To make this task a little easier, here’s our list of 26 classic signs a man likes you.

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Good Random Questions To Ask a Guy: The Best, Most Interesting List! post image

The Very Best List of Really Random Questions to Ask a Guy

A lot of people get stuck when it comes to face-t0-face conversations .., maybe it’s because it’s not what we’re used to and it just seems way more intimidating than talking through a screen.

MORE:225+ Amazing Questions to Ask a Guy

Asking the right questions can open the gates for deeper communication and help you really get to know the other person. We usually categorize our question articles but the following list is pretty random. These unconventional questions are pretty out of the box but can lead to interesting answers … which can lead to interesting conversations.

Try them out with a boyfriend, crush or a guy you’d like to be dating.

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How To Make Out: The Best Making Out Technique Ever! post image

Making Out Tips: How To Make Out With Someone Properly (And Drive Them Crazy With Desire!)

There is nothing like that first kiss with someone you really like to get the tingles flowing. The only thing better is making out with that person for the first time.

It’s exciting and thrilling, but can also be nerve-racking and intimidating. You don’t want all that buildup to fall flat and definitely don’t want the electricity to fizzle out.

MORE: How to Seduce a Guy 

Keeping a make-out session hot and exciting is easy enough when you know what to do. It essentially comes down to making your partner feel amazing physically and also emotionally. It’s about striking that balance between available and just out of reach and mixing it up so things stay fresh and exhilarating. And of course, being confident in whatever you’re doing.

Read on for tips for making out:

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The Best Deep Questions To Ask a Guy (Or a Boyfriend Or Man You Like) post image

Use These Deep Questions (To Ask a Guy) and Watch Him Get Serious and Personal With You!

If you’re looking for fun, lighthearted conversation topics well … you came to the wrong place. (Go here if you want fun questions to ask.)

If you want to get to know someone on a deep, profound level, then we’ve got exactly what you need.

Most people shy away from the deep stuff and as a result, most connections are surface level and superficial at best. The way to really connect and get to know someone is to go deep.

MORE: The Ultimate List of Questions to Ask a Guy to Get Closer

These questions range from personal to philosophical. Some may bring up painful memories, others are mind-benders that are just interesting to think about.

Just know your audience. If it’s a guy you have a crush on that you don’t know so well, you may want to go with some of the more neutral questions. If it’s someone you connect with deeply, then these questions can help you take it to the next level.

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He Pulls Away After Sex: Why Guys Withdraw After You Slept Together post image

Why Men Pull Away After Sex (and What You Can Do About It!)

You’ve been seeing this guy and all is well and you decide it’s time to get between the sheets … and then everything changes. He pulls away after sex and you feel crushed and devastated. What happened? Is this just a thing guys do?

It could be a guy you’ve been seeing, or maybe a friend that you got a little too friendly with one night. No matter what the circumstances, it’s devastating to a woman when a guy withdraws after sex. And she can’t help but take it personally.

MORE: When a Guy Withdraws After Sex

So is it true that all men are after one thing? Do men really lose interest after sex? Are all men scumbags? No, no, and no.

Yes, sometimes men do pull away after sex but it’s not for the reasons you may think. Let’s get to the heart of the matter and look at what’s really going on here.

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Best This or That Questions: Either Or Questions That Make You Think! post image

This Or That Questions Game

Whether you want to get to know someone better or pass some time, this or that questions are a Loy of fun.

The questions are innocent enough that no one will feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. At the same time, you can learn a lot about someone! You can play it as a game with a group of people, or one on one with a guy you’re into. To play as a group, give everyone a coin (or anything that can be turned upside down) and have everyone put the coin up if they think it’s the first option, and down if they think it’s the second.

MORE: The Ultimate List of Questions to Ask a Guy to Open Him Up

To play one-on-one, just refer to this handy list of the absolute best this or that question and take turns asking each other. You can also try to guess what the other person will say. It’s sure to bring on a lot of laughs, and maybe even steer you into some interesting conversation.

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The Best Questions to Ask Your Crush (And Exactly How To Talk To Him) post image

The Very Best Questions To Ask a Guy You Like

Talking to your crush is scary. You can freeze up and be reduced to a stumbling, bumbling fool and that’s not so sexy. On the one hand, you want to impress him. On the other, you don’t want to come across desperate or awkward.

Knowing the right questions to ask will make you cool confident and seem effortlessly charming. Why? Because people love talking about themselves! You don’t need to tell your crush about all your dazzling accomplishments. What will really win him over is if you ask meaningful questions and really listen to his answers. It’s as easy as that.

MORE: The Ultimate List of Questions to Ask a Guy to Get Closer

However, you need to take some precaution. You don’t want to seem prying or obtrusive, so I came up with the ultimate list of questions to ask your crush.

These questions are innocent enough, but will still evoke revealing answers that will help you get to know him better, breaking that barrier and forming a deep connection.

It’s best to keep the conversation positive and light. You don’t want to dig too deep into his skeletons and emotional traumas. There is plenty of time to get into all that stuff, but if you’re in the early stages of a relationship, or if this is a guy you’re hoping to be in a relationship with, then keep it fun and upbeat.

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The Best Cute Questions to Ask a Guy You Like (Exactly What To Say) post image

Ever get the tongue-tied feeling when talking to a guy you like? Do you dread those awkward silences that tend to creep in and wish you knew fun, interesting ways to keep the conversation going?

Well, look no further! You’ve come to the right place. When getting to know a guy you like, it’s important and very handy to have an arsenal of interesting questions to ask him, questions that go beyond “So what did you do today?”

A lot of people have a hard time connecting in an authentic way. We hold ourselves back, maybe because we don’t know how to get in there or maybe as a protective measure, and a connection can hit a wall at a certain point as a result.

MORE: The Ultimate List of Questions to Ask a Guy to Get Closer

To help you break through that barrier and really get to know someone, we’ve come up with the ultimate list of cute questions to ask a guy you like.

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50 Personal Questions to Ask a Guy (That Really Open Him Up!) post image

In the age of texting as a main mode of communication and using emojis and memes to express how we feel, it’s getting harder to build a deep connection. A lot of us are afraid of vulnerability and there are certain places we just won’t go … and few realize that this is the reason so many people have a hard time building genuine connections.

Asking the right questions can push past someone’s walls and get them to open up. You can learn a lot about one another and really form a deep bond and really get to know someone.

MORE: 225 Questions to Ask a Guy- The Ultimate List 

The following list includes all types of personal questions. Some are fairly mild and others really get in there. Pick and choose what you feel comfortable with, and what you think your guy will be comfortable with. The most important rule is to not push too hard. Know when to back off and let it go when he doesn’t feel comfortable answering something, even if you might really, really want to know the answer.

And with that, here are 50 personal questions to ask a guy to get him to open up:

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55 Signs a Guy Likes You (For Sure!) post image

You will find tons of content on how to tell if a guy likes you here on A New Mode. The reason? It’s probably the number 1 question women have when it comes to dating and relationships.

We’ve all been hurt in the past, many of us have experienced the pain of wanting someone who doesn’t like us back. And it hurts. It’s hard not to take it personally.

MORE: How to Know If a Guy Likes You For Sure

Sometimes it’s clear as day when a guy likes you, other times it’s a little hard to tell. He seems like he’s interested, but it’s hard to be totally sure, and you don’t want to come right out and ask him and risk embarrassment or rejection.

That’s why we’ve created this handy list which includes every sign that a guy definitely likes you. You have to take the full picture into account. If he’s showing maybe 1-2 signs then he probably doesn’t have strong feelings for you, he may be somewhat interested. If you find yourself checking yes to most of these, then he definitely likes you.

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