You’re on a date, everything is going great, but then the conversation just stops and an awkward silence ensues. One of you sheepishly says: “So, anyway…” but you’re just kind of stuck and a painful silence lingers in the air.
You may get inundated with the following questions, either on the date or after:
“Should I have said something different?”
“I wonder what he thought about the story I told.”
“I have to keep talking he’s being so quiet this is horrible.”
“What if I made him uncomfortable when I said I don’t like XYZ?”
“What if I scared him away because of that awkward pause?”
“Wait, is it bad if I text him? Was I boring? Did he think I was funny and exciting?”
“Oh man, this is not good. This conversation is actually painfully boring and impossible to continue.”
This is a common experience. Awkward silences can be brutal. We’ve all dealt with an anxiety-inducing awkward silence at one point in our lives. Even worse, they seem to happen more with people we just meet and more so with someone we want to make a good impression on.
MORE: 225 Amazing Questions to Ask a Guy
Don’t worry… I’m giving you specific strategies you can use so that you never have to worry about running out of things to say on a date.