Ask a Guy: When a Guy Withdraws… post image

So I’ve been seeing this guy for a few months now. At first, everything was amazing. We hit it off right away and during the first few weeks, he seemed super into me. He would text me things like, ‘I miss you’ and ‘Can’t wait to see you’ and on our second date he said he ‘never liked a girl so much after only two dates’. He was also super attentive and super sweet.

All this was great, but then he started to shift and lately has been acting really shady- he cancels on me last minute, he’s been acting distant, and I’m just getting weird vibes. At first, I thought he was just trying to end things, but then from time to time, he’ll text me something really sweet, like about how much he wants to see me, or that he’s been thinking about me, so obviously, he’s still interested or why would he do that?

Anyway, I’m really confused by his behavior, my friends say I should just forget him but I really feel like we could have something great and I’m not ready to throw in the towel just yet.

Am I deluding myself? Please help! Why are guys like this!?

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425+ Crazy Truth or Dare Questions to Ask Your Friends post image

So you want to play Truth or Dare to spice things up and have a little fun. Raw honesty makes people feel stimulated and intrigued in our boring world full of half-truths and politically correct answers to emotionally charged questions.

It’s fun being able to see otherwise composed people embarrassed and open.

Playing truth or dare isn’t only for high schoolers… it can be a fun game no matter what age you are and no matter what situation you’re in!

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125+ Crazy Dares for Truth Or Dare post image

Truth or dare is a great way to bond with your friends, and create tons of memories and bellyache-inducing laughter. It’s not just for high-school students, this game can be a blast at any age.

While it’s meant to be a little wild and crazy, it’s not meant to land people in the hospital or in jail, so just keep that in mind when playing the game! But still, you don’t want the game to be a snooze fest. To help you mix it up, whether you’re playing with friends, with a guy you like, with a group of people at a party, and so on, we’ve created the ultimate list of dares that are fun, wild, and totally legal!

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35 Beautiful Romantic Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ post image

Communication is key in a relationship. And nothing keeps a bond eternally strong like communicating how much you love your partner. Saying “I love you” is an obvious way to go, but that can get flat and stale over time, especially if it just becomes a part of your routine and “I love you” is just another way of saying hi and bye.

Saying “I love you” isn’t the only way to communicate that you love someone. And sometimes, stepping outside of convention and thinking of something new conveys even more love, appreciation, and positive regard.

Making a point to consistently affirm your love and affection for your partner is what will keep your relationship strong and happy. It’s all too easy to just settle into complacency in a relationship, but that’s what causes relationships to wither and die. You need to look at your relationship almost like a plant, it needs to be watered and tended to in order to grow and thrive. The way to nourish your relationship is to express your love and admiration. (Make sure to also read this article on questions to ask a guy to reach a whole new level of depth and connection in your relationship.)

And with that, let’s look at 35 beautifully romantic and unique ways to say ‘I love you.” You can go old school and write them as a note, be new age and text them, or say them out loud while looking your partner in the eye. No matter what, these are guaranteed to convey your deep and profound love.

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425+ Never Have I Ever Questions: The Ultimate List post image

So you want to play “Never Have I Ever” and feel included in the somewhat silly but entertaining  game.

Never Have I Ever is a good icebreaker if you’ve just met someone and want to get to know them better, and a fun way to get even closer to someone you already know. You can find out all sorts of wild, embarrassing stories that might shock you (for example, your straight-laced best friend might have had a wild past snorting drugs on top of a cop car. OK, not literally, but you know what I mean…)

MORE: Amazing Questions to Ask a Guy You Like

The point of “Never Have I Ever” is to discover information you wouldn’t have otherwise known, whether it’s interesting facts or surprising stories.

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13 Definite Signs He’s Not Serious About You post image

It’s hard to admit when a guy isn’t serious about you, especially when you really like him. Usually, you’ll feel it in your gut but you’ll avoid facing it. When you’re hopeful about things it’s just easier to make excuses for his behavior and focus on any shred of evidence that he likes you enough to take it to the next level.

The thing is, he can like you but not want to be in a serious relationship with you. This is why so many women get confused.  Just because he wants to spend time with you … he keeps asking you out … he stays in touch and sends you sweet texts every day … this doesn’t mean he’s serious about you. These things mean he’s into you, but they don’t necessarily mean he sees a long-term future with you.

The only way you can tell if he’s serious or not is to be objective when it comes to your love life. This is a tough skill to learn, but it’s very important and can save you from endless heartache.

MORE: 5 Signs He’s Never Going To Commit

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8 Telltale Signs Your Guy is Pulling Away (and What To Do About It) post image

It’s a scary feeling when a guy you’re seeing seems to be pulling away. You aren’t sure if he’s actually withdrawing or if your own insecurities are acting up and making you paranoid. Even worse, if he is withdrawing you don’t know why, let alone what you should do about it.

Often, a woman prematurely panics when she thinks a guy is pulling away and assumes it means he’s lost interest in her … when his behavior is actually perfectly normal or caused by something totally unrelated to his feelings for her.

The problem is that panicking can create a problem where there wasn’t one in the first place. He may not have been pulling away at first because of anything to do with you, but he’ll probably start pulling away for real as a result of your behavior.

MORE: The Top 3 Reasons Why Men Pull Away 

We’re going to look at the things men do that cause women to panic and think men are withdrawing and losing interest. These behaviors are usually signs that he’s pulling away, but pulling away doesn’t always mean losing interest—there can also be other explanations.

We’ll talk about some of those explanations, and then we’ll tell you what you can do about it.

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Guy Talk: 10 Undeniable Signs a Man is Ready To Commit post image

You are ready to commit … but is your man on the same page?

It’s a very common question that plagues many women so let’s get into it and talk about the signs a man is ready to commit because no one wants to waste their time, right?

There is this idea that men are commitment-phobes. The second a guy hesitates about his feelings for a girl, he’s branded a “phobe.” But that’s not true. Most guys aren’t commitment-phobes, they’re bad relationship-phobes. Is that a thing? I think we should make it one!

Guys aren’t afraid of relationships, we’re afraid of bad relationships. Most guys don’t go out seeking commitment. We’re not usually on a quest to find a relationship. We date around and then when we meet a girl who just makes everything better… we want to be around her more and more. And before we even realize it, we’re in it. We’re committed and can’t imagine life without her. It’s as simple as that.

But what are the signs he’s ready? How do you know if you’re dating a guy who is ready to commit, or if you’re wasting time on a dead end?

Here is how to know:

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How to Tell If a Guy Likes You At Work: 17 Subtle Signs He’s Into You post image

When a guy likes you, it’s obvious. It will be clear to you and everyone else around you. But if a guy likes you at work … it’s going to be just a little less obvious.

And the reason for this is pretty obvious: getting involved with someone you work with isn’t always the best idea. Well, it is if the relationship works out … but if it doesn’t, things can get ugly and incredibly uncomfortable.

At the same time, your workplace might be a great place to meet men, a definite step up from bars and clubs and so much easier than sifting through an endless sea of faces on dating apps.

MORE: How to Know If He Likes You for SURE 

And when you meet a guy at work who you click with, you may be tempted to throw caution to the wind and start a relationship. But does he feel the same? Now, this is where it gets tricky.

Your work may even have a policy that prohibits coworkers from dating, which is an extra hurdle. Or maybe the guy just has a personal

If you’ve decided that the pros outweigh the cons and you’re interested in someone at work, how can you tell if he likes you?

The bottom line is, a guy may hesitate to start anything because if it ends, it can impact not just his romantic life but his professional life as well.

The signs a coworker likes you are similar to signs a guy likes you in general, with the caveat that he may hesitate to act on his feelings, or he may be less clear about his feelings because you’re coworkers and he doesn’t know where you stand and doesn’t want to make things awkward or uncomfortable.

So is he just being a good coworker, or does he really like you? If you’re not sure, look for these subtle signs that he’s into you. [continue reading…]

Exactly What To Do If He’s Lost Interest In You post image

We’ve talked a lot on A New Mode about how to tell if a guy likes you and how to tell if he doesn’t. We’ve also fielded tons of questions from you about how to tell if he’s losing interest or has lost interest completely.

But what can you do if he seems to be losing interest? Can you regain it if it seems to be slipping? And can you get it back if it’s totally lost?

If you’ve been paying attention and can identify the signs your man is losing interest, it’s possible to salvage things and re-route from the negative direction you’re headed in. Maybe you need to make changes in the way you relate to him, or maybe you need to make changes in your approach to your own life. Most likely you need to do a little bit of both.

It may seem counterintuitive, but what you want to do is usually exactly what you shouldn’t do.

These six steps are actually things you should integrate into your life all the time. If you do them consistently, you’ll have happier, healthier, overall better relationships.

If a man you’ve been seeing seems to be losing interest, review this list to make sure you’re on the right track and adjust as needed.

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Exactly How to Tell If a Guy Likes You – Here’s 25 Ways To Know For Sure post image

“Does he like me?” I think we’ve all asked ourselves this question at one point or another!

It’s not always so straightforward. There will be times when you’re positive he likes you… and other times where it seems like maybe he doesn’t like you, maybe he’s just being friendly, or maybe he’s just shy or insecure. Maybe maybe maybe, the maybes can drive you nuts!

Though it can seem confusing, there are several ways to tell if a guy likes you for sure. When you know what to look for, answering “does he like me?” will be a snap. [continue reading…]

Is He Flirting With Me? Here Are 13 Signs He Is post image

It’s not always easy to tell if a guy is flirting or just being friendly. When someone flirts with you, it’s an amazing feeling. It makes you feel attractive and desirable. It can send a warm jolt of electricity through your body. Whether it’s verbal flirting, like playful banter, or physical flirting such as playful touches, flirting is fun!

But what if you don’t know if he’s flirting with you? It’s not always easy to tell if he’s attracted to you or if he’s just being nice.

First and foremost, don’t obsess over it. This never does any good and if anything, may cause him to lose any attraction he felt toward you. Instead, just relax and have fun.

To help guide you a bit, here are the biggest signs that he is definitely flirting with you.

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7 Telltale Signs He’s Not in Love Anymore post image

“I don’t love you anymore.” No matter how this arrangement of words is said, it is absolutely soul-crushing.

Maybe he tries to make you feel better by saying, “It’s not you, it’s me.” This is definitely up there on the list of most commonly used breakup lines. And as polite as this breakup line may be, the truth behind it is a little harder to swallow: “I just don’t myself with someone like you.” Ouch.

When a guy breaks up with you in this way, it can be both painful and confusing. He seemed like he was really into you, like he really loved you…what happened?

MORE: The Real Reasons Why Men Pull Away

One way to spare yourself this pain and anguish is to learn how to spot the signs that he is falling out of love. You may not want to admit it, but when you look for it, the truth is easy to find.

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26 Amazing Goodnight Texts and How They Work to Melt His Heart post image

A goodnight text is different than a regular text. There is something extra special about hearing from the person you care about at the end of a long day, as you’re starting to wind down and make your way into bed. It gives you one final smile for the day and a wave of tingly butterflies.

Men aren’t immune to the power of a goodnight text, it has the same dizzying effect on them as it does on us ladies.

I’m going to be honest with you, and I don’t mean to brag, but I’m something of a texting master. I have the do’s and don’ts of texting down pat and always get an eager response. (And if a guy doesn’t text back, here’s why.)

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The Number One Sign of a Toxic Relationship post image

The purpose of this article is to show you how you can quickly and easily see if you’re in a toxic relationship.

The term itself is interchangeable. I could just as easily refer to these relationships as unhealthy relationships or emotionally abusive relationships.

After years of talking to women from all over the world, I wanted to talk about this subject because I observed that these destructive and heartbreaking relationships all had one factor that ultimately made them turn toxic… even if the relationship started out well.
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Ask a Guy:  My Boyfriend is Stressed and Pulling Away… post image

My boyfriend has become withdrawn lately. He’s really stressed with not working, his dog dying, best friend’s dad having lung cancer, and everything just adding up.

He’s been pulling away for a couple weeks and has recently started going a day or two without texting me.

Should I stop texting him all together, or will that be showing that I don’t care and that I’m not supportive? I want him to know I’m here for him and that I’m not going anywhere, even though it’s tough. What should I do? 

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9 Secrets To Make a Long Distance Relationship Work post image

Long distance relationships (LDRs) are more common than ever in today’s world, thanks to the internet, social media, and Skype.

While we might have more modern ways to keep in touch, that doesn’t necessarily mean making a long distance relationship work has become easier for most people.

When you’re in an long distance relationship, most people will tell you that LDRs don’t last, that they’re a bad idea and that you shouldn’t get your hopes up.

For most of us, the inside of your head isn’t much better: Your mind is constantly worrying if the relationship will last, wondering if the other person is as committed as you are, fearing that it could all end suddenly and you’ll be left to pick up the pieces.

Yes, they say, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” but when you don’t have a clear, easy, and effective approach to LDRs, it’s more like, “Absence makes the heart grow more fearful about the relationship.”

The good news is, long distance relationships can be easy if you know the right way to approach an LDR. I’m going to share 8 powerful tips that lead to having a successful long distance relationship.

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22 Ways Couples Can Overcome Infidelity post image

Marriage is a joint effort. You are a team, a duo, a couple. The relationship has many facets. You are lovers, friends, and family. So when one of the spouses veers off the marriage path and into the arms of someone else, it can be devastating.

Inevitably the other spouse asks all the why questions: Why did he do this to me? Why did he fall for her? Why did they think this was ok? Why didn’t he love me enough?

With all the heartache it can cause, many times, infidelity leads to divorce. But what if you are both interested in saving the marriage? If your marriage has sustained any sort of infidelity, and you want to stay married, here are 22 ways to survive.

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Ask a Guy: When a Guy Loves You… post image

Do you have any advice on how to tell if a guy loves you?

I’ve been seeing this guy for almost a year know and though he says he loves me, I just can’t tell if he’s just saying what I want to hear or if he really does love me.

He’s not the type of guy to gush with lots “romantic talk”, but it’s more than what he says that makes me worried… sometimes I feel like if I didn’t text him or set up dates, he’d disappear or forget I even existed at all.  Is it possible for a man to say he loves you and not actually be that into you?  How do you know if a guy loves you?

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The Difference Between True Love and Unhealthy Obsession post image

I think  most women run into issues and confusion in their love lives because they don’t know what a truly healthy relationship looks like, and is supposed to feel like. And it’s not surprising given the very unrealistic portrayals of love in movies, TV, and music. There is this idea that we have one soul mate and that real love stories are supposed to be filled with obstacles and drama. While this makes for good entertainment, it isn’t real life.

Most of the love stories we see in pop culture are rooted in infatuation…not real love. Some degree of infatuation is fine, but a relationship entirely rooted in infatuation is usually doomed. It’s usually based on an obsession, or idealization, more than a genuine appreciation and acceptance of who the other person is.

There is a tremendous difference between real, true love and unhealthy obsession or fixation… but it doesn’t always feel like that.

What do I mean by love and fixation?

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Ask a Guy: What Do Guys Like In a Girl? post image

“There’s a guy at work that I’ve been interested in for a while.  The problem is, he sends mixed signals and I can’t tell if he really is interested in me and flirting or if he’s just being friendly.

What do guys like in a girl?  What makes a guy want to date a girl versus not seeing her as “girlfriend material”?  What do men want in a woman that makes them see them as a catch?”

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Give Thanks Without Getting Fat: The Do’s & Don’ts of Thanksgiving Dinner post image

The holidays are prefect for celebrating, but aren’t exactly ideal for healthy eating. Fortunately, you can make it through the holidays with your figure intact. The most important thing is to be aware of common traps that can pile on the pounds which is why I’m sharing some important do’s and don’ts for surviving Thanksgiving dinner.

Time to pack on the fun, not the pounds this holiday season!

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Ask a Guy: How Do You Find Love? post image

I’m at a place in my life where I want to find true love – not another fling, not another dead end relationship, not another man who just wants something casual.

How do you find love?  I want real love, the kind of love that lasts with a man who loves me for who I really am and wants to be with me forever.  Where can I find love and how do I know when I really have it?

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Ask a Guy: When a Guy is Jealous… post image

I’ve been with my boyfriend for four months and he’s been acting more and more jealous.  At first, I found it sweet, but this weekend he snooped through my phone and accused me of talking to other men.

I can tell you with complete honesty that I haven’t talked to any other guys… the thought doesn’t even cross my mind.  I kept telling my boyfriend that I’m only interested in him, but he seems cold and withdrawn now. It’s like I’m being punished for a crime I didn’t commit.

Is this normal jealousy or is this something beyond? Can you tell me what to do when a guy is jealous?

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How to Fix a Toxic Relationship post image

Toxic relationships are tricky things because they rarely start out toxic. They usually start out nice and fun and exciting, giving you just enough happy memories to hold onto when the toxicity starts to creep in. It usually starts out slowly, and before you know it, you are stuck in a toxic relationship that you can’t seem to leave even though you feel totally miserable.

In my last Ask a Guy article, I discussed the defining features and signs of a toxic relationship.

Please, before you begin reading this article, make sure that you have read and understood the previous article entirely.  In this article I want to go a little deeper into how to repair a toxic relationship, and how to know if it even can be repaired, or if it’s time to walk away.

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Guy Confession: Why I No Longer Think All Girls Are Crazy post image

I was having a conversation with a woman last week and had embarked on one of my typical, now practiced monologues about why all guys are di*$& and all girls are crazy. She didn’t object to my ripping apart the male species, but she did jump on my words about the crazy factor inside all women.

She said, “What makes you think all women are crazy?”

I’ve been asked this question before in similar discussions, so I knew the drill. Normally I would bring up 10 or maybe 35 examples of crazy stuff that girls from my past had said or done, then end with the simultaneously cynical but hopeful conclusion that a man’s mission is just to find the LEAST crazy girl and marry her.

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Ask a Guy: Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship… post image

I’ve been in my relationship for over 2 years. We started out great. He was attentive, sweet, caring and I felt on top of the world with him. However, looking back I can see that after 3 months, the relationship dynamic started to change and I started to change. He started to put me down, get cold emotionally or get really angry from time to time… It wasn’t over-the-top or out of the ordinary and I would just let it go since I just wanted the relationship to fall back into harmony.

Now, after 2 years into the relationship, I’m starting to question if I’m in a toxic relationship. I have felt for a long time that I have to walk on eggshells around him… I’m afraid to say or do the wrong thing around him because I never know what will trigger his anger or harsh criticism.

On the other hand, though, when things are good, they’re really good. Our sexual chemistry is amazing, I have never connected with a man the way I connect with him and when he’s happy with me I feel like I’m on top of the world. I still love him very much and despite the negative ways he acts sometimes, I believe he loves me very much too. He’s always been faithful to me, he pays all my bills and we live together now.

I feel so conflicted: Am I in a toxic relationship? Are toxic relationships repairable? Is what I’m experiencing normal in a relationship from time to time?

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How to boost your metabolism

Question: Hi Dr. Jen, I want to work out, but I never seem to have any energy. Is it because I have a slow metabolism and if so how can I boost it?
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Exes With “Frienefits”: Is It Possible to Be Friends With an Ex? post image

Everyone in the world has an ex. At least, everyone in America in their mid-twenties does. Exes are a tricky topic of conversation, always. Some people have exes they hate, some have exes they still love, and some have exes that they have somehow managed to keep around as a friend without any complicated emotional ties, lingering doubts, and regrets from the past.

Let’s talk about those people, the ones who seem to have mastered an impossible form of coexistence with a former flame. They are exes with the benefit of being friends, so, “exes with frienefits”? Let’s go with that.

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Ask a Guy: Exactly How To Turn A Guy On (How To Seduce A Guy, Part 2) post image

I’d like to know specific things I can do to turn on a man.  I read your last article about the having the right mindset to seduce men, but I’d like to know what behaviors, tactics, and actions a woman can take to make a guy really turned on and hot to pursue me.

Can you talk about how to turn a guy on through specific actions?

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