“Are You In A Toxic Relationship?” Quiz post image

Relationships can be hard, most people will admit to that. But how hard is normal exactly? And what is the line between the usual relationship ups and downs and a full on toxic relationship? It seems like it should be easy to distinguish between the two, but toxic relationships can be sneaky, sinister things and by the time you realize that you’re in one, you may be in too deep and unable to pull yourself out.

The reason it’s so hard to identify whether you’re in a toxic relationship is because they rarely start out toxic. They usually start out like most relationships, full of excitement and happiness and that warm fuzzy feeling that takes hold when you start dating someone who you share strong chemistry with.

As time goes on, however, the good times can be outweighed by the bad and even though you feel miserable, you can’t quite seem to walk away. Maybe you don’t want to admit that you’re in a toxic relationship. Or maybe you think things will suddenly snap back into place one day and you’ll feel that same sense of euphoria that you did in the beginning.

Knowing is the hardest part, but it’s also the most important which is why we’ve created this super accurate, super quick quiz to help you determine if you’re in a toxic relationship.

Note: In order to receive your quiz results, we collect your email at the end of the quiz. Just wanted to give you a heads up so you know what to expect. :)

Exercise 101: The Clueless Girl’s Guide to the Gym post image

Today’s the day! Today, I am going to go to the gym, have a great workout, and start getting in shape! But wait, there’s just one teeny, tiny problem… “I don’t have clue what I’m doing!”

For most women, simply finding the time and motivation to workout is hard enough, so researching the most effective forms of cardio, proper lifting techniques, and nutritional requirements is simply out of the question.  Who cares if you don’t know everything about the anatomy of the body, the point is to make your body look better!

The amount of scientific research about fitness is overwhelming, but the easy tips below will have you feeling and looking like you belong at the gym:

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Ask a Guy: How Do I Get Him to Treat Me Like a Priority? post image

I’ve read a lot of your articles about how important it is for a guy to treat you like a priority instead of an option, and how a woman has to be the prize…. I’m just kind of confused as to how to do this.

How do you show him that you have options so that he sees you as the prize? I just don’t understand how to do this without coming right out and saying it. [continue reading…]

Curves Are Making a Comeback: How to Enhance and Embrace This Sexy Shape post image

You’re fighting the urge to bite into that cookie. You choose the fruit bowl over the croissant. You use skim milk instead of half&half. Every. Single. Day. And not because you actually dislike this kind of food.. but because society throws at you images of stick-thin models who are genetically predisposed to looking like pre-teen boys and you believe you have to look that way too.

Well according to an online poll, it’s shown that 80 percent of men ages 18 to 50 say they want a voluptuous woman.  Another 15 percent of men prefer a woman of average size, while just 5 percent opt for a super skinny chick.  Now this is not to say that you can’t be skinny & curvy together – but what it is saying is that stick-thin emaciated bodies have a slim chance of winning versus beautiful, fuller, bodies. [continue reading…]

6 Reasons to Embrace Being Single post image

This summer, it was particularly difficult being single, even for someone like me, who has always embraced being the “single” girl among my group of close girlfriends. For the past three months, I’ve attended three different weddings and witnessed some of my best friends get married.  But as I stood by the altar, overjoyed and excited for my friends’ new lives, I couldn’t help feel alone.  I also want someone to share happy and sad moments with; someone who will inspire me and be challenged by me.

But instead of comparing lives and playing the grass is always greener, I compiled a list of reasons (freedoms!) why you should enjoy flying solo and appreciate moments of solitude. [continue reading…]

Fitness Fits Any Lifestyle: The Busy Girl’s Guide to Health post image

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wish I had the time to workout and eat healthier?” Most of us already have work, kids, school, and a packed social life keeping us busy, so who wants to worry about being healthy?  One, if not all, of the following scenarios probably describes your current routine. The good news is this means you can have a healthy lifestyle! And you won’t have to make any drastic changes either! [continue reading…]

Ask a Guy: How Do I Get Him to Commit? post image

I’ve been seeing a guy for about six months now. Everything in the relationship is great- we get along, we have fun together, we just get each other. The only thing is he won’t commit to me. He said he wasn’t hooking up with anyone else, only me, but he’s not ready to use titles.  I know his last relationship ended badly, so that might be part of it. I just don’t get it, the relationship is so great in every way aside from this.

How do I get him to commit to me? [continue reading…]

Ask a Guy: How Do I Stop Fighting With My Boyfriend? post image

I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about a year and a half. Things are great aside from the fact that we fight a lot. He loves me, is dedicated to me (and I to him), but sometimes it doesn’t feel like we vibe on the same page.

First, I like to talk about whatever is bothering me and he doesn’t. When I tell him I need more emotional support and he says I’m being needy and unreasonable. He tells me it isn’t his job to maintain my emotions or my happiness.

Second, there are money issue (he works full time and I’m a full time student/working part time). He’s stingy with spending any money on me. He makes comments like “I don’t really feel like spending money for both of us” or “It’s my money and I earned it.” I’m not a gold digger or high-maintenance, but a gesture of love like a card saying sweet things would mean a lot.

I can deal with not getting gifts and such, but being treated like a financial burden sucks and feeling like I’m stuck alone without his support hurts. I don’t know how to get through to him, we’re both stubborn. We love each other and want to make this work though.

How can we solve these relationships problems and stop fighting so much?

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Ask a Guy: Do Guys Mean What They Say When They’re Drunk? post image

Me and my bf are finally back together after a 3 month breakup. We’re both trying to be normal and go back to the way things were. He tells me he loves me when he’s sober, but I don’t feel it like I used to before we broke up.

The other night he was drunk and texted me saying he loves me and misses me and will love me more when he’s back home in two weeks and went on and on. The next morning I asked if he meant everything he texted and he said  “yes, a drunk man means whatever he says.” I asked the same question to all my male friends and got mixed replies and now I’m more confused.

Do men really speak the truth while they’re drunk or is it just BS? [continue reading…]

Romantic At-Home Date Ideas post image

Romantic At-Home Date Ideas

There’s nothing I love more than having a special date night with my guy.  It’s the perfect time to catch up and unwind without any distraction and a great way to reconnect with each other after a crazy work week.  More often than not we check out a new restaurant, grab a retro cocktail at one of our favorite bars, or head to a viewing of that new movie we’ve been dying to see.  But sometimes there’s nothing better than switching it up and staying in the comforts of your own home. Yes, it doesn’t necessarily sound all that exciting, but some of my best date nights have been of the stay in kind.

Here are some of my favorite, easy tips to make your night unique and memorable:

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7 Outdoor Summer Date Ideas post image

7 Outdoor Summer Date Ideas

As Shakespeare eloquently says in one of his famous sonnets,” By chance or natures changing course untrimm’d; By thy eternal summer shall not fade.” Whether you’re single or in a relationship, the summertime is the chance to make memorable and take your budding romance to the next level. And with a number of free outdoor activities and events happening across the country, you’ll not only woo your other half, but make new memories together.

Try one of these fun date ideas for a hot rendezvous:

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Ask a Guy Dating Tips and Relationship Advice For Women

I was friends with this guy for 6 years (and nothing more) until recently – he’s now my boyfriend.  He’s not mean, but he just never says or does anything nice.

What I don’t understand is I’m way out of his league – I’m very attractive, have an outstanding degree and a high-profile career.

He just does not appreciate me. I’m convinced he’s using me for sex. He never makes time for me, claiming he’s busy, but he will go out with his friends. And the last three times we met we had sex in the car. Gosh I’m disgusting.

How do I get away from him? Honestly his dismissive ways are so attractive to me.

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Five Fun Home DIYs To Try With Your Guy post image

Summer is great for getting some work done around the house and whether you’re in the early stages of dating or you’re shacking up, now is the perfect time for you and your guy can tackle a fun home DIY project together. Home décor and repair can get costly and getting crafty is a great way to save money, create something new and original, and spend some quality time with one another. Working on a project together is also a great bonding activity and can help freshen up your relationship.

DIY-ing can be anything you want so start by picking a project or try one of these 5 great DIY ideas you don’t need to be a pro at to take on with your man. [continue reading…]

Ask a Guy: How Do I Show Interest Without Looking Needy? post image

I’ve been seeing this guy who I really like for about two weeks now. He really is the perfect guy and has everything I want in a guy. I haven’t had much luck with men so I’m really excited about him, maybe too excited. I’d wish I could spend all my time with him and I’m scared of seeming too needy or desperate. I’m trying to stay in control and not text him more than twice a day or nag him on messenger if he doesn’t want to talk for very long.

The only thing is, I’m afraid I’m holding back too much. He actually once pointed out that I’m kind of distant with him him. I’m also afraid of appearing too needy. What should I do? I really don’t want to lose him.  [continue reading…]

Ask a Guy: Signs a Guy Likes You post image

I’ve been getting mixed signals from a guy I work with.  He’s funny and nice to me… but he’s an easy guy to like.  He flirts with me, but I can’t tell if he’s just charming in general or if it’s because he’s attracted to me and interested…

I’d love to know what you’d consider the biggest, best, most clear signs a guy likes you… I just want to be sure whether or not he’s into me before get too excited…

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Ask A Guy: Did Sex Ruin The Relationship? post image

I been talking to a guy for a little over a month now and he hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend. I’m in college and when we’re at school we spend a lot of time together. I decided to have sex with him just before we went home for winter break.

He acted normal for the first week after we slept together, texting and calling regularly but then things started to changes around the third week of the break and he was barely making contact. Also, about a week after we had sex I asked him if he sees this going anywhere and he replied “Idk yet.” I didn’t respond. I’m so confused by his behavior. Did sex ruin us? What should I do now? [continue reading…]

Ask a Guy: How to Get Him to Text You Back post image

OK… I’m confused. How do you get a guy to text you back?

The guy I’ve been dating for the last two months used to text me back right away whenever I texted him. He would send me sweet messages, he’d never leave me hanging, and he seemed really into me.

However, for the last two weeks I feel like something changed. Now there have been times where he won’t text me for a day or two and when we do text, I feel like it’s always me initiating the conversations. It went from him showering me with attention and affection to him not responding to texts for hours.

I don’t know what changed but I have this horrible feeling I screwed something up or maybe I’m bugging him. I’ve eased up on the texts (just in case I was overwhelming him), but for the times I really want to hear from him can you tell me how to get him to text me back?

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“What’s His Texting Style” Quiz – See what his texting style reveals about his feelings for you post image

Do men and women speak different languages? Based on the amount of time and energy most women spend decoding male texts you would think so!

I’m not sure what women analyzed before the invention of cell phones, but in this day and age it’s all about male texting habits. Why he takes so long to respond, why his answers are so short, why he doesn’t respond, what he means when he says XYZ. Texting was once thought to make communication easier but really, it’s leaving the women of the world more and more confused.

The reason women get so stuck in the text-analysis trap is they often use a man’s texting habits as a sort of litmus test for the relationship. A man’s texting habits can never reveal the full spectrum of how he feels, no matter how many hours you spend dissecting the words and emoticons. His texts, and your interpretation of them, can give you insights into the state of your relationship though.

To give you objective clarity on what his texts mean, we’ve created this “Secret Text Message Meaning Quiz.”

Just provide honest answers to these 6 questions to find out for sure what he really means and how he really feels.

Note: In order to receive your quiz results, we collect your email at the end of the quiz. Just wanted to give you a heads up so you know what to expect. :)

How to Leave Your Things At His Place (Without Freaking Him Out) post image

There’s nothing better than an evolving relationship and that point when you start spending more time at each other’s places.  And a lot of times, that involves the girl spending more time at her beau’s place, which always brings up the dreaded new relationship dilemma: leaving necessities at his place.

You’re not ready to move in, but you’re past the occasional sleep over and you start craving the simple things in life that you’ve become so accustomed to.  It’s now time to start leaving things at his place.

Here are 5 tips to help you do just that without freaking him out.

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Ask a Guy: Long Distance Relationship… Exactly How To Make It Work? post image

I’ve been with my boyfriend for the past year and nine months. We have been in a long distance relationship for the last three months.

Prior to being in a LDR, we did everything together – we would see each other almost every day and talk all the time. We were always comfortable together and the relationship was always very loving.

Recently, I have started to fear that he’s slipping away. I can’t tell if it’s just me being crazy or if this is my instincts picking up on him losing interest… Can you please tell me how to make a long distance relationship work?

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10 Home Decorating Ideas to Spruce Up Your Living Space post image

Whether you’re decorating a new place or you’re looking to liven up your current home for spring, adding some new little touches is an easy way to amp up your living space.  It can be something as little as adding a new flea market knick knack or as large as refinishing a piece of furniture – regardless of what your new addition is, your house will feel fresh and lively with it.

Here are 10 ways to add amp up your living space this spring:

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Ask a Guy: Is He The One? post image

Ask a Guy: Is He The One?

I’ve been with my boyfriend for the last three years.  We have stable jobs, we live together, and we get along with each other’s friends and family.

We have a good relationship, but I’m at a point where I’m starting to ask myself: Is he the one?

None of us are getting any younger and I’ve been thinking about my future, being married, etc.

Nobody’s perfect and we do love each other, but how do you really know if he’s the one I’m meant to be with?

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Ask a Guy: Why Is He With Me? post image

“I’ve been with my boyfriend for over two years.  He says he loves me and is happy, but I secretly feel like he’s out of my league and that he could date other girls that are much prettier than me.  Even his ex-girlfriend is prettier than me.

Why is he with me?  It’s not that he’s done anything wrong or given me a reason to worry, but I just secretly fear that one day some other girl will come along (who’s prettier, skinnier and sexier than me) and he’ll leave me out of the blue.

Again, he says he’s happy and he loves me, so I guess I just want to understand why does he like me and why is he in love with me?”

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5 Foods to Help You Sleep Better post image

While most of us are overworked and sleep deprived, it’s not always easy to actually fall asleep once the lights are out. Below are a list of foods that will help you get more (and better quality) shut eye. [continue reading…]

Ask a Guy: My Boyfriend Gained a Lot of Weight post image

My boyfriend of 5 months has become overweight due to alcohol and stuff. He used to be a fitness freak and had 6 packs before, but he is not able to hit the gym regularly because he is studying abroad and working.

He’s extremely upset about the weight he gained and not talking to me properly, saying that he’s feeling empty.

We’re in a long distance relationship, I don’t know what to say. Please tell me what to do. I love him truly and it doesn’t matter to me if he’s fat or not.

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Ask A Guy: My Boyfriend Watches Porn post image

What’s the deal with guys and porn?  My boyfriend and I have been together for a year.

I get that guys watch porn I guess, I will never understand it, but I’ve grown to accept it.

But how much is too much? Is there such a thing? I’m not going to lie, it does make me uncomfortable.

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Food, Fitness, & Fetishes: The Ultimate Valentine’s Day Guide post image

Single? Engaged? A fan of V-day? Indifferent? Here’s the ULTIMATE guide to Valentine’s Day, from chocolate, to Cupid’s marathons, to sex moves that scorch calories. You don’t have to love fitness to love this guide. [continue reading…]

Binge Eating: How to Stop This Destructive Habit post image

Overeating on special occasions – a birthday dinner, holiday meal or during vacation – won’t derail you from reaching your health and weight loss goals.  After all, indulging within reason is a key component to any healthy diet.

However, regular binge eating is extremely detrimental, even if you are “healthy” most of the time. So if you find yourself making your way through peanut butter jars, pints of ice cream, and boxes of cereal in just one sitting, it’s time to get a handle on this destructive habit and consider the following tips. (Take it from someone who’s been there!)

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Ask a Guy: Can I Turn Things Around After Acting Insecure and Needy? post image

If you’ve completely screwed things up by being needy, insecure, etc, and given everything so the guy doesn’t feel the need to commit to you anymore, is there any hope in hell of changing things around, considering the renewed attitude I received thanks to you guys?

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Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe: Indulge Without the Guilt This Winter! post image

Whenever I need a recipe idea, the very first resource I consult is Tara Stiles. Not only is this yoga guru extremely talented, beautiful, and sweet, but she comes up with the best healthy, easy-to-make recipes I have ever seen. Every time I watch one of her cooking videos on YouTube, I find myself saying, “I want to make that now!” And unlike some of the fancy recipes I add to Pinterest, I actually do. Her Arugula-Red Pepper-Hummus Tortillas are a lunch staple, and the Detox Kale Crunch Salad was just what I needed after overindulging during the holidays.

I know that it’s cold out and you just want comfort foods and treats to snuggle up with on the couch. Trust me, I get it. My sweet tooth seems to kick into overdrive this time of year! And when I was tasked with making a dessert for a  co-worker’s birthday recently, I thought hard about what would be yummy and healthy, and then I came up with this recipe! (Who doesn’t like peanut butter and chocolate?!) [continue reading…]


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