“Is He Losing Interest?” Quiz post image

“Is He Losing Interest?” Quiz

You meet a guy, sparks ignite, you spend time together, you’re into him, he’s really into you, you can’t help but think of the amazing future that lies ahead….and then something shifts.

Suddenly he’s not as attentive, he doesn’t pursue you with the same level of enthusiasm, he doesn’t text in the middle of the day just to say he’s thinking about you, he doesn’t go above and beyond. He’s still there…but something seems to have changed.

Sometimes this doesn’t mean anything. The guy just got busy or wrapped up in other areas of his life and the girl gets herself into a panic over nothing. Other times, he is over the relationship, he just doesn’t quite know how to break it to you.

No matter what, that sense of panic and dread can cause a real hindrance to your life and happiness. It can also put an unnecessary dent in your relationship.

To help you find out what’s going on and where he stands, take this super easy, super quick quiz to find out if he’s losing interest….or if you’re just being paranoid and everything is fine.

The quiz will ask you 10 questions about your relationship. As long as you answer honestly, you will get startlingly (even shockingly) accurate results and will know for sure how he feels.

Note: In order to receive your quiz results, we collect your email at the end of the quiz. Just wanted to give you a heads up so you know what to expect. :)

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Benita victor

Like we used to be so close, we’ve been been dating for a year now but for the past 1 months he has been actieg weired, does nt take my call, always angry at every little thing i do and also stopped calling me the sweet name he used to call me, he mow calls me by my name and hates me being around him pls someone should tell me what to do pls

Reply August 7, 2021, 5:22 pm

Mercy Lizzy

We’ve been dating for 6 months now, but few months ago his attitude started changing. He doesnt call me anymore and when i call him and asks him why, he keeps on giving me flimsy excuses. I went to visit him at his house and what he told me was that i have to leave now cos he’s busy and we’ll talk later. He’s attitute is so hurting and it makes me cry all the time. When i asked him if he was no longer interested. He threw the question back at me. I’ve made up my mind never to call him again. And for three weeks now, he hasn’t even called for once. I don’t know if i should call him or let him be

Reply July 30, 2021, 10:35 am


Love reading these

Reply May 7, 2021, 3:20 pm


We were ok until
he started being busy en then he stopped texting

Reply October 28, 2020, 4:19 pm


I have been with a mean for over 28 years I don’t live with him But we’ve been going together for a long time he tells me now that he needs space what should I do should I give him the space and leave him alone in just end it Please advise

Reply October 26, 2020, 2:01 am


So I met a on tantan and we started dating each other n talking continuously on call on msgs on video calls. We both having a feelings for each other we r spending a good time together it’s about a 2 to 3 months n now he is hurting by me because unintentionally I hurt his ego he thinks that I compare him with others n he thinks that I think I’m not happy with him n he is not perfect for me n because this reason he wants some space about 1 or 2 days I really dnt understand what can I do bt whatever I am tell him he is taken it in a wrong way he is misunderstood me I really dnt mean that he is good guy he gave me tym he is loyal bt unfortunately I hurt his ego by saying that his frnd is so nice n loyal to his gf n ll bt I really didn’t mean that he is not loyal bt he misunderstood n he is not talking with me from 1 day n now he says he wants tym now what should I do…….

Reply July 30, 2020, 12:26 pm


he said he lost his phone, is that enough reason to ghost me?

Reply January 23, 2020, 6:16 am


I tried to take the quiz and it doesn’t open, there’s no link??? Is there another way to take it?

Reply June 15, 2019, 8:46 am


It works for me. What device/browser are you using?

Reply June 15, 2019, 11:13 am

bruh im sad

he always used to be mad at me when i couldnt carry a conversation. he used to be really loving and caring so often, but now he’s always just like “mhm. cool. yeah.”.
i would always do nudes for him because i feared he’d lose interest in me and i thought it kept him happy. now he asked for something crazy a month ago and i haven’t done it and he’s like “awww its okayyy. kinda stupid though.”. and i really love him but its hard because i dont love myself enough and he doesn’t really see it as an excuse because he thinks im perfect and expects a lot from me. anyways, i feel like he doesnt like me anymore. whenever i try to spark up a basic deep conversation or small talk he just goes “mhmm. yeah. cool.” same with when i try to tell him how much i love him.
me: i really love u and im afraid to lose u. i dont want u to ever change and i want you to stay mine
him: cool
as if he didn’t even READ it..
we’ve been dating for about a year.
he’s also seems more mad at me when i need some more explaining or do something minor wrong. also, he’s been saying ‘nvm’ a lot when i ask him to explain what he means or ask him something.

Reply April 14, 2019, 9:22 am


I met this guy online, after a few months we’ve became really good friends and started talking everyday. I started having feelings for him and few weeks later he asked me out. (ofc i said yes) It’s been a few weeks since he asked me out and were pretty chill, but the thing is.. I watched his live one day and noticed his friends with a lot of girls on his phone and on the game where me and him met, idk but is he cheating on me?

Reply March 6, 2019, 5:57 pm

bruh im sad

if you aren’t comfortable with him talking to so many girls then tell him. it was hard for me to talk to mine for a similar problem because i thought i was just being insecure and jealous and i thought it’d be embarrassing, but it really helped fix the issue.

Reply April 14, 2019, 9:25 am

Rebecca Stepp

I’m so hurt & confused because me & my husband were married for 8& 1/2 yrs & we are still together after our divorce so it will be 11 yrs we’ve been together& in the pasts year he’s changed for the worse cause he never wants sex like before & he’s way more distant & we only have sex 2 time’s a month, he doesn’t say I’m beautiful anymore, or compliments me! He lies alot & very secretive phone wise cause he locks it, plus he kisses me like a peck on my lips & cheek, he doesn’t to ever talk or listen to me, i use to get him aroused justs touching him but he doesn’t, i don’t think i should have to ask or beg for sex cause he honestly was very sexual, affectionate, trust worthy with me but if he really loved me why & how could he hurt me this much? When he comes home all he does is eat & sleep & he never pursues sex like before, he looks on line & likes women other girl’s provocative pictures but like my photos i posts of me! He denies he doesn’t likes their pics cause I’ve seen his Facebook & it shows girl’s he comments on & most of the girl’s he has never met or from many states the slutty women are naked plus i confronted him so many time’s & he says to me that he never does those things & I’m thinking crazy which i honestly found out he does all these wrong bad thing’s & he worries me way more, we don’t live together cause he lives with his mom & girl’s are there all the time & i have to find out from friend’s girl’s are constantly around him which kills me & he don’t care how much he hurts me, lies way too much & I’ve never lied or cheated on him ever… I love him with all my heart & soul & that will never change because he’s my whole life & world he drinks & does bad drug’s with his mom & the low lives he’s around so I’m so very heart broken everyday cause he told me if i drink or do drug’s he would leave me so please tell me what i should do cause my trust’s is gone & i need to know what do cause Gregory Parry is everything to me till death do us part Please Help me cause if i lose him i won’t be around anyone again im so sad & depressed hurt!

Reply November 10, 2018, 3:10 am


I understand I’m going through the same thing well only the beginning of your story is what I’m going through right now him and I met when I was 15 he was 16 he is now 19 I’m 18. And everything you’re saying is what’s happening. And idk how too handle it or anything he was my first love and everything I just need too VENT so I’m searching things up too help he isn’t cheating tho or anything I llive with him .

Reply May 25, 2020, 2:04 pm


So I rlly like this guys and he tells me he likes me back. We’ve liked eachother for abt 8/2 months now but I’m starting to feel he’s loosing feelings and mayby talking to another girl (his ex). He used to HMU if we hadn’t got the chance to talk all day and he’d be like “hey babe” but now he always leaves
Me on open and doesn’t rlly talk to me. In person he’s kinda different but not rlly. Feels like before he liked me sm more and now that feeling is faded

Reply May 4, 2018, 7:41 pm

Shelbie Freeman

so I met this guy on tinder that used to go to my school, we went on our first date and at the end of the date he asked if i would like to hangout again,i said yes. The next day he didn’t text me at all. In the morning i sent him a text wishing him a good day at work and he apologized for not texting me the previous day. The next day he didn’t send me a good morning text like he used to and i texted him in the afternoon to which he replied. Today he hasn’t texted me at all as well. We used to text every day and now he doesn’t send me cute good morning texts like he used to. I thought he was interested bc of our date and he said he wanted to see me again but now, its like hes a totally different person and has no time to text me. Why is this? Do you think he could still like me or is it even worth trying?

Reply March 25, 2018, 2:48 am

Jennifer Nelson

I’m in same boat and it sucks …wondering so much

Reply April 21, 2018, 4:18 pm


So what happened finally? Would you like to share?
I’m curious to know as I’m somewhat on the same page.

Thanks in advance,

Reply October 4, 2018, 3:06 pm


So i know this guy like a few months ago, then we started to talk on whatsapp almost everyday, but about weeks ago he has stop chatting. But when i say hi to him in church, he seems normal. So is he still my friend? Or is he just trying to be nice?

Reply March 12, 2017, 10:45 pm

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