Home › Forums › Decoding His Signals / How Does He Feel About Me? › 2 days w/o texts, is it time to delete his number?
- This topic has 84 replies and was last updated 5 years, 7 months ago by
Well it is good he isn’t dead.
But I can plainly see what he must see also – you are over invested in him. Not good – back way way off.
well I told you what was going on and what you should do, I hope you re-read the article ““Disappearing Reappearing Man: What To Do?””. Guys pull a Houdini all the time.
Maybe you should evaluate if he is worth wasting all your energy and emotional investment.whiskeyagogo
If you can’t go with the flow and accept his reasoning, then move on. Really, after 2 months, and this guy is NOT your boyfriend, he does not owe you an explanation if wants to go off the radar for a few days.
Give him the benefit of the doubt. Everyone needs a break from technology now and then.
Maybe hear out his explanation but seriously in this day and age who goes out of contact with a girl they are in “love” with for 8 days? The answer is nobody. Listen to his reasoning but don’t buy it hook, line, and sinker. I seriously think more is going on that he is not telling you -like you mentioned he could be playing a game. Everybody keeps their cell phone.. and it’s EXTREMELY hard for me to believe that he hadn’t accessed his phone for 8 FULL days.
patsyshirt definitely called it
Thanks girls. I read through all your opinions and gave them serious thoughts.
I did like him a lot and thought he was a gentleman.
These 8 days actually cooled me down and really evaluated his characters. And I agreed that maybe I invested too much into him, while I should not. Nice girls, just like nice guys, finish last. Lol. This is human nature.
I have realized that he bitches about his ex sometimes, maybe he is not completely over her. He was with her for 10 months and only dated me for 2 months. He is not ambitious enough since his family is rich, but that is NOT his Money. He always talks about being in the upper class of the society, for example how much tax his dad paid last year or how nice his neighborhood is. For once, he was out of town, he said he would call but he never did. He did text me though. I felt like I started to chase him, because I thought he loved me, like he said, and I trusted him. and I blindly thought he was a good catch with financial prospect. And I was being too nice to him, lol.
I have decided to let him go.
I will not text him back or initiate any contacts. He did not ask for commitment, right? He wants his freedom, right? He did not tell me where he would be, right?
Now he gets what he wants, or what he thinks he wants. He will have his freedom. No commitment from me, no contact, and never need to tell me about his whereabouts ever again. I am done.
Too bad I cannot completely disappear for at least 1 more month. I do have a class with him and I cannot skip all the time. So I need to see his sorry face for another month, but I will be polite and distant.
Girls but I was not desperate before. I waited hours to reply to his texts, only called him once, never bombarded him with anything. One time he had to call me at work to make sure I was ok cause I kept ignoring his texts. I am proud of myself.
I will not be treated like a doormat. I wish him well and give him what he wanted, that is it. He mesas it up and will live with it.
Trust me, he will totally regret it in the future.
Sounds like a good decision based on the fact you made an evaluation with a clear head yes? The things you stated are deal breakers? I think it’s great then and you free yourself to meet the right guy. Be sure to think about what was learned. There seemed to be a lot of gameplaying. I’m curious. ..why did you ignore his texts? Was that being authentic?
Good for you. And don’t let anyone question your decision.
And by the way, when a phone is off, I believe the status won’t show “delivered” on a text. You can test it.
Please keep us updated if something happens! (if he texted or if you changed your mind etc.)
I’m really curious!CC
Daisy, lol, I guess I can keep you ladies updated since you were with me during the darkest hours, when he was nowhere to be found.
Here you go:
Friday, 4/3, 1341, he resurfaced and sent me the long messge. please see my previous post. I did not respond.
Satur, 4/4, 1237, he texted me,” hey babe are you ok? How are you doing? ” I did not respond.
Sun, today, happy Easter by the way, 4/5, he texted me, 1104, babe plz can u reply to my text :( , then another text, ” I want to talk to you. ” the he called me at 1105. I was at church and seriously did not hear his call. Anyway, I have not responded yet.
I honestly do not buy his crap of not having his phone for 8 full days, does he think I am an idiot? He has a damn iPhone 6, his own dear mom likes to text him all the time. I saw her text him when he was with me. That lady will go nuts if she does not hear from her only son, especially when he was away in another city.
I personally believes that was the time he pulled away and did not want to contact me.
But I also have done self-reflection during this time, and figure out what I have been doing wrongly or made myself less attractive. I am a humble being, and I tend to analyze things and learn from it.
I was predictable. I thought since we said I love you and things were moving pretty steady, I lowered my guard and became predictable, or sadly, boring to a guy’s eyes. He texted me daily, I would always respond hours afterward. He knew that I was always there for him, and he pretty much got me and my heart. This lowers my value in his eyes, he conquered this girl, no more suspense. So keeping yourself unpredictable and sometimes throw him off, being cold and warm periodically is the way to go. Never let him know fully he has got you and you think he is the one. As a result, he started spending less time with me, and I started chasing him, I should have pulled back at that time and increase the intensity, but i did not, so he went MIA.
I was thinking far ahead. We talked about how many children we want to have, we both want two. One time I suggested that he can go to my hometown with me, not even suggested to meet with my parents just to hang out in the city and have fun, he immediately said, it has been two months, let us take this slowly. So he thought I was asking him to meet my folks, and he did not want to do that. So I should not even bring that up because that misleadingly made me look needy and desperate in his eyes, like I was trying to tie him down already. You should not talk about the future until he brings it up.
I was too nice. When we first met I did not speak to him that day cause I was grumpy, but he was very attracted to me. But as time went by I developed feelings for him, I acted nice and considerate and again, pretty bland and boring. I lost my edge. I think sometimes it is good to be a little bitchy to scratch him with your claws, like a little kitty. It hurts a little but pain makes him excited.
Besides that, I have not done anything that is terribly unpleasant. But I have learned from my encounter with this one :)
Generally, do not make him feel like you fall hard for him and him only already, do not be predictable, you want to make him wonder what the hell is going on?! You do not talk about the future or hometown, and you are not always nice to him, giving him a little attitude spices things up and prevent you from looking like a doormat. When he does not treat you as well as before, you pull back and never chase him.
if he disappeared for 8days…. you should be gone for the same length. Mirror his behaviour is the best approach. hey what is good for the goose is good for the gander :)you’re doing good CC!!! he will get the message with your silence.
I am sorry, but this all some not very helpful advise in my opinion. How about talking to him like an adult? All these games get more games. Relationships are not about punishment, they are about growth, connection and vulnerability.
Since you have not spoken to him, you are making up some story. And everyone here is indulging you in that story. When he got back, you should have said, we need to talk. Maybe waited one day to get back to him, but not more. Then actually asked him what happened and then explained 8 days disappearance was a turn off and made you question the relationship. And that if it happens again, it is over. Boom. Problem solved.
For all you know, something real happened and since this man had shown up till that time, should have been given the benefit of the doubt.
This will not work based on your behavior and the spiral down is getting worse. Just call him back and hear him out. Jeez. Read evan mark katz about the mulligan.
I agree. You get what you give.
Tall lady is absolutely right. Stop with the games. “Mirror his behaviour”? Jesus Christ, just tell him that you didn’t appreciate being told that he loves you and going MIA for 8 days. You’re planning on letting him go anyway, so you’ve got nothing to lose.
Don’t delete his number! He has told you he loved you and shared himself with you in a big way. He’s probably freaked himself out and is now trying not to look too desperate. I would flick him a breezy text telling him that you’re on your way out to catch up with friends (even if you aren’t lol) and then say “How about you? What are you up to?” and just leave it at that. You’ll get more of an idea once you text him what he’s thinking. If he replies within a day with something just as light hearted you’re all good. If he doesn’t reply for over a day then I think he’s being a dickhead and you should just leave him be and get on with things. If he seeks you out again then cool, if not, his loss darling. :)
Oops… I just read all your updates! Sounds like he is definitely a dickhead! lol.
I think you should move on. But in general, two days without texting is not the end of anything, I have dated lots of guys where we go a few days in between texts and things are sweet once we catch up again. I’m not big on texting really.
Good luck babe.CC
But this MIA incident is not neccesaarily a bad thing, it is not. It helps me correct something that was not great before and help me improve and reflect upon and learn and refine.
I am still very correct about his personality. He is confrontational/manly and did not just disappear like a coward. He did not block me either. He just wanted to have space and away from me for a period of time. Now he is back, and he thinks about me and wants to talk/explains/ repairs.
I always should have the upper hand in the relationship, physically, I am totally his type but he is not my type. He fell for me the first time he saw me. It is just I need to be less agreeable and a little more challenging to him in the future.
I now know him much better and have a great plan to deal with him. He is not a bad guy, but he needs to be trained by a smart woman. He is just used to women giving him all the attention, because his family is rich, women jump on him all the time, he has been spoiled rotten by some of them. He somehow believes that all females want him to kneel down and propose. What I need to do is to break that blind confidence.
Since I am not afraid of losing him anymore, and now I see through his flaws clearly, it is very easy for me to execute my plan on him, the moment I regain composure it is the moment I use my logic and mind power again, which is from now on, after he went missing and I thought the whole thing through.
There is a saying, ” you want someone, you let him go first.” I am not afraid of letting him go anymore, this time I feel much more confident and in control of my own emotions.
Again, he is not a bad guy. He is gentle to his family, he has a kind heart, his manners are very polished, he is respectful to the waiters, he tips them well, he compromises with me and goes to wherever I want to go, he loves children, I can totally see him being a good dad. Most importantly, his personality complements with mine. We are a great match, but he needs to be taught a lesson to learn to appreciate me and be punished for misbehaving this time.
I will let you ladies know when we get back together.
Hello CC,
Sounds to me you are convincing yourself that this man is more than what he really is.
If you want to spend more of your time training him, so be it.
I still think with all that energy you spent agonizing over this man that this situation isn’t a good one.
However, the choice is yours.
Best wishes.Julia
thanks so much for your update CC!!!
“There is a saying, ” you want someone, you let him go first.” I am not afraid of letting him go anymore, this time I feel much more confident and in control of my own emotions.”
WOW I’m really impressed I’m so proud of you that you’re not afraid anymore of letting him go!
I think it’s perfect and you can just lean back and see if your interest will come back or not.
Take your time, I’m sure you’ll manage great!
As I’m in a similar situation with the guy pulling away I really love your point of not being afraid anymore of letting him go. That’s exactly what I need to feel too and I’ll start working on it right now!
All the best and looking forward to updates!!CC
Patsyshirt, sorry girl I let you down, I did not make him wait 8 whole days, today is the sixth day into the no contact rule, and he texted me again trying to communicate, I felt sorry for him. In addition, one of my friends is going to have to break up due to family disapproval. I got the news today and was pretty sad. So I softened and finally responded to him.
I asked him how things are going with him, he answered, things have been OK. Do you all see that, just ok for him, lol.
I am glad that he has learned his lesson, obviously he was not too comfortable and roaming free like a stallion in the past 6 days. The thought that i am pissed at him does not let him rest lightly.
I am going to hear what he has to say. Honestly at this point, I do not fully trust him, and no contact for a couple days helped me emotially detached from him.
This is why it is so easy to let him go now. He is NOT important anymore, not indispensable.
We exchanged 2 texts then I stopped. I cooked myself a great dinner and enjoyed it, him coming back or leaving does not influence me much anymore. I have finally gained full control of the situation.
Then at 11pm he texted me again and asked, r u there?
I was napping and that woke me up. I responded what do you need?
He then responded right back, I think he was staring at his iPhone because he immediately read it and started typing, said he wonders how my cute face has been doing, and he just wants to text me, the a shy smile face.
I have not responded.
Just want to text me? what the hell does that mean? He misses me? He welcomes me back? He wants to be my pen pal from now on? Lol.
We will see how this goes.
This time I will remember the lesson I learn. This time I am going to make him work harder, to be unpredictable, to make him wonder, to be a little bitchy, and never too considerate or too nice.i am going to make him invest more. The more he invest, the more he values the relationship.
Nice girls, just like nice guys, finish last. They r boring, remember that ladies. :)
For Godsakes, grow up. If you want to talk to him, talk to him. If you want to move on, move on. You’re being pathetic.
I cringed when I read the words ‘train’, ‘ punish’ … Really? That will make for a great relationship. He’s not a dog.
I believe you are both acting like kids. The phone does give you the ability to actually speak with each other. The texting and attitude nonsense is silly.
How old are both of you, because it sounds like you are both 12 years old.
I disagree with the others and actually think you are handling this very well! If he disappeared it’s very good you took the time for yourself to detach yourself of your dependency (I’m often dependent on some guys too so I know how important it is to keep the strenght not to fall toohard) and I find it’s great that you can be happy without him. Still I hope it will work out. And I think you can start being sweet to him again but just keep your guard up until youre sure that hes trustworthy. keep us updated looking forward!
did he come finally to classes? and how did things go? -