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- This topic has 16 replies and was last updated 3 years, 7 months ago by
Hi !
I’ve started dating someone about 2 months ago and so far everything is going great, no drama , he initiates all the time , all dates are planned by him and he seems genuinely interested in spending time with me.
I’m not in a want to have a boyfriend mode , if it happens it happens however I know previously I probably stayed for longer than I should have. So my question here is if we hit that 3 month mark and he still wants to see me should I ask him where this is going?
I know Lane mentioned that women should never do that so I am not sure what to do ?
I am obviously going to walk away when he says he is not ready for anything but again I am not sure if it should come from him ?
Thank youLiz Lemon
I think it really depends. I asked my bf after three months of dating where things were going. It had been a blissful 3 months, it felt magical, there was no drama, he initiated constantly and was really making an effort.
However in my situation, he had come out of a bitter divorce several years earlier and was skittish about putting labels on what we had. At the time I felt he was just enjoying the connection we had, and the ease of our interactions, and not thinking about labeling it. So I asked, and we had a conversation about it. Like I said, he was nervous about labeling it, but made it clear he loved what we had and wanted to continue dating, and asked for more time. I told him okay because I felt he was genuine. I felt willing to give him a bit more time and decided to observe what he would do. He escalated our interactions after that, he did not pull away– he became even more attentive and we got even closer, honestly. In about another month he told me he loved me and wanted me to be his gf. And now we’ve been together over 3 years.
So I don’t think there’s a hard and fast rule. I wouldn’t say you should never ask. You have a right to clarity. A guy could be drifting blissfully along (like my bf was) and not really worrying about labeling things, but at some point you deserve to know if he is thinking of a serious relationship.
In my opinion, it’s fine to ask after several months of dating if you feel the moment is right. I did not do it in a calculated way– I wasn’t thinking “oh it’s been 3 months, let me ask him”– it just naturally came up one night after we’d been dating about 3 months.
Did you already talk about in general what you are looking for? Did you already sleep together?
I always have the what are you looking for convo around date 3-4 and make it clear no sex without exclusivity and no one else in the picture.
Men who want go be boyfriends make it clear in actions and words pretty early, usually by month 2, but usually no later than 3
Liz Lemon
Totally agree with Tallspicy- “Men who want go be boyfriends make it clear in actions and words pretty early, usually by month 2, but usually no later than 3”.
I assume you’re sleeping with this guy- have you made it clear you’re exclusive? Not only sexually, but he is not talking to or dating others?
At this point the guy should be “acting” like a bf, even if he is not officially. That was key in my decision to give my guy more time when he asked for it. We were definitely exclusive (he made that clear very early on) and was acting like a boyfriend and escalating things between us, even with no label. So it felt natural for me to ask. But I was also okay with sitting back and continuing for a bit without an official label, for that reason.
Hopefully you are exclusive with this guy. If you are, and things are going well, I see no reason not to ask.
We are exclusive we discussed it pretty much straight away after we had sex and I am more than sure than he is not seeing or sleeping with anyone else as if he is not with his friends , working or seeing his family he is seeing me .
Like I said earlier I am not obsessing with us being together as I know you shouldn’t really get invested in someone if you’re only seeing this person for less than 4 months but I feel like if it goes past that mark then I might start getting attached and then it will be harder and harder to leave .Maddie
Agree with the comments above. Plus I think if you do bring it up / ask for clarity with a guy who is relationship-ready or perhaps wants to get there with you but isn’t up to the label quite yet, it won’t scare him off. If it does scare him off, it’s better to know that sooner or later and he’s doing you a favor. A guy who panics at having a brief, mature conversation about relationships with someone who checks in once after a few months of dating (and wasn’t pressuring him prior) isn’t really looking for or ready for anything serious anyway.
I think the way it went with my bf was I asked him around ~3 months about me putting us on social media and wanted to clarify if we were “official” before doing so, and he basically thought it was obvious already even though he hadn’t said it directly yet. So, bringing it up to clarify certainly didn’t scare him away!
I’m still very leery about the woman bringing the topic up as it could ‘trigger’ a man into thinking she’s already envisioning the wedding lol.
I am still a firm believer that the man needs to lead in the relationship department. I learned its BEST to allow the man to naturally (key word) come to that decision, on his own, without any external forces or pressures but because he wants to. Its very different when the man starts the convo v. the woman, whereas, when the man starts it you at least have an inkling as to what he’s thinking and feeling but when the woman brings it up, its usually a pretty good sign he’s not feeling it.
I do know that when the man brings it up first, such as saying “I love you;” introduces or calls you their GF for the first time, without any prodding or pressure from you, the relationship has a very different feel, and dynamic to it—feels like a comfortable pair of slippers where you just slide into a relationship effortlessly, and easily.
I know some women have had success bringing it up, like Liz did but if you read a lot of the posts on here, it fails about 99% of the time because the man never had any intention of taking it further, and just enjoying the present (now). Always seems to be when those three BIG words “what are we” are finally asked by the ladies who post here, the guy suddenly backtracks, fades, or disappears.
Based on what you stated, I would ride it out for another month to see if he brings it up on his own. If he say’s “I really like you” you say “I really like you too.” If you see him pulling back, you pull back, as he could be seeing how much he ‘misses you’ which can be good or bad based on your timeline. If he really misses you, that convo won’t be far behind, if not, then you can stop wasting your time. That’s about how long it took my current partner of over 4.5 years who was very consistent too btw. He was telling me about a conversation he had with his friend when he blurted out “I told him my girlfriend and I…”—this is how I found out I was his GF lol.
Up to you but if you feel compelled to bring it up, I would follow Liz’s advice.
As a side note: I just read Maddie’s post where I agree not all men talk about it, they just fall into a relationship simply by the amount of time they devote to you. In many cases, actions speak much louder, and the words eventually follow. There are no hard and fast rules so just do what’s the most comfortable for you, and let the cards fall where they land.
I agree with lane that they should bring it up, that is why you learn early what they are dating for, not with you specifically and you tell them the same and no sex before commitment, but ok to fool around slowly until that happens. Then they are on notice of your wants and expectations.
T from NY
I think you should lean back and give it another month. If everything is wonderful and he’s being consistent – enjoy the sensation of that while also remembering to date yourself – not lose yourself in the relationship. Then, if the topic doesn’t come up very naturally at the 3.5 – 4 mark, you can say – Hey one of my friends called you my boyfriend the other day. What do you think about that? Then be silent.
That’s what I did with one of my boyfriends who I had been dating consistently for 5 months (I stayed that long with him only because I wasn’t looking for serious, but then fell for him)
Anyway, when I said above – that my friend called him my boyfriend and asked what he thought – I’ll never forget he was eating a turkey sandwich and with his mouth full he said “Duh” and that’s when I officially found out he considered me his girlfriend.IF you do bring it up, however you do / if he waffles or says he doesn’t know, basically blah blah blah, I would walk! If it’s not an enthusiastic yes after four months, it’s a hell no.
Be calm. Be present. Be open. Enjoy him. Whatever happens you’ll deal with splendidly even if it’s hard.
so I did bring it up last night as I just wanted to see if we are on the same page , bear in mind it has only been 2 months so I am not expecting him to make me my gf or commit to me.
He said he wants to have gf and I am the only girl he is seeing but his previous relationship was a bit rushed and it failed and he doesn’t want to make the same mistake , that he is enjoying getting to know me, my company and texting me etc and like some of you ladies said he just needs some more time.I don’t really know what to think about it, I have read the 7 stages men fall in love and it said that men don’t really think of relationship that they enjoy the process first and then they start to think oh do I want to commit to this woman. So maybe he has not reached that stage yet? He has also been busy with buying a new apartment, moving to a different town , but we still see each other 2 times a week .
last night when he left he messaged me when he got home and we had a light conversation before saying goodnight so I will see if his interest is going to shift after that conversation or if he is still going to be as consistent as he was until now.
Liz Lemon
I think his response was fine. He was honest and communicated clearly with you. And what he is saying sounds reasonable.
At this point my advice is just to relax and continue dating him and enjoying his company. Don’t keep bringing up the relationship question (for now)– you’ve had the talk, you know where he’s at, now let it rest for a bit. Just continue being the awesome woman you have been :-) Keep getting to know him but observe what he does over the next month or so. If he starts to act flaky or inconsistent, that’s a bad sign. Ideally he will continue to be attentive and consistent and start escalating things. Either way it will start to become clear if you give it a bit more time, I think.
I was skimming through the comments and I think this one from T from NY is gold for all of us:
“If everything is wonderful and he’s being consistent – enjoy the sensation of that while also remembering to date yourself – not lose yourself in the relationship.”
I cannot stress enough how important this is in the beginning and in long term relationships. The most important relationship we have is the one with ourselves.
To the OP, I think you are doing well with everything you’ve been doing — but keep in mind many of the timeline-related advice is meant as a guide, not a black and white list of rules. You have to read the room so to speak.Just keep being you. And enjoy your time with him. You had the discussion so let it go now and give it another couple of months to see what his actions tell you and if you need to have the conversation, wait to see if he brings it up first. If he doesn’t after another few months, then talk to him.
I only say the previous about bringing it up yourself because you’ve mentioned in your original comment that “previously I probably stayed for longer than I should have.”
Watch what he does, listen to what he says, see if the 2 match up, and then decide. Those 2 things will help you make that decision for yourself, especially based on your comment.
You’re really doing great though — enjoy your new relationship and have fun. :)
“He said he wants to have gf and I am the only girl he is seeing but his previous relationship was a bit rushed and it failed and he doesn’t want to make the same mistake , that he is enjoying getting to know me, my company and texting me etc and like some of you ladies said he just needs some more time”
This is why it’s a bad idea to ask the ‘where is this going’ question, it puts a person on the defense, because they feel like everything you’re doing for them and with them from now onwards is so you can get a relationship out of it and that you don’t have other options.
Learn to enjoy the flow of things without trying to complicate stuff.
When you’re dating someone who wants to be your boyfriend , it becomes pretty obvious it’s a girlfriend and boyfriend situation and you’re in a relationship and it’s exclusive.
He’s texting, he’s seeing you, he’s putting in the work, he’s being consistent, why can’t you just go with the flow instead of asking where is this going?
Is there anything of doing you have seen, prompting you to ask that question?
I think you are handling this very well. Please keep it up in actual practice, not just writing the words here.
I have a gut feeling this is going to be a solid relationship for you so I’d like to offer one piece of advice.
Let him say I Love You first.
I have the memory clear as day of the first time my boyfriend (who turned into my husband) said it to me. I was driving us somewhere and we were laughing over something and he just turned to me and said “I love you”
It just rolled out of him so naturally it even surprised him! I got flustered and started another conversation, but in the next quiet moment I said I love you too.
It was very special. And mattered so much more because it came from him first.
the reason why I asked is because like I mentioned earlier in the past I stayed too long and I just wanted to avoid that situation where I am dating someone and it leads nowhere.
But you are right it should be natural , but dating these days is a bit complicated, men can enjoy spending time with and not really wanting anything serious.
I don’t remember ever asking this question before , when I first started dating, but dating scene looks a bit different now.Lane
Anna, I really wish you hadn’t said anything. At four months yes, before that is too early.
Dating is a risk, and one of the biggest risks is that it doesn’t evolve into anything. That is part & parcel of dating, and if you are going into for the sole purpose of getting into a relationship, then you are dating for the wrong reason.
Yes, a relationship would be nice, with the RIGHT PERSON but that takes time to sort out. Anyone can be on ‘good behavior’ for a short bit (2 – 3 months) but the time after that will ultimately determine if they are really are a good guy or not. There’s a saying “only fools rush in” and its so true! Rushing into a relationship is a bad dating strategy, whereas if you took your time, you might see their flaws, warts, flags, or other indicators that he may not be who he is representing himself as.
I did the rush thing once in my early 20’s. We were engaged in 4 months, and he turned out to be a cheater…thankfully before we married! Hard lesson learned! After that experience I became a turtle, as I wanted to make darn sure the guy was truly genuine (a good guy) before I gave him my heart. Took me 5 months to say “I love you back” and waited 2.5 years before I married my (now ex) husband because I need to be sure. Took me about 6 months with my current partner of over 4.5 years where we are solid as a rock, and still enjoying the honeymoon phase. It takes a lot of time to truly get to know someone, so let go of the ‘relationship mentality’ out of the gate, and learn how to be a turtle :o)