4 months after ghosting he sent me an IG request

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    I had a post on here a few months ago about the guy I was talking to. I couldn’t find it to just repost on it but a quick summary is that I was talking to this guy and we really hit it off, but silly me, I lied and told him I was just looking for sex to see what his response would be. He told me thanks for being up front but he wasn’t looking for only a sexual relationship, he told me he still wanted to get to know me and asked me out on a date. I said yes but the same day I cancelled. After that he stopped contacting me and a week later I texted him and he asked to facetime. We spoke for a little and he was telling me how busy his week has been because he was starting a new job and moving etc. It was just a regular conversation and after we hung up and he never contacted me again.

    I received advice on here that I’m a horrible person and to be myself and he was right to ghost me. Which i understand since I lied about only wanting sex to see his intentions etc.

    Fast forward a few months later. About a week ago he randomly sent me a request on IG. liked all of my photos and is always the 1st or 3rd viewer on my stories. I thought he would send me a message directly but its been a week and he hasn’t. I guess I shouldn’t think to deep into it. But he was a good guy, great career, and we would have amazing conversation. I would love to reach out and ask him to maybe have drinks or to dinner, but I don’t want to be the first to reach out because I don’t want to get left on read or turned down.

    #910051 Reply

    i think its ok if you initiate with a hello; and how have you been. if he is still interested and would like to meet up, am sure he will give some indication of the sort.

    #910322 Reply

    I dont think you should say anything to him first. It does not matter what you said to him in the past. If you initiate it will be eventually a turn off for him

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