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- This topic has 19 replies and was last updated 9 years, 9 months ago by
I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 5 months and dated for 3 months prior to making it official. We do live 3 hours apart, but still make it priority to see each other every weekend. I feel so loved by him with every action and statement he makes. He is introducing me to more and more of his family, invited me to his friends wedding, we’re planning a summer vacation together… with those and so much more I know that he sees a future with this relationship. But he hasn’t told me that he loves me yet. I haven’t said it to him either but definitely feel ready to say it. I know that he will probably like to say it first and I would prefer it that way too.
I guess what I’m wondering is if this is common when you live this far away from your significant other? We are unable to see each other during the week like most relationships. My sister in law says that the relationship will move slower because of this distance but I feel so much closer to him than any of my exs. So in a way I feel like it’s going faster. My exs told me they loved me around month 3 or 4 of being official. I know that every relationship is different. I am aware that they are just words that may not mean the same thing to each individual, but I feel like with everything he says and does it would be.
Does it seem strange that he hasn’t said it yet?
I don’t know…I think some people just don’t feel comfortable saying it because it is like a crossroads, with all the things you love about your relationship turning into something else. I’m afraid to say it because it is so powerful of a word to say. It took my last “serious” bf about a year to say it, and he even said he was “in love” with me. This surprised me. I had some very loving feelings toward him, but I never said I love you till he said it firtt…remember: love is arose but you better not pic it, it only grows when it’s on the vine, hand full of thorns and you know you’ve missed it, lose your love when you say the word mine…” Fleetwod Mac, or, Next post
Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Can’t you understand
Oh my little girl
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
Enjoy the silenceDepeche Mode, Enjoy the Silence
This somg penetrates my very soul..
Haha. Nice Dauny! And I think if you love him you should tell him!! :) But I’m kinda crazy and impulsive with stuff like that. I’d say the next time you’re together if you’re overwhelmed with “loving feelings” Lol then just say it. Scary but I think you can FEEL when someone loves you, you know…
I can’t with this one. It’s complicated. I’m not with him anymore, and it may be truly over this time as he has crossed the line and does have some serious issues. In fact, I did say once, when we were drunk and doing you know what, I felt so lovey and warm, I said, “I’m glad I met you.” “You make me so happy when I’m with you,” then I said “I love you.” We were looking into each others eyes, as we have done for a long time–since he taught me to be comfortable with my body and that he likes looking at me–and he looks incredible when he’s…I’ve never seen a man so together while in the act. I mean, he can grab the remote control and turn down or up the volume without missing a beat (LOL). I miss him but he’s bad news. Well when I said I love you, it came so naturally, and I didn’t regret saying it. But he did not say it back–he just slowed down what he was doing, looking me in the eyes, and looked actually concerned, shook his head said, “don’t say that shit…” I said, I was just kidding. Now, I’ve never said it since, so if he remembers it, he’ll wonder if I really meant it or if I was just drunk…maybe planted a little seed in his head to at least trigger something. Would make me feel better to believe there was/is something.
Thanks dauny! Those are definitely some powerful lyrics!
Thanks Jenny! I was so sure he was going to say it this weekend. We were out to dinner and talking about the upcoming week, work and some other topics. Out of no where he just looked at me, said “so…” and hesitated. It looked like he wanted to say something but got nervous, hesitated and then brought up something we had talked about earlier. He is not one to hesitate when he is talking about anything. He also isn’t one to get nervous… I know he enjoys being a gentleman and would want to do that first, so that’s why I would leave it to him to do… also it is really nerve-wracking and I would probably start being a bumbling fool if I decided to say it first.
I have read that a man feels responsible for a woman once he tells her he loves her…it is a big emotional step for them. They know where it leads – they know their life will never be the same.
To me it makes a lot of sense that they think long and hard (if they are sincere) before moving forward. And then there are also men that have trouble expressing themselves with words…so they prefer actions by showing you how they feel.
You can tell if a man loves you – it is written all over him…
Don’t spoil his moment…let him tell you – it will mean so much more to both of you.
Thanks redcurleysue!
I do feel loved by him! He shows me how much he cares about me in so many different ways, but I think the biggest action he has done us being affectionate to me (kissing me on the forehead, holding my hand…) in front of his mom. His mom means the world to him. To me, those actions means that he isn’t ashamed to show his mom that he cares deeply for me. I don’t know why I want to hear those words but I can see how saying them would scare a man. I honestly don’t think it would change much of our relationship, but it could be something he is considering.
I do plan on waiting for him to say it first. I have read the articles on here that state it is best for the relationship if the man says it first. So that helped me determine that plan. I just wasn’t sure if it was strange that he hadn’t said it yet.
Hi Katie,
I was in a situation like yours although I’m quite insecure and started to feel abit like wow I have feelings for this person that he doesn’t have for me after around 7 months. However, one day out of the blue in such a casual way he said to me that he loves everything about me my good points and the not so good haha. Obviously I said I love him too and then 3 months later he asked me to move in.I think some people are just more scared of saying it than others and therefore it takes longer to put those feelings out there. He probably knows you are waiting for him to say it.
But as the saying goes actions speak louder than words, and it seems you are definitely feeling loved and special. I know the I love you will be the icing on the cake when it happens :)
Thanks Bex!
I know it is a very difficult thing to say to someone. What if they don’t love you back? Or don’t say it back? What if the girl wants sup much more from me when I say those the words? I’m sure those are all questions that the guy thinks about (and so much more) before he actually tells the woman this.
I feel like he and his ex shared those the words around the 5 month mark. I do not know who said it first but they also lived a little bit closer than he and I do… I know every relationship is different and these types of steps in the relationship will have a different time frame. That ex and the one before both did a number on him so I don’t know if he is just making certain of things with us prior to opening up those feelings.
I will be spending this weekend with him and a huge group of his friends. We’ll be visiting some family members that I haven’t had the opportunity of meeting yet. And actually getting to spend 3 days together. It will be a great weekend. Hopefully I can just stop wondering when or if it’s going to happen. ..
So I have a slight update and question for the anewmode community…
So one of boyfriend’s friends told me last night that he wants to tell me he loves me but he wants to discuss who would move to who first. Said that he has always said that his job is more versatile and that it would be him moving to me… today he told me that someone from a company based in my area contacted him and I told him that the company is only 20 to 30 minutes away from my house. He’s like yea, I was surprised they contacted me since I’m only based in his state.
Later on in the evening he said something along the lines of when you move up to me. And I said, “oh yea? I’m moving to you huh? Guess I’ll need to start keeping am eye out for jobs up there.” His response was “yes you will he and yes you will”.
So, I’ve tried bringing up with out saying directly, “hey babe, you know we joke about moving to one of each others places but how is that actually going to work out?”
I know I should let him being it up again. To me is still a little to soon to be discussing that but I can understand since we do live 3 hours a part. Saying those 3 words is a huge deal and he may want to be certain of what is happening before jumping in. But what should I do?
I believe that their are no rules in Love
And wondering and worrying is useless
I believe that instead of questionning just go with
the flowYou know he cares for you and shows upfront that you are ** His Girl ** and
even in front of His MOMI am just giving you my humble opinion:
Why worry about something that is not broken
maybe he feels that you are nervous and you aren’t
aware of you know sometimes when we feel a way without
us knowing we send out vibes ?Maybe he is wondering if you are having 2nd thoughts
he must see the questionning in your eyes.Let yourself be Loved in the Way he is showing you and
words are just words and I believe he is your Peacock
showing to the World How Precious you are to himParading you and making sure you meet everyone and that they know
that you are important because he wants everybody to meet youHe is showing you off to the World ** His World all the people close or
far knows that if he is taking time to share you with all the beloved
family **You are his Female Peacock and he Loves you and Shows you off to HIS WORLD
** So like the Song Color my World **
Maybe you should try and find that song and Slow Dance with him looking him
straight in the eyes and saying with laughter in your voice and eyes
Am I seeing straight you are acting like a Peacock introducing me to ** Your World **
and then you can sayBabe * You Cover my World * I color and sometimes out of the lines lol
What else can you ask for ** He is showing off the Most Precious Person that he
can Show Love in Public to Whom Ever is in front of you or around you they see
what a beautful couple you both make ** How else than showing the World that he
Loves youTruly Deeply Shows You that he is into you
I would just open your heart and shine threw with a Twinkle in your Eye
that you are blessed to cherish this man.Telling you in your ear is not enough for him he is telling
** At the same time of all around and aware to see that you are his Girl **
Hi Katie.
Can I ask what the rush is? Things should happen organically and flow without always wondering what your next step or plan needs to be.
I do agree that not saying I love you makes it difficult because I personally could not progress without hearing it even if he was showing it in every way…its like entering into an engagement without a proposal.
I wouldn’t do anything. I personally would NEVER move to a man unless I was 100% sure we were “in it” for the long haul, engaged and actively working towards a life together—the risks are too high for you, not him. I met a woman who did this not too long ago. They lasted four months and she was literally HOMELESS because she got rid of all her stuff, gave up her apartment, job and stuck in a place where she was alone. I was like girl what the heck were you thinking?!? Love can be blind so do go in blind.
Thanks for responding Collette and Lane!
That is a really good way of looking at it. I know it is obvious he really cares about me and is falling for me. Even another one of his friends tools me it was obvious that he loves me. She admitted that 5 months might be a little soon especially with our relationship being on the long distance side of it. I just know I love him and almost said it to him this weekend. I know he should be the one who says it first and I definitely tried my hardest to make sure I didn’t. I guess I’m accidentally trying to risk it because I’ve almost said it.
I think he just wants to discuss what the plan in the future would be. I definitely wouldn’t move just yet. I would like to know that it is a for sure thing before making that move. I can decibel see a future with this man and I now know he does too. It seemed like he almost said it yesterday when I was heading home. Kind of stuttered, tongue looked like it was about to say an “l” (meaning went up behind his teeth like it does when you say la), and then changed what he said. I just don’t know if there is a way to get him to not be scared to say it? But it’s a scary thing
Ooops, meant “DON’T go in blind”…my head is faster than my fingers at times, lol.
You really need to SLOW YOUR ROLL! You are moving too far ahead of him and he’s feeling it! Pull back, let him lead and be “the man” in this relationship or he will pull out. Never listen to their FRIENDS, wait until you get it directly from the horse’s mouth of what his plans with you are. I would not even consider taking another step until you know how he feels and what he really wants because men are really bad about making all kinds of plan and then not following through. You really DON”T KNOW HIM well enough as your in still in the honeymoon stage and until at least one year, four seasons have passed, you really have no clue who a man really is…trust me on this, or don’t, its your choice.
Hey girl :) so I’m kind of in this position as well…
A couple weeks ago I actually told him I was in love with him and he didn’t say it back. It was upsetting at the time but his actions towards me have not changed. He tells me I’m his girl and he has called himself my boyfriend. So I’m not too worried. I think he’s just not ready to say it. I’ll add too that we are also long distance (about 2 hours) You’re so lucky you get to see him as often as you do! As of right now I’ve really only been able to see my guy every 2-3 weeks which is straight torture for both of us. (My schedule is jam packed sadly…)I wouldn’t push the matter…I’m not. Actions speak a lot louder than words IMHO. The words will come later, you already have the actions.
Some married men never tell their wives that they love them.
All in all I would just chillax a bit on this one. Enjoy dating him and let the cards fall where they may. You won’t rush his declaration of love by longing for it, waiting for it, or expecting it. Plus, don’t you want him to say it when he’s ready, when he’s feeling it, not when he feels obligated to say it cause of some air of you waiting around. Men have a crazy radar, I feel the more you want it from him even without words, the more he might scare from saying it.
So all in all enjoy dating and relax….if the two of you are in fact going to love one another and declare it then most likely there will be many chances for it to be said and re-said, enjoy the uncertainty a bit, you never get that back and it makes the notion of it being declared all the more exciting and fulfilling :)
Hi Amy.
Can I ask why you think his actions are better than words? I can dig a hole but unless you know WHY I’m digging a hole then my actions are meaningless! I absolutely disagree with women relying on actions too much because oftentimes they are kicked in the gut when the guy tells them “I thought we were just having fun?” after spending months, and for others MANY YEARS hoping he would finally “come around.”
Guys can ACT like boyfriends but never really want anything more than what you have now…its called ‘companionship.’ A relationship is when you are PROGRESSING towards a goal and if your not progressing towards something, like marriage then your just spending time together, which is OK if that’s what you want, but if not then how long do you hold onto hope? Unless you absolutely know where a man is taking you, then all you have is a road without a map showing your where your destination is. Tread carefully.
Hi Lane,
I’ve been on the opposite side of the spectrum where they use words and not actions. I am treading lightly believe me. If things don’t progress the way I’d like them to, I will say my goodbyes. This “companionship” as you say is still new. I can’t read the future.Amy
I’m doing as Ivy says, “letting the cards fall where they may” Lane.