Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › A guy said he will not just disappear, but have not contacted since a week ago
- This topic has 11 replies and was last updated 3 years, 11 months ago by
Michelle Cohen.
I have only started talking to a guy I met online. We have been talking every day, day and night, for almost 4 hours. We started talking last December but problems started February but it was about some other thing. In the last few weeks of February, I was having problems with his frequency of communication and I have confronted him so many times to which he would say he is just busy and his mind is elsewhere. He’s a very self-disciplined and responsible man, so I believe him when he said he’s busy with work. He said I am the only person he is talking to, I don’t know if I should believe that. He claims he had only one long-term relationship and that was in 2013. Since then he had been by himself, trying to heal from his trauma and had only started going out last August or so but only met up with one woman he said he was not invested in. I don’t know if I should believe that.
Lately, he’s been acting douchy. Like he puts me up for expectations that he will call but he cancels. In fairness to him though, before the problems of cancelling this week, he would set me up for another time and our talk will be just like the usual.
One time, he didn’t text me early, which is unusual for him. I was so disappointed that he didn’t call. When we got to talk the next day, I accused him of being a manipulator, that he’s messing up my head. I was trying to gauge his reaction and deny my accusations, but he didn’t react to that, I couldn’t get him to. He was just listening, but I thought he was stupefied, I don’t know. I asked if he has anything to say, he reasoned that he didn’t call me up because I told him I will be in the province and the internet connection may not be as good. So he was waiting for me to explain my situation, which I did not. I was calm after and we talked like we usually would. Then he told me that the following week he will be so busy with work and family. His family is leaving the US for Asia for good. I thought this was stressing him out although he said it doesn’t affect him. He’s Asian living in the US. His brother and sister-in-law are moving to Asia for good. I thought this affair would throw him off because he doesn’t have any other relatives in the US, and although he has lived in the US for a long time, he claims that he feels “foreign” to the land. He keeps his relationships small. I don’t know if that matters to what is happening now. I have not heard from him for 6 days now. I feel lost. I have been trying to reconcile the words and actions but I am having a hard time. He says he likes that we have “blind trust”. The thing is, I don’t trust him. It’s really difficult to because although he claims to be communicative, it’s just not as transparent as I would like. I don’t know if he’s ghosting me because he couldn’t confront me that he doesn’t want me anymore and he was just making up all these excuses of being busy.
Have you met in person?
what are your feelings towards him?
No, I have not met him in person but he says he will come to visit me in my country once travelling is be allowed.
My honest feelings toward him, I feel very connected to him. We consider ourselves “weirdos” and we’re just happy to find each other on the web. He would tell me he enjoys our great companionship, which I do. Now I feel things have changed and he may not feel the same way about me now. I may have said some things or did something that put him off. I asked him before if I had offended him, he just said that I tend to stack up my problems with him which would me to snap at him. I would regret every time I get anxious when he disconnects, I ramble and say stupid things, but when I ask him what he thought of my outbursts, he would just tell me, “you’re fine”.
Never use him as your punching bag. Us woman hate stress LOL
There are very few good guys in this world. I think you should write him a letter. Yes, very old fashion I know. But him seeing how you deeply feel in your handwritig will help him a lot. Just make sure to put that you wrote the letter rather than taking in person so he could re read it a much as he wanted and think for a couple days. Ask him to write you back if he gets the letter or not so you know. When you hand write something more feelings come out. The truth.tammy
sarah you do realise dont you that what you have is just a virtual thing. its not real. if you guys had met a few times, even once, this would have made much more sense. this whole thing doesnt make any sense unless you guys meet in person. have you done a thorough search on him? is he on social media platforms wid many followers and friends? is he there on linked in? are you quite sure he is what he has said he is?
That’s true. He is on LinkedIn, but I didn’t add him on Facebook because I don’t use it and neither does he, or maybe he does rarely. He has high concerns over his privacy on the internet. It’s true it’s just a virtual thing but if corona didn’t happen, it would have been easier to meet. We are both aware of the challenges and we agreed that time and distance is something that we must maneuver no matter what (this is according to him).
most people who catfish say they are wary of being on social media. please check his linkedin profile well. see his connections. and how many. check where he works. do some research. i have a feeling he may be a fake. pls do not invest till you have verified the authenticity of the person you are engaging with online. its very easy to get lured in bec these men basically do and say things to reel you in. pls be careful.
Oh honey – I am going to be harsh so you understand:
A. Any man you have not met is not real
b. Any man you are just talking to – should not be spoken to 4 hours a day – you should not be available because you should have your own life
C. Any man not your boyfriend should not be scolded for his behavior because he is not real and not your boyfriend. You observe and if you don’t like it, simply move on.
D. You sound absolutely insane from your post – grossly overinvested and naggy. You called him out, you said provocative things – a manipulator – seriously wth, you asked him to promise not to ghost you? YOU HAD SOME PHONE CALLS WITH A STRANGER
E. Ghosting is for real relationships – all you reconciling of words and actions – there were no actions because texting and calling when not seeing someone is not a real relationship.Please read up about anxious attachment. You seem very emotionally out of control at this point. And most likely emotionally unavailable – because you overinvested in someone who is very long distance.
I am sorry you are in pain, but much of this suffering has nothing to do with him.
What ever you do, do not write him a letter!
Michelle Cohen
I agree – if he is on his way out, a letter will push him down the stairs. There is nothing to gain, he knows you like him and he knows where to find you.