a total dumpster fire

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  • #932488 Reply
    silly girl

    just for some context, i’m pretty socially anxious and more reserved, so i don’t date often. i’m curious about any reflection others may have on this situation – less about this guy, but moreso advice / observations on my actions. i know i have some stuff to work through and it’d be great to pinpoint those areas. sorry it’s lengthy

    so there’s a guy i’ve known of for a while since a young age, but we didn’t connect until we were both adults. we’re both involved in our local music scene. back last summer, i connected with him on instagram right before meeting him at a show he was playing at. it was a fun night for sure. he messaged the morning after asking if we’d meet again

    i eventually asked him out for coffee. i thought this would be about 1 hour tops, but we bar hopped. we talked for a long time, held hands and kissed. he said he never thought we’d go out together because i seemed too cool for him. which was funny because i felt that way towards him

    he asked to see me again for a 2nd date and i started wondering if the first date was too much. our dinner was going fine until we were saying bye to each other. i started shaking and repeating “sorry” over and over. he took my hands and asked what i was sorry for. i just said sorry again. get this. after we kissed i blurted out “do you see me platonically?” out of pure nervousness. obviously he was dumbfounded saying he wouldn’t kiss someone he viewed platonically.

    i got really embarrassed and thought i messed the whole thing up, so i basically messaged him the next morning telling him i couldn’t see him because i was too anxious. he said he was bummed out, he liked spending time with me and to reach out if i ever changed my mind.

    i did end up reaching out and he said he wanted to continue seeing each other.

    this is where it gets really messy. we did see each other for a few more dates and i was trying so hard to control my anxiety that i didn’t really let my true feelings show.

    he came clean eventually and said that since i broke things off, he had felt differently – that he took time to process what happened. things got turned around so quick and he didn’t want to string anything along he wasn’t confident in. it made me quite sad, but i saw it coming, so i felt and told him i was relieved that it was done, i was sorry for running away, he was a great person nonetheless and wished him the best.

    i felt relieved that it was over with since i would no longer worry about a rug being pulled from under me. that was what was making me so anxious. i thought about him still, but basically ignored his existence. i have this thing where if a romance doesn’t work with someone, they become strangers in my eyes. not because i don’t think their friendship is valuable, but because it properly puts the connection to rest.

    immediately after my response to him, i think he did what you call orbiting on my social media. i noticed, but i didn’t want to think about it. after a month passed, he reached out. he said he “found himself missing me still” and asked to hang out more casually. i’m sorry, but i had no idea what that meant, so i asked him to clarify. he said we could spend time together sharing what we both liked doing.

    i didn’t know if that meant casually dating or be friends. i should have asked further. honestly i should’ve just ignored the message completely hahah

    i saw him at another one of his shows. he asked me to hang out the upcoming weekend for a movie. when the weekend rolled around, he messaged to confirm it and i just flat out said that i don’t do casual. he started floundering and said that he didn’t mean casual sex and to hang out as friends, nothing romantic or sexual – just to spend time together. i said “strictly platonic?” and he responded with “platonic unless it leads to something romantic” “it would be a relationship nurtured if so”

    we went to the movie and i was just feeling weird being there with him. it went relatively okay, but there was some tension. i think it was due to my embarrassment for being friend-zoned when he reached out and not being fully aware of it, even if it was obvious

    after that i didn’t ask him to hang out or anything because i kind of wanted to forget the whole thing. on social media, i posted a design for a local music app just for fun and he asked about it until volunteering himself to help me out with it. he suggested we get together to brainstorm

    we met up and it was cool to get some quality feedback. we were really into it trying to come up with ideas. he’d sometimes message ideas and it was alright until it wasn’t. i eventually told him i couldn’t do the app – just trying to get out of being in close proximity to him.

    but when i ended that, he asked me to design his tour posters for him. trying not to be rude, i agreed. i continued to make this same mistake.

    i found that this was starting to get out of hand and i wanted to make it stop, so i asked him to go for cake a couple weeks ago. he was enthusiastic and said he’d been wondering when we would hang next. it was probably the first time i got comfortable and the closest to being myself since our first date – because i knew it was coming to an end ahah nothing to lose if you know what to expect. it was a good time because we were both acting ridiculous. we got talking about flirting and i said that i can’t tell when people flirt with me. he said “i know. i was laying the moves on you hard our first two dates.” lol just roasting me in the cake shop i almost threw my cake at him. i said “if i like someone i usually just tell him directly” he said “you should do that. i think most people appreciate that” and i followed up with “if someone likes me i just need them to tell me.” and he went “oh i will.”

    i knew after that comment that i couldn’t keep doing what i was doing and decided to tell him how i felt in a message afterwards – with the intent of ending it once and for all. he told me he liked being around me, found me super sweet, but didn’t know what he was feeling. we expressed how we didn’t want to step over each other’s boundaries. i said that we shouldn’t hang out and that was that. i later sent him a message that i was creating distance, it was nothing personal and deleted him off of everything. unfortunately i still have to help him with his posters, but that’s the only form of interaction we have.

    i’m looking forward to it being zero. i’d rather forget the whole thing ever happened lol i’m horribly embarrassed. i felt like i couldn’t be a good friend to him as well. it was just a nightmare soup. i do genuinely wish him the best though i don’t think he’s a bad guy – he just didn’t feel the same

    #932489 Reply
    silly girl

    is there a way this post can be deleted? i regret putting this online lol

    #932491 Reply


    #932492 Reply
    silly girl

    @Raven LOL
    i know…it’s bad

    #932493 Reply

    I’m not sure that there are specific areas here to comment on that you don’t already know about. The issue overall is your social anxiety pushing you to sabotage things because you otherwise get overwhelmed. Are you seeing anyone about this professionally? It’s going to be difficult to find and stay in a relationship because good guys will not be sure how to deal with mixed signals when they didn’t do anything to cause them. You need exercises to help you get out of your own head and interrupt the anxiety when it comes on, and to work with someone at figuring out and healing the underlying cause.

    Don’t beat yourself up for what’s happened here though, because beating yourself up instead of being kind and patient with yourself creates a bad, endless loop of negative thoughts. You were trying to stay present and connect with him, and you weren’t ready to do that because you’ve got more work to do on yourself first. That’s okay! I think he does like you as a person, but that doesn’t make him the right guy for you or make the timing right either. Take your time alone to focus on yourself and how to build up your self esteem and stop sabotaging yourself, rather than feeling embarrassed or ashamed. You’ve probably been through a lot and there were good reasons for the anxiety as a defense mechanism in the past but maybe you’ve outgrown it — try to sit with that instead of deleting everything and wanting to ignore it until it disappears. Nothing actually gets better or processed that way, just pushed down. If you don’t already have a good therapist to work on this with, I hope you give finding one a try!

    #932505 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I totally agree with Maddie’s compassionate response. I think you should seek therapy to deal with your crippling anxiety. You might even need anxiety medication (which is totally fine! It exists to help people, I have family members taking it and it’s helped them enormously). But that’s for a medical professional to help you decide. Don’t beat yourself up over this situation, just take it as a lesson and a sign that you need to work on yourself. Picking apart and agonizing over interactions with this guy will get you nowhere. Best to focus on addressing the root of your anxiety.

    #932510 Reply
    silly girl

    thank you liz and maddie. your words are very helpful and kind. i will do my best to seek professional help. i’m terrified that i won’t have what it takes to get better. but i see that there is an option.

    #932511 Reply

    the guy is interested but confused because of your mixed reactions. we all have issues. you have crippling anxiety issues. i agree with the above posters. you need help and professional advice on how to deal with your anxiety issues. most important right now is you. good thing is you know and accept that you have some issues. take the next step and and seek help.

    #932517 Reply

    Maddie, Liz and tammy all gave great advice :)

    I just want to add that sometimes we all think we are the center of the universe and others are all focusing on us. Thoughts like “Oh they’ll think this is the most embarrassing thing” are natural but it turns out it almost never is the case that other people have this type of hyper-focused negative thoughts towards a particular person for silly things like apologizing. Just pause and think about when is the last time you remember someone else did something embarrassing? Not much I think. And even if someone thought this way, it does not matter! You don’t lose a finger if someone thinks so.

    I do understand you may have relatively higher amount of anxiety. May I suggest through professional help or other means, see if you can find others who can relate to your feelings? It’s surprising how sharing thoughts with another person could help.

    #932518 Reply

    By the way, I totally don’t think there is anything wrong with you. I would have been the same if I had grown up the same way – we are all just slightly different copies of the same hardwired species.

    However, if you don’t find the current status satisfying, you can totally change however you like :)

    I grew up a little selfish and awkward too, and I’ve improved quite a bit!

    #932545 Reply
    silly girl

    thank you to everyone for your thoughtful responses. i think it’s one thing for me to be aware of my social anxiety and another to face it. so i truly appreciate the advice to do so. i’m glad i did post here

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