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- This topic has 99 replies and was last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
Clara Reid.
Clara Reid
I’d been seeing a guy for almost 4 months. He was patient knowing i’d recently just came out of a somewhat emotionally abusive relationship. We’d spend practically every weekend together due to our busy schedules, weekdays were usually too hard. We would message almost daily, long conversations. We both agreed it was more than just sex, we had some feelings for each other and weren’t interested in seeing anyone else while getting to know each other and to see where it goes. We both seemed smitten. He was always initating catch ups, never stood me up, no signs of other women.Then without warning, he has ignored my messages the past week without any explanation.(I have sent more than one, shamefully, and all have been left on read)The last i heard from him he was suffering from a few minor physical injuries. After 3 days with no reponse i questioned if everything was okay or if there were some personal issues he was going through I even politely questioned if there was someone else or if he had lost interest and there would be no hard feelings, to which it has all been avoided. This is completely out of character though. I thought he had good intentions and seemed so sincere that i am just baffled i may have been ghosted? Thoughts?
Just delete his number. Ghosting is the latest way of breaking up. Everyone, even nice people, seem to have lost the communication skills and respect to tell someone it’s over. It’s also the cruellest way to break up with someone, as it takes a while to realize it’s over, and then all the questions as to why, and weren’t you even worth a goodbye. So delete his number. When he comes running back (which he will, they always do, even if it’s 2 years later) tell him to f-off
T from NY
100 percent and unequivocally what anon said
The universe is always asking us what we want, and what we need. If you allow a man that treated you this shamefully to come back into your life — the universe only hears…. oh, okay. You’re alright with being treated like this…
Short of him being in hospital, unable to lift his head to be able to call or text you — there is zero excuse for ghosting for a week (or however long he stays gone) But he will come back. Depend on it. You get to decide what you put up with.
I’m sorry this happened to you.
He’s not your boyfriend or husband, so technically he’s under no obligation to notify you of anything. It’s unfortunate you’ve been having sex with him and getting attached, but he never commited to you. You were his Friends with Benefits. Sometimes friends grow apart or up and decide to go in a different direction and then remove themselves from the friendship.
When you say you reached out after 3 days, how far apart were those messages you sent and he read but didn’t respond to?
Because 3 days isn’t a huge amount of time not to talk to someone, even if it is a bit different – after 4 months you’re still getting to know each other and maybe if he’s a bit of a man-cave guy this might be the first time you’ve seen it.
Did you seriously send your first message after not hearing from him for 3 days ‘is everything ok or do you have personal issues?’- and was it the same message you ‘politely’ asked him if there’s someone else or he’s lost interest?
Because if you sent him a flurry of texts in one day that he’s not responded to because you’re spinning out in them after not hearing from him for 3 days (perception if not what you feel), I can see why he might decide to back away from the drama.
If you were both seeing each other consistently every weekend and all of a sudden he disappears, he probably got back together with an ex who came crawling back. And, yes, he does owe you an explanation….you were seeing each other 4 months, not 4 weeks.
“Technically he doesn’t owe you”…How would you like it yourself Andrea? When your friend “removes” himself because technically you don’t have a piece of paper?
And actually, who said that technically he doesn’t owe you? Where did you get such BS and why do you keep on repeating it?
Technically he does owe her a reply and an explanation, and a big one. Technically he owes her respect and normal communication. This has nothing to do with stupid labels!!
I am with anon and others. If he is not injured to the point that he can’t lift his head, then tell him to f-off when he shows up, and I agree that he WILL show up again.
Even if it was just FWB, FRIENDS don’t just abandon friends.
He has some VERY poor manners to ignore you. Also, I’d be ashamed of myself for NOT checking in on a guy I all the sudden stopped hearing from. That’s what good people do- they are concerned and reach out, because normal people can’t imagine just ghosting someone and assume something is wrong.
I don’t have any advice, other than that some people think this is OK, and you’ll probably get some &^&*^* on here telling you that “YOU DESERVED THIS” and “HE DIDN’T OWE YOU ANY NOTICE”. Or they’ll blame you for missing some sign that he was going to do this garbage to you. But they’ll blame you, so be prepared!
You may also, like me, find out down the road that the guy had a near fatal car wreck (and was hospitalized and in ICU for a while), or died (also happened, though he was just a friend). Then every time some jerk ghosts, you’ll be half worried and half po’ed at the rudeness.
LOOK I didn’t say what he did was kind or even decent. But he was never her boyfriend and they didn’t have a commitment. You can’t hold him to something he didn’t sign up for!
I mean, no, no one can prevent ghosting, and even people who are committed do it. Bottom line, you can be married and ghost as long as you have an attorney.
But ghosting = emotional abuse = basically almost as bad as hitting someone IMO.
I think it’s funny there are so many dating “rules-lawyers” (look it up) here that seem to not care about having soft skills or social skills in dating.
It’s not against the rules to call a random stranger ‘a fat tub of disease,’ but it isn’t going to land me a spot in the local paper as a charmer, either.
At the same time, it’s not against the rule to ghost someone who isn’t your BF/GF, but it still makes you a fat tub of disease.
Hi Clara your situation is very similar to mine. Except we never had sex. We started dating December last year. Such a gentleman I tell ya. He did everything right. Around February he started being distant. I didn’t ‘annoy’ him to ask him what’s going on, I only sent 2 msgs that were a month apart and he replied to both but then still stayed radio silence on me. It’s been 3 months since I last saw him and a month since my last msg.
I mean I got it the first time I messaged and he gave me the “I’m sorry I’ve been busy” line, but like what’s so hard about saying.. hey something came up, I dont think this is what i want. Then don’t ever communicate at all if you don’t want to get into explaining anything. But at least that person knows you’re calling it quits. To go poof in thin air on someone you’ve shared a lot to is inconsiderate..especially if you’ve known said person for months..
I felt anger and disappointment towards him because I asked him to leave me alone if this is not what he wanted. But he kept coming. Attempted to asked me to be in a relationship with him. But I said dont be crazy it’s too soon. We were smitten like you said. Then poof.
But I’m over it, and I’m living life as normal but at the back of my mind I always wonder what was it all for you know.
The best advise I can give is to shrug it off. Because it is not something you did or said.. It’s purely something he was going through that had nothing to do with you no doubt about that and he didn’t know how to tell you. Could be an ex coming back, could be that he had to cope with something and having you there was bad timing. Could be he wasn’t feeling it anymore. Whatever the excuse. You are not the reason. Hugs.
Clara Reid
I would just like to clear up that no, i did not ask him if everything was okay after he messaged me after the 3 days, it was asked 2 days after he did not respond to my response to him, which included asking if he was free over the weekend. 4 months is long enough to know someones habits with you, to which i said he had always been quite consistent, especially with seeing each other on certain days without fail. I knew it was out of character, therefore the reason why i questioned a few things after not hearing back.
Thankyou kindly for all the responses, some really great advice here. And as for “not owing me anything” i have to disagree, no we were not committed but it was still steadily pacing along and we were trying to get to know each other on all levels to see if we would like to pursue something further. That kind of time frame is long enough to know someone well enough for an explanation.
Ghosting huh? Not sure why people cannot be matured and just let people know the interest is no longer there? Maybe it’s easier to become a ghost?
andrea, you have incredibly low self esteem. you don’t need a contract or a official title or anything in order to expect to be valued and treated with respect. This includes having the decency to kindly break it off with someone after you’ve been seeing them for 4 months, title or not. Talking this kind of crap away because he didn’t sign up for it etc, i.e. making excuses for his horrible behavior, shows very low self esteem on your side
This is a horrid thing to have happened to a woman. And Andrea seriously? To make such excuses for a mans appalling and rude, disrespectful behaviour only gives insight into how you have no value of yourself, if you think a man should treat you like this if it were your situation. It’s veet sad that you’d reel out the excuse you did- technically he doesn’t owe you anything? Do you say that in a voice resembling Eyor, the donkey from Winnie the Pooh too?
I am with others, Andrea why do you insist that we need a “commitment” to be treated like human beings? Visualize 4 months of consistent communication, get together, sex, dinners, chats, texts, and then POOF. Without a word. You insist it is ok because there was no “label” posted somewhere? I agree that you are either extremely insecure and have low self esteem or very very old and lonely, with your last “date” being decades ago, and all this is “theory” to you.
Imagine your female friend going POOF on your, you try to reach them and they ignore you! how would you feel?
There is nothing “technically required” for decency. And stop insisting that there is. Young women who post here, most of them already have very low (or at best low-ish) self esteem, they don’t have th4e skills to set the right boundaries and the right mode and then don’t know how to deal with insults, most of us old-er (LOL) women here are trying to help them understand that and to get out of it and never allow it again, and then someone like you comes over and starts her “technically he does not owe you” crap. How would you like it yourself dear? Just imagine a man in your life for 5 minutes. Duh!
Can some of you read?!? I never said what he did was right. But when there isn’t a commitment, people can and do feel they can come and go without notice. Right or wrong.
Andrea, I think most men and women know ghosting is a garbage move. The ghoster knows it’s wrong.
Relax Andrea, everyone can read here, and most of us here have graduate degrees in one area or another. And we ALL read your comments the same way.
You said and implied it twice. By insisting that “technically he does not owe you anything” because there was no commitment. If you were implying that he was WRONG to do that, you would have phased it differently. you had plenty of opportunity to do that.
anon, where did I say otherwise?
Emma, I’m very relaxed. I see that some of you very much like playing victim and aren’t interested in looking at a situation from any other angle.
I see you swooped in yet again to play the blame and shame game, Andrea.
What makes you think the labels of boyfriend or husband mean anything to someone who sees ghosting as the preferred method? You were so eager to tell the OP she didn’t have those all important (to you) labels and then took it upon yourself to give her the label of FWB.
“It’s unfortunate you’ve been having sex with him and getting attached, but he never commited to you. You were his Friends with Benefits.”
I can read very well, thank you. That reads as telling the OP SHE had sex, SHE got attached, SHE created the label FWB. No, Andrea, YOU created THAT label to prop up your sad claim.
What is with telling people in this situation they should have automatically known they were good for nothing more than being used? What is up with the need to ridicule them for daring to think someone liked them in any way at all?
You really do have to have a low opinion of yourself to project these beliefs onto others. That, and a sadistic streak.anon
Andrea. you implied that by not securing “commitment”, she was somehow part of the problem because she settled for FWB. All of this is really grey area- she was dating a guy and they were progressing, she had not agreed to an NSA FWB arrangement. I imagine that the majority of relationships do start with a few months of increasingly intimate dating, that leads to a committed relationship. Most guys who just want casual voice that early on (if they are good humans) and most also will take steps to either keep FWB from feeling too much like a relationship and will also at least not ghost.
This is 100% not in any way the OP’s fault.
And “labels” don’t prevent ghosting.