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- This topic has 99 replies and was last updated 5 years, 10 months ago by
Clara Reid.
And Lane, you consistently add that these women want a reason…. MOST DON’T. They just want the guy to clarify things are over. That he isn’t hurt. That he isn’t in his man cave. That his phone is not broke.
Eish and the excuses and ridiculous reasoning continues. Is it to make yourself feel better?
I am old enough and have done enough dating to know when i meet someone special. Then i will take myself of the market and get to know him, until we decide to call it quits or make a commitment
I expect the same from men. If its not something he’s willing to give, its fine by me, he can date as many others as he wants, i just wont be one of them
If either i or him decide to call it quits, i will kindly let him know its not working. And you can bet your ass i expect the same
If he doesnt show me that courtesy, i will just let him go, and when he comes back (which all men always do) i will be gone
I have enough respect for myself to expect the best. I will certainly not condone crappy behaviour. I get the idea the women here will rather tell themselves its standard behaviour, else they will think its somehow their fault. Tell you what though, it isnt. Its his. The spineless asscllown houdini
And yes, if i’ve had a woman working for me for 4 months, i will certainly tell her i wont be using her services anymore
I treat all people in my life with respect. As well as myself
Good for YOU but Just know you have zero control over those who don’t contact you again because they seriously DON’T want to see you again and don’t give a flying flip or rats patriots about what you think or feel! Those few who TRY to circle back are more often than not met by many other ladies who will JUMP at the chance to be rejected again! You are coming from one of many different viewpoints that is not universally shared and don’t represent ALL the people on this planet regardless of how much you scream “it’s unfair” or “disrespectful”! Let’s just agree we have different viewpoints and meeting of the minds, shall we?
Not one of a few men who circe back. All. Each and every mand i’ve met from going on a date or 2, to having been married, went balls to the wall to get me back.
Thats not really what its about thoufh is it. Maybe if he treats one girl like crap and she doesnt atand for it, he’ll think twice about doing it to the next girl
We teach people how to treat us. And woman has shown men regardless of what crap he pulls, he’ll get another chance as soon as he wants one. Guess why its become the norm
Bad manners and lack of respect are not ok. If a man is texting and going out with a woman, then drops her and ignores her, that is what this is. Nope you can’t change it. He’s a dog. But please ladies stop with the he has every right to act like a dog, because he doesn’t. This guy and those who behave like this are dogs.
Anon, I get it when it comes to the work world but you CANNOT demand, enforce or apply it it in the dating world because it’s VOLUNTARY and fully controlled by the whims of the people involved who are under not obligation to say or do anything if they choose not too proceed.
Agree with better off. Just because a man ghosts you doesn’t mean he will do that to the woman he really wants to be with. And he also doesn’t really care if this upsets you because if he did he would not have disappeared in the first place. Women say they want to know the real answer about why a man loses interest although most of the time the question they have is focused on what she did wrong. A manisnt usually going to be honest anyway. In short term situations you can do yourself a favor by not being so focused on it and realize it was a chapter in dating and not a committed relationship.
T from NY
Ghosting is wrong. Wrong. Period. Wrong. By people who are cowardly and have an un-evolved character. Of course she deserved civility, and an ending, after MONTHS of an established communication.
As much as it frightens me that women do not listen to men that clearly say they don’t want a relationship, or crazy ladies that accost a man about what happened after just a couple of dates — it’s frightening we even have this long of a discussion about the rightness, wrongness, prevalence, get-over-it-ness the OP should or should not feel.
What happened to you was horrible. It’s wrong. And ending that way does not have to be part of dating, or I believe, even an accepted risk in dating. It’s only a risk in meeting other humans — and some of them turn out to be cruel and completely immature cowards. Sort of similar to the ones who say you should just get over it or accept it.
You can move on understanding that it takes a very long time to truly know someone’s character. But that you conducted yourself with dignity, are capable of giving and receiving love and affection, and have gratitude to the universe that he showed you — though very dramatically — who he really is.
When a man is still telling you he wants to see where things go after four months, it probably isn’t going anywhere. What strikes me is that while you said it was exclusive, he still didn’t take the step to make her his girlfriend. That’s a red flag to me. To expect a woman to spend every weekend with you, have sex and no title is a bad sign. And her accepting it put her in a bad position because I would not be surprised if this guy was still looking. If you aren’t a girlfriend within the first three months, especially after establishing dates for every weekend, that says to me this was a fwb arrangement. Going with the flow doesn’t always work in your favor because if the man was thinking longer term he would have sealed the deal with a gf label so as not to risk losing her to someone else. If he hadn’t ghosted this very much could have ended up with her wondering where the relationship was heading after 6 months. That’s how I read this. My question is did she bother to phone call him or stop by to see if he was ok? She said he was having medical concerns. If I was that concerned I wouldn’t be just shooting text messages.
Clara Reid
Update –
I have heard from him, with an apology and explanation.
Family crisis did occur (which I will not repeat) his been going through a lot the past few weeks, has been mostly alone away from everyone as no one deserves to be around him while he is the way he is. He mentioned it’s no excuse that he was ignoring me and he sincerely apologised (this is the short version) he also included he realised the last time we saw each other how attached we were both coming and he isn’t ready for that and he is truly sorry.
Now, whether it’s because depression has sunk in due to the crisis he feels this way, given he seems to be pushing everyone else away. Or he genuinely means it for good, who would know. But I respected his decision, made it clear I’m here if he ever needs a vent or someone to talk and made myself pretty clear with my response the doors still open for a friendship if ever needed.
At the end of the day, I got closure and that’s all I was asking for.Hs
Ckara, that is the exact same bs they always tell a girl. Firstly there was aome sort of crisis. Secondly he realized how attached he’s become and it scared him.
At the end of the day, we all go through crisisses. We dont use it as an excuse to treat others like crap. Instead we respond and explain what is happening
This wasnt closure. It was simply a means for him to open the door so he can come back to you and you’ll accept him with open arms should he ever feel like it
This is why the overuse of that word is just as redundant as dating has become!
These guys took a temporary hiatus for the very reason he gave you which is the most common excuse a man uses, even back before the day I started dating over 35 years ago BTW. It was becoming ‘too intense’ because the woman wants more than he was ever going to offer her and instinctively pulls way back which is a biologically natural thing for a man to do BTW and need to learn PATIENCE when it happens because if they DO come back they will reveal THE ANSWER for doing so and know which way to proceed after that conversation. I’m LUCKY that my father taught me this at a very young age and it has helped me to not fall into a lot of the dating traps so many women find themselves in today.
I KNOW what a man wants within the first few dates (IF you make it that far) and then I decide if I want to continue or not based on that knowledge. If I’m not looking for a relationship which was most often the case for me as I LIKED being single as it can be a whole lot funner and much easier than being tied down in a relationship, I sure as heck wasn’t going to waste my time on a guy who was. Sometimes I would tell them “thanks but no thanks” and sometimes I didn’t as most of those who have dated enough fully understood that a NON RESPONSE IS A RESPONSE…it means “NO” or “NOT INTERESTED” where those who understand that concept didn’t get upset about it because THEY KNEW what the other wasn’t looking for ( relationship with them) and trying to pursue (chase after) something the other clearly doesn’t want is a futile waste of energy and time.
For instance I KNEW my ex husband had a major crush on me and was pursing me for a relationship from the get go as were other guys I was ‘getting to know’ because THEY were the one’s PUSHING for a relationship within the first month, not me. I KNEW two of my FWB’s and many others I spoke to, met or went on a date with were only looking for casual (aka SEX) because men will be clear about their intentions very early if you carefully LISTEN and WATCH what they say and do. If they just got out of a relationship/marriage; going through a major issue/struggle; just lost their job; or anything NEGATIVE and their ACTIONS showed wishy-washy behavior that’s a man SCREAMING to you they are NOT in a good, healthy, financial, stable or emotional position to date for the sole purpose of finding an actual mate (life partner) and just mucking around.
If you develop an imaginary relationship with a man who is clearly not your official BF, then all I can say is you’re going to be setting yourself up for a whole lot of pop corn men (those who pop in and out) or ‘bouncers’ (bounce in and out) and heartache.
Men are truly the weaker sex. I don’t care how bad life is, you can eek out a message to someone. Honestly, I’d have told him, see ya, I sure as heck don’t want someone who folds under life pressure. You dodged a major bullet with that.
Also, I laugh at Lane’s assertion that “women feel entitled to communication”…. Lane, go online, Tinder or any app. Set up an account. Make small talk with 10 men. Go away for a week. 20% will have left you a nasty message for not replying. And they’ve never even met you in person. 20% will have left a “worried/needy” message. 20% will have left a polite “guess you aren’t interested”. 40% will just be blank.
Also, why the need to still be nasty and preachy towards Clara? She did the right thing, got her closure and offered this man the grace of friendship. As always, the woman gets blamed for the actions of a weak man. A strong man communicates clearly. A weak man hides behind excuses and games. A strong woman walks away with grace, as Clara did.
Anon, your also preaching to the choir; whereas your communication style is YOURS it is NOT everyone else’s and do not have the power or any legal authority to DICTATE, DEMAND, ENFORCE or CONTROL other people, only yourself! I don’t have this issue so stop trying to force me to believe the way you do or take the position you have…it won’t work! My BF needs to talk daily, I don’t. My ex husband and I were perfectly happy and content talking once a week when he wasn’t home! There were many times he couldn’t communicate weekly and I didn’t get my panties all wadded up because I KNEW he would reach out when he could and PATIENTLY waited until he did by living life the same way every day whether we communicated or not! It boils down to different strokes for different folks!
This man isn’t weak, he knows exactly what he’s doing and has probably worked well for him which is why he chooses this MO especially on women who are soft targets. The harder targets wouldn’t tolerate ‘not knowing’ and would have walked away permanently much much earlier.
She is still not listening. She is going to go forth and eventually bend because IMO she’s not strong enough to ‘let him go’ and take the time to fully wean herself off him. He’s her drug, she’s IN LOVE with him and the moment she spends some time with him she’ll melt in his arms like a puddle. You’re still so wound up on the brief lack of communication that you cant see the forest from the trees. Like I said….using the term “ghosting” today has become redundant….they eventually circle back.
I dunno, Clara’s post sounds pretty done with this guy. She did the polite “let me know if you need a friend”…. if I tell you that? I’m done. I just downgraded you to friend and that’s my signal that there will be no sex ever again. She got what she needed to move on- I don’t sense she will go back.
And this guy is weak. Needing to retreat without notice is WEAK AF. He hid behind a crisis to end a relationship. He made an excuse of depression. A strong man would have reached out and told her “This is over, we aren’t the right fit” as soon as he was certain.
Think about it Lane, did you ever hide out from a guy for awhile and make excuses when it came time to end things? Nope, you were probably direct.
I’ve been thru a lot the last couple of years and really struggled with depression and death. I never once used either as an excuse to end anything.
” This guy knew what he was doing. He isn’t weak he wanted to keep her at arms length and make sure she knows he doesn’t want more than fwb”
That right there is a sign of weakness. Strong men who want casual only don’t act like they are in a relationship and are upfront from before they get in your pants about what they want. Strong men don’t leaving you guessing about their actions (which is what ghosting does). They communicate with clarity.
IE, strong men are willing to fully lose a woman. Weak men leave a door open.
You just rewarded this man for his bad behavior by telling him you will still be available to him in the future. Smh!
Clara Reid
Omg! The assumptions in these comments are baffling – Lane, where do you get off saying I was in love with him? Where on earth was that mentioned in my post or previous comments? Lol
How on earth do people just go and assume I was in love with the guy?
Also, there is a lot of assuming going on here on behalf of me.
Some seem to have missed the part where it was mentioned WE BOTH were unsure of what we were looking for at the very beginning and were quite open about it, yes,that included myself too! We got along great, it escalated further as time went on and I was more than comfortable of the situation at the time, but it made me uncomfortable when he decided to go silent out of the blue, with no explanation. No, this guy did not owe me relationship, but he damn sure did owe me an explanation rather than silence. There were no guarantees of anything coming out of this, I enjoyed the company, our time together and being able to open up to someone on many things and vice versa.I am in no way defending him or his more recent actions, I’m defending myself here.
And lastly, not all people that didn’t work out or progress into something long term has to end on bad terms, if I was “in love with” with this individual, there would be no room for a friendship down the track and not because I’ve left the door open for him to pop back up whenever he pleases, purely for the fact we still had respect for each other throughout the time we had spent together,some great memories I’ll keep too. Like I said, I got my closure and that’s all I was expecting.
Ok Claire. You don’t love him (keep telling yourself that) and he did not ‘ghost’ you either. Did you learn anything from this experience because I find it fascinating that you were so upset over a man not responding when you didn’t even love him.
Some people are really sensitive to changes in communication patterns, especially women. And very few people like to be ignored. If you are really OK with someone falling off the face of the earth after 4 months and ignoring your messages, that’s a pretty cool attribute to have- but that VAST majority of women and a whole lot of men don’t like it.
I think you can feel disrespected by someone you aren’t in love with. I am greatly annoyed by disrespect handed out by anyone. Again, I wish I didn’t care. I can totally see where Claire was not necessarily fully in love with this guy, but felt disrespected and annoyed by his action of suddenly falling off the face of the earth and ignoring her.
I still don’t really understand why people do this….
I don’t see Claire being upset over the man, more just upset over his process. I get that fully. I’ve dealt with the same thing. It’s not a broken heart, it’s a bruised ego.
Also, I don’t think offering friendship means anything. I think it is just something we do sometimes, especially in cases where you don’t really have a grudge. I had a guy break up with me and told him if he ever came to my city to look me up, I’d love to hang out as friends. I don’t really care if he does or not. But I enjoyed spending time with him, either way. I think if anything, when you stop dating with the offer of friendship, that’s pretty good sign that you weren’t really in love.
Clara, If there was any lesson for you to have learned, I believe it is: even in the midst of personally dealing with this, you were and are far more level headed and reasonable than some of the baggage laden people giving responses looking to rewrite their history through your story.
The mean girl schoolyard attitude by some is laughable in how transparent it is. You stated your situation and thoughts in a clear and very well spoken way. There wasn’t anything to read into it. You never said he didn’t have a right to make an exit, only that the way he initially did it left much to be desired and was not respectful of you, your time, or the time both of you put into knowing each other. Instead of the theme of the responses being, “I’m sorry you got the brunt of him going about it this way. You’re correct when you said you realize you can’t make anyone stay or progress but you have every right to be disappointed in his lack of decency. This isn’t a reflection on you in any way. Give yourself some time to process it. He’ll most likely be back around so gather yourself to be good with respecting and being fair to yourself, however you choose to do that, whether he makes an appearance again or not.”
Instead, there were responses that couldn’t wait to “explain” things to you for every point under the sun that wasn’t germane. I don’t care what the posters claim, their “points” and “explanations” had the schoolyard bully theme of shaming because “he doesn’t like you nah nah nah.”
Clara, you handled yourself amazingly. Your responses show you are too smart to be influenced by those who want to nit pick in a lame attempt to exorcise their own demons of past humiliations by casting you in their previous roles.
I wish you well. You are so much mentally farther ahead than the place replies with cynical, bitter, blaming, drama creating “advice” aimed to put you.
Wow, if after 4 months, you don’t have some emotional attachment to a guy, you should stop dating him. I don’t know too many people who could date someone for 4 months (that they were into) and NOT feel some disappointment or general upset over something ending or sensing that impending doom.
Claire doesn’t exactly seem like someone who has lost the love of her life and isn’t handling it well. I’d say she had a healthy level of attachment to the guy for where she was.
To me, forming relationships is a spectrum. It’s super unhealthy to go on one date and obsess over a guy and emotionally attach; it’s similarly unhealthy to date someone for 4 months and develop zero attachment to the outcome.
So she got her closure. Case resolved and closed.
Clara Reid
Once again, assumptions being made here..
I stated I was not in love with him, I never said there weren’t some kind of feelings there or some kind of attachment. Of course that’s going to naturally happen overtime! But people seem to confuse the two,there is a huge difference between the both.
I would be more concerned if anyone was to fall head over heels in love with someone in such a short time frame – 4 months is generally the “honeymoon” phase, it’s all new and exciting but can you really expect to a know an individual that quickly? Especially their bad traits lol. I have friends who have been with their partners for years and are still learning new things about each other quite regularly. My point is, of course there was a bit of hurt when it came to a final hault, that is naturally expected given the circumstances – but realistically what was I meant to do? Cry and sob? Carry on by sending him a nasty text in response? Try to make him change his mind? Of course not. I respected his decision and can easily dust myself off knowing everything happens for a reason, we had a great time, made some memories and it was great while it lasted.Thankyou for everyone’s input :) even the not so positive point of views, its all been an interesting read.