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  • #785375 Reply

    My boyfriend of 8 years is starting to not come home once a week because of being to drunk. It happened a third time. He doesn’t even let me know that he’s not coming home. And I worry all night. Should I be concerned?

    #785378 Reply

    Yes I think you should be .
    Have you tried talking to him about it ?

    #785380 Reply

    We kinda talked about it but then he was mainly mad about how I texted his street sister if she knew where he was instead of calling him. I did call him but he said he would call me later and he never did so that’s why I texted his street sister. And she was the one who said that he slept over because they got too drunk.

    #785390 Reply

    Yes, this is a problem…

    #785403 Reply

    What’s a street sister?!

    Yeah, I’d definitely be concerned about this. It sounds like new behaviour?

    #785419 Reply


    #785441 Reply

    I have somewhat of a similar situation OR did have. My guy drank a few nights a week and had a female bestie much like a sister. There was nothing at all between them sexual She found him disgusting as he did her..they only drank together. Weird I know..

    We broke up AfTER the friend started pushing me one night & I defended myself ( I felt threatened) apparently I went overboard in defending myself Idk but how does one even know? I was ripped myself. Now my boyfriend won’t speak to me says he needs time

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