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  • #794072 Reply

    I need a little bit of advice! I’m not sure I’m I am over reacting or if I should be bothered by this. Sooo I’ve been (or was) dating this man for 3 months —we’ll actually we had only been out 4x since the whole pandemic shut down and quarantine.
    But we talked everyday for those 3 months. Everything was going great—he even asked me to be his girlfriend 1mth in. I said I felt it was too soon but let him know I like where things are going and want to take it slow. He agreed.

    He randomly texted me to say he noticed that he paid for everything the times we have gone out (Only 4 times) then says he prefers someone to grab a check or two. Side note: I offered to pay my half on the first date and then offered to pay on another one of those dates in which he declined. Why bring this up 2 months after our last date? And when I did offer, why insist he pay?

    I honestly think 4 dates is not that many dates for us to even be having this conversation. I could understand if it were months in and he felt I was using him (which is not the case at all! I have my own money and do not need to splurge off of men) but I do expect to be courted a little more than 4 dates ya know? He’s bringing up money this early on makes it seem like he always wants to go 50/50 or looking to just be cheap, idk.

    I was completely turned off by that comment he made and haven’t really talked to him since, which has been about 2 weeks. Am I wrong to feel this way?

    #794077 Reply

    Apart from the issue of who pays, and norms vary by culture, do you really want to be with someone who sends you such cowardly texts? This is a discussion a mature person would have face to face. No-one will be paying for anyone until you actually meet, he should save the conversation for then, or at the very least have it by phone.

    #794078 Reply

    Where do you live by the way?

    #794084 Reply

    That’s what I thought also..I told him I would have preferred this to be a conversation over the phone. It was very childish to bring up two months later! Why would he ask me to be his girlfriend one month in If he had a problem with me not paying?! It’s very odd. I thought I was maybe over reacting about this whole situation.

    #794087 Reply

    He seems to not have common sense.

    #794088 Reply

    Can you elaborate? I just would like to get others’ opinions

    #794101 Reply

    He paid for sex, didnt get it and now wants his money back or at least mention to you he has paid all where he got nothing in return. He probably thought that asking you to be his gf would seal the deal but you said no (good for you btw).
    This is black and white but you want to get courted with meals, he wants sex and feeds you to get it. Thats the downside of letting a man pay for all

    #794103 Reply

    This what dating’s about…determining if that person is qualified for the position of BF :o) I would have dropped him like a hot skillet, whereas, I too would find this guy to be stingy or frugal, and I wouldn’t want to waste my time finding out.

    However, I do think dating has gotten way too expensive because all you’re really doing is trying to get to know each other, and there are a lot of fee, and inexpensive ways to do it without a man going broke. This is how I met most of my boyfriends, including my husband…just hanging out doing free or inexpensive things, and then some expensive things, here and there, like a theme park or fancy dinner when we were in a relationship.

    Honestly, dating really shouldn’t be expensive, especially in the beginning, so its best to opt for low key dates such as coffee/drink for the first; and if you hit it off (want to see each other again) it should be slowly built up such as taking a walk at a local historic park or beach/pier (free) the second; local event/festival the third; bowling the fourth; miniature golf the fifth; take a drive and tour a cool town, like one in the mountains, beach, vineyard, etc. while grabbing a light lunch the sixth…you get the gist. This lets you see how the two of you communicate, behave, act, and above-all help to keep sex off the table while engaging in public activities so you can learn about each other in different situations, and settings, without breaking the bank.

    Its simply about getting to know each other, and sadly why proper “courting” ended with the generation X. Romance has been replaced with technology, and hookups (dinner & sex) which is why the younger generation is having such a hard time navigating the world of romance today, because sadly they no longer have any role models (parents), like I did, to teach or show them. BIG Sigh

    #794104 Reply
    T from NY

    There are so many reasons this is a turn off. I am very much a feminist who also believes in traditional roles. I would not see this guy again. Not just because he’s appears cheap and not a gentleman, but because he doesn’t seem to have common sense, he appears petty, maybe somewhat resentful and definitely not mature. Like wow he’s barely beginning to date you and he sends a text like that. Other women might be fine with it – but I believe men biologically want to provide, protect and care for women they care about. And in my experience any man I’ve dated, who’ve been serious about me, didn’t allow me to pay except for little things here and there. And the men who were concerned about money were self absorbed, had somewhat a distrust for women and were neurotic in other ways. There’s so many ways he could have went about this differently to explore this concern. The one he chose would be a deal breaker for me.

    #794105 Reply

    I don’t think you over-reacted. It would be a huge turn off for me too. I most likely would have mentioned I offered to pay on 50% of the dates he took me on and that if it was still bothering him 2 months later we probably aren’t a good fit. Dating is all about finding someone you are compatible with. Now you know this isn’t someone you see long term potential with and that’s okay. And that usually does happen at the 3-4 month mark. I would move on and not let this bother me.

    #794107 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I totally agree with T from NY, and Kaye. Ick! What a tacky thing to say, and to bring it up 2 months after you have even had an in-person date is so bizarre. Has he been thinking about it all this time?

    To top it off, you DID offer to pay on 2 of the 4 dates, and he declined. And now he has the nerve to make that comment. It’s so very tacky! And petty, like T from NY said.

    This would leave a very bad taste in my mouth also. He should be trying to impress you, not make an issue out of something that happened months ago. I don’t think you overreacted at all, this would bug the hell out of me too.

    #794120 Reply

    1. I don’t think you are over reacting at all. Your instincts are spot on.

    2. If you decide not to continue with him, I like what kaye suggested to say. It’s a way to stick up for yourself without getting into any sort of argument, but also a way to extricate yourself with grace.

    3. If you decide to continue down the relationship-potential path with him, remember this moment. He’s just showed you who he is with his behavior. He keeps a tally sheet and will pull it out when he feels it might be useful.

    #794159 Reply

    I did tell him his comment bothered me and his response was it wasn’t his intention for it to….not even apologizing or acknowledging how rude it was. I haven’t talked to him in 2 weeks. He tried to talk like normal after that, as if he never said that comment but I was very short with him, & I think he could tell.
    Safe to say , let this go? I keep thinking maybe I should text him. It sucks because before this happened everything was going so great :-/

    #794162 Reply

    Youre still not sure what to do? The dude himself isnt talking to you or asking you out is what i get from your post

    #794164 Reply

    And your behaviour is also a bit vague. You volunteered to pay twice but also like guys feeding you meals. So where you fake offering to pay? Everyone notices that

    #794166 Reply

    Lol are you serious? No I was not fake offering to pay. But the fact that I DID offer to pay and he insisted to STILL pay is the issue. Why say something like that but still insist on paying? And then two months later at that. Makes no sense.

    #794168 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    You haven’t spoken to him in 2 weeks? He hasn’t contacted you? He’s not that into you, if that’s the case. It’s not “going so great” if the guy you’re dating hasn’t reached out to you in 2 weeks.

    #794169 Reply

    He has reached out to me, he asked me if I was okay because he knew I was going through some family issues
    He then sent me another text and said “I’m here if you want to talk” .. I didn’t reply.

    #794170 Reply

    Good for you! seriously, if a man can drop off the planet for two weeks and comes up with that kind of response, its just a ‘pop in’ to see if your up for some sexy time. He doesn’t really give a flip and probably hoping you don’t lay all your family drama on him,

    Let this guy drop off the planet forever :o)

    #794171 Reply
    T from NY

    A male dating coach I really respect says “A woman should always offer to pay. (And of course mean it.) While a gentleman will be thankful and always refuse.”

    IF the guy doesn’t act like a gentleman and wants to halfsey on everything – the woman can weigh later whether or not his other qualities compensate for him not paying, consider it he is inventive about planning inexpensive, but thoughtful dates or etc.

    I, personally, won’t date a man who expects me to pay half. I have lots of reasons for that. Some mentioned in my first post on this thread. But the fact she asked to split, he refused, then he TEXTED her when they had barely spent anytime together where he was dropping money and asked her to contribute denotes a weird defensive or self absorbed reaction. Like what is he doing with his extra time with COVID? Sitting around thinking about how women are taking advantage of him? Yuck.

    I respect there are generational, even geographical, differences of perspectives on this. (I’m originally from the south) But it doesn’t matter what time period you’re born in, or state you were raised, there are biological drives a man has when he cares for a woman — or at least in the beginning — cares about the impression he makes on a woman.

    #794174 Reply

    I agree with T. I’ve NEVER had a man ask me to pay and I’m half way to 60! It is EXPECTED of them to do so if they ask you out on a date, period—no ifs, ands or buts about it. My BF still pays for most stuff. I contribute of course because we’re in a committed relationship so we are investing together now; but before that, I think he would chew off his left arm, then bail, if I offered or asked to pay half lol.

    Its not about the money but the INVESTMENT a man makes in a woman he wants to make that investment with. Its biologically driven for them “to provide”, and if a man doesn’t feel compelled to provide, well then, he missed or fell asleep during the “how to be a man” class.

    #794175 Reply

    Want to reiterate that I’m over 50, and half way to 60 :o)

    #794186 Reply

    He did an idiotic thing, you were rightly annoyed and blew him off, he got the message and went away.

    And two weeks later, why have you suddenly gotten so desperate for a man that you’verewritten history and say everything was going great and are now willing to overlook this giant dickhead move that shows he’s cheap and stingy and talks about important things by text rather than discussion? You know he’ll do this again right? He’s keeping score, and from what you’ve said, he’s not accurately keeping score even. And you’ve only been out 4 times. Consider yourself lucky he showed you that money runs his life so you could dodge this bullet. Many better guys out there.Move on, sister.

    #794193 Reply

    Im not talking about this guy anymore. But about the expectations a guy pays. You can say all day long you are a feminist but you simply are not if you hold this guy accountable when he takes you up your fake offer to pay half. Thats not fair to a guy, you pretend to be independent, pull out your wallet. Most guy (who want sex) would say he will pay. But there will also be others who might accept the offer. So to judge this as a character thing is unfair unless you count in your own insincerity to pay half

    #794305 Reply

    This paying thing is interesting but I’m a women dating a women the whole offering to pay thing is getting confusing. I have suggested always going Dutch. But if it was a coffee or something small shouting feels good.

    I’m used to the man paying at least initially.

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