All signs are there but my crush didn’t ask me out

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  • #775329 Reply

    Hi everyone,

    First, im sorry for my bad English. I am currently doing a MBA and I met a guy one month ago we really get on.
    The signs that he likes me :
    – he told me once that I am too perfect and that he is nothing compared to me
    -one day I was sad because my sister was in the hospital, he stayed with me the whole night to work and made me laugh.
    – he stays in the library only if I’m there otherwise he goes back home
    -He always sits next to me, eats with me.
    – He calls me all the time for work and we talked multiple times for an hour.
    -He always drives me home and wants to know what I did for the week end.
    -When he sees me he always say to people that I am the best
    -When he is alone with me, he talks to me about how i see the future (house,baby) and sometimes seems intimidated.
    -He compliments me all the time (I’m very good in class).
    -When I look at him in the eye he looks down and blush.
    -In class, he always stares at me and smiles when I catch him.
    – some people in my class think we are in a relationship
    Anyways, all the signs are there..

    However, I know he is single but he never asked me out…and sometimes he doesn’t answer to my texts or open my messages in messenger.

    Guys are always very intimidated by me because I’m the “know-it-all” type always raising hand in class and I work a lot. Physically, I would say that I’m pretty I really take care of myself.

    For me and my friend who knows him, the signs are there but like all guys who liked me in my life, they don’t make a move.
    What can I do ?

    #775337 Reply

    hmmm…he is defo showing signs of interest by the bullet points you mentioned, however the not opening/replying to texts is contradicting this.

    Always listen to the actions, rather than words of a man. Talk is cheap. I do think he likes you, to what extent I cannot be entirely sure. Keep doing you BUT do not put your eggs in one basket.

    Keep yourself open and available to date other men, you never know, better may just come along.

    In the meantime see this for what it is, a boy with a crush. Without action, this is all it really is.

    When i was at university I had a friend who experienced the same thing. He used to flirt with her and act in ways similar to above, but never locked her down or pursued things further.

    #775359 Reply

    Maybe he’s attracted to you but knows a reason you wouldn’t be right for each other. Maybe he doesn’t want a relationship. Or he already has one.

    #775361 Reply

    I was thinking the same thing Jo, it’s quite possible he thinks if he dates you and things go wrong, there could be implications on his studies.

    #775363 Reply

    Sounds like he likes you but knows the moment a man has sex with a woman, bam!!! automatic girlfriend.

    He likes you but wants to stay single.

    #775370 Reply

    There could be a few reasons as to why he’s holding back:

    1) He knows this program will end and the two of you will go your separate ways so he’s not making a move knowing this will end in a short time so why start something you can’t finish?

    2) He views you in a higher league than himself. He mentioned you were “too good” and “too perfect” which is a man’s way of saying “you are too good for me.” He doesn’t believe he could rise to your level and/or meet the expectations of a partner who is too perfect?

    3) He really “likes you” but is not in love with you?

    The only way to know is to bluntly ask him “we’ve been spending a lot of time together and curious as to why haven’t you wanted to date me?” Listen carefully to what he says as a man will tell you “why” if you ask them—they really are that simple!

    #775384 Reply

    Thank you for your answer guys. Also, thank you for your wise words. It is true that it is important to always see the actions rather than the words.
    I don’t know why guys never made the first move with me. I’m 29 years old and nothing happened. I’ve been in a relationship only once… I know that they’re often intimidated because I have a strong personality and often hang out with guys.
    I would like to ask you another question. Do you think that I should make the first move ? Or do you usually let the guy do the first move ?

    #775421 Reply

    It seems like he may be a little insecure as a result of how much he likes you and put you on a pedestal. But it’s hard to say if that’s the reason he hasn’t pursued you or if it’s a sign that he isn’t ready.

    What country or culture are you/him from? I think that might put a lot things in perspective.

    #775433 Reply

    Thank you for this amazing question Anderson you’re super bright !
    My parents are Muslim but I don’t practice and he is Jewish (and really religious). However, He told me that he only dates non-jewish girls…
    I sent him a message yesterday and he didn’t answer while keeping showing strong interest for me. He shows mixed signals..

    #775529 Reply

    Hi everyone,

    I don’t understand his behavior lately. He ignores me completely since 3 days. He took 6 hours to answer my text or do not answer at all… In class, he didn’t talk to me at all but when the class ended he asked me where I wanted to have lunch. While going to the restaurant with a group of students of my class, he said “I am not going with you, I am going to grab a sandwich” and he left and didn’t join us in the restaurant…
    He acted as if he didn’t care about me and didn’t ask a single question. He is really weird lately.

    Why after all those signs? It really drives me crazy and I can’t focus anymore.

    Thank you guys in advance for your guidance.

    #775536 Reply

    Hi everyone,

    So I met this guy via a dating app, after few weeks of chatting on the app we exchanged numbers and started communicating verbally, he calls and I do the same, we’ve faced time severally and he says he finds me really attractive and beautiful. We’ve had sexual conversations and not much on an actual relationship, he tells me he misses me and I miss him too l. But we don’t live in the same city he lives 2 hours away from where I live. But recently I find myself always thinking of him and missing him which I find really weird and I’m think of going to see him don’t know if it’s a bad or good idea. But I think he likes me too. Don’t know if I should go visit or not

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