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I’m in my early 40s and throughout my life I have always been relegated to the friend role. I was always a “Tomboy” and had a lot of guy friends. Over the years, I had many crushes on my guy friends, but they never saw me as anything more than “one of the guys” or “just friends.” It was frustrating to say the least. But I kept telling myself that in time, I’d meet the right guy who would see me as more than a friend.
I thought that time finally came last summer when I met Ricky online. He didn’t check all my boxes, but we had fun together. We had a lot in common and he let me know he was interested in being more than friends right from the start. We began dating and even though he wasn’t perfect, I really starting thinking I could see myself in a relationship with him in the future. Over the next few months we saw each other a lot. We would see each other 3-4 a week, then it increased to almost daily. We talked about the future together, like planning trips, getting pets, traveling, but also let each other know that we weren’t interested in marriage. He started becoming my best friend – which is was I had always hoped to find in a future partner.
Everything was going really well until he dropped a bomb on me a few months ago. He texted me the following:
“I have to say something awkward. I don’t want you to fall in love with me because I don’t want you to get hurt. I love hanging out with you, but I’m not in love with you. I think you’re sexy and fun and amazing, but I’m not in love with you and it’s best to be upfront. I would love to keep chillin with you often for the rest of our lives. I’m not saying I don’t. I really don’t want to hurt your feelings and I want to stay close friends with you, but we should probably be just friends. I’m at the point in my life where I want to date around. You deserve to find a guy who loves you. I care about you, but I don’t love you. I still wanna hang out often as friends though.”I was really caught off guard. It felt like a punch to the gut. But I quickly talked myself into being okay with all of this. I reminded myself that he never checked all my boxes and he wasn’t the “perfect guy” for me. I also was honest with myself and knew I wasn’t “in love” with him either. So I texted him back telling him not to worry about hurting my feelings. I appreciated his honesty and that while I care about him too, I am not in love with him.
We’ve been continuing on as friends over the last few months. Some days are easier than others, but some days are hard. Especially when he some times reaches over and puts his hand on my leg while we’re watching TV. Or when we’re driving and he reaches out to hold my hand. Things got even more confusing when he kissed me goodnight a few weeks ago. I started thinking that maybe he was changing his mind about being just friends. But then, he started talking to me about how he wanted to start dating and that I should go on dates too.
I’m back on the dating app that we met on. And I am actively looking, as is he. But in the back of my mind I find myself wondering what went wrong. Why am I ALWAYS the friend and never the girlfriend? What am I doing wrong that seems to keep so many men from seeing me as a girlfriend? Not just with Ricky, but with seemingly all my previous could-have-been-relationships.
Hi Lynn, Please strongly consider ending this ‘friendship.’ It’s one sided & you’re not getting anything from it…
@Lynn, take some time off from seeing him or communicating with him. At least 6 months. That will give you both time to clear the decks of any feelings for each other. And don’t be surprised if after whatever period of time, one or both of you are involved with someone else and don’t have time for “friendship” any longer.
You’re not doing anything “wrong” you just haven’t met the right person yet. Normal in dating. This guy didn’t tick all your boxes, you knew that from the start, so this one was never really going anywhere. If you’ve always been a buddy to these guys and not a GF, then maybe start checking out some YouTube videos on how to run the more feminine vibes.
Raven and Angie, I took your advice and for the last 2 weeks have been out of touch with him. However, he keeps texting me and sending me memes and videos. Not one day has passed without him reaching out and asking how I’m doing. I don’t want to completely ghost him, so when he asks how I am, I just respond with “fine” or “I’m ok.”
I went out on a date last week and had a hard time enjoying myself. It was an odd feeling. I know I’m 100% single, but I found my mind wandering and thinking about Ricky. I even felt a little odd, almost as if I were cheating even though I’m not.
Although that date didn’t work out, I am now chatting with someone else and hopeful of where that might go.
Hopefully this gets easier over time. Thank you both for your advice.
Lynn, it’s true you haven’t met the right person yet, but sometimes people don’t do themselves any favors while looking because they find themselves only attracted to emotionally unavailable people. Ricky sounds totally emotionally unavailable, but you’re attached enough that you didn’t fully cut him off and you miss him. While that’s okay and not worth beating yourself up about, it’s still important to take note of since you sound like you are in earnest trying to figure things out. Do you have a larger pattern of Rickys in your life? Or of sticking around too long when the guy isn’t properly committing or interested? It may be a combination of you haven’t met the right guy yet, but you’re also wasting too much time hoping for the wrong ones to come around because you’re so used to chasing love. If that’s the dynamic that feels familiar to you, you may need to figure out why and confront it within yourself in order to really try a different approach.
Maddie, I think you’re right on a few different accounts. Ricky is definitely emotionally unavailable. He also suffers from social anxiety and isolates himself away from all people for days or weeks on end. We had a good, long talk a few days ago and I told him I felt that he was taking me for granted by continuing to ask me to go out of my way to help him with certain things and seeming to only want to hang out lately when it’s convenient for him only (he blames his social anxiety for this). We also talked about a potential relationship again and he clarified a few things. He broke up with his ex a few months ago and has been having a really hard time getting over her. It was the longest relationship he’d ever had, and she was very emotionally, mentally, and even at times physically abusive towards him. He went on to say that he doesn’t want a relationship with anyone. Ever. He is very jaded and feels like all relationships are “a joke” and “everybody cheats.” He explained that he values our friendship and doesn’t want to lose that, and he’s afraid a relationship will only cause problems. I told him that was exactly what I needed to hear to move on and close the book on the possibility of us getting together in the future. He went on to say this is how he feels “right now” and “maybe” things will change “10 years down the road.” I let him know that I would not be sticking around for a “maybe 10 years from now” possible relationship and he said he understood and encouraged me to get out there and keep dating. He said I was “beautiful” and that I have “a pretty face, an amazing personality, perfect boobs, and a nice ass” and “lots of good guys would love to be your boyfriend.” It was definitely nice to hear, but also a little confusing because if I’m so perfect why doesn’t he want to date me? But I guess that doesn’t really matter.
You are also right about me being too attached to completely cut him off. He has become one of my best friends and it’s hard to imagine not having him in my life. Especially since he helps me with a lot. We both do. I let him use my mailing address rather than get a PO Box, he shares his streaming services with me, whenever we get dinner he always pays, I throw his laundry in with mine occasionally because he doesn’t have a laundry room, etc. We help each other a lot so it’s hard to completely cut each other off. But we had a disagreement yesterday on how I feel like sometimes I’m being taken for granted because lately it seems he only wants to hangout with me when it benefits him or is convenient for him. With that, we decided to take some time part. He suggested a week. And for the first time in at least 6 months, he hasn’t contacted me all day.
I think you’re right in saying that I waste too much time hoping for the wrong guys to come around as well. While I don’t have a large pattern of Rickys in my life, I do have a large pattern of crushes who don’t see me the same way I see them. Since I was about 14 years old, I’ve zeroed in on an individual crush and only have eyes for him. The pattern goes that I spend months, sometimes years, pining over this guy who has absolutely no interest in me at all. And while I know that, I just can’t bring myself to stop imagining what it would be like to be with him, and during this time I am completely uninterested in anyone else. I am extremely selective of who I like, so even though there have been a few guys interested in me over the years, I haven’t reciprocated. Which is why I never really had a relationship until I was 25. And that was a long distance off-again, on-again relationship that lasted nearly 6 years with a guy who strung me along and took complete advantage of my feelings for him. After that fell apart, I shut myself down. I went 10 years thinking very similarly to how Ricky is thinking now – relationships are a joke and everyone cheats. So I stayed single for the last 10 years, and never dated until I met Ricky last summer.
I am currently in therapy and trying to work through my trust and commitment issues, but also dealing with clinical depression and anxiety. The combination of all of that has been overwhelming. But it is nice to come here and have some people who listen and give good advice. For that, I thank all of you.
Lynn- Stop chasing this dude for breadcrumbs. You are his placeholder girl. The “maybe in 10 years” and other b.s. is meant to placate you to stop nagging him about it and to give you the possibility of hope that doesn’t actually exist. Lots of men may think all those things but you just don’t tick off the relationship box for them. Giving your time and energy to being a placeholder is going to be more painful for you when some other woman comes along and replaces you but ticks that last box for him. Do yourself a favor and cut contact completely with this guy. He isn’t even worth the friendship.
Why are you giving him girlfriend/wife benefits when he hasn’t earned them? Seriously, sharing mailboxes, streaming services, etc. doesn’t make sense unless you are in an established relationship. So what he pays for dinner and compliments you? So many other men would do the same because that’s usually a basic gentleman behavior.
Hi Lynn. I recommend a book called “Why He Didn’t Call You Back” by dating coach Rachael Greenwald. She did a lot of research by getting men to talk about the actual reasons they lost or did not develop interest. Good general info and also a section on the “friend” vibe and how to change that up.
Move on from this guy, he is not for you. -