Am I taking this the wrong way?

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  • #944987 Reply

    Guy called me last night, I was sleeping and didn’t hear the phone. He didn’t leave a message and usually doesn’t. I texted him this morning saying sorry I missed your call and talk tonight?

    He read it but didn’t respond. Later today I texted him a link to something and he responded and texted like normal. I then asked if we were talking tonight. He replies…sure.

    Doesnt sound too enthusiastic does it? Or am I being picky? I want him to want to talk to me but I also don’t want to be begging. He did call me first so what gives?

    #944988 Reply

    Did you end up talking?

    #944989 Reply

    I interpret it as he didn’t want you to feel you needed to accommodate him. Try to word things where you aren’t asking a question so you can move on in your thoughts through the day. “Sorry I missed…should be free this eve to talk if your schedule allows.”

    #944991 Reply

    We did talk. I called him. He was on his way to catch up on some work and was sitting in the parking lot talking to me so I told him I felt bad I was stopping him from finishing his work.

    I probably should have just called him the next day when I was free. Just seemed weird he would call and then not seem to care if we talked the next day.

    #944992 Reply

    We did talk. I called him. He was on his way to catch up on some work and was sitting in the parking lot talking to me so I told him I felt bad I was stopping him from finishing his work.

    I probably should have just called him the next day when I was free. Just seemed weird he would call and then not seem to care if we talked the next day.

    #944993 Reply

    I think you’re overthinking things, but maybe you don’t have a defined situation so you’re confused. Texting and phone calls don’t replace quality time together, though. So overthinking meaning, focused on the small stuff when it’s the time you spend together that’s more telling.

    Are you dating? FWB? Was his late night call a booty call? Regardless, you shouldn’t feel bad or apologize for calling him. If he was too busy and pressed for time, he could have said that and suggested a better time to talk or hang out. Or not picked up and gotten back to you later.

    #944994 Reply

    Yup, Booty Call!

    #945025 Reply

    I missed that his call to you was late…I have to agree with Raven.

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