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- This topic has 4 replies and was last updated 9 years, 5 months ago by
I’ll try and be as succinct as possible.
My boyfriend and I were together for 4.5 years. We lived with each other last year in a rented property, but after 10 months were kicked out by the landlord who wanted to live in the house himself. So in October 2014 my boyfriend and I moved out of the house. Rather than rent somewhere else we went back to our separate parents as we were going to buy a house instead of rent. So it was just meant to be temporary. But I got a new job right after we left the house, which was only fixed-term contract. So no one would lend us a mortgage. So the fixed-term job is for a year (ends next month), and we tried to carry on our relationship living apart. Bottom line, we drifted. We argued, all the time. Our relationship crashed. June 28th, he broke up with me. I begged solidly for a week and then decided to go NC. I last 17 days. Then I met up with him and we talked and he still didn’t want to try again. He said he wanted to be friends. I said I couldn’t. 5th August was my birthday, so over a month since we broke up and I was still devestated. I told him I wanted to try again and he said no. BUT, he said he would take me on a date when I get back from holiday. I was going on holiday mid September. So, I agreed and spent the next six weeks trying to keep distant from him and get on with my life. I was happier because I knew we had a date coming up. I went two weeks without contact and then he contacted me. He was moving out of his parents into a house with friends. I was gutted because hw was signing up for a year, and we did get back together then we wouldn’t be able to live together. Anyway, he contacted me three or four times before I went on holiday and still let me think we would have his date. Cue last weekend. I got back and now he doesn’t want to date. He said he is sorry for leading me on and letting me think there would be a date. He said he does/did want to go on a date but he just doesn’t have faith that we can fix the relationship. So, I’ve spent this entire week feeling like I did at the end of June. It’s like he freezes my healing time by promising me this date. I’ve begged and begged him. Yesterday I sent him a trillion texts trying to convince him to try again. I told him i loved him so much more than anything. He said No, it’s over and he doesn’t have faith he can fix it. He is happier now and as much as he wishes things could go back to how they were, he doesn’t have faith that it can. I feel annoyed with myself, because if this was 3 months ago when we first broke up and I did NC from this point onwards, I may have a chance. But 3 months has passed and we have still maintained contact and now I feel like it’s too late to do NC. I have deleted him last night off my phone, my internet, my social media, my everything. I just want him to change his mind. He is basically loving living with his mates and going out every weekend. That’s what I think the reason to his change of heart is. Two weeks ago he was telling me we would go on a date. He actually asked me sheepishly, “do you still want to go on a date, I’d really like to.” So I thought he was keen. But now it is all over. All over! He wants to move on and says I should too. Is there any point me trying to do NC to win him back? I can’t bring myself to even think about dating someone else as I know my ex is the one for me and I just wish he would realise it too. Any help would be great. I cannot cope. I really cannot. :(Andrea
Its not too late to do NC, but I think do it for the right reasons. Hoping anything at this stage or later will keep bringing you back to the day he broke off. And you will not heal. If he wanted to be with you, he would, whether or not you lived separately.
He must have realised he wants his independence back.SthrnBelle
There is no hope. Accept it. You should have accepted it three months ago, at least start the process of healing. If there was any hope then it is lost by now because you kept begging him thereby devaluing yourself completely and all respect he had for you is gone. He does not want you, he wants to be free and live his life partying, go out with other girls, etc. Obviously he is NOT the one for you because it requires both parties to think so. Please understand and accept that forcing and begging will only push a person farther away. The point of NC is your healing and not getting him back, with this attitude you will never. You now lost 3 important months of your life by fooling your own self foolishly believing that someone would take you on a date months in the future when he is not even dating you? What if he meets someone else in the meantime? How could you believe this? I am afraid that if you are not willing to accept this, you will never make progress. You are in complete denial. NC only makes sense if someone is strong enough because they will attempt to come back and you cannot allow it. It would be for an ego boost anyhow. The guy does not want you, acknowledge it, he wants to live with his friends, what is more clear to you than that he signed the agreement for one year? There is a reason for that, he DOES NOT WANT YOU BACK. Either this finally registers in your brain or you will completely destroy yourself over this.
Ok, this was harsh reality and I said this to you because while I know that every word is like stabbing you in the heart with a knife and then twisting it in, I do relate and feel for you and am very very sad to read your lines. Believe me we are mostly here because we have been there. I have been this desperate when I felt that I could not bare the thought of never seeing my ex, hearing from it and worrying about little things like his birthday or him making up with his ex girlfriend that really never mattered because he did not want me.
I know and understand that this is like a part of you has died. You were together a very long time but it can be worse when people have kids and they were together 25 years. Life still goes on, you have to or you will not survive. You have to concentrate on your job and please consider going into therapy to help you.
What you should provide info on is why the relationship went downhill. This is what I cannot comment on because you have never stated what you argued about. Were you pushy, needy, begging, desperate for moving back together? I think that it could not have been your fault or your fault alone as after you two were kicked out he got a taste of bachelor life again and he probably loved it. He likely lacked the maturity and responsibility to remain with you and you cannot help that. I think that after this long he likely did not have the passion for you anymore which is normal but he clearly wants something else than you do. How old are you two?
On a positive note it can still happen after this long a time together that he comes back. Problem is that by now with all this begging you have diminished the chances of that but even without this it was small. Acknowledge your mistakes, learn from them but learn not to blame yourself and to forgive yourself. Remember that you can only change your behavior and are only responsible for that, we cannot control that of other people!s. Once you make changes and with the right person who is ready to love you, you can find happiness but yes it will take a while and no you should not be out dating right now. Heal yourself first. This is a must for your own good.
I wish I could help more. I can hear you crying for help and we really want to, the sad reality is that no one can help you feel better but yourself and that will take a while. It does take months of suffering and many many days when you think that you have only gone backwards until one day you wake up and find out that you no longer feel so bad.
Remember what counts, family, friends, work on yourself with a therapist perhaps, hobbies, interests, programs, once you are better perhaps dating but not now. Try also doing things that make you feel better about yourself however superficial they may seem, such as a haircut, get your nails done, etc. You may not be able to do them right away and need a few days to yourself but after that and get out there with your friends, you have friends too, right?
And please read as much as you can here, read the articles, the threads, I find that it is one of those things that have helped me the most because I can learn and help and thereby I feel better too myself and you can also see here that many women are going through something somewhat similar that we can all relate to.
All the best to you and keep us posted, write it out if you like, tell us what happened. Also start keeping a diary and writing every day at any time when you feel down. Tell the diary what you would like to tell him.
Sorry but you led yourself on by continuing to wait around for him for 3 months when you should have been moving on. First you beg to have him back, BIG NO NO, then you keep asking him to reconcile and he keeps rejecting you. What don’t you get? He does not want to repair the relationship and he has said that several times over. I don’t care if he said he’d take you on a “date” or not, he doesn’t want to be with you, that is the bottom line.
It is not too late to start no contact; start it NOW. But make sure you understand that you are doing no contact to move on and get over him. This is not to be used to get him back because that will just blow up in your face. He’s not coming back. Sounds like he’s happy being a bachelor. And you need to change your mindset because he is not the one for you so stop thinking that way. If he was then he wouldn’t have broken up with you.
I know it’s hard but you need to cut him off for good and move on. You are only delaying your own progress and causing yourself more pain. You could have started this process 3 months ago and be feeling a lot better now but instead you are holding out hope for something that won’t happen. When a relationship is done, it’s done. No use living in the past, move forward. There are better things to come.
I’m sorry :( I know that gut wrenching pain you’re feeling. It sucks.
I do think you should do NC, but not to win him back. I think you should aim for 60-90 days of NC. Focus on ANYTHING other than him. Rewatch one of your favorite tv series on Netflix. Join a gym and start a body makeover challenge. Do anything. I bet after 60 days you’ll have taken the edge off this all consuming heart ache, and youll have cleared your mind enough to realize you don’t WANT to feel the way you do right now ever again. And you won’t give him the power to make you feel this way anymore. Once you get out of this phase where the pain makes you desperate and not think straight, you’ll feel better.
im not sure how you feel about going on other dates, but that can be a fun distraction. Go for rich guys so you can try some new fancy restaurants ;)
Good luck. I hope this helps. Hang in there.
Oh, and stop texting him! A trillion texts never helped any girl get what she wants. It’s hard to hold back sometimes, I know, but don’t so that anymore.