Am I Wrong?

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  • #898481 Reply

    So! I’m 25 F and my ex is 25 M. We broke up on Monday after a 9 month relationship because he was constantly being flighty and canceling plans because he needed space. For months he would take distance and he once ghosted me for an entire week while on vacation, and came back like everything was normal and fine between us. And by ghosted I mean he said he needed space and was turning off his phone but he kept up with my insta story during this time. He was in contact with his ex during our relationship because he states that they’ve both matured and even planned a double date for us and his ex / her new bf. He even said he was going to go to brunch with her alone.

    We’d had several “where is this going talks” during our relationship. He would say he was scared because he wasn’t sure he was ready / was dealing with anxiety and depression because his ex was emotionally abusive and put him through hell. Which is why I didn’t understand how he could possibly want to talk to her after the fact. When he would ask for space i would give him that but he would always text me when I wouldn’t reach out. I asked him how he would define space so I know how to give that to him properly, but he didn’t know. He wanted to hear from me but basically he didn’t want to see me is what it sounds like.

    Our last convo, he asked me if I wanted to spend time together during the weekend (he cancelled on me last week to go to the gym). And I asked him how he thought things were going between us because he seemed like he wasn’t ready for this. He agreed, and started to explain that he was severe trauma from his childhood and his past relationship and he felt like he couldn’t be fully present with me because of that. He said he loved me so much and believes that I deserved to be showered in love, but because he didn’t have a great relationship with himself he wasn’t sure he could provide that for me. We talked for four hours and I eventually ended it by wishing him the best and telling him that no, I cannot be his friend. During this convo I was like if were a team we can work through this together but he was like he needs to go at this self care health journey alone.

    Flash forward three days and my friend finds him on hinge, not with a just joined account but with a regular one, and I’m so upset and angry with myself. I wonder if I was smothering him or being emotionally abusive by asking about his ex and initiating all of the where are we going with this conversations. Am I going mad?

    #898482 Reply

    I also want to add that after his vacation I hadn’t seen him for a month in person but we would FT, and he’d always have a reason to end the convo early. While we were working on fixing our relationship he would cut dates short because “he had to go poop” (we were once at a fair and he didn’t want to use the bathroom there), or he “had to do his hair so he had to get off the phone.” Or “he wanted time to cook a home meal and go to the gym.”

    When I would give him space he would get upset and triple or quadruple text me and even called me to just hear my voice or whatever. IDK I just wonder if I was emotionally abusive or I didn’t try hard enough to actually make this work? Was me always asking what this relationship was doing too much? It just feels like he left me in so much gray all the time…

    #898488 Reply

    You did nothing wrong. Stop gaslighting yourself. This guy isn’t relationship material. He has major mental health issues and it doesn’t seem like he’s over the ex. And it’s weird if she was so awful he wants to go on double dates with her and her new BF, I wouldn’t like that one bit and I wouldn’t agree to it.

    The pastor at my church says he thinks all this “I need space” stuff is male avoidance and its BS. Disappearing for a week and then acting like nothing happened is BS.

    You were 100% right to end this. It’s not supposed to be this hard.

    Learn this young – if a man isn’t over his ex, if he’s got major problems, don’t get involved. Women like to fix, unfortunately. Don’t fall for potential or pretty words. When a guy shows you early on who he is, believe him and get away.

    #898490 Reply


    Yes! He likes her posts on insta (all of the ones without her bf in them) and follows / supports her book club on there as well. I brought it up and was like this makes me very uncomfortable especially considering how traumatic you say that relationship was to you. They were together for 5(?) or so years so I tried to understand that that’s a long time so I guess it makes sense, cutting people out is hard especially if you have the same circle of friends. Still…she even invited him to her grandfathers funeral because he was close with her fam when they were together.

    He once said to me, “you say that you want a relationship and so I’m scared that you’re only here because you want to be in a relationship.”

    And I chuckled and said, “no, I can be alone, but I chose you and I want to be here.”

    Typing all of this out and I realize how I sound… I feel so foolish falling for someone like this. I lost my v to this guy..UGH

    #898527 Reply

    Anyone who says they need to be alone to deal with their severe childhood trauma absolutely does need to deal with it, most likely alone. But hey, it’s way easier to say that but then just *not* deal with it and find a new female distraction with a clean slate until you hit another wall, then rinse and repeat. Maybe one day he’ll be ready to confront his issues, but it’s not now.

    I’m sure he liked you and cared, and you don’t need to beat yourself up over this. Most of us needed to learn what a guy who wasn’t ready for a relationship looked like at some point. As long as you’ve learned something from it so you’re more experienced next time, that’s how we grow and figure out what we want in a good partner for us. It’ll be okay, but cut yourself off completely from his issues, which includes telling your friends not to give you updates on him.

    #898614 Reply

    @Maddie, yeah I’ve blocked him on everything as soon as I hung up the phone. I cried so hard that night that I had to have someone tuck me into bed. It was bad, but I knew I had to end it because I’ve been so anxious for months about our relationship. It’s been a little less than a week and finding out he’s had a hinge (probably this whole time) really feels like a slap in the face to me. I’m trying to get over it and move past it, but I keep having horrible dreams about him and our last convo. I can’t help but wonder if he had been juggling multiple women while with me and or his whole “crying while we were breaking up” thing was an act and he never really cared about me at all.

    #898648 Reply

    He’s ‘unhinged’ IMO, an yes, may have been playing you. Possibly not, but his compass is “off” and he’s a whole bundle of problems. You need someone more normal and consistent. I see nothing but problems and heartache for anyone who is involved with him.
    Best of luck getting over him. He’s nothing but trouble right now and possibly forever.

    #898739 Reply

    @Kathy, yeah I think I knew throughout that throughout the entirety of our relationship. I was so blindsided by infatuation that I let a lot slide. I tried to “fix” him and swept so much flighty and inconsistent behavior under the rug because I loved him. Finding out that he’s back on hinge three days after our breakup just goes to show that I put all of the work into this and he put in zero.

    #898754 Reply

    All the numerous red flags aside, A guy tells you that you deserve better & you are crying over him??
    You have to be careful about how & who you open your heart to. Guard your heart for out of it are the issues of life.

    My sacred code is that I give the energy that I receive. One-sided expectations can mentally destroy you. Leave that guy alone from now onwards. He ain’t worth your mental health, you have so much love to give.

    #898774 Reply

    @Claws, you’re right! It’s been a week and it’s def gotten easier to deal with. I have been talking it out and realizing just how unhealthy this relationship was. I’m happy to be free of it, but it’s gonna take some time for me to heal I think. Thank you!

    #898792 Reply
    T from NY


    You deserve better. No discussion needed. Seriously. Love yourself better and you’ll choose wiser I promise. Wish that for you

    #898896 Reply

    breaking up with him was the best thing you could do. anyways he wasnt even around half the times and alwys had some problem or the other. my only question is why would you put up with someone like this for so long? next time choose wisely and dont be afraid to walk away. you are not supposed to fix others. but your definitely in charge your own happiness.

    #899250 Reply

    @T From NY, thank you. I’m staying away from dating for now. I’m so ticked off lol

    #899251 Reply

    @Tammy, it was foolish and silly of me, I know. I gave up too much that I can’t get back now. Time, energy, love, etc. I’ll have to be more careful the next time I’m ready to get out there.

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