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- This topic has 33 replies and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
Veruca Salt.
Starting hanging out with ex again, we fell into a situationship.
We talked about boundaries at the beginning, and I said I was open to things progressing but not open to Friends with Benefits, so if we are doing this it has to be more meaningful and like, you know…dating.
So this has been going on for a few months and everything is great. However my bday was this weekend and I made it known that’s a thing for me, like, you know…important.
He ended up not being able to see me on Saturday because of work.
He made plans last week for Sunday (prior to knowing he would have to work, but while knowing he has a job that often has him work Saturdays) for dinner with another woman, and this woman is someone he was dating before me, and continued to hang out with, even when we were official, and it always seemed like she came first. I have examples but won’t get into it. Most important thing to note here is I’ve never met her, which I find super alarming.
I asked…Could you possibly reschedule? I mean, at least ask? He says he’s annoyed and doesn’t want to reschedule etc.
So I’m like at a level 3999999 freak out. I told him I get this work stuff isn’t his fault but that it’s hurting me more than anything.
We are talking about it tomorrow. I don’t know what to say or do, all I know is I’m so upset I’ve been considering this a potential dealbreaking thing and I went over to his place drunk last night and tried to end it with him but then felt embarrassed the next morning (I slept, separately, over, he didn’t want me driving) and said I wouldn’t do anything overdramatic or rash without talking it over with him. I feel awful about it.
If it were anyone else, I probably wouldn’t be so triggered, but this is a girl he saw as a romantic interest (literally they had one small fight and then he met me, and we hit it off/dated…and they ‘worked through’ their fight and remained friends. it seemed off to me because she always seemed to get first rights on everything.)
Am I overreacting? I have a tendency so I just need some outsider insight. is he a Chad or is he a Vlad?
How long did you two date?
How long ago did you break up & why?Maddie
Why did you break up in the first place? Is anything actually progressing or is it really FWB anyway but he’s dating others and using the excuse he’s still considering getting back together with you, or are you truly concentrating on reconnecting with mutual effort to repair the problems that led to the first breakup? If it’s a situationship and nothing is being repaired, and after a few months you still aren’t sure where you stand in this new situation and are in limbo, that sounds like a waste of your time to me. Doesn’t matter about the other woman, she’s not the problem if he’s low effort and not escalating to get back together with you after dating you again for months. That’s his choice around commitment and he’d probably be doing it whether she was in the picture or not.
There’s a reason situationships happen, and they tend to be because one partner is non-committal and may have problems with intimacy and the other partner doesn’t have healthy boundaries and tries to wait them out in hopes something will eventually change. But why should they change? Someone who wants to hang out in a situationship does it because it’s comfortable for them and what they can give, they don’t want to do the hard work of really vulnerably connecting (or reconnecting and repairing). And you don’t fall into a situationship, you choose it. Date reality, not potential, and decide if the way this person is now makes you happy, even if they never change (because they probably won’t).
Shoot! Hit submit too soon…
Whose idea was it to get into this ‘situationship?’ & what exactly is the situation?
Regarding- Chad -vs Vlad? They both have to do with the penis, so you tell us…
we met in august of 2020. we dated and became official pretty soon, but i was sick with mono and also not doing a great job of communicating things, and he broke up citing we weren’t as close as we should have been by then. we took a couple months not talking to each other and i met up again to return some things and have lunch. we hit it off and things have been a lot better, we have spent all of our free moments together. i know he isn’t dating others. i know it has been better this time around, but i also didn’t mind taking things slow due to us breaking up the first time. i should also note this other woman is moving, so this might be the last time he sees her, which is why he says he has to go. i wasn’t have any problems at all with how things were going until this happened, because i felt triggered by what happened the first time…but we broke up the first time, so maybe it isn’t fair to drag the past into it. ugh. oh well. i dont think there are any easy answers. just going to try to be open and communicate and where we land on it.
see where we land.*
It sounds like you do not have healthy boundaries as you came over to his house. That’s a bit crazy and you must have been driving drunk- so irresponsible of you. He doesn’t sound interested in a relationship- he’s enjoying being single and doing what he wants and you are accepting this by seeing him on these terms that doesn’t make you happy. You need to decide it’s over- that is the healthy boundary to set.
well, about the going over thing, it wasn’t my intention to 1) drive drunk or 2) invade his space while he was there. i told him earlier i had his share of some food (he purchases it, i pick it up and drop it off, i didn’t want to keep it since he paid for it) and i knew he would want it before saturday for work meals etc and i ended up not being able to do it. after my bday party (i was plied with drinks) i decided to be nice and still drop it off, but obviously…not my best decision. the thing about alcohol is it messes up your prefrontal cortex and puts you in a bad rational decision making place. i did apologize for it all, he said he isn’t mad, i hope it’s true. i am definitely ashamed of that whole scene. but thanks for the judginess.
also, i don’t drink to get drunk very often – that’s the most i’ve drank in YEARS – and when i do i rarely drive.
(i mean, when i drink i rarely drive…even when not drunk. obviously, this is the only second time in my life where i realized ‘wow, i could have done some damage driving.’ the other time was years years years years ago. i was abandoned somewhere and had no choice.) so yeah, not cool.
‘thanks for the judginess.’
Do you want advice or just someone to brush your hair & sing kum-ba-ya…Rox
Hi Mcdabby,
Yes, I think you are over-reacting. The girl you mention, you already said she is leaving. I don’t think there is a threat there. I think it’s healthy for a guy to have friends who are women. Just think he’s ‘seeing you’ not her . I dont know the term situationship..
I dont know what a Chad or a Vlad is either? But, if you like him. Then I think you should stop acting so insecure. You really didnt need to go anywhere after your birthday party. Nice to know you can have fun without him.Good luck!
thank you. sadly, he wants to end this because of my emotional neediness this week and i am mortified and beating myself up for it.
i completely overreacted and ruined something that was otherwise…just fine! everything was great, and then my brain went into a freakout about nothing.
i asked if he could take some time to think it over first. i tried to explain that this isn’t my normal behavior and that i’m very good at regulating my emotions. i didn’t think he need to do anything differently re: soothing me. my only real worry was whether she was a threat, and she wasn’t, you are right, he laughed that right off and explained everything in a way that made more sense. so i messed everything up over nothing! hooray for me.
thank you. sadly, he wants to end this because of my emotional neediness this week and i am mortified and beating myself up for it.
i completely overreacted and ruined something that was otherwise…just fine! everything was great, and then my brain went into a freakout about nothing.
i asked if he could take some time to think it over first. i tried to explain that this isn’t my normal behavior and that i’m very good at regulating my emotions. i didn’t think he need to do anything differently re: soothing me. my only real worry was whether she was a threat, and she wasn’t, you are right, he laughed that right off and explained everything in a way that made more sense. so i messed everything up over nothing! hooray for me.
i have an update but the forum is not letting me post it
You didn’t mess this up over nothing. There’s both no reason to beat yourself up, and plenty of reason to focus on yourself so that you’re a stronger partner in the future for a guy who doesn’t trigger your insecurities.
First of all, everything wasn’t great, that’s a story you’re telling yourself to put yourself down. Relationships that reconnect again after breakups don’t usually work out unless the initial issues were fully dealt with and both partners changed. That’s rare. Not impossible, but rare. You were already wondering where you stood before your birthday, which isn’t a sign of everything being great.
Second, you don’t sound like you take responsibility for the right things. You passively talk about things happening to you (you fell into a situationship, you were plied with alcohol by others and just couldn’t help it and that messed with your decisions), but these are all fully your choices. Yet you beat yourself up as the only reason your relationship didn’t work out when it takes two to break (especially multiple times!). So, this is a good time to introspect and really assess your own agency and how to properly attribute responsibility.
Yes, you did mess up by not communicating that well and then pushing your emotions down until you exploded. That is on you. But it didn’t happen in a vacuum. There were several reasons for it, more having to do with you and your stuff than with him, but think about the deeper reasons you overanalyzed, got jealous, and responded the way you did. You even said you have a tendency to overreact. Sounds to me like you were scared both of being too close (you were comfortable taking things slow both times) and of him leaving you one day. THIS is why things got messed up, and it’s not nothing. It’s hard to face and deal with, but if you want to have an easier time dating, this is what you need to dig deeper into.
You weren’t compatible with him or you wouldn’t have broken up multiple times. You can really take this experience and come out better after you mourn the breakup.
if anyone wants to help me with part 2, this is where we are now:
he says he has been thinking about how our thing is unsustainable because he is still new in town and i’m his only social interaction (esp now that his friend is leaving) and he is worried it’s going to be unhealthy / a co-dependent relationship. he mentioned maybe this wasn’t final, but that he needed to get to know more people and then maybe come back. i kind of was like, “wait, do you mean see if anything better is out there? lol and then if it isn’t, come back?” and he was like “oh s***, that sounds terrible when you put it that way, so never mind.”
i said well, are you in a hurry to move on? if not, and you thought things were okay between us and the main problem was that you still don’t have any social support system, why don’t you just take some time to focus on you and we will agree to reconnect at a later date, instead of leaving it open ended? i get that may seem like i’m just waiting around for a maybe, but in my head i’m thinking it’s healthy to give someone space.
i then said why don’t you at least take some time to think about this instead of coming to a unilateral decision based on what is in your own head about this? i feel like you think something about me that isn’t true and are basing this on something about me that isn’t true, and he knows isn’t true (after knowing me for about six-eight months, i have never ever acted like this before, and i wasn’t even that bad, even when drunk i was very kind and apologetic about being a bother, lol). so he agreed to that, and we are going to revisit it.
i paid a relationship coach on relationshiphero to help me and she was very very very good (this isn’t an ad, and for all i know i got lucky with this one person, i can’t vouch for the rest) and it was worth the money. because even if this thing doesn’t work out, i want to learn and grow from it and be better at relationships and communication.
the funny thing is her main takeaway was: she is concerned i have a FAR better communication skill set than him and that’s the problem. she also said i’m a “securely attached” person based on my conversation, but a securely attached person around an avoidant person can become more anxious. it blew my mind. i think she’s right.
anyway, any thoughts welcome. tune in for an update.
ANM Staff
KeymasterHi mcdabby – I saw that your reply was getting caught-up in the forum filters. (It doesn’t like the word “s**t”.) I fixed that up and published the first update you had attempted. Sorry about that, carry on!
Liz Lemon
I don’t see why his wanting to make more friends/social contacts means he can’t date you? That sounds like a total cop out. If he wanted a relationship with you, he could absolutely date you while making other friends (by taking a class, volunteering, whatever). To me it sounds like he wants to see what else is out there and maybe come back to you if he can’t find someone better. Is that really what you want to be, his backup girl?
Listen to Maddie. She gives fantastic advice.
Sorry to hear about him breaking it off. Because of this, he will have all the power in the relationship because he wasn’t originally willing to put the effort into making the relationship work. That is really hard to deal with if you’re used to the relationship being a partnership and a certain way. I think this is your opportunity to walk away and to let him know you’re not interested in waiting- you’ve only invested 6-8 months. You will feel very sad at the beginning, but you will not regret walking away. If he wants you or the relationship, he will make all the effort to contact and reach you so I would consider this a breakup and date others. I can tell you that he most likely will date others and how would you feel?
right, i get what you are saying about it being a cop out, but i think the reason is because he works all the time and only has weekends free, and i end up being with him all weekend.
for him to really get out there and meet people, he needs the time and space to do that.
also, he wouldn’t have made this decision (it was just something he was thinking about) if i hadn’t FREAKED OUT this past week. i am certain that is what pushed it over from a “maybe i need to make sure this doesn’t become codependent” thought to a “oh, we should break up” thought.
so i am telling him, nix the second thought because i promise i am not ever going to freak out again, and i am willing to support him if he wants to meet other people as long as he doesn’t date other people, and we reconnect after he feels he has his own friends.
anyway, we are both in the thinking about it stage, and who knows what he will say? but if he comes back and says, “i thought about it, and it’s over” i will just wish him well.
If that coach truly thought you have a secure style and he has an avoidant one, you’re swinging anxious as a result to the point you believe you’re acting out of character, he doesn’t have good communication skills, and you’ve already broken up / almost broken up twice in 6-8 months, I’d drop this like it’s hot for your own sanity. I still stand by everything I said about the work you can do for yourself to find better relationships in the future. Why do you want to stick around for all this drama in such a short time if you’re secure? Good, healthy relationships make you feel comfortable and bring out the best in you, they don’t make you twist around in a pretzel and second-guess where you stand. Nor do they require you to spend all this time and effort negotiating to give him space because he only has one friend and can’t make more because it’s so hard to do when he’s in a relationship (which, btw, he’s not, since you said it’s still a situationship… and yet that’s still too much for him to have time to socialize??).
This is so messy. As I’d said before, not everything was great, doubly so if he’s actually avoidant. Start digging deeper. You can probably talk him into coming back, but the push-pull you’re feeling won’t be over. You’re ignoring a lot to keep this situationship going. Choosing to stay in this situation and choosing to try to make it work after 1.5 breakups will continue to trigger your anxiety because you and he have totally different longer-term intimacy needs. Maybe it’s because you’ve never dated someone avoidant before, but it’ll all be lessons to learn. As long as you’re going in with your eyes open and not with rose-colored glasses.
well, maddy, super easy from that side of things, emotionally detached, to tell me what i should or shouldn’t do, but when you’re emotionally attached, it’s a different story.
i don’t see what’s so bad about how i’m handling this.
i did misbehavior so to speak, and he is reacting to that behavior, so i at least want to talk about it before he makes any final decisions, he agreed, and then we will talk again and i will listen to what he says and move on if that’s what needs to happen.
i wish this place actually understood what people wanted. it’s never “oh wow, from this side of things, what a headache!” any conflict in a relationship sounds like a headache when you aren’t emotionally invested in it. but if you work through and grow from it, it’s always worth it.
Liz Lemon
This guy has made it clear he’s not as emotionally invested as you are, though. That’s what we’re trying to say. He wants to break up with you, so he can make friends — whatever that means, I still think he can make friends while being in a relationship. If it means spending a bit less time together, then fine– but he should be afraid you’ll meet someone else and he could lose you, if you split up. A guy who valued the woman he was with would feel that way. He doesn’t seem too concerned about what may happen if you two break up, even temporarily.
It’s your choice if you want to continue dealing with this up-and-down, of course. People here are just telling it as we see it.