Home › Forums › Break Up Advice › Any tips from men?? Ended relationship with a passive guy – was I wrong to?
- This topic has 18 replies and was last updated 9 years, 11 months ago by
Hi everyone,
I know of one guy on this forum (STEVE! PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION(S)), so I am curious to hear from a man about what my recent ex might be thinking and/or what I should do now. Of course, I want anyone with advice to chime in. I am, as my name eludes to, about to cave in!
On Sunday, I decided to call and end things with a guy I have been exclusively dating for 7 months. The first 3 months was easy and carefree, mainly because I was trying to protect myself from really falling for this guy. With ALL men before him, I have been typically ghosted in the second month. Needless to say, this was my first ever exclusive relationship, but I was the one who chose to bring up the topic around our fourth month or so. We talked and, to my surprise, he had already thought that we were exclusive! That was a telltale sign for me that he CLEARLY is not a good communicator.
The first sign of ‘trouble’ for me was about a month before our talk. I noticed him becoming more and more distant. Text messages were starting to go unanswered – would tell me later that he forgot and then apologize. Effort to initiate dates/activities/nights soon became 100% my job. He would happily agree to almost all things I put forward, but I was getting tired of always putting in the effort. I asked if he would do me the courtesy of putting in more effort to plan things with me, and he agreed without hesitation.
So, present day, he just moved away a month ago. He is only 2 hours away, but I still made sure that he was willing to continue with me before he left. He said ‘absolutely’. Unfortunately, things did not get better. I still put in all of the effort. Communication was still limited to sporadic texts, and I was growing increasingly frustrated by his ability to post things on social media, and like or comment on pictures of other women. Yet he somehow couldn’t respond to a message from me…?! WTF.
We went a week without any communication. He used to be good at commenting on things I would post online, but that stopped too. Again, all comments and likes were given to other people. I sent him a message asking if he was free to talk later – 10 hours later there was still no word from him.
Based on my past experiences, I thought that I was again being ghosted. I decided to therefore give myself closure by messaging him that I recognized a fade out when I see it. I went as far to actually giving him accolades by stating that he has an exciting road ahead, wished him the best and then said goodbye. It was late, so I silenced my phone and went to bed. In the morning I saw that he had replied about an hour after I sent the messaged and, after his normal apology and excuse for not responding earlier, he agreed that we should talk.
I my mind, I had prepared to end it all. Cut all social media ties. Everything. HOWEVER!! He started to mutter that he thought we should take a temporary break to give him a bit more time to settle in…but then he changed his tune to what I had said.
This is where I need help! EVERYTHING about him and what we talk about revolves around what I say. I didn’t recognize that he wasn’t willing to end this completely until THE NEXT DAY! All I heard from him on the phone was him agreeing with me and saying things like “if that’s how you feel” and “if that’s what you want”. I was under the belief that if he genuinely wanted to be with me, then he would have fought for me and made it CLEAR. All of my friends agree with this opinion…..except for one. She has been with an incredibly passive man for 7 years. She said that it took her two years to figure out that this is just who he is! They are very happy together and are perfectly content with her being the ‘man’ in the relationship.
It is THIS perspective that is making me feel like I quit and gave up on him! I didn’t want to end things with him, but I did want more effort. I felt that him not giving me those things meant that he just didn’t want to. I never thought to look at the ‘passive’ affection I have received from him.
So, HELP ME! His birthday happens to be on Saturday and I am contemplating reaching out and extending an olive branch. Steve, if you are out there, do you think I should or will my guy be more confused/annoyed by this?
I hate to break it to everyone who is so in love with “Steve”… but the stuff he said about being wealthy didn’t wash. No idea what he was doing here, but he wasn’t what he said “he” was. Truly wealthy people don’t brag about it… and truly wealthy people are extremely time poor, they don’t have time to be posting relationship advice on a random website for 99.9% women when they are male. Especially when they claim to already have a GF. Think about it. Doesn’t add up.
If you’d like a guy’s advice, try posting on ask men dot com or some other sites.
This guy isn’t passive, he’s downright lazy. I think you were right to break up with him. It’s common (b I’ve been there) to think you made a mistake after a breakup but there were, and are valid reasons that drove you to that decision.
Even though you’re second guessing yourself now, you realized you deserve more than the scrapes he’s been offering of the relationship. And from what I read, even when you’ve called him on it his response hasn’t been ACTION, like damn I need to step my game up, it’s WORDS that have practically no pulse. He’s just stringing you along on barely anything but a few words to make you feel like you’re being too hard on him.
How long do you want to do this with him? He’s shown that he’s not going to change.
You deserve a relationship where both parties are invested. He should be calling you to make plans to see you. You’ll find it with someone else, but not this guy. You made the right choice. NEXT!
cant you just simply ask him if he wants to be in this relationship with you? If he says no, then fine. If he says yes, then discuss what is needed so that you both feel secure. Tell him what you want/need and make sure its reasonable. Find out what looks like a healthy relationship to him, and find out what he’s willing to give. Then see if everything matches up. if it doesn’t, no harm no foul. You sound like you have a good hear on your shoulders. Just don’t say good bye multiple times.
Lane gives better advice than Steve anyway.
Thanks Stephanie. I will check out those websites.
And as with any public forum, I know that we one the risk of bumping into ‘impersonators’, but regardless I am still open to outside opinions. I only asked about Steve because his is the only name I have come across, and I have liked what he has shared.
That being said, I am seeking everyone’s advice! I have never dated a passive person before, so I am only familiar with men who are forward and down right blunt!
Knowing that there might be other women who have had similar circumstances, then I know that I could be more patient knowing that his behavior isn’t vindictive or noncommittal. He’s just…PASSIVE!
But I want advice before reaching out to him, in case I have drastically missed the mark!
In thinking back to our talk, I do remember him saying that he’s nor good at keeping on top of communication. from that he shared something along the lines of being sorry for not always responding to me, and that I shouldn’t feel like my reaching out is annoying him (forgot that I told him that). He said I don’t bother him, and that he does really like me. That is where he offered the while temporary break comment.
Also, not that this will GREATLY impact opinions, but in 2009 he went through surgery and chemotherapy for a brain tumor. It has greatly impacted his ability to communicate (meaning whenever we talk, especially in person, he would stop mid sentence and I could see his wheels spinning whilst he tried to process his next point.
I had always wondered if this surgery impacted other elements of communication, meaning his ability to act on cues from me, but I never thought it right to ask!
At any rate, I am with you Jules, on me coming to this decision for a reason. But, as Kimf states, I am wondering if I shouldn’t try to reach out one more time so that we can talk about this in person…?! We always did better face to face, but I don’t know if it is too late now.
Stefanie why does it matter? He helped some of the ladies and that’s what matters so I’m not sure why you needed to post that. We do need some ‘male insight’ on here and I liked that he was straightforward and to the point.
Caving I think your incompatible in the way you need a man to be. Just accept that he’s too passive for you and you need someone more A or alpha—plans and action orientated. These men do OK with woman who like to be in control, but it doesn’t appear as if you do and will always be frustrated with a man like this if you can’t accept him for who he is.
This is what the dating process is about, deciding which kind of man works best for you. I can’t handle passive men like this because its too draining where you end up handling the bulk of the work and they just go with flow. The guy I’m with is a planner and action orientated where I literally just sit back and let him do most of the work because he likes it that way, likes being “the man” so I let him be the man :-)
Because I smelled serious BS and I know I”m not the only one who feels that way, and he’s being made out to be some kind of legend here by dint of the fact he’s the only male posting here as of late.
He was also extremely rude in a few of them in a way that would be unacceptable if he were another of one of us.
To those who he helped, good if you got something positive out of him.
Hi Stephanie,
To each their own opinions. Just wondering though, if you had any help or support to offer me, instead of just a blanket dislike for someone I was seeking advice from.
And Lane, I might actually need to take a step back and really think about what it is that I want. One problem is that I have been single for so long (I am 30), so I an used to initiating and doing things for me. I have never had a man in my life that, like you said, acts the man!
With this guy, I really do like him. And I do know that I wished he would try harder, but honestly a lot of that “wanting” was me trying to achieve what I assumed to be normal. If I was to have the reassurance from him that his ‘feeling detached’ is actually just a character flaw, then I might very well be ok with doing what I have always done in my life: take charge!
but, like I said, I need to think this over because, even as I typed this out I got this ‘pathetic’ feeling.
I know that I am still sad about letting a guy go that wasn’t the blatant dick of note that I am used to.
Caving… my advice to you was to check those sites as you asked for the male perspective and I know there are much better places than here for that, which is 99.9% female. Additional advice from me… whether or not he is passive, can you live with having to run everything? Me, I”m not good with a beta male who needs me to do everything. It may be working out for your other friend, but it really boils down to whether or not it’s OK for you. If he’s now living 2 hrs away, do you really think it has a chance of going anywhere?
hey caving – I attract beta males and some midway males ( betas that can act like alphas when it matters lol) – the most passive beta I knew would let the other guys at work steal his coat hangers and was into cross dressing but he pursued with consistent, loving care. The whole point of being beta is they tend to worship and chase and cling. Alphas will respect, chase and leave your sorry ass if you’re not good enough. The man you describe has some issues that could excuse some of his behaviour but this doesn’t sound like the case here
I find men who are alpha with a bit of beta are best because they are better at work-life balance and aren’t so confrontational—have a higher range of topics you can discuss. There are certain personalities that go better with others and it could be your choosing the wrong types and could be one reason why your struggling in the dating arena? Something to consider.
Tiger Lily
Like you said, he had PLENTY of time to write and comment on other people’s posts and pictures on facebook while at the same time, he couldn’t seem to find time to even simply text you back much less make the time investment of a phone call. Yes, that is plain lazy and his comment on “giving him some time” is a tactic to keep you strung along. He can only string you along for as long as you will allow it, but as long as you allow it, he will keep stringing you along.
Tiger Lily
Please do yourself the favor of realizing you deserve much better than a guy who puts in no effort for you or your relationship. You deserve a man who makes the effort without having to chase after him like his mommy trying to get him to do his duty for it. It is my opinion that men need to step up in general and when women cater to their lazyness, it only adds to it and reinforces it. So, no, you did not make a mistake in cutting this guy loose and good for you for doing what is right and good for you. Don’t worry about him, if he was so concerned, he would have done something about it. Words are hollow if they’re not backed up by action. One of the best things I have ever heard is: Pay attention, only to what he does, NOT what he says!!!! Let his actions speak for him. If he can’t walk his talk, then he doesn’t deserve your attention.
I wonder how guys like this get on at their jobs…?
I fon’t understand why ladies bring social media into dating and a relationship. If you had not been aware of all his likes and comments of other people’s posts, wouldn’t you have been a little less agitated?
As for Steve, I liked his advice.
I wish I could say that I had better dating experiences, in terms of knowing if I am better paired with an Alpha or a Beta type guy. As much as I want to think that this guy is a Beta, he had that Alpha characteristic of chasing and pursuing me. But then, like all the others and as Lane shared, they ‘drop my sorry ass’.
People constantly tell me that my ‘problem’ is that I intimidate men. I am social, adventurous, independent, and confident…except when it comes to men. I didn’t start dating until I was 27, when I was where I wanted to be career wise. I feel like I am playing catch up and as a result I am sucked into the void of ‘piss poor’ relationships.
Right now I know that I am in that limbo between the fanciful possibility of us working things out and the angst of being alone again.
I enjoyed helping guide him in his career (he is 4 years younger); the high I would get from his excitement in trying out my ideas. He did say that this was one thing he liked about me! How I was passionate about him and his potential. That high of being appreciated for something other than ‘sex’ was something I don’t think I will get over any time soon.
And the comments about social media and dating? Its the reality of our times. If I wasn’t seeing him interacting on those outlets, then my mind would most certainly still be making up false scenarios. Hence the reason I came to decide on ONE thing I need: communication.