Are you upset about something?

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  • #794126 Reply

    I am in a committed relationship with someone who I feel is a nice person and we generally get on really well, except that his mother hates me. He lives in countryside with bad phone reception so we talk over WhatsApp wifi calls. At the moment we are all in lockdown so whenever I call him his mother sees the online status of him and me and starts sending him lots of messages and then he hangs up.

    I have raised this with him in past but I am thinking that he doesn’t understands why I have problem with that because he calls me back anyway after calming her down!

    He also throws this in that may be her mother won’t be around for long so he feels he should acknowledge her calls. He wakes up to her calls and talks to her every night till she is asleep. Not to mention loads of calls all day! We have had several conflicts over this and he has told and given me ultimatum that talking about his mother is boundary for him that I must not cross. He did something similar on Sunday and I have stopped speaking to him as I have work and my own family too. So he is asking me “Are you upset about something?”. Note that the question is not “Have I done anything wrong?” or ” Are you angry with me?” Its designed to say that I am upset on my own for some reason! I am not allowed to bring up that unhealthy relationship which I think he has with his mother. What can I best say to him without getting into an argument or conflict?

    Thanks in advance.

    #794131 Reply

    Either accept it or end it. This conversation is over and he told you where he stands. He will not change. Choose.

    #794132 Reply

    You have no right to say anything about their relationship! He’s a momma’s boy and if you try to compete with her you will LOSE, as you’re already finding out. You have TWO CHOICES: 1) Suck it up, and accept their relationship; OR 2) Break up and don’t accept it!

    Walking away is how you SHOW a man you will not tolerate it because its intolerable. Listen, you signed up for it. You knew going in that he had a very strong attachment to his mom, so can’t call *FOUL* just because you don’t like it. He’s been with her his entire life, and if you think you can waltz in, and change their lifelong dynamic, its clearly not going to happen. I’m sure he’s used the line “she won’t be around for long” for decades, just to string woman along until they get fed up, and walk.

    A big part of building a relationship is ACCEPTANCE, whereas you either accept him, warts, quirks, and all or you don’t, and find a better man to be with. That IMO is the best option for you to take; however if you feel compelled to stick it out, and wait, than you have to drink the poison by sucking it up, and accept their relationship.

    #794135 Reply

    He asked if you are upset about something because as you said this happens all the time, so how is he supposed to know you’re pissed off about it now? And you’ve raise this issue with him in the past and he’s given you an ULTIMATUM stating this is a boundary you shouldn’t cross. So obviously there is no way to bring up their unhealthy relationship without causing conflict or a fight because he’s clearly told you that.

    And I seriously don’t think she’s sitting around waiting for you to get on the phone to call him. It’s clear from what you said she calls him from the time he wakes up until she goes to bed at night. So she’s going to constantly call him without regard to whether or not you two are on the phone. As someone else pointed out this is their dynamic and just because you have come into the picture doesn’t mean it’s going to change. And I would say she probably hates you because you are trying to waltz in and change it!!

    Exactly how old is she? I mean if she’s 85 that’s one thing but if she’s 65 you’ve got a LONG time to deal with this. You have to decide if he’s worth it or not. Personally I don’t think I could put up with it. And anytime the two of you fight you know she’s going to be there talking bad about you hoping he breaks up with you for good so she has him all to herself again. Relationships are hard enough when you have a family that supports you, but add in someone who doesn’t like you and has that strong of a hold on him and you’re going to be having an uphill battle your ENTIRE relationship.

    #794137 Reply

    Your ages please…

    #794194 Reply

    I would get out of this relationship immediately. Unless you’re a teenager, never stay with a man that chooses his mother over you- that will never improve and it will ruin your relationship in one way or another.

    Your answer to him now is- yes I’m upset that I will be ending this relationship with you because you have chosen your mother over me.

    Take care and that’s it. This would be a deal breaker to me.

    #794199 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    He’s “given you an ultimatum” about talking about his mother? You can’t even TALK about this issue with him? That’s bad.

    Things won’t change because he doesn’t want them to. He does not want to assert boundaries. There’s nothing you can do about that. My boyfriend also has a somewhat overbearing mother and he keeps her in line. He’s not disrespectful at all, and he’s a good son, but he refuses to let her dictate his life and push him around. They have had arguments over it, but he stands his ground.

    Your boyfriend is an adult and this is the relationship he’s chosen with his mother. She wouldn’t call constantly if he didn’t answer every time. What he should have done a long time ago is make it clear that he will only speak to her and answer calls 1-2 times a day (or whatever). He has made it clear he won’t do that. So I don’t see anything changing. The question is, is this how YOU want to live? You have to decide if you can put up with this and if this is the relationship you want.

    I tend to agree with Anon that he has chosen his mother over you. I couldn’t stay with a guy who was constantly answering his mother’s calls, waking up to her calls, and talking to her every night until she fell asleep. That’s codependent.

    #794229 Reply

    We had a discussion and he asked me if there is someone else as I looked distant. I said no there is no one else and I don’t like to be accused of this. Just then his mother called and he said he has legal stuff to take care of and ended call with me. Two hours later he wants to speak again! I lost my cool and told him that I don’t like this modus operandi. I also told him that looks like his mother is stalking us and whenever we are both online at the same time she wants to speak! He got very frustrated and asked me how dare I accuse his mother of stalking and that I need to apologise. We had heated too and fro and I feel that’s it. I can’t take this anymore.

    Just a bit of background, I did not know about this special bond until a long time and when I did find it odd that he tells her everything, when he is eating , where is he going, sends her selfies when out for walk or gets a haircut, shares pic of every single meal , his garden, any new purchases and what not! Then refuses that he is mammas boy or that she has any influence over him. We went on a short vacation last year for two nights and he did not speak to his mother cautious of the fact that I might have problem with that but in second day started acting really frustrated, started watching a lame documentary on bears instead of spending time with me then when I changed channel picked up a big fight and told me that he needs fresh air then came back after an hour all normal!! I did not relate it then but now looking back in retrospective he must have gone to call his mother!!

    Every time we clash, he goes straight on phone with her and I hear pin drop silence! I do not hear from him for hours unless i message and he is ok to have cooling off periods of as long as 2-3 weeks or even month, he never says that he misses me. Silent treatment just doesn’t works on him, he calls her! He does claims that he loves me and is crazy for me and we do get along well when he is acting mature and has no influence on anyone and for this I stayed in this for so long but its getting on my nerves so bad now. And oh she is 65 year old therapist who helps people learn from their relationships and help move on to the new one!!!!

    #794230 Reply

    It’s not a regular mother I am dealing with its a nightmare of psychological therapist!!! Should I even bother competing with her games!!

    #794231 Reply

    Oh dear girl!! I’m sorry but if his mother is a relationship therapist and this is the relationship she has with him then you will NEVER win!! He will go running to her with every fight and she will analyze your behavior and make you out to be the bad guy saying this is her field and she sees it every day!! I know you are hurting but you need to be running for the hills from this guy and his mom!!

    #794232 Reply

    I feel it too! Just so gutted that I wasted two years of my life on someone like him! He never admitted that he is mother lover but they disgust me ! He was repairing his car once and he sent her a selfie!! He just messaged saying that he is very upset over false accusations that his mother is stalking us and I need to apologise. I told him that’s not happening. He said fine not speaking today or tomorrow !! So I messaged him that …he needs to stop getting self-accused and understand how I’m feeling, this is not a competition who can ignore longest or harder so there needs to be a time limit. If you can’t speak to me tomorrow then I will assume that it’s the end you have dumped me as you did today over the call and you have decided to listen to your mother. I’m sure she has given you enough suggestions and advices. And with that at least I will know what I have to do with my future with or without you.

    #794233 Reply

    I said the part of “you have dumped me” as during the call it was established that his weird bond with his mother is affecting our relationship pushing me into breaking up with him rather than him having guts to call it off! Which in a way his breathing is down.

    #794234 Reply

    Sorry about the typos I’m on replying from phone

    #794240 Reply

    Sounds like your at your wits end. It often takes these kinds of moments to say “screw this” and end it because the constant battle isn’t worth it. She would have won anyway, so don’t beat yourself up, its a creepy dynamic they have, that no lady will win.

    YOU need to break up with him! Stop being passive-aggressive as that’s not how you solve anything but make matters worse. If your done, just do it, tear the band-aid off, then go no contact, and grieve the end of this relationship that never would have made you happy in the long-term! Your happiness is your responsibility, so grab it, take ownership of it, or continue to suffer. Pick one but you have to fully accept the one you choose. If its him, then you have to fully accept his mother is a package deal, and will have to accept she will be first love, and you will be the mistress in this dynamic.

    #794248 Reply

    He won’t change. He’s making it clear his mother is his number 1 priority. I had a boyfriend like this for 2 years when I was a teenager and didn’t know better.

    You need to take back your dignity. Don’t tell him “I’ll assume you gave dumped me if….” That gives him the power, makes you look and feel like a victim and gives him the power to drag it on and on. You need to tell him this relationship isn’t working for you, wish him well and walk away knowing you had the strength to end a relationship that doesn’t work for you. You will heal more quickly and feel better about yourself that way.

    #794256 Reply

    I’m sorry. I know this is hard after 2 years and envisioning a future with this man. I do agree with Lane you are being passive aggressive here. I think you need to be very direct with him or he’s going to make this about you accusing his mother of something she didn’t do (according to him). I would call him up, say you know what, I do apologize for saying your mother is stalking us. Because that’s not what this is really about.  What it’s really about is the fact you can’t eat a meal, get a haircut, fix your car, buy something or go for a walk without sending your mother a picture of a selfie! You have to talk to her every night until she falls asleep!! Yet you refuse to acknowledge this is unusual behavior.

    I can no longer deal with this un-natural relationship you have with your mother and you’re not going to find another woman who can! And you know there’s something not right about it or you wouldn’t have tried to hide it from me on our first vacation together. You talk to her from the time she wakes up until she goes to bed and it’s constantly interrupting our conversations when she calls. I can see it’s not going to change and I can no longer deal with it.  This is the only thing we constantly fight about and you have given me an ultimatum that I can’t get upset or talk about it. I can’t live like that so I believe it’s best we break up and go our separate ways.  

    #794257 Reply

    And I want to add something too. My husband has a very close bond with his mother. He is constantly having to take her to doctor’s appointments, deal with maintenance at her home, on her vehicle, and we pay a lot of her bills. I also do a lot for her but she doesn’t have anyone other than us. She told me the other day I’m her go to person for almost everything in her life. But she adores me, respects our relationship, understands boundaries and also realizes the times when she is imposing or asking a lot of us. She appreciates all we do for her and my husband recognizes her short comings and will tell her when she’s being a drama queen about something or asking too much of us and needs to deal with something on her own. He’s really great at balancing between I want to take care of my mother and respect her but we also have our own life and she’s not going to run it! I absolutely respect him for that!!!

    #794260 Reply

    I think kayes idea is going to backfire spectacularly. Here is another approach

    Honey, I have been thinking about it and I am sorry I called your mother a stalker. This is an issue that we keep fighting about and I know neither of us want that. How do we get to a place where you support your mother, but we have our own life and time carved out too. I need to be in a relationship where boundaries apply as they relate to family. Can we solve this together?

    And if he answers that with he will do nothing, then leave.

    #794269 Reply

    Tallspicy my advice is coming from a place where he’s already given her an ultimatum that discussing his mother is not acceptable. He recently messaged her she has to apologize for anything negative she said about his mother or he’s not even going to speak to her!! This man won’t accept that his behavior is not normal or that his mother is intruding on their time together. So she needs TO BE DONE! I’m not writing a how can we compromise so you can’t still be attached to your mother’s apron strings while we have a relationship. I’m writing a break up message. Two totally DIFFERENT things! This is an “I’m walking away because I can’t take this crap anymore and you won’t even talk about it!!”

    #794270 Reply

    CAN still be attached

    #794273 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I personally think the OP should dump this guy and head for the hills. This guy’s attachment to his mother is sick. This is a grown-a$$ man who needs constant contact with his mommy. I don’t just blame the mother, although she does sound awful– I blame him. An emotionally healthy man would have put this in check a long time ago. A healthy man would not need to send his mother selfies of himself going about daily activities. A healthy man would be able to go on a 2-day trip and not get distressed after the 1st day because he had not spoken to his mommy that day. The problem isn’t just the mother, it’s the guy. He *likes* being smothered by his mom. And he’s not going to change.

    #794274 Reply

    This is not going to change- assume it’s over and let him know that this is not going to work. In some way she will always interfere- especially a young couple like yourselves. Kaye I think has already been married and this is her 2nd marriage so she’s older and needs are different in a relationship. I can tell you first hand that this is going to be a huge issue that will interfere in your life forever.

    #794277 Reply

    Anon, you are correct I am older and on my 2nd marriage so obviously my mother in law is older and needs more attention. And because I lost my own mother to cancer a few years ago I am probably much more understanding than most of any time he spends with her. But the OP has already said his mother is 65 so I’m not thinking they are a young couple as you say unless his mom waited until she was older to have her son.

    Is it just me or does the way he sends her pictures and selfies of everything he’s doing sound more like how you would treat a girlfriend than a mom? I’ve got 2 grown boys and I don’t even talk to them or text them everyday. My husband checks in with his mom once a day after work unless she calls him needing something during the day. But in no way is there constant contact. Like I said sounds more like a romantic relationship where you’re sharing everything going on with your significant other. Makes me wonder if he’s sending the OP similar texts and pictures like he is to his mom!!

    #794278 Reply

    Kaye- yes your MIL situation is much balanced. My bf is nearly that age and his son is 34 and not married- so guessing the couple is starting out and not in a 2nd marriage. No need to compete with a mom who as a therapist has no boundaries herself- bad news all around

    #794279 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    You’re right Kaye, it does sound almost more like a romantic relationship. My bf will send me pics throughout the day of silly things at work, or food he’s having, or purchases he’s made, whatever– just goofy little texts to show me about his day. It sounds like what this guy is doing with his mom. But I don’t see that as normal for a mother/son relationship at all (and I have a son). At some point a man needs to cut the umbilical cord– as an adult a man’s primary female relationship should be with a girlfriend/wife and not his mother.

    I don’t see this as a situation that can be fixed. I know the OP has spent 2 years with this guy, but I think she should walk away before she wastes any more time. She’ll never be the #1 woman in this guy’s life.

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