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  • #794280 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    And I’m not saying a guy shouldn’t check in with his mother, or care for his mother, or do things for his mother– of course he should! A man who is good and decent makes sure his mom is taken care of. But there need to be boundaries, and this guy clearly doesn’t have any. What’s worse is he doesn’t seem to even WANT any. He’s totally fine with waking up to his mom’s calls, going to sleep to his mom’s calls, and spending all the day in between talking to her and messaging her.

    #794282 Reply

    This is all what I already said…. he already told you he will not do anything more, so choose – in or out.

    If out, don’t scold him as it gives him ammunition. Just say:

    Bob, I have thought about where we are and if we are compatible. I am ending because in the end we are not.

    If he asks for an explanation… it should be said this way:
    A. We are in no way aligned about boundaries with family members. I tried to create a compromise and I was shut down.
    B. I can’t be with someone who does not try to find a joint solution and shuts down when I ask.
    C. I sadly became mean and demeaning in the face of this and I do not want to be that person.
    D. I wish you every happiness

    If he comes back, rules or don’t do it, and say it kindly.

    #794283 Reply

    You make it all about the mother but from my perspective even without the mother you dont have a healty relationship. You two seem to fight a lot about nonsense, so communication clearly is a problem. He can go a month without talking to you, so passive agressive treatments are a problem. Even on a 2 day holiday you cant make it without a fight.
    And then there is the momma boy issue. I think your accusations of her stalking him are crazy and a sign of your mental state, but him not wanting to talk about it just as much. My man is also a momma boy and i had my fair share of cringing situations (that had nothing to do with me but mil leaning on him for everything). For example he sends his mom a good morning text because she likes to know when he is awake. Anyway, way too much. But i know he has my back and i know my mil loves me. Those two things you need to have at least to make this work. Otherwise its doomed. In your case, what you describe doesnt sound good at all. On both your sides.

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