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- This topic has 362 replies and was last updated 9 years, 3 months ago by
Eric Charles.
December 13, 2015 at 9:14 pm #487535
Hi. I met someone on a date site over a month ago. He spoke in my country for a retail group and got consultancy offers. We had been communicating on the assumption that he would be back for some projects. The communications has since dwindled. None of the offers have formed up. Should I let it go, wait for him to get in touch or email him to ask what’s up?
December 13, 2015 at 9:15 pm #487536Jo
The guy am seeing goes to this one strip club at least 2x a month maybe even once a week he volunteered the information. When I asked him why he goes he said it just helps him unwind… And that they make him feel special. He says he just talks and never gets a lap dance. But when he does go he goes for hours like from 10 to 6 in the morning. Just would like your take. He’s with me on the weekends and our sex life is great!
December 13, 2015 at 9:15 pm #487537Michelle
I dated a guy for only 2 months and he was the one who moved fast and got intense and friended me facebook and took pics of us on our 2nd date. We really clicked…all of a sudden he got distant I over compensated. I have this gut feeling about him that we are meant to be…we stayed in touch and now he has ignored me completely.
I have dated other guys and am putting myself out there but my heart is not opening for anyone else and the man I love has forgotten I existed…what do I Do?
December 13, 2015 at 9:15 pm #487538kerry
I don’t usually date. I just hook up or have friends with benefits however i would like to get serious with one guy and settle into a relationship. How do i find out if he wants to just only hook up with me or he would actually want to be in a relationship with me? I don’t want to bluntly ask however because i don’t want to come across as desperate or clingy because i know there’s guys out there that specifically don’t like or find its a turn off by girls that are serious, like they don’t want any strings attached. So how do i ask or find out if theres a chance or possibly lead him to be committed to me without him actually knowing i want to?
December 13, 2015 at 9:16 pm #487540kerry
I don’t usually date. I just hook up or have friends with benefits however i would like to get serious with one guy and settle into a relationship. How do i find out if he wants to just only hook up with me or he would actually want to be in a relationship with me? I don’t want to bluntly ask however because i don’t want to come across as desperate or clingy because i know there’s guys out there that specifically don’t like or find its a turn off by girls that are serious, like they don’t want any strings attached. So how do i ask or find out if theres a chance or possibly lead him to be committed to me without him actually knowing i want to???
December 13, 2015 at 9:16 pm #487541star
My best friend(who is also my ex) says he loves me… Told a group of friends, including his sister, that if he were to ever get married it would be to me. He isn’t ready for a relationship, but I’m afraid that if I date other guys he will lose respect for me and we will never get back together. I love him.. But he us seeing other females… I don’t want to sit and pine over him.. But I can’t help it. There are 3-4 other men that want to date me but I don’t see a future with anyone but my best friend… I haven’t told him… But I did mention it to his sister… I’m so confused.. Do I date others? Or be a patient nun til he’s ready?
December 13, 2015 at 9:16 pm #487542Haylee
I have met this guy and we have seen each other twice in the last 2 months and I have been more than patient to the fact he has a busy life and just getting back into the swing of things after being FIFO for so long. We talk every day still and he talks about seeing me but never actually does. I get confused because sometimes I hard out feel he likes me but then other times his just filling in time. Should I just ask him straight up what’s happening so I don’t waste anymore time?
December 13, 2015 at 9:18 pm #487543Mirka
Hi. I’ve been communicating with a gentleman I met on line. He was I my country to speak to a group of retailers. He was offered a few consultancy jobs, but I guess none have firmed up. We had been communicating quite regularly but it takes longer and longer for him to email me. Should I just wait for his replies, let the whole thing go or email and ask what’s up? These decisions should be easy but they aren’t!
December 13, 2015 at 9:18 pm #487545Nicole
I’ve been on Match.com for about a month now. I’ve messaged 5 guys through the site and so far haven’t heard back. In the meantime I’ve used Sabrinas advise on how to sound confident and not needy and Eric’s advice on how to describe what I appreciate in a man. My photos are of course the best of me looks wise. I do have two kids so I’m wondering if that’s the deterrent? What should I do next? Text a guy I’ve already contacted again? Just try a new potential date?
December 13, 2015 at 9:19 pm #487546Lori
I messed up and told my boyfriend I love him first. He then said I was more than special to him and WHEN not if but when I feel the same way, I’ll tell you too. I was beyond embarrassed. He slipped up and called me his wife two days ago, and he also told me that if we grow old together he would rather die first because he already can’t imagine life without me, and he’s made future plans with me up to next Christmas and often asked me what do I see in his eyes when I look in them. Is he trying to torture me? I refuse to say I love you again until he says it, but I feel like he pushes me to say it. He treats me absolutely wonderful 24/7 and I feel like he loves me so much, but why won’t he say it?
December 13, 2015 at 9:20 pm #487547Judy
I want to move on from my first everything I try has been a failure but now too much has happened and he’s caused me alot of pain. I want to be able to stop obsessing over him and move on with my life in a healthy manner.
December 13, 2015 at 9:20 pm #487548Alexandra
Hi you guys are wonderful just have a question
Have just started dating a guy who is not very affectionate like we r in the movies and he won’t hold my hand unless I grab his doesn’t cuddle up on the couch now the guy I dated previously was also the same but in the past am used to guys being all over me this new guy was chasing me and we have seen each other everyday since getting together and he kisses me goodbye just no smooching and stuff is this normalDecember 13, 2015 at 9:20 pm #487549Veronica
There is a man I have large feelings for. He is cute, Intellegent, and very understanding. I have so many feelings for him, yet I don’t know how to show them and have him feel the same way.
Can you please help me?
December 13, 2015 at 9:21 pm #487550Danielle
I’m married to a man I can’t seem to figure out. He has narcissistic tendencies but I can’t seem to break free. I love him and recall the days when he was fun and happy early on in our relationship. He has a 13 Ye old son and I have a 12 year old son. I’ve taken care of both kids when he was away on deployment and I include his son in everything but he hasn’t included mine in much. He has had on and off problems with alcohol and was unfaithful when he was on deployment in Guam. He has highs and lows and his lows are deep depressions where he tells me he wants a divorce or he’s not happy with my wifely duties. Living up to his standard have become my life and I walk on eggshells around him. Why can’t I seem to stand up for myself or break free. Why do I see each regular and sane moment as a good day and that seems to make it all better. He wants to buy a house now and we are about to close on it. I feel I will be financially trapped and moving my life to live with him in another state where he wants to purchase this home. Part of me still wants this to work and wants my marriage to work but my head knows this is wrong. How do I get through the pain and stand up to him? Each argument ends in me believing I am wrong and I have caused this
December 13, 2015 at 9:21 pm #487551Danielle
I’m married to a man I can’t seem to figure out. He has narcissistic tendencies but I can’t seem to break free. I love him and recall the days when he was fun and happy early on in our relationship. He has a 13 Ye old son and I have a 12 year old son. I’ve taken care of both kids when he was away on deployment and I include his son in everything but he hasn’t included mine in much. He has had on and off problems with alcohol and was unfaithful when he was on deployment in Guam. He has highs and lows and his lows are deep depressions where he tells me he wants a divorce or he’s not happy with my wifely duties. Living up to his standard have become my life and I walk on eggshells around him. Why can’t I seem to stand up for myself or break free. Why do I see each regular and sane moment as a good day and that seems to make it all better. He wants to buy a house now and we are about to close on it. I feel I will be financially trapped and moving my life to live with him in another state where he wants to purchase this home. Part of me still wants this to work and wants my marriage to work but my head knows this is wrong. How do I get through the pain and stand up to him? Each argument ends in me believing I am wrong and I have caused this
December 13, 2015 at 9:21 pm #487552Maddy
I’ve been with my bf for 8yrs on and off. He takes me for granted, doesn’t do anything special for me, and expects me to do everything for him. When I confront him about it, he acts as though everything is a big joke and tells me I’m lecturing him. I’ve tried talking to to him lovingly and it gets me nowhere. He’s 36 and I’m 40. I’m emotionally exhausted! I feel like just throwing in the towel! Please help!
December 13, 2015 at 9:22 pm #487553Mirka
Hi. I’ve been communicating with a guy I met on a date site. He was in my country to talk to a retail group. He got a few consultancy offers. And we kept in touch on the assumption that he would be returning and we’d meet up. We got along so, so well. But lately, he’s been emailing less frequently. Should I just let it go and go with his flow?
December 13, 2015 at 9:23 pm #487554Maddy
I’ve been with my bf for 8yrs on and off. He takes me for granted, doesn’t do anything special for me, and expects me to do everything for him. When I confront him about it, he acts as though everything is a big joke and tells me I’m lecturing him. I’ve tried talking to to him lovingly and it gets me nowhere. He’s 36 (still lives with his dad) and I’m 40. I’m emotionally exhausted! I feel like just throwing in the towel! Please help!
December 13, 2015 at 9:23 pm #487555Lou
Hi, I have been friends with a great man for over 3 years. He goes hot then cold. Like hr introduced me to his mom step dad and kids then we hung out once then he fell off face of earth so to speak for about a month. After saying his kids doesn’t want him to get re married. Well, we ate back talking again. I know he’s been hurt in past waa married twice both failed. When he drinks a fee berts he’s always loving etc and tells everyone that the only thing in life hr wants is for me to be happy but then runs off at times. But how do I know if he really wants more or just playing me? Thank you
December 13, 2015 at 9:25 pm #487557High Schooler
Hey! Thanks for doing this!
I’m in high school and I have been friends with this guy for a year or so. We are really close but I am starting to be attracted to him and I really want to date him. The only problems are he smokes pot socially on occasion (which can sometimes be a dealbreaker for me) and he constantly retweets sexy pictures of this girl who goes to our school and the pictures are of her in bikinis, bra and underwear, etc., and are pretty overtly sexual. He’s not even just liking them or favoriting them, he is reposting them.
Does this mean that he wouldn’t like a girl like me? (I might look like the exact opposite of her body-wise) Does this mean he doesn’t like me and is interested in this girl? If he is into her, or girls with her body type, I would rather just know so I can stop thinking about him and move the hell on :)
Thanks in advance!
December 13, 2015 at 9:25 pm #487558Dana
Hello & thx 4 this forum
Rekindled with father of my son. After yrs of women he wanted us 2 b 2gether thought he was ready 2 commit. Moved n March 2015. We did ave sex but i was reluctant/not married. I choose Christ & he has needs. Said 2 much pressure my being there w/his needs yet when i’ve tried 2 leave he doesnt want me 2 go. He ask me 2 leave last week cause i wouldnt have sex. A deep thinking male who doesnt communicate, throws tantrum by using silent treatment. Dont know why i love him but willing 2 walk away. Ive treated him with respect, im considerate & giving but it seems 2 b a problem. I think he resents me sometomes cause im an independent. solution oriented go getter. Im a giver hes a taker. Wants my help but rejects me when i try to give it. His way or no way. I can encourage his low self esteem positively yet he fights it. I stay active & he doesnt want 2 do much of anything but work. He says its about feelings w/no actions or words just critisism. What he thinks & doesnt share w/me.. Signed confusedDecember 13, 2015 at 9:25 pm #487559Kerry
I usually just hook up or have friends with benefits however i would like to get serious with one guy and settle into a relationship. How do i find out if he wants to just only hook up with me or he would actually want to be in a relationship with me? I don’t want to bluntly ask however because i don’t want to come across as desperate or clingy because i know there’s guys out there that specifically don’t like or find its a turn off by girls that are serious, like they don’t want any strings attached. So how do i ask or find out if theres a chance or possibly lead him to be committed to me without him actually knowing i want to???
December 13, 2015 at 9:27 pm #487563Lucie
I would love to see more articles and information for those who’ve been in a relationship for some time. Not just new relationships. My question is more related to an ex-wife. How do you talk with him about setting boundaries with his ex? For me it is not OK that she comes to him with her current problems with her new marriage. Or asks him to move things for her or asks if she leaves her new husband is it OK that she goes back to using his name. How do you talk with him about what is truly going on when I can clearly see the BA she is pulling. They have been divorced for 2 years and she has been remarried for about 7 months. Quite disconcerting position to be in honestly. I love this man and I do feel and believe he loves me, but this is creating issues of trust for me. He has not hidden Amy of the texts or information, but it still has me concerned.
December 13, 2015 at 9:27 pm #487564Lucie
I would love to see more articles and information for those who’ve been in a relationship for some time. Not just new relationships. My question is more related to an ex-wife. How do you talk with him about setting boundaries with his ex? For me it is not OK that she comes to him with her current problems with her new marriage. Or asks him to move things for her or asks if she leaves her new husband is it OK that she goes back to using his name. How do you talk with him about what is truly going on when I can clearly see the BS she is pulling. They have been divorced for 2 years and she has been remarried for about 7 months. Quite disconcerting position to be in honestly. I love this man and I do feel and believe he loves me, but this is creating issues of trust for me. He has not hidden Amy of the texts or information, but it still has me concerned.
December 13, 2015 at 9:27 pm #487565Mary
Will it be ok for a single 28 years old lady to date a divorced 40 years old guy with children?
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