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- This topic has 85 replies and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by
“I believe in the NC rule, but it doesn’t seem to work, for either one of us.” Same for me and my guy lol. Hannah25 said it perfectly. Don’t stay with anyone for the fear of being a lone.
When was the last time you went on vacation? Are you able to go on vacation? Maybe to rethink think, try leaving the situation. No him, her, NOTHING. Get yourself together and truly enjoy something. I sometimes wish I had the $$ to go to Costa Rica when I want to escape for a few days or a week. No talking to anybody. Just to rethink about my life.
VR, what strikes me most of all you’ve said here is this: “I know he is a liar, but I truly believe deep down he is a good man.” But you know, betting on potential is like betting on a dead horse. How long would you bear to wait for him to fulfill his potential? What would you give in order for that to happen and what would you have to compromise in the meanwhile? Would the balance of effort, commitment and trust be acceptable to you? I think it’s great to believe all people are essentially good, I really do value than in a person. But it doesn’t mean you should give up or compromise your own happiness. I know this sounds pessimistic but somehow I don’t see this guy living up to the potential you see in him.
Lying is a deal breaker for me, no way could I be in relationship with a liar. The “other woman” ended up with my ex husband because I divorced HIM and knew there was an honest and lovingan out there for me, and I found him!
Find yourself a man with integrity.
Dear Other Woman! Emotional pain is very hard to deal with. We have all been there and I can completely understand why you were seeking for advice anywhere possible. It hurts so much you will do anything to make it stop. Please when you see another dumb, pathetic, judgmental response – do yourself a favor. Stop reading. I can’t even imagine what kind of God-awful lowlife woman will write what I just read in many of the responses. Please remember – those who tell you to “gain dignity”,or repeat cliches presented by Dr. Phil 30 years ago like ” cheats WITH you, will CHEAT ON you” – give you one message and one message only – they are bitter, probably unattractive, boring women with very low compassion levels that got probably dumped and cheated on A LOT because they obviously have very little to offer.GOOD NEWS – don’t feel bad, it says nothing about you or your situation. BAD NEWS – only a perfect idiot will tell you “the truth”, because even if we knew you well, there are so many factors involved – even educated guess is impossible. I am afraid there are no answers, no guarantees, no rules. Men are not exceptionally complicated, but there are no user manual about what they ALWAYS do or don’t do.Please please stay away from heartless, judgmental, miserable people. Try to observe your guy closely and understand who are you dealing with and figure out the person behind your admiration,if you can see a good therapist – do it.Accept all help you can get from people who are genuinely willing to help. I have been happily married for 20 years, I have 2 boys and I can tell you honestly I am a very attractive woman (men are interested in me everywhere I go). The only 2 things I can advise you – invest in yourself, look insanely hot, be fun, practice your sex techniques. Don’t talk, nag, moralize,show hostility (not sexy!) and you will be fine. It seems horrible now,please trust me though – before marriage and kids men are pretty replaceable. Good luck!!!!
Anna said it best. Thank you Anna.
Thank you Anna
You said, ” No, I don’t in the depth of me soul believe it will go anywhere with him. Even though I really would love for it to. I know he is a liar, but I truly believe deep down he is a good man. But I am honestly not sure how to remove myself from this and protect my heart from breaking???”
Here is where the rubber meets the road my friend. As Anna says – He is a man, and is replaceable. While he may have woven himself into your life and heart he is just a man. You are attached because you are drawing emotional strength from him…but you are also in pain or would not be on this forum. The reason you want to tell the other woman is because you are hurting and to you it is not fair for her not to be hurting too.
As for heartbreak, you are already uncomfortable…you want a man to love you and you only…you don’t want to share him but you do not control him. So the real question is which pain are you willing to endure…staying with him or leaving him. Both are hurtful.
While I do not have all the answers I do know this…with all my heart. If you two are really meant to be there is no force that can change that. There is no time, distance or obstacle that cannot be overcome…real love is like that…it is rare.
I am trying to help you see the real situation for yourself to make a decision that will be in your best interests…whatever decision there may be. Stepping back emotionally will free you from the haze…the smoke and mirrors…all the lies and deceptions…and will show you the truth. What you decide to do with that truth will be in your hands…I can only offer you the freedom to see…once you can see then you are obviously a bright woman who can choose for herself…but you will not be blind anymore…you will choose with sight. You have nothing to be afraid of…you will still maintain control over your actions…but you will base your decisions on who you are…not on fear. Fear is a mind killer. Dare to see.
RCS is absolutely correct. It is the price you have to pay to find and keep true love–the price of taking the risk, taking the gamble that he does love you back and with patience you will have true love.
The price of not taking the risk is never knowing if that was the last chance you had true love and then learning to live with the regret that “if only I hadn’t been so fearful”, “If only I had trusted in him, had patience to see it through and not rush to a safe but unhappy decision”…
That’s what you have to weigh in your mind and make your decision based on that…
Anna, I have to disagree with your formula for fidelity. A woman can be stunning, in perfect shape, kind, smart, loving, supportive and a sexual guru and STILL be cheated on. Attraction is a mysterious thing. If the woman with the right chemistry met your husband at the right moment, he’d go after her- despite how perfect you are. It happens all the time.
Although I have cheated in the past, I do not condone being the “other woman”, and I never have been myself. I would never try to interfere in someone else’s relationship and I do think it’s wrong. However, I also feel that things will work out the way they are meant to; in a lot of cases affairs don’t turn into real relationships, but in some cases they do, although it is not common. But keep in mind that just because some people were able to graduate from being the other woman to being the gf/wife, it does not mean that will be your same fate. So looking for stories that confirm what you want to believe isn’t totally realistic. There is a reason why many people say such things as “if he cheats with you, he will cheat on you”, etc. It is because that is the case a lot of time.
Take for example Kelsey Grammar. He was married to his first wife, cheated on her and left her for Camille Grammar, who he then cheated on later in their marriage and left her too for another woman. I call something like that karma, and I’m sure it was a hard lesson for Camille to learn.
Just be careful. It may work out for you, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Just be prepared and strong enough to walk away.
VR, I’m sorry you’re going through this. I haven’t been the other woman but a few men have hinted or offered to leave their girlfriends for me. My answer to them is always no because if they wanted to, they would’ve done it without telling me. Then, they would have asked me out properly like a lady. Here is the reality. It’ll only take a few seconds for him to breakup and leave her. He would’ve done it a long time ago if he was totally focus on you only. He is focused on himself and he is enjoying having you both. Right now, you are in a bad position but you are not powerless. At the end of the day, you would want a man who is strong emotionally and knows what he wants. I think you should make dates and see other men. Go meet them at coffee shops and have good conversations. Go have fun and have the confidence that there are men who will want you only. Don’t make excuses for him and waste time. You’re a desirable woman and not a door mat. Yes it’ll hurt for a while, but once you start to remove yourself from this situation, you’ll see things more clearly. I recommend starting with a local meetup group and hang out with other positive people. At the very least, you’ll make new friends.
VR, it’s really, really simple. This man doesn’t love you OR the his other GF. When a man loves a woman, he wants to make her HAPPY. He doesn’t do things that make her feel weak, vulnerable or insecure. He goes out of his way to reassure her that she is the ONLY one he loves. He doesn’t say or do anything to risk having her leave him, or date other men. It is really that simple.
He’s happily stringing you BOTH along, getting love, attention & sex from you each. You ladies are competing with one another for this ‘prize’ of a man. You demean yourself willingly in your bid to get him to ‘pick’ you. It’s a winning situation for HIM, you both provide him with all the validation he could possibly want, and it’s entirely at the expense of your self-respect.
You say this man is near 60; I assume you are in the same age bracket. You are far too old (and far too smart) to continue on in this situation. You say that you KNOW this man is a liar. He proved that to you already. WHY do you suddenly think that he will be different once you GET him? It won’t be. It will be more of the same. ALL of the things that he has told you about his other GF will be the same things he tells the next other other woman about YOU. There is no such thing as an honest cheater. All cheaters lie to some extent or the other.
To answer your original question, SOMETIMES men leave for their mistresses. In my personal experience, the 3 instances that I know of, the man cheats on the mistress. In one case, I think it’s b/c the rationale is that the mistress ALREADY knew he was a cheater and a liar. My friend married his mistress. He isn’t allowed to go ANYWHERE w/o her. Why? BC she knows he’s a cheater. She remembers what she helped him do to his first wife and it seems VERY clear that she expects that he will do the same thing to her. I’d give those odds 99%.
I’d completely disregard any advice of the OW on here. The lack of self-esteem and self-delusion that comes across in their posts is palpable. Normal, emotionally healthy people do not WILLING put themselves in, or STAY in, situations where they KNOWINGLY compete for another’s partner. It is demeaning and soul-sucking trying to convince another that you are worth it to be the ONLY one. If the cheater thought that you were the person they wanted to be with, they’d show you the respect of ENDING their current relationship BEFORE starting one with you.
It’s entirely common sense. The reason you feel ill at ease in this situation, VR, is BC you know it’s wrong. Whatever mental gymnastics you put yourself thru still aren’t enough to overcome the fact that you know you are on the losing end of things. Go find a man who loves YOU and ONLY you.
Ok, I wanted to add a couple of things again.
A lot has been said about women who were in a similar position and “lost”.
I was in that position and explained the horrible pain and trauma the situation put me through.
That said, while I did not want this to become about everyone boasting about themselves, etc., e.g., I still think modesty is a virtue, I would like to add that in no way I am desperate or unwanted and because this happens or has happened has nothing to do with a woman´qualities of any kind.
I totally agree with Lola here. When this happened to me I was in absolutely top shape and absolutely wanted by many men. It was just that I wanted that particular man. That man actually went back to his former girlfriend, who BTW was older than me, said to be much less attractive, etc. because he was very jealous of other men. BTW; it also has nothing to do with intelligence or did not in my case, both of us women had degrees from top universities and careers. Where I did make a mistake was that I left my top job for this man.
Women are not cheated on for lack of beauty or condition. My mother was cheated on by my father numerous times and she was, and still is, a beautiful woman. My father married his lover who looked much less pretty than my mother and I am not being partial here. Cheating and love often have little to do with physical appearance or sexual attraction alone.
Ok, cheating can start by sexual attraction but we all know that is not what keeps a couple together, right?
And while I hate to jinx things, there is happiness to be had after a bad experience. Believe me mine was horrid. Yes I was miserable for many reasons but I dated numerous, if anything, perhaps too many men afterwards. Married someone even worse, divorced fast. Never speed things up after a bad experience.
Now I think I am with a very good person and in this regard I have no reason to complain at the moment. Only time will tell. This holds true about many things in life.
My other points have been mentioned about this relationship and I believe that lying is very bad and also that if you believe VR that he would get mad at you if the other woman found out. This already tells you what you need to know.
And, no, do not ever contact the other woman. It will lead nowhere good. Your relationship is between the two of you, theirs is between them only. Unless you want it to be a threesome, which notion I absolutely rejected and still do.
I want to take a minute to thank everyone who responded to my “out-cry” and let you know that I am still struggling (I wish I could be as strong as some women).
I pray that one day the feelings I have for this man will just disappear and/or I will wake up and the emptiness that I have when I think about him being out of my life will not be there.
I am trying very hard to live in the moment.
Hugs to allSam
I hope some day you realize that you deserve more than to share a man with anyone. She also deserves more. Regardless of your love for him, he is being selfish. When the fog that is the love you feel for him has lifted (and it will), you will recognize that you are worthy of love…real love…and no, this is not it.
Also, the women that men stay with for the long haul are the ones who respect themselves and are capable of instituting boundaries.
Best of luck.
I two am the other woman.. It he is also the other man. I work in a heavy male dominated work place. We first were just friends actually a group of us became friends. I never expected to feel this way for someone even before we hooked up. We would have conversations about work and he was trying to help me better my self at my new job. He quite innocently touched me on my arm at a lunch table and he sent a chill through me. I’d never felt that ever for anyone. I few week’s later we were together again at a bar with coworker’s. I decided to drink and ask if one of the guys would be the DD. He excerpted. He also sat beside me. When he took my keys I again felt this massive chill run through me. I again ignored it knowing both of us were married. The third time I noticed it we were in a work truck our whole group we were fixing something in the truck when I was holding something and he reached in a tickled me. Again this incredible feeling took over me.
I had to talk to him about it as every time I saw him I wanted him to touch him. I wanted him close and I didn’t want to wreck our friendship with each other or our friends. He knew my hone situation I knew his. My husband was sexually and finically abusive. His wife cold. Neither of us had sex on a regular bases with our spouse. I avoided it and she was cold, with him and has no compassion He stop trying with her and had his own room. I had a couch.
We talk several times a day through text we talking on the phone for hours at a time. He is always trying to make me feel better about myself lift me up.When we first got together we talked about it set ground rules. No talking while the other was at home. Which he broke two months into the relationship. When his brother died. He said all I wanted was to talk to you. My dad also just passed a week before that’s when I broke the rule aand called him from home when my dad died. He was all I wanted and needed to console me. He actually found a way to spend with me while I was several miles away. He was there holding me while I brbroke down.
We both agree we cannot afford a divorce. He talks about how comfirable we are together. How he misses me and blows kisses over the phone. How he wishes he would have meet me first. I wish these things too.
My problems are three..
I saw sleeping on night when hr started to touch me, I told loved it and before I knew it I told him I loved him. Yicks. Then a few weeks later I said it again when we got off the phone. He said it back I was shocked. I try not to tell him since I don’t want him to feel pushed. Is this right or wrong?
I know were both over the moon for each other. But I. Just don’t want to make him feel pushed.
The other is when we disagree we both are hot heads. But he does something to avoid a fight that hurts every time he does. Were on the phone and he just says talk later and hangs up. He does answer if I call him back. He says he just needs the time to calm down and think. He know s I don’t like confrontion.
Is this healthy?
The last problem is he k ows how to twisted me emotionally. He will say …OK fine we don’t have to ever have sex again. He knows I want him all the time. For the last ten years I have never wanted sex. He will do other things just small ones to see my reactions. He will laugh and then kiss me…I’m only playing with you honey he will say.
I know this but he does it so well. Is this effection., what is tthis? Why does he do it?Amy S
hi. I know this is late to butt in but can i ask what he is saying to you about why he doesnt leave the gf if he loves you as she is not his wife and he has no moral, financial obligations to a gf and or kids in the mix ? I would have thought if he thinks so little of her that he has to cheat on her that must take a fair bit of energy and co ordination and hes 60 ffs its not like hes a horny teenager that needs more than one woman to fulfill his sexual needs. Im not judging btw i can see things from all sides here but im just very curious as how he could justify this scenario x
Another Reader
Take it from someone who was the other woman and “won.” Karma comes back and bites you. I look back at it now and shake my head.
Walk away now because you deserve better. I promise. :)
I know of one woman who successfully “poached” a married man away from his wife a few years ago, only to have him be “poached away” from HER within a year of their marriage ! I guess the guy was just not as great a “trophy” as she thought he was. He is now with yet another woman – what, I refer to, as a “serial monogamist”.
You are in your late 50s. I don’t intend to be rude or cruel, but you need to ask if – at this age – you really want someone else’s man. IF so, what do you get when you get HIM that you wouldn’t with someone else who is single, unavailable and can commit himself 100% to you ?
What if you “win”, only to “lose” him to yet another woman a few months down the line ? After all, it’s not like YOU are his wife of several decades or the mother of his children.
Sorry, but what holds for his current GF also holds true for you. Move on. Plenty of SINGLE senior fish still left in the sea.
You sound like a overly infatuated love sick puppy. Make sure this guy is worth it. Personally I think you need a good reality check to come out of this fog
1st Pamela:
Please tell me the good dose of reality that you would suggest? I am open to learning how to make my brain and my heart work together. I know the reality, that is the hard part.
I am definitely NOT an love sick puppy I can promise you that. Because I say that I love this man, and that my heart aches when I think about him not being in my life. I have been around the block a few times, and if you can give me some intelligent advice I am willing to listen. Maybe this love is one-sided, but it is love.
I know the reality is that I need to walk away for my own sake, but it is a very hard decision for me.pamela
First Of all you are more infatuated with the potential of this man, you are getting carried away by the novelty, and the secrecy of hiding this relationship, you probably think in your mind, oh it’s me and him against the world, and we love each other so much we will have each other backs etc.
I get the feeling that you are way more invested in this man and you have so much more to lose, the woman almost always does.
What do you know about his relationship with his real girlfriend?
You do come across as a love sick puppy dog, I see it all the time in my line of work as a counselor. You say ever time you see this guy you want him to touch you, you are already getting much too dependent on this man, who in reality belong to someone else.
Dont you are so happy and pretend you don’t see the writing on the wall, if you want to pretend even though you are old enough to see that this will not last, you insists in carrying on as if three is some future in it for you and him.
This man is playing you, and is not being fair to his girlfriend.Hope you will take it well, when he breaks it off with you and do the right thing by his woman.
btw, a one sided lover gives to much and always get you know what end of the stick. detach yourself, go out with friends, meet new people and increase your options.
Well said. Pam.
The whole story here is not about love. I did not see real love in here.
It is more judtification of the third person. But we all know what your happiness is built on someone’ s sadness mean. Wisdom is supposed to play a big part in here. I see self interest takes place in here. If you really think about the whole event, the weakest person will lose at the end because it is unlikely that she will control a desirable outcome.
As a matter of fact, the weakest person is also the biggest winner because she will forever be free from this guy… Assuming he won’t change his mind down the road.
Say What
“Maybe this love is one-sided, but it is love. I know the reality is that I need to walk away for my own sake, but it is a very hard decision for me.”
Well, then, if you know you need to walk away, but don’t want to, you just have to wait for things to take their own course. One of the following will happen (eventually) :
1. he will get tired of playing both of you and move on to newer / fresher pastures.
2. Or he will dump you when it gets old and you don’t put out.
3. Or you do put out and he instantly loses interest in, and respect for, you.
4. His girlfriends gets sick of his two-timing, cheating butt and dumps him, and then you have a “happily ever after”. You win the “competition”, poach another woman’s man and then spend the rest of your life worrying when he will be poached away from you. Or guilt and remorse get to you and you no longer really want him. Or karma comes around and bites you both in the butt.
Give it time. If you can’t walk away, and believe in harbouring this “one-sided love” for him, just stay put and wait. You may be 70 years old before this resolves itself, but who cares ? 70 is the new 40 !