BF blocked me out of the blue

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  • #823612 Reply

    BF of two years just blocked me out of the blue.

    Some background, we have been on a staycation out of town for a week and all of sudden this morning he told me that we are packing up and leaving to go home (a day early). When I asked how come, he offered no explanation and was super moody and didn’t want to talk.

    He gets like this sometimes when he gets sick or things don’t go his way and we have had discussions about this previously and he said he was trying to get better at controlling his moodiness.

    We had a pretty good week in my perspective and he seemed fine the night before (we played board games and had a lot of fun. I actually beat him at one of the games that he’s really good at). He even woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me that and how much he loved me. So this mornings behavior made zero sense.

    When we got our homes after a very awkward car ride (we live separately), I asked him to call me at night so I’d know he’s ok – plus he usually calls me before bed when we are apart. Getting ready for bed but haven’t heard from him so I tried texting and calling him and found out that he blocked me.

    So confused and hurt right now…

    #823617 Reply

    Sounds like he was on his period.
    Continue with him & this will be your life… Is that what you want?

    #823704 Reply

    He does not sound healthy.

    #829168 Reply

    Really? Seriously? Although I have put up with worse behavior from men so. In all honesty, this should be unacceptable relationship behavior.

    #829289 Reply

    Well, that hurts, but honestly maybe you are better off without him…

    #829358 Reply

    If a guy ever did that to me I would block him back PERMANENTLY! My question to you is, how do you know you’ve been blocked? I’ve blocked others but never been blocked before, at least that I know of, so I’m curious as to how you know if you’ve been blocked by someone or not?

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