Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › BF gone MIA on a vacation!
- This topic has 14 replies and was last updated 9 years, 2 months ago by
So, my bf of almost a year left for a 3-week vacation in Asia last week. His friend (a guy I’ve met and who I think seems sensible) got to their first location a couple of days later, and during those days my bf was texting quite a bit. After his friend showed up, I haven’t heard a single word of him. Even though they’re touring and don’t necessarily have access to the internet all the time, he’s been on Facebook and Whatsapp – mind you that during the first days he would text if he didn’t have internet access.
Now I’m sitting home wondering what the heck is going on. He’ll be back for our anniversary and was talking about getting me a nice gift A LOT before he left. He always lives up to his promises, so I’m not afraid he would not be coming back to me. Or, if he chose to fade away during the vacation, I’d be really surprised. He went on a 2-week vacation quite soon after we first met and it was the same, he would text me a couple of times but most of the time he was MIA. At that time he did come back to me but I could tell something was off. Maybe it was all my excuses but I thought that since we were not exclusive at that point, it wasn’t any of my business if he fooled around with someone else. The relationship has been good even since we got exclusive about a month after the first vacation.
Can someone make any sense of why he’s not contacting me? I understand he’s travelling with a buddy (who also has a gf) and it may be their bromance time but I can’t believe all of a sudden I’ve sunk so low in his list of priorities. It takes 5 seconds to text but no. We didn’t talk about communication during his vacation before he left because normally he’s the one initiating and I didn’t think it would be a problem when he’s away. What’s going on? Am I just overreacting?
No, you are NOT overreacting. This is total BS to disappear like that after a year of a relationship. In your shoes I would be reluctant to take him back at all and if he does ask I would make him work very hard for that.
Sorry but I think your overreacting. These kinds of posts are really starting to drive me crazy! I used to be the needy, insecure girlfriend doing the same thing you’re doing right now. But now when I read things like this I see myself and think I am SO glad that I am over that now. Essentially what you’re saying here is that you’ve been dating a guy for almost a year, things are going really good, last time he was on vacation he would text a couple of times but mostly was MIA, but you expected this time to be different because you’re officially his GF? Why?
It doesn’t matter that you’re in a relationship, that he’s excited about getting back for your anniversary and getting you a gift but because he takes a few days off from texting you while he’s on vacation in a foreign country you start freaking out like he doesn’t love you or want to be with you anymore?!?! Do you not understand how ridiculous that sounds?!?! The guy can’t even take a little vacation from you without you sitting around wondering what the heck is going on! He’s on vacation! That’s what’s going on. His communication is limited and this is exactly the way he was the last time he was on vacation yet you think he’s starting to fade away. Please take a chill pill. Send him a text that you hope he’s having fun on his vacation and to send you some pics when he gets a chance and then go hang out with a girlfriend, go shopping, get your nails done or something.
If the relationship has been good for almost a year it’s going to be good when he gets back assuming of course you don’t go all needy and crazy with your texts to him about why he hasn’t texted you or why you’re low on his list of priorities now. Please don’t be that girl.
Maybe I missed it in your post, but long since you last heard from him? Have you tried reaching out with no response from him?
I understand the worry you feel. When you are used to regular contact and they break the routine. I went through it last night. My BF normally calls me after he gets off work but last night he didn’t. I started freaking out and overanalyzing but this morning I got my normal “good morning” text as usual.
It could be reason to freak out if he ignores you, but if it hasn’t been a long time since you last communicated, he is probably just busy with his friend.
You mentioned you didn’t discuss communication before he left, so he may not know what your expectations are. I know I have a tendency to jump to the worst and overanalyze, but unless it’s been a long time since he reached out and he ignores you when you reach out, best to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Kaye nailed it right in the head
He’s on vacation exploring. Yes, you’re overreacting. Get busy while he’s out of town. And if he ignores you, er, doesn’t reply it’s because he’s busy! Like Kaye suggested, send him a quick text ir that will make you feel better but keep it brief and don’t ask questions where he feels like he has to get right back to you. Keep it upbeat. Men are one track minded. He’s concentrating on one thing at a time not even imagining that his gf is back home freaking out instead or living her life. The part about worrying about whether or not he’s coming back to you is just silly.
Red Queen
Sorry, girls. I don’t think she is overreacting. I think he should be contacting her. It could be that he lost his phone, limited internet access, but if he is accessing other social media this is not the case.
I had the opposite happened to me. Guys go CRAZY when you are having fun and forget them. He should give you support even when he is away.
Did he invite you to go with him? Maybe he just wants you when it’s suitable for him.
Be careful!Jade
Thanks a lot everyone, esp. Kaye, for snapping me back to my senses. Yes, my freak-out does sound ridiculous now that I read what I wrote. I know my bf is the kind of a guy to sometimes get carried away with his other activities but he does always live up to his promises to me and I do trust him. Well, apparently not today but generally yes :D I was just being needy today…
Whoever asked, it’s been 3 days. I’m actually blushing now thinking how stupid I was!
Jade most of us have been there. I know I have. And I just recently had a total freak out on my boyfriend a couple of weeks ago so despite my progress I also have my moments… we’re all human. All we can do is learn from our mistakes and hopefully the mistakes and advice from others and strive to be our best selves.
And remember just because you haven’t heard from him in a few days doesn’t mean he loves you any less or isn’t thinking about you. He’s just busy enjoying his vacation. Hope you hear from him soon and enjoy your anniversary when he gets back.
I agree 110% with kaye+Vanessa.
I’m a seasoned traveller, and as a FEMALE (I’m chatty, I can multitask etc) it drives me completely freaking NUTSSSSSSSSS when I activate my email vacation responder, announce on FB or whatever that I’ll have sporadic access to inet/not have mobile service/international roaming as I’m travelling etc, and people get al up in my face about not keeping in touch!!
I make A POINT OF letting my loved ones know I arrived safely out of consideration/share my tentative itinerary, but other than that I’m:
1) jet lagged/tired and overwhelmed (emotions/senses/mentally), so grab any opportunity to rest
2) distracted/occupied/busy/always on the go, see above
3) immersing myself in my surroundings (ie break from “reality/everyday life”, absorbed)
4) not necessarily connected (wi fi, mobile network, power etc) and staring at a screen is the last thing you want to do if there’s 1000000 sites out there to explore
5) meeting people/socialising with locals and other travellers, which can be draining and doesn’t really leave me wanting to chat some more in the evenings/if I have downtimeThat being said, I wouldn’t go more than a week without giving my loved ones a shout out – there’s always that one “admin catch up day”.
Point is, seems like you guys are doing great, do what someone else suggested and catch up on some girl(friend) time, get your hair/nails done (looking super hot when he gets back, WIN) etc
Good! I’m glad you’ve stopped worrying about this!
I’ve just come back from a trip where keeping in touch with home was pretty impossible. It cost a fortunate to text, call or use 3g so I didn’t bother (maybe your guy don’t know to start with how much those texts were costing him). My only form of communication was WiFi but often that was really patchy. I didn’t contact my husband for days. Quite often I’d manage to log onto Facebook or whatsapp but the connection died, so it looked like I’d been using them but I hadn’t actually been able to.
Plus obviously I was having fun in a new country. Keeping in touch with home wasn’t really a priority to be honest. It was the only time I’m likely to go there in my lifetime, so experiencing that was more important than contacting home. I made sure my husband knew I was ok once in a while and wanted to know he was too, but not every day at all. I thought of him and missed him but knew it wouldn’t be long until I saw him so didn’t worry about it.
I’m sure ssomething similar is going on with your guy. Nothing to worry about at all.
I can understand why this could be triggering and, because you didnt discuss communication before he left, you need to calm down (as it seems you have). It’s easy to.worry and panic when youre back home with your regular life and he’s off on an adventure.
Just take care of you and, as other have said, do lots of girly stuff :) next time, you can plan some if these activities in.advance and have an agreement on how often you’ll communicate, as long as phones or internet access is.available. In some parts of.Asia, the internet can ne patchy or censored
I was also wondering if the time difference isn’t causing him to communicate with you less?
I wouldn’t be worried about 3 days of no communication, but I would have a problem with not hearing from him once a week while he is away. You could text him or message through fb to say you hope he’s having a good time. It would have been nice for him to let you know that you wouldn’t be hearing from him as often while he was away, but now you know how he is communication wise on these trips.
Oh, when I read it I thought this was posted by me in my dream….
Well, almost exactly same thing happened to me one month earlier. He went to Asia and US for three weeks vacation. He agreed to at least send me some pics during the trip, he texted me on first two days, sent me photos, telling me the internet was shit, then Poof! He disappeared! For three weeks no reply of my message ( of course I only sent one after he dropped off) and I stop texting coz according to everyone on internet, he was having fun with friends, deserved a time off from everything back home blabla which I do believe and feel the same.
Besides, deeply in my heart I knew he would show up as he is not that kind of guy who would just ghost on me, but I also knew this is gonna end very soon. For three weeks in cities with Internet access everywhere( I happen to have visited these places this year myself so I know how easily one can get wifi there), and he did not think of contacting me even for once, just a short message to tell me that he is doing good nothing bad has happened could really spare me some “overthinking” ( last time he went to Asia he got injured by accident, so I was worried) Just to mention that I was pretty busy the whole time. I went on a business trip and a prescheduled long road trip with friends, during the trip he contacted me, that was the day he came home. He also brought me a gift. How sweet of him!!And yes, the whole thing changed, he pulled the busy/fade act after I came back, so we ended it.
So OP, all I want to say is, they are right about “you need to get busy with your life etc”, but you may not be overthinking. It all depends on your situation. And getting busy with your life is the only option you are left with now. You should also use this time apart to think about this relationship. Thinking about this relationship is not overthinking, it is called “facing the reality”. One of my dude friend said that there are three possible reasons why a bf goes MIA for the vacation without telling you in advance: 1He has technical issue: phone stolen, no access to internet, sick or dead etc, 2 He met someone else, 3 He took some time to think about your relationship and decided this is not going anywhere in long run. In my case, I think it’s 3, and I think it totally makes sense because it applies to everyone not just guys. I’ve done the thinking myself and realised how incompatible we were. Although before the trip everything went seemingly well, text everyday, goodnight x every night, meet up every weekend, we were even talking about his future plan on our last date before he left. But I know this was not working in the long run, even from my end. Even if he had not gone on that vacation we would’ve ended it in another way.
I hope your BF is just having fun and being carried away, but I also what to remind you that you have every right to miss him and to think about you two. Don’t think about his reaction or decision, think about your choice and focus on yourself.
Oh, another thing, next time you travel apart, remember to set the communication rules~
Just because he goes on holiday and doesn’t contact for a while doesn’t mean he has met someone else or has given the relationship a rethink and wants to end it :/
Think of it the other way round – if you were on holiday with a friend who was constantly messaging their S.O back home wouldn’t you get annoyed? Or if your boyfriend messaged you a pissy text about you not messaging him?
You have to think what if the shoe were on the other foot. Having said that I would be panicking myself thinking he was hurt! But I’m a worrier don’t follow my lead! :P