Bf went clubbing and followed girls

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  • #891253 Reply

    Last night my bf went clubbing with his friends and I noticed his followers and following numbers went up by 3-4 wheareas his friends weren’t (with the exception of one).
    He were online most of the time and posting stories so I guess this is kinda relieving? (We weren’t talking though cause I was mad). Also some of my friends were there too and I saw their stories and I saw him hunging with his friends through their stories.
    I don’t know what to do. He follows girls all the time but this time I’m extra worried
    What should I believe? I can’t believe he was asking girls “just” for their insta in their club
    Also should I confront him about this?

    #891278 Reply

    Ohh and he just texted if everything’s fine (because I’m online and I don’t text back probably). But that’s weird because we text rarely so I don’t know why he asked me this now. Am I getting paranoid?

    #891336 Reply

    Omg. Seriously?

    A. Trust your boyfriend, work on your own trust issues
    B. Adding 3-4 means it was a group, hard to cheat with a group
    C. Paranoid is never helpful ever

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