Home › Forums › Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals › Blocked me!..what should I do
- This topic has 11 replies and was last updated 10 years, 2 months ago by
Well my situation is well different, at 35 life ends for most Indian girls if they are not married. Put my long story short- i liked this one divorcee my parents introduced me too..I dont know why but I did and still..maybe self esteem issues…Anyhow, this man chose to play me since i was interested and he wasnt i guess
After a year of HOT N COLD i confronted and made him feel bad..and had to get it out of him that he wasnt interested and was getting engagged to someone else (which was all untrue just to get me off his back)..I cut contact moved on and he had blocked me off whatsapp..6 months go,
2 weeks back he unblocks wishes me on Diwali ..I take 10 days to respond..and that too..how stupid of me I say happy diwali, couldnt respond earlier since i was deliberating for obvious reason, wishing u a happy birthdayhe responds..we chat..says leave grudges..he is not a texter so anyways I thought he was back for a reason, but didnt want to push it – MISTAKE, so played cool
finally he calls me on pretext of helping me with his phone and then is really really sweet..I too dont bring anything up like- WHY ARE U BACK.just wanted him to open up …nice conversation…but nothing SERIOUS..in a few hours after that I see HE HAS BLOCKED ME OFF WHATSAPP AGAIN!!..
Now I am really done thinking WHY WHY ..SHOULD HAVE SAID THIS OR THAT? anyhow, I blocked him off too…The ball is really in his court ..last time I hadnt blocked him so he could see me and my pics I guess..
I have blocked him off too!!..is it foolish to show a reaction..I am sure he has seen me blocking him too..shoudl I have just played it cool…feel super low..
He came back for an ego boost nothing else. I would have actually replied saying … Hows ur fiancé? And put him on the spot. That would have made him uncomfortable and left me alone. Are you in India or in another country?
Sweetie you are 35 years old? This sounds like two teenagers.
Forget about him. He reached out as an ego boost and you bit. He knows you are way more into him, than he is for you.
Move on. He is playing with your emotions. Real men who are serious about you, don’t do such things.
I am in India..Yes! agreed he came for a ego boost ..but now I am BLOCKED…I dont understand that bit..also did i just show a sign of weakness by blocking him too
What difference does it make? Do you want to be his ego booster whenever he wants to come and see if he can reel you back in? Whether it was wrong or not to block him I don’t know. But at least now you don’t have to worry about him messaging you again. I would also suggest letting your parents know about his attitude so that next time if he approaches them they are not ignorant of what happened.
People who block and then unblock people on social media, or hide and unhide their profile randomly are people who I don’t trust in real life. They like drama, they take offence easily, they creep on other people, they sneak about, etc etc.
If you don’t want to speak to someone block them and keep it that way.
If you don’t want a social media presence delete your profile and keep it that way.
I would tend to stay away from people who are inconsistent with this kind of thing.
PS I’m 36 so I understand, but try a different route to finding someone else. I understand it’s difficult in India, but there must be ways to extend your social network somehow and meet friends of friends?
Sherri – Thanks
I informed my mom and sister about this, it was moms idea to block him..she is like he will come back after that again as well..chasing you and at that time YOU WILL WALK AWAY..fingers crossed for that to happen. Will be a dream revenge…but for now its a major dirty feeling in me that I cant get over…LA Girl- Thanks
I really want to meet a REAL MAN now..working on myselfSassperilla- Thanks
I agree! there is no trust one can build with suck fickle minded ppl. I believe there is some karma- past or this birth that I am paying. If this proposal had come to me 5 years ago I would have just refused to even meet him…My family and I decided to see him only for my age factor…well i was mentally prepared to fall for him..kind of ready..still miss things about him ..I knw nobody can advise on that but..please do pray I find someone much better soon
Why are you even wasting your energy hoping he will come back for you to have your revenge?? He is done – stop thinking about him. Bec when you are wasting your energy in this unproductive way … I believe you are sending out negative energy and nothing positive can come from it. Which city in India do you live in? Are there not meet up groups there that you can go to and increase ur friend’s circle or something? Also do not try to convince yourself in the future to fall for the person. Else you will totally be blind to all their negative traits and will “settle” into a very unhappy marriage and think about how much better ur single days were.
he unblocked me within a week but i have still kept him blocked. its been 2 months…
i dont care much but really want to understand what he was he expecting from all this drama of blocking and unblocking. He has been to the best schools in the world, not just the country…would people with such backgrounds be this immature. He was married previously to a older women (7 years his senior) who had 2 kids and he went against his family to be with her.
His behavior doesn’t go with his story…Is it just me he is like this with ?
Rachel, who cares!!!!
Let me also be another bearer of bad news to u. I’m on a dating site. Have been approached multiple times by married guys who r looking for “friends”. I just delete their messages. But all these guys were Indians.
May be he was the reason the marriage didn’t work out n she refused to put up with any nonsense from him. He has already shown u the kind of person he is. Thank ur lucky stars n move on. If u keep thinking u will be stuck in this rut. And u will find urself 2 years later still wondering…..
Thanks Sherri..
I really wish there was some light at the end of the tunnel..still keep getting those thoughts..I feel so stuck !!…I am doing all I can ..may be just too much but 35 is like a bad age in this country. Today a work mate of mine was shocked and gave this weird look that I was unmarried…
Its the biological, societal and feeling lonely perhaps that I get stuck in such rut
I know what you mean. But at the same time only you can be stuck …. as in you have control over your thoughts. Read up about ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts). Also I am confused, how is trying to figure out this guy going to change your situation? May be join meet up groups, make new friends, introduce yourself to a new hobby … anything to keep busy.