Home › Forums › Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals › boyfriend abused my cat and left for the night?!I'm so confused! plus more
- This topic has 110 replies and was last updated 9 years, 11 months ago by
Hello. Thank you for reading and giving advice…
My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year. We ended up moving in together due to certain circumstances where I was living and I was his first real gf ( never been with anyone so serious/never moved in with anyone either) so new experience for him… his parents like me and my parents like him… but now..
I started school which consumes alot of my time and when school started I left my job because I had money saved up and I wanted a different job and thought I would have one soon after I left.. took a little time but my boyfriend who said he would help me started to freak out on me which I understood and finally got a job (after putting in several applications) before I got my current job I could see he was pushing away slowly.. and when I said I got a job and could pay for my bills he was a completely diff person (how he used to be).. so then we contemplated on getting a kitten together and after going to the pet store and seeing what we had to deal with we decided against.. but my urge was still there and on my own and to surprise him I got a kitten about 2weeks later and I bought everything on my own.. he tried it at first abd gave it a week and from then till now ,5months later he hates the cat and resents the cat and blames me for getting it and takes out alot of his anger on that cat. The cat does things that a normal kitten would do(pushes things off counters goes on things and plays with objects makes noises meows )and he would hit the kitten in the face and throw him in the cage but not nicely hold the kitten by the back of the neck meanly. He Wil also make the cat sit with him and when the cat wants to get up he won’t let it and if the cat scratches him because he wants o be put down that’s when my bf attacks and gets pissed (lose lose situation) I have told him that that’s not nice and have gotten very angry with him and I have talked to my parents about taking the kitten so that that I can see him but he will be in a different location and now..to the point with today that he told me it’s him or the cat (literally just happened an hr ago) he stormed out..1030pm
Other things about him.. he thinks Italk to other other guys which I don’t only in passing or if I have to when I go out and get items or at work. I come home every night cook dinner clean up the house get movies for us to spend time since I have school and work. Do hwk.. I try and do thingsto make him happy.. he seems angry all the time. He doesn’t allow me to wear certain things. I’m getting so sad and fed up and I don’t know what to do.. and for him to just leave me tonight alone and just being gone and saying it’s him or the cat makes me so sad. I have changed so much to try and make things work and it seems everything I do to try and make it work it’s not good enough.. and he just gets pissed he even admitted the other day he has a short fuse. I was so happy that he said something I never realized he knew. What should I do? I want to make it work but it seems he keeps wanting to go but when I ask what do you want he says he loves me and doesn’t want to break up but just thinks I want to break up because I ask him. I am so sorry for all the typos it’s just that I am writing with my cell phone right now. Everything used to be so great in the beginning but now it’s just getting to be crazy. Thank you for your input. I appreciate all the advice.
If you would like more info or details please let me know I do have more to tell II figured give you the just of my ordeal.Ton
And the reason he left tonight was because the cat was making noise and he saw the cat doing something that he did not like and he attacked the cat and got very angry.. and I told him I was going to sleep on the couch and he was like that’s it I’m taking the cat (mind you its cold out) and I was like where and he was like don’t worry about it and I was like I’m calling someone and he took my phone from me and was like I’m leaving.. and then he said it’s me or the cat.. that’s when he lfet..sorry I was so vague aabout that part. That’s where I am now sitting home on my last hope of what to do anymore…
Get your cat back or call the police about animal cruelty and run far far away from this man!!
If were to ever have a child with this man, this is what he would be like. No patience. Cruel. Mean. It’s just a matter of time before he starts treating you like that.
Do you have somewhere else you can stay?? He is abusive and I’m frightened for you
This was what I was afraid of..easier said then done. I do have the cat. He is the one that left. Just seems like the past 2 months have bbeen the craziest. In the beginning he told me he was really jealous but never acted like it.. he has good days and bad. But the cat abuse I do not like. He doesn’t see it as abuse but I know what it is… I don’t allow it and I do defend but it seems I need to take the cat somewhere else safe.so sad
I can go to my dads. We have a lease together well I do under my name.. my dad said I could live with him. He hasn’t hit me or anything.. but he jokes about it. Thank you for writing me with advice so promptly
Just so sad. You think things are so great and your happy with someone and you want a future with this person and it’s like ..nothing.
And sorry I keep sending this in pieces.. probably a bad thing on my part I sent him long texts saying I love him but why does he get so angry and why he takes it out on the cat and how he could leave knowing I was upset and not even care and he still has not responded (he gets up early for work) but how does someone that says they care about you do that knowingly that the person they say they love is upset . I also said stuff about moving out and living in diff places. He has never left for the night to sleep somewhere else.
Get what you need, take your kitty & go to your dad’s tonite.
Don’t look back. This guy is no good.
Who jokes about violence?!Stefanie
This is SERIOUS. What he is doing is ANIMAL ABUSE AND IT IS IS A CRIME. Furthermore, you are part of it as you are allowing him to do it! You have to keep him away from the cat from now on or you are just as guilty as he is. Sorry to be that harsh, but you have to wake up. You’re allowing someone to mistreat an innocent, defenseless KITTEN for heaven’s sake. Would you let him abuse a child??? And he hasn’t hit you but he jokes about it??? Honey, what on earth are you tolerating all of this for?????????????
You send him texts that you love this asshole after what he’s done? You want to know why he’s doing it???? Because he’s got major problems. He needs professional help. This is not going to get better. You’re co-dependent, do you see that? You would also benefit from some counseling – please please please get away from him this minute. Call the police if you have to and tell him you will do that if he comes near you again.
I always think how people treat animals is the best indicator of who they really are as human beings. The mask often slips when they are dealing with animals and you see what they are capable of. Serial killers often start experimenting with death by torturing and killing pets. I’m not saying he’s a serial killer but I am saying he sounds like a nasty piece of work, I’d take your cat and leave and not look back.
Thank you guys for your advice. I Def think I need to get myself and the cat away. I understand where you are coming from Stefanie saying I’m just as guilty I don’t like that I feel like crap even tho he thinks it’s not abuse I yell at him all the time about it
I have been more upset with things it’s so sad. You think things are so great and then it all changed. I have been more sad and crying this past 2 months then not and I am always so positive with everything and it seems things have been so negative. Thank you for your responses ladies. I appreciate your honesty I understand where you are all coming from. It’s hard but I can see:/Stefanie
BIG hugs Ton!! I”m glad you see and you came here for support. I have a kitty (my ex-hubby has custody and I visit regularly) and man, if anyone hurt him I’d go medieval on his butt!! My kitty is my baby.
I know… it’s hard to watch someone change so drastically, but it’s happened and you have to deal in the now.
xoxo love to you, S
And Sassperilla, you make a very important point about how murderers get started.
Tell him you are choosing the cat and possibility of a future with man who will treat you right and respect you. It’s hard but you need to stop thinkng of the past and looking at who he is now. Maybe it was just a mask that he put on to win you over. But now you are seeing his true self. You sound miserable. So chose the cat and your happiness. Stop living in the past.
Honey be prepared for him to go all sweet and crap on you after you leave it is the first thing abusers do don’t fall for it. THIS MAN IS AN ABUSER, do not think for one second that he wouldn’t put his hands on you too.
Don’t go back to him no matter what he says or does.
“I have talked to my parents about taking the kitten so that that I can see him but he will be in a different location and now..”
If you have to safeguard a kitten to be sure it is safe, then how safe are you with this guy? This is a very dysfunctional relationship that you should consider getting out of ASAP. He sounds very controlling and if he’s abusive to a kitten then I fear he will start that with you, he already sounds emotionally abusive.
I need to ask why you would even be in a relationship with a man that is abusing your kitten, that you have to safeguard, and who is controlling you, threatening you, jealous, and more?
Have you talked about your relationship with your parents? Please talk with your parents ASAP, they can support you in person, and I am sure they will tell you to get out of this relationship.
All the best :)
I did talk to my mom and she said that I should focus on myself and she said I should not allow him to treat the cat like this and if he’s doing it to the cat she is afraid of what he can do to me. She says because he is young he doesn’t know any better. Just sad. I hear you guys and I appreciate all these great points of views. He has texted me and said it’s him or the cat. It’s so sad and I have just been fighting this whole time. Just so ridiculous. My dad doesn’t know what’s going on but he thinks I should get rid of the cat.. my dad won’t take it in.. just so frustrated. My mom live farther away.. my dad will only take it in with me (if I move in) it seems this is where it is going between my bf and i. You build up which seemed to be a great relationship then this. Thank you guys. You are all amazing and thank you for being there for the support. He says what he does isn’t abuse but I told him I know what abuse it.. I would never do the stuff to someone let alone a helpless cat
Dear Ton, Pretend I am your mom for a moment because youth is no excuse for this boy’s behavior.
I will never accept any person, male or female to treat my daughter in this manner, you deserve to be treated kindly, to talked to respectfully, to be appreciated for the kind things that you do for another human being. To be treated gently, lovingly and with care and affection. I did not raise you to accept less than this behavior, please end it with this boy as he does not deserve your love and I am worried about you. If you feel that you can’t end it on your own I can come over there and sit with you while you talk to him and tell him not to contact you again. If you can’t do this then I will go to counseling with you so that you can talk to a professional about getting out of this abusive relationship.
Ton, please take the advice you have been given very seriously. Abusive people start like this and the abuse escalates until someone gets very hurt if not worse.
I am worried about the kitten, but quite honestly, I am more worried about you. I’ve work with domestic violence survivors and they always saw the red flags. This is your red flag. Please get out before you look back on your life and wish you had this moment again.
This is so distressing to listen to… I live in London and I”m ready to come and get you and that poor little kitten and have you live with me!!
I am worried about both you and the cat. If he’s said it’s me or the cat, he will have no qualms about maiming or killing that little animal to get back at you. Please get the cat to your mother or better still go move in with your father and take the little sweetie with you.
You didn’t have a great relationship – the guy was faking being normal. This is who he is (at least now).
You guys are amazing people. You guys are giving me more strength to see that my feelings aren’t off about our relationship. It is hard because I haven’t been in this type of relationship before where it has been good and then became so sour. Thank you for helping me open my eyes. I’m glad it’s not just me and can hopefully be strong not just for me but for the cat. Thank you guys for this. He knows I chose the cat. Even tho he’s not happy he said we are done talking but we haven’t talked about the relationship. We have been fighting over texts..thank you for all of your kindness everyone. You guys are truly amazing and really help on this website ALOT!
Carrie I will def take everyone’s advice seriously. Thank you Ivy for your talk.. my mom would be there for me if she had to (travel here).. and thank you Stefanie once again for this. As well as everyone else. It is hard because I am in the relationship but it’s not worth being hurt for no reason. He thinks it’s my way or the highway.. so I said so it’s my way when I get rid of the cat? Just so stupid!
You HAVE to get the cat and yourself to a safe place. I think you are worried about the relationship and I can tell you, relationships come and go as does love. Some times you love someone so much that every minute without them hurts but trust me on this, you will experience that feeling again and hopefully in a healthier environment.
The issue here is this person has shown a propensity for violence. This will escalate even if the cat is out of the picture. Get yourself out before he leaves a permanent mark of violence on you. And of course, get the innocent cat out of harm’s way.
I don’t think this has anything to do with the cat, but if he gets that angry over stuff a kitten would do, run! Why would you want to be with someone like that? For someone to abuse a animal that can’t fight back is not only cowardly but NOT SANE.
You need to move out and go stay with family AND TAKE THE CAT WITH YOU.