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- This topic has 110 replies and was last updated 9 years, 11 months ago by
Ton, you know what you need to do right? You might not want to leave him, but you know it’s the best thing for you…
Get strong & good luck.
Ton, this guy is CLEARLY not emotionally healthy, and you can NEVER be in a happy, healthy, good relationship with someone who’s not emotionally healthy, so SAVE YOURSELF and LEAVE.
“He’s not sure if he wants to be in a relationship with you”… Sigh, YOU should be the one walking away from HIM and his shit – it should be a matter of YOU not taking his shit, NOT a matter of him deciding if he should stay and mess with you.
AND put the kitten in safety BEFORE you break it off/leave, or chances are he’ll take out his anger on it…
Looks like you were wrong Rebecca – like we all said (and knew), he was and is clearly NOT a good guy.
Keep us updated Ton.
Thank you guys for your input/advice.. still at my mom’s leaving sometime today to go back to the apt. See how it plays out. It does hurt I know I have given it my all. So unfair this feeling. Thank you. I will do my best (so easy said) but I need the encouragement. I’m glad I have this site and all of the help and advice you ladies have given me.. makes me feel like I can be stronger. Thank yyou.def update
Ton. Glad to hear from you.
Get yourself and the kitty out of there. Let us know when you’ve done that.
This guy has major issues and will never change (without serious therapy) and it’s going to get out of control very fast if you keep staying there.
We all care about you here. DO IT. Stop delaying thinking this is somehow salvageable.
love, Stefanie
PS it has PLAYED OUT already!!!!! It isn’t your fault it didn’t work.
He broke up with me.. I’m an emotional reck.. before he broke up with me he said he loves me but doesnt know if he wants to be with me.. then I told him about my brother and his ex where she let him take advantage of her even tho they broke up and I told him I won’t be like that.. then he was like we’re done.. because I said that to him.. I’m so sad:/
I’m sorry if this sounds bad to you but… GOOD.
Take the kitten and get to a safe place. Then start some counseling and move forward with your life, honey. Leave him behind now.
This guy is a loser, a bully, a coward and a creep. If you’re anywhere near the Seattle/Tacoma area and need help extracating yourself (and your kitten) from this douchebag’s place, please let me know. I am a trained mental health tech who has been working with dangerous, violently mentally ill adults in an inpatient psychiatric hospital for the past 10+ years, and part of my job is to physically subdue and restrain any patients who lose control of themselves and act out in a violent manner or become physically aggressive with staff or other patients. I have to be able to hold an adult, even one who is larger and/or stronger than me, down on the ground and keep them there, by myself if need be, and not allow them to get up or to harm themselves or anyone else. I am very highly trained and although this is far from my favorite part of the job I do, I am able to do it very, very well. It would give me a great deal of pleasure to hold your abusive asshat boyfriend down on the ground in a parking lot or some such place and let that mean little boy contemplate the error of his ways as he tries to keep from getting a mouth full of gravel. Perhaps this will give him an indication of how that little kitten feels when he throws it in its cage or forcibly restrains it. I promise I won’t really hurt him, I mean I won’t physically harm him in any way that won’t scab over and heal up in a week or so anyway. But I WILL help him understand how it feels to be roughly handled, frightened, humiliated, bruised and I will give him a chance to think about how he has been treating a small animal who has no possible hope of defending itself against him. I will also let him experience the taste of dirt and what it feels like to have a fat old woman drive her elbow into his f*cking throat. This young man needs to learn that some people are not as they appear and there are women out there who are very capable of kicking his sorry kitten abusing ass so hard his grandchildren will feel it.
To anyone out there wondering, those that abuse your animals abuse your animals to abuse you! My friend who is a doctor in psychology was studying the psyche behind animal abuse and 9 times out of 10 people that abuse animals in a relationship to it to really HURT the other person without actually touching them. She told us about a case study with a real man who was extremely abusive and after years of domestic violence he had finally had it and decided he was just going to kill his wife. He didn’t want to go any further and was just so sick of it all. BUT HE HAD A SPARK OF AN IDEA.. killing her wouldn’t be satisfactory.. she’d hurt for a minute and then be dead, so what did he decide to do? He killed her dog and when she came home from work to see her dog dead she was in so much emotional pain that it tore her up inside… like really really killed her emotionally. He won. She didn’t tell us how this whole thing ended and I hope he’s in jail but take that as a queue to see yourself out of this bastards life.
Also, if you are doing EVERYTHING you are doing now (work, cleaning, cooking, school, homework and quality time -damn that’s a lot) and he’s not happy he NEVER will be. What does he bring to the table?
Please, please, please GET OUT NOW!!
I see this is an old post and didn’t get all the way to the end to see he broke up with her.. but to anyone out there dating a man that is abusive to your pet. It’s to hurt you, it’s not really about the animal.
Much love!