Boyfriend follows instagram "models"?

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice Boyfriend follows instagram "models"?

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  • #659570 Reply

    So I recently starting following my bf on Insta and I noticed that he follows a handful of provocative accounts – mostly girls that are half naked. I can see that he started following some after we became official too. I know guys are visual creatures and it’s not a matter of trust but I’m annoyed he started following these girls after we became official. I’ve already confronted him about it but he didn’t flat out say he wouldn’t keep following these girls. What should I do if he follows more after this? I trust him completely but I’m just so annoyed that he’s even following these girls to begin with.

    #659599 Reply

    My advice is to ignore it and try to limit social media use, I only go on things in the mornings and then sign out for the rest of the day as my bf used to irritate me with comments on ex girlfriends posts. That way you see less and he’s not getting a reaction which he prob enjoys ! Maybe follow a few good looking men 😁

    #659600 Reply

    I mean… seriously? These are “IG models”, they don’t want to get with your boyfriend, and they aren’t messaging your boyfriend. My husband follows these girls on IG too, I got all flustered and pissy about it too – I realized it came from my insecurities with how I looked – I went to the gym, lost 40 lbs, toned my a** and now I could care less because I feel secure with myself. And at the end of the day, who really cares? It’s probably just for a “release” if you think about it, and it was probably just coincidence it happened after you started dating – you’re kind of thinking way too much into it. If you’re secure with yourself and your boyfriend, what does it really matter? And you obviously don’t trust him if you automatically want him to start unfollowing them.. he’s going to look at him if he’s following them or not, you can’t control his every move.

    If you’re THAT uncomfortable talk to him about it, talk to him politely and kindly about it, but I am telling you now this is a fight not worth having and better letting go. I’d personally only confront IF these were ex’s, past lovers, or someone he’s cheated on you with, not “public figures” who have 15.2 million followers who will never bat an eye at your man and honestly not people you should be that bothered about. If you’re insecure about your body then make positive changes to make yourself feel better so you don’t feel intimidated by (lets face it) fake people on IG.

    #659605 Reply

    I’m sorry. Everyone is saying there’s nothing wrong with it. But I had the SAME THING happen to me. Mine was following hundreds of half-naked women. Then i saw that some were commenting on his page. Then I did more research and found he was FB friends with some of them and lived in the part of town HE NEVER wanted to BRING ME TO.

    In the end turns out he was living with another woman. THE ENTIRE time we were together.

    Girl research and watch out. I’m sorry but there’s a reason he’s following them. Check and see if they follow HIM…

    Proceed with caution. Seriously.

    #659607 Reply

    Thanks everyone. I’m trying my best to let it go.

    Fran – none of these girls are following him. No offense but these girls are way out of his league 😂

    #659619 Reply

    I had the same thing happened to me.. half naked girls on his insta. It didnt sit well with me for weeks…i HAD to tell him n i did. Good thing my guy knew i was uncomfortable with it so he unfollowed them. Men r visual creatures but if its something that really bothers u, they will know what to do. But be prepared if the outcome takes a turn for the worse

    #730117 Reply

    My bf follows insta hoes and they follow him bacl. I caught him ( he actually admitted) once he was kinda flirting with them online! He says he loves me and wanna get married. He is a decent person. He is honest if I ask. He says he follows them because he has insecurities as a man and it kinda gives him an ego boost! I told him several times not to follow thise hoes however I just saw he followed a new one. These hoes suppose to be mutual friends from the music industry whatsoeva! I hate it and I’m so pissed but I don’t wanna look insecure. What am I suppose to do? Any mature ideas?

    #730119 Reply

    Do you seriously htink he has a chance of dating these beautiful women? Of course not. And don’t call them hoes. That’s really rude. It may not be your thing, but people can pick on you too for how you judge people and probably your own social media habits. Such as why are you stalking your boyfriends friends on social media?

    It’s not about acting secure, it’s about being secure. I personally think it’s immature for grown men to do this, when they can view soft porn in private without exposing their preferences and personal life for all the world to see. But you picked him!

    #730144 Reply
    Anne ohio

    I don’t date guys with Instagram or other things because a man who is that interested in a phone is a dope.

    #730148 Reply

    hahah I am glad Anne ohio said this. I was thinking t myself, am I the only one who’d never deal with a dude if he does all those “follows”. I honestly think that an intelligent mature man would not be “following models on instagram”. I know teenagers (boys!) who think it is stupid. Duh!

    #730155 Reply

    i’m so with Annie and have no desire to stalk my BF! If you don’t trust him, then don’t be with him! I have pretty good instincts and if he was off I would know it. I’ve never insta’d twitted, snapped or what have you and have no desire to engage in it so I don’t. I know my BF has an insta account, he told me but i don’t doubt he uses that less than he does FB which like me is very little.

    He’s an open book, tells me everything he’s doing without ever Needing to ask so I have no concerns. He could be looking at a lot of naked woman but I wouldn’t know because he always keeps me in the loop, literallly tells me when he’ drank his first cup of coffee to taking his Judge Judy nap so I’m not worried lol

    #730160 Reply

    Oh c’mon lane. He would TELL you if he looked at porn or dirty pics? That’s a p-whipped man. Don’t fool yourself. It gets tiring hearing you go on and on about your guy. It reminds me of the adage, if you have to keep bringing the topic up and tel everyone how wonderful things are, they probably aren’t. And it shows a high level of insecurity. It’s my boyfriend does this. My boyfriend does that. My boyfriend never lies. My boyfriend is an open book. My boyfriend is still married but he loves me and is leaving her now to be with me, because my boyfriend is so in love with me. My boyfriend always communicates. My boyfriend has great boundaries. He sees a sloppy drunk ex at a party we are at and he goes out of his way to apologize to me about it. That’s how much my boyfriend cares about me. My boy, my boyfriend, my boyfriend.

    It reminds me of some girlfriends I have had in the past that you want to tell them to just shut up. They are so insecure they can’t have a conversation without injecting some fact or mention of the boyfriend. It’s as if they constantly have to prove to others and themselves that the guy is really the right guy for her. I used to do this too in the past which is hy is recognize the pattern. And I can tell you the reason I kept talking about him was I was fixated. Having him became my identify. Just like it has with you.

    Oh you talk about being so independent, and busy. Yet not a response to any threads on here don’t include you bringing up the topic of your relationship as THE example every woman on here should emulate. And the non stop talking about it shows how much your mind is consumed with this. Sure it makes sense to share experiences from time to time but you are OTT in your need to make sure everyone knows how supposedly blissful things are. It’s sad. I’m sure other womenon here can see the same thing. Because when you are confident in your relationship, then it just IS. It doesn’t become all you can talk about. It comes up occasionally in passing but not part of every response you give to a conversation.

    I know you will blast me and keep trying to prove how great you have it. And you will prove my point by responding to this and calling me jealous of you. Unhappy. A troll. Lonely. All the men’s things you typically say. For once maybe examine your own behavior and be objective. I’m sure you would be the first to tell another woman that the lady doth protest too much. You just can’t see that in yourself. Being humble isn’t in your genetic makeup.

    #730163 Reply

    Hi pam, Umm and all the other monikers you use to bully and bash me. I am in a GREAT RELATIONSHIP and truly wish that woman who come here can have the same! That’s it in a nutshell…sorry to burst you’re angry vindictive bubble as its clear as day you don’t want that for those who come here seeking it. BIG SIGH.

    #730169 Reply

    Lane 😂

    #730174 Reply

    It’s interesting seeing things unfold. I’ve been reading and joining in on here for around a year I guess, and the impression has changed dramatically around lanes relationship… from easy going we don’t live in each other’s pockets to advice around woman being fools if they see a man who is still married, to confessing she’s seeing a man who’s still married … and now ding dong her guy tells her everything about his day from the first cup of coffee.
    Do tell us Lane, has Eric has asked you to join him as an adviser yet 🙄

    #730176 Reply

    No lane, you never disappoint. You did exactly how we all predicted. I was not trolling. I was being sincere in my observations about your behavior on here lately. It feels really high schoolish. It’s true. People really do reveal who they really are over time. I’m not the only one to the OP. Men are not going to admit they watch porn or look at dirty and provocative pics. As Lane once said, and this is at least true. All men look. They are wired to be visual. Apparently, if you are in denial about it, like lane, you will make up stories in your head that your man will blurt out in guilt or total transparency, the last time he jerked off to another’s woman’s picture.
    OP if he is a good boyfriend otherwise ignore it. The internet is full of fake and fantasy. If you can’t get past it tell him and see if he cares enough about you to abstain. I agree tha most men with a real life don’t waste their time playing on Instagram.

    #730191 Reply

    I think its an age difference TBH. The women in their 20’s and early 30’s are dating guys raised on easy access to porn and women on insta who post soft core porn. Older men had to go buy videos or hit the strip club or subscribe to playboy.

    So yeah, it’s easy to say “don’t date a guy that goes on instagram” or my technology challenged 50 year old man would NEVER friend insta hoes.

    As I online date the first thing I notice- if he’s under 30, he friends me on IG. If he’s over 40, he doesn’t have IG.

    As for following IG models, guys like to look at all sorts of pretty women. If he really loves and values you, it is not just about how you look.

    #730226 Reply

    Anon, you are slightly missing the point. Nobody said “don’t date a guy that goes on Instagram”. It is about whom you follow there.

    And do not mix porn with IG. Those are two different dimensions. Most men watch porn but only titsy ditsy ones follow models on IG. LOL

    #730569 Reply

    OP, what kind of boundaries you set regarding these things is a personal decision.

    I really don’t like the assumptions such as “all men do this” or “most men do it” so just let it slide. If it makes you uncomfortable, I do think it is best to talk it out and figure out the reasons. And I’m not saying tell him to stop, but to just have a discussion about it and find out if it is something you can live with. I am friends with plenty of guys that don’t do this!

    My ex of 11 years never looked at porn and we actually had a discussion once because I did and he didn’t like it and we mutually came to the conclusion that what he didn’t like was not sharing it with me, and so we started watching it together. I have known some women who didn’t give a fib that their partner watched porn all the time and some where it was a deal breaker.

    so generally, there really are all kinds when it comes to this and it truly comes down to what you are comfortable with. If it doesn’t bother you, then it doesn’t matter!

    #945519 Reply

    I personally don’t care much about him following these accounts, but it’s obvious that it bothers you, and that’s what matters here. As long as it’s not in my face or making me feel uncomfortable, I think people are entitled to follow what they want. I had an ex-boyfriend who, when I’d sometimes go into a room and he was on the computer, would turn off whatever he was watching if I glanced at it because he knew I didn’t like seeing it. It wasn’t cheating, but he understood that it made me uncomfortable, and as long as he didn’t do it in front of me, I was fine with it.

    If your boyfriend knows this bothers you and still doesn’t make an effort to respect your feelings, that’s where the issue lies. It’s about making sure both people feel heard and respected in the relationship.

    #945527 Reply

    It’s hurtful seeing women your guy finds attractive. It’s natural for a woman to then compare herself with them. Even though more than half of them have had surgeries, and filtered and doctored the photos, these men still fall for it. If I were you, I’d start following gorgeous men. I did this with my last guy, and he became so upset with me. That showed me he had bad intentions, AND he learned a lesson. He stopped following chicks. Point is – follow some men back.

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