Boyfriend keeps threatening to leave after we argue

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  • #516291 Reply

    Been with my guy for almost five months, things were going really well. Introduced him to my daughter and she loves him, introduced him to my parents and we seemed really close. However he’s got this awful habit where he starts fretting about the relationship when we argue.. We’ve had two arguments and one disagreement and after each one he panics and he acts unsure of whether he wants to stay with me. To me this is immature and manipulative because it’s like he wants me to beg him to stay with me.
    This time around he’s really annoyed me and I told him if he wasn’t sure about being with me I’ll make it easy for him and I told him I was done. Then he starts messaging me saying ‘I do love you both’ and ‘are we really done, seemed very easy for you’.
    I outright told him before I said I was done that I wanted to be with him and that its just an argument and we can get past it. It was only when he started telling me he didn’t know what he wanted that I said I was done. I honestly don’t know what to do right now, can anyone please please advise me?

    #516295 Reply

    He has some sort of issue, that’s clear. I’m glad you called his bluff! His issue needs to be fixed by him. It’s not your problem & you can’t fix it so even if you got back together he wouldn’t have changed, as that takes serious work.

    #516299 Reply

    It’s definitely an issue. He thinks I’m not ready for commitment but I’d say it was the other way around if he’s got one foot out the door every time we argue surely? He said him and his ex didn’t argue for the first three years. I then pointed out that he wasn’t with her anymore so clearly the non arguing didn’t keep them together did it. Am I crazy for thinking arguing now and then is completely normal? Especially if you can move past it without making it a way bigger issue than it is. That’s obviously going to ruin things.

    #516301 Reply


    This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I personally think it is fighting dirty. My personal philosophy is that you should not bring up the “B word” (and if you’re married absolutely the “D word”), unless you are dead serious and 100% ready to leave.

    My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 months as well, but we haven’t had a disagreement or argument yet. So, I haven’t had the opportunity to lay down any fighting fair rules. But, when (this isn’t an if because if you’re together long enough eventually you have to disagree about something) we do get in our first fight, I will definitely make it very clear that if he threatens to break up with me I will take it seriously and assume things are over.

    Threatening to break up with your partner every time you fight is the relationship equivalent of crying wolf. It undermines the trust in the relationship, and creates a break up/reconcile cycle that’s unhealthy and prevents the relationship from progressing correctly.

    First, I would ask yourself why you’ve had two major fights and one disagreement in just 5 months. My personal philosophy is that nothing is really worth fighting over, and 5 months should still be well within the honeymoon period of a relationship. Second, if you decide to take him back, then you need to have a very relaxed, objective conversation about resolving conflict. Lay down clear rules, and reiterate that you do not believe in threatening to break up. Establish that you will both remind eachother of the rules each time a conflict arises, and that if he threatens to leave again then he will suffer the consequences of his words.

    #516304 Reply

    He sounds like he has some major insecurities & tries to twist it around on you. Yuck. You’re right – real relationships have disagreements sometimes & it is actually the ones who never do that aren’t healthy because that means they’re hiding & not openly communicating. My guess is his ex picked up on his issues & didn’t want the drama of a fight, knowing arguing wouldn’t be constructive. I think it’s best if you stay broken up. You can do way better!

    #516306 Reply

    I think you did the right thing in calling his bluff. Threatening the relationship is highly manipulative and it only works a certain amount of times before the other person thinks “You know what, I don’t want you to have this power over my feelings any more”.

    Many of my breakups have been because the man threatened our relationship one too many times and I was done.

    If you take him back have a serious talk with him about what you will and won’t accept in a disagreement and see if he takes it seriously. The next time you argue, see what he does but if he threatens the relationship again walk for good.

    #516309 Reply

    Emotionally abusive,

    A life time of fun!

    #516313 Reply

    Every time we argued, my boyfriend thought I was going to break up. He had an abuse wife and other verbally abusive girlfriends who called him names and what not. Me? I don’t even raise my voice, say I love you but do tell him how mad I am, never call names etc….but I started to notice his defensiveness and he would even become so angry and 2 times even yelled at me and looked terrified….I quickly was like WHOA, stop that crap!

    I assured him I am not breaking up with him–EVER during a fight. I said/promised him that if we ever break up he’ll see it coming, and we would have an adult talk about ain’t gonna be out of anger or during an argument.

    So, pay attention to your boyfriend. This forum is VERY quick to judge sometimes. Many of us are with amazing men who like us women are loving, and deserve love and patience. Have a calmed and safe talk with him. I did that with my boyfriend and he stopped that. Never again.

    I have given him reasons to be upset many times after that, but he no longer blows up like a gas station. Instead he feels safe and can see that I am only venting.

    Just one bad relationship or marriage can break you so much that you become afraid and defensive when communicating in other relationships.

    LAST very important, you may firmly believe and think you are not attacking him when you argue, but you could be talking to him in a way that he feels like it is an “attack” and he gets defensive quickly.

    #516316 Reply

    Big difference between that & someone manipulating & twisting it around on you as to not take any responsibility at your expense…that’s not good

    #516328 Reply

    Raven you got it wrong, it is

    Emotionally abusive

    Men, am I right ladies? All jokes aside INCOGNITO nailed it, it is a defense mechanism most likely from past abuse from other women, don’t take it personal nor judge him, be reassuring and patient, continue to show that love!

    #516513 Reply

    Thank you so much everyone for your amazing advice. He is continuing to message me but I honestly don’t think messaging is going to resolve this. I think we need some time apart and to talk face to face.

    #516516 Reply

    Yeah, this is not a good way to argue….it is the nuclear threat to a relationship.

    You have good smarts here. And yes, some men walk away when there is an argument since they cannot handle the emotions…but declaring walking away for good is a ploy.

    When you do talk with him face to face tell him you NEED a man who is willing to stay through the good times and bad….and if he does not feel up to the task then to walk for good.

    #516526 Reply

    So I messaged him saying It won’t be resolved on text and that id rather see him face to face to sort it and that if we don’t try to resolve it face to face I’ll continue on without him and move on. He then replied ‘I think my hesitation and you not being bothered says it all. I really do love u I do. Maybe we can stay in touch and somehow be friends.’ Now I’ve told him time and time again that I love him, I want to be with him and that of course I am bothered, told him I can’t function when he acts like this what else does he need? Wants me to beg and I will not beg, I shouldn’t have to. So I literally just text back saying ‘okay, take care. Xxx’ I wanna cry so bad but can’t in front of my little one, she gets so upset when anyone is upset. I honestly feel heartbroken.

    #516527 Reply

    What do you keep arguing about? At 5 months?

    #516536 Reply

    Lea, I am so sorry about how you feel.

    Try to have a face to face conversation. It is way better. Write down your feelings ahead of time, so you can organize your feelings. Make your brain look like an Ikea closet–very organized thoughts and feelings. By writing down what you think and feel you will be able to see and understand things with more clarity.

    Keep the conversation short and to the point. No blaming or name calling. No labels!

    Since he is so defensive and sensitive, let him speak first. Do listen to him, and pull it off and do not prepare what you are going to reply with. Purely listen and even repeat what he says….that works wonders! Then ask him to listen to you. If you validate the sensitive person first, then they will be more willing to listen to you no matter how different your feelings are.

    This is advanced adult talk. It is TOUGH!!! But practice it to solve the problem. If with this, love, and patience he keeps doing it….then that is different. But if you see a change, he’s a keeper and he will love you more for helping him with this issue.

    #516552 Reply
    Jenni smith

    He loves you but is willing to end this over text, without sorting it out in person? I would write to him that you would like to talk about it in person and not leave it like this on text. It sounds like a very immature way to deal with something so important!

    #516556 Reply

    thats a lot of arguing in only 5 months first of all.

    my guy and I had our first “fall out” over something I did (so not really an argument per se) it was about 2-3 months in and lasted only a few days. We did talk it out, text it out and by day 3 he was back. His ‘threat’ to leave was due to being disappointed in how I handled some information that he needed to be privy to and I delayed telling him. when we had a chance to talk it out he assured me that he cared, loved and wanted to be with me but we have to be able to talk freely about things, even and especially, if its a hard subject.

    It was this incident that showed me how he handled conflict and we are all the better today because of that. Only one other incidents through the course of the 15months have come up where we both said we were ‘done’ but neither meant it and eventually talked it out as adults will do.

    I say all this to say, this is not very mature behavuire on any level. Conflict resolution, open communication are key components to any successful relationships. Without these, what do you have?

    Text wars usually ought not to happen either IMHO but I know people (my bf & sister who prefer it).

    But my most concern is that its onlyl been 5 months and am wondering what do you have to quarrel over so much?

    #516567 Reply

    I have asked him to resolve it face to face and the text I got was him basically saying it was over yet he wants to stay in touch. I just think for now I should avoid contact with him for a while and test out how I feel without him. I think I’ve made him feel insecure and now he can’t forgive me because of that. Some guys had been messaging me and I told him about it as I wanted to be honest. I did not initiate any contact with these guys they just popped up and he asked me about one of them and I told him it was a guy I had been seeing on and off in the past but it was just casual. He then judged me as the type of girl who enjoys casual sex, but this was in the past and it has nothing to do with him what I did in my past. This is what this argument has stemmed from. We had one previous argument around the two month mark but resolved it on that evening which was about something different. Also a few weeks ago a guy snapchatted me and this really annoyed him so I deleted snapchat and haven’t used it since. It’s social media getting in the way and to me this just feels so petty and immature that he can’t let it go.

    #516571 Reply

    You broke it off with him, then you contact him that you wanted to talk to get some resolve. What you actually did was relinquish your power. You played yourself, because it comes across now as if you tried bluffing him and he didn’t bite, so you realize that you may have acted out of haste so you let him know that you didn’t really mean it and you want to fix it, which basically gives him the power to reject YOU, leaving you feeling more hurt while his ego gets a lift.

    When you break things off with a guy, be sure that’s something you want to do, because nine times out of ten, if you aren’t positive about the break, you’re going to contact him to see if it can be worked out, and at that point he is going to flip the script back on you and you are going to find yourself feeling worse than before. But I will admit, usually when the woman breaks it off, it’s a much needed thing…she is feeling unhappy in the relationship often enough that she feels the needs to break it off. Stick to your guns when you break it off. If the relationship is meant to be, then it will be.

    #516579 Reply

    No van1962 he broke it off with me but keeps messaging me xxx

    #516605 Reply

    I don’t think I would want to be with a guy who constantly has one foot out the door and then blames me for the break up ….. that’s way too manipulative IMO. Are you sure you even want to be with such a child?

    #516621 Reply

    Ok. I re-read it. I see it now…he messaged you afterwards. You didn’t play yourself, so I would say as I said earlier, since you broke it off with him then keep it that way. Don’t have second thoughts about what you did. I think you did the right thing. It seems to be a much a needed effort on your part. You probably need your space from the drama…for now any ways.

    He needs time to think, with self analysis.

    #516633 Reply

    Also I am pretty sure in his mind you are the one at fault and that’s why broke up with him. Such (man) children are never at fault. It is always the girl they are dating/gf/wife who is at fault. And it is always them who are treated wrongly ….

    #516644 Reply

    I’ll admit that I was at fault and that i upset him but I don’t think it was enough for him to want to end things. I told him I want someone who wants to be with me even if I do put a foot wrong, not someone who wants to run whenever shit hits the fan. Relationships are hard work, did he expect it to be easy all of the time? It’s annoying because we get along and it’s usually pretty smooth sailing. To me what we have argued about is nothing, however to him it seems like a massive thing.

    #516727 Reply

    He seriously just tried to flip it on you again? What a piece of work. He doesn’t take responsibility, acts like a 5 year old, & tries to manipulate you. The type of guy who tries to manipulate especially in a “victim” way instead of being a man infuriates me! I had an ex like that. They try to make you feel bad so they have it on their terms. Yuck I would not want to be with this guy! He definitely would not change

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