Home › Forums › Dating and Sex Advice › Boyfriend "Liked" A Girls Photo on Facebook
- This topic has 7 replies and was last updated 10 years, 8 months ago by
my boyfriend and I have been dating for 5 months. We live together and we have been friends for 4 years..
I recently saw on my facebook newsfeed that he “liked” a girls profile picture (she was wearing a skimpy tank top and was posing ).
I don’t know if he likes other girls photos .. the only other girl i’ve seen him liked photos of was his really good friend of his who is a female
but this girl he liked this time I know is not his friend/relative.Am I being paranoid? It really bothered me he was giving some young girl that kind of attention!
I looked at all her other photos and she was pregnant..this photo my bf liked was one i think after the baby and there were comments like “you dont even look like you had a baby!”Should I tell my bf I was a little confused why he liked the photo? I wouldnt approach him as if I am angry but more so just curious why he would do that in the first place
I think your over reacting I wouldn’t bring it up to him at all. Guys are visual, just because he liked a picture doesn’t mean anything at all, I mean in all honesty you cant tell me that you have never seen a picture of a hot guy and thought “yummy” does it mean you are going to chase him down and pursue him no it doesn’t it means that you thought he looked hot. It goes the same with guys he can find someone attractive or can even think “hey way to go, you look good after having that baby, that is some tough work” but until he chases her down and pursues her it doesn’t mean a damn thing.
It’s just Facebook. Do you know how easy it is to like something on there? Sometimes I’ve “liked” stuff on accident and not realized it until later. My grandma once called me wanting to know how she could unlike walmart’s page. But that’s another issue…
Seriously don’t make a big deal about this. He was probably scrolling down his newsfeed saw the photo and the other comments about her post baby body and decided to be supportive. They are friends afterall in real life and on social media. I’d quit looking at his Facebook for sure if I were you.
Why don’t you trust him?? That’s the more important question here.
I am pissed because I KNOW that if I “liked” a guys photo, he would be angry.
So I feel like it’s unfair for him to think that I would be ok with this when I know it would upset him if I did the same.Jen
should I confront him and ask why he did this because i know that he would be upset if i did the same thing?
Calm down. You should do nothing of the sort.
You have no idea if he would be mad or not. And if he would be mad, that is his issue not yours. You are guessing, and creating DRAMA because you are insecure. You think this woman is attractive and it bothers you. Your insecurity is not his to fix. It is yours.
And if you can’t handle seeing what he does on facebook, you should not be friends with him on facebook. That simple.
I suggest you learn to deal with your insecurity and do not look at what he does on facebook. Liking a photo is hardly cheating on you.
And if I was dating someone who called me out on that, I would think they were needy and I would be deeply concerned they were watching my facebook so deeply.
I’d be creeped out that you were looking that closely at his facebook. Calm down! This isn’t a big deal at all. Liking a photo is no big deal, if he commented on it saying like “damn girl you lookin fine today” or something like that it’d be slightly more concerning, but just liking a photo? It’s fine. DOn’t freak out or you will be classified as “that girl” the crazy one who is stalking him and kind of controlling. Deep breaths and let it go.
Sounds like a really unhealthy and immature relationship if you’re getting upset with each other over Facebook, especially over something as insignificant as liking a photo.